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  • 10.LEARNING IS A TREASURE THAT WILL FOLLOW ITS OWNER EVERYWHERE Focus on Reading 1.Write your associations to the picture.

  • 2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

  • 3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B. А В

  • 4. Read the text «Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere».

  • 5. Answer the questions to the text.

  • 6.Complete the sentences with words from the box.

  • 7. Complete the dialogues.

  • Focus on Grammar 8. Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.

  • анг. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе
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    1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13

    15. Tell about your last journey.

    1. I needed … too, so I looked on the Internet for hotels

    a) visa

    b ) a ticket

    c) a suitcase

    d) a passport

    e) an accommodation

    2. We.... to Costa Rica for our holidays next June. I’ve already booked a hotel in San Jose.

    a) `ll go b ) ’re going

    c) go

    d) went

    e) gone

    3. I went … a long walk in the rainforest with an excellent local guide.

    a) to

    b) on

    c) with

    d) for

    e) –

    4. You can also go … a boat trip along the river Amazon.

    a) to

    b) on

    c) -

    d) for

    e) from

    5. We could go… fishing for piranhas.

    a) for

    b) -

    c) on

    d) for

    e) from

    6. Have you ever been on a business… abroad?

    a) journey

    b) trip

    c) walk

    d) excursion

    e) party

    7. So you can go … in one of the hotel`s beautiful pool.

    a) dancing

    b) walking

    c) swimming

    d) playing

    e) smoking

    8. How often do you go … a drink after work/class?

    a) to

    b) with

    c) on

    d) -

    e) for

    9. Who did you go on holiday … ?

    a) to

    b) with

    c) on

    d) -

    e) for

    10. .... a lot of rain in Colombia.

    a) it`s

    b) there are

    c) is

    d ) there is

    e) there be

    11. The hotel .... by a large fire.

    a) is destroyed

    b ) destroy

    c) was destroyed

    d) destroys

    e) has destroyed

    12. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it … raining there.

    a) is

    b) should be

    c) to be

    d) was

    e ) be

    13. The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he'd been on holiday the … week.

    a) earlier

    b) following

    c) next

    d) previous

    e) last

    14. I told you …. switch off the computer, didn't I?

    a) don't

    b) not

    c) not to

    d) to not

    e) didn`t

    15. Someone .. . me there's been an accident on the motorway.

    a) asked

    b) said

    c) spoke

    d) told

    e ) ordered

    16. When I rang Tessa last week, she said she was busy … day.

    a) that

    b) the

    c) then

    d) this

    e) those

    17.When he was at Oliver's flat yesterday, Martin asked if he … use the phone.

    a) can

    b) could

    c) may

    d) must

    e) had to

    18 Judy ... going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.

    a) admitted

    b) offered

    c) promised

    d) suggested

    e) ordered

    19. Polly: I'm really tired. When I saw Polly yesterday, she said she … really tired.




    d)will be

    e)should be

    20. She can’t swim in the race because she .... her arm.

    a) has broken

    b) broke

    c) breaks

    d) is breaking

    e) was breaking

    21. Jane : 'I am busy now.'

    a)Jane said that she is busy now

    b)Jane said that she was busy then

    c) Jane said that she has been busy then

    d)Jane said that she will be busy

    e)Jane said that she would be busy

    22. 'Call back later!' (He /me)

    a) He told me to call him back later

    b) He told me not to call him back later

    c) He told me call him back later

    d ) He told he would call back later

    e) He told me I call back later

    23. Don't forget to … a taxi to take you to the airport.

    a) book

    b) buy

    c) rent

    d) change

    e) travel

    24. Before you leave home make sure you have all your travel …

    a) paper

    b) permissions

    c) passports

    d) documents

    e) currency

    25. At the job interview, they asked me where I … for the last two years.

    a) had been working

    b) work

    c) `ll work

    d) had worked

    e) `m working

    26. When I got back, I saw that my sister .... all the chocolates! The box was empty!

    a) had eaten

    b) has eaten

    c) ate

    d) eats

    e)is eating

    27. How long does it … to fly from Singapore to Bangkok?

    a) duration

    b) last

    c) take

    d) go

    e) travel

    28. They told me .... .

    a) to relax b) relaxing

    c) relax

    d) relaxed

    e) to relaxing

    29. She told me that she .... her car when she was driving to the shops.

    a) had been crashed

    b) was crashing

    c) had to crash

    d) had crashed

    e) is crashing

    30. I couldn’t take any pictures because I.... my camera in my car.

    a) ’d left

    b) ‘m leaving

    c) to leave

    d)`ve left

    e) left

    Focus on Reading
    1.Write your associations to the picture.

    _ _____________________________









    2.Give the equivalents to the following words.











    read widely

    GPA-Grade Point Average


    on time - If you are on time for something, you arrive before or at the correct time.

    in time - He arrived in time for the lesson.(= before the lesson started.)

    3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.
    А В

    1. You have to study very hard at school

    a. to help pay their fees and living expenses.

    2.In Kazakhstan was adopted a western model of higher education system-- a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation

    b. where they are less likely to be homesick or lonely.

    c. and there are two fifteen-week terms in every year.

    3. The course lasts four years,

    4. Most people who receive a university place are given a grant by the government

    d. and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation

    5. If you are an undergraduate at university in Kazakhstan, you spend a lot of time studying alone, but you also

    e. you can ask your tutor for advice on your work.

    6. In order to become a prosperous student, you

    f. and you have to know a lot about science.

    7. At English lessons we discuss a lot of topics

    g. must have the ability to manage your time

    8. If you need a help,

    h. I can do research to get Master`s degree.

    9. Most students choose to live in a hall of residence in their first year,

    i. have to attend a lot of seminars and lectures and take notes.

    10. If I do well,

    j. and develop our thinking skills.

    4. Read the text «Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere».
    Hello, my name is Alan and I’m a student at Aktobe State University.

    I passed my school exams with good marks and left school at 18. Now I am at university. To get into university is quite hard. You have to study very hard at school and you have to know a lot about science. You have to work hard for quite a few years. In Kazakhstan was adopted a western model of higher education system- a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation.

    I`m doing a degree in computer sciences. The course lasts four years, and there are two fifteen-week terms in every year. Terminal examinations are held in December and in May. Most people who receive a university place are given a grant by the government to help pay their fees and living expenses.

    Learning, like many other activities, involves a complex set of skills that require practice. If you are an undergraduate at university in Kazakhstan, you spend a lot of time studying alone, but you also have to attend a lot of seminars and lectures and take notes. You have to read widely and you have to express your opinions on a range of academic topics. In order to become a prosperous student, you must have the ability to manage your time. At university you can be flexible with your schedule, you have to get out of bed in time for lectures, do your work on time, and plan your revision period before exams. It’s important to come to your lessons on time so that you don’t miss anything.

    I enjoy academic subjects like history and English. At English lessons we discuss a lot of topics and develop our thinking skills. Also we have to write essays and pass exams. If you need a help, you can ask your tutor for advice on your work. The marks you get for your home assignment go towards your final results.

    I like my subject, informatics, and it will be useful to me in the future. Learning mathematics and science often presents unique study skills. I work hard and enjoy my study. I think my GPA will be great this semester.

    In Ka­zakhstan many university students live away from home. This means they get the freedom and opportunity to meet new people. Most students live in a hall of residence in their first year, where they are less likely to be homesick or lonely. Many students find part-time jobs to help pay the bills.

    I’m quite busy so I`m always short on time. However I can still go to the gym, I can still play football with my friends and still play other sports and music as my spare time. Overall, I’m having a good time. If I pass my final exams, I'll get my degree. If I do well, I can do research to get Master`s degree. A good degree will get me a good job.
    5. Answer the questions to the text.

      1. Is it easy to get into university? ______________________________

    2. What system of higher education was adopted in Kazakhstan ? _____________________________

    3. What degrees do the undergraduates get?


    4. What degree is the author doing?


    5. How many years does the course of study last? ___________________________

    6. How many terms are there in a year?


    7. What do students have to do to become prosperous students ? ____________________________

    8. What academic studies does the author like? ____________________________

    9. Does he like his subject?


    10. What does he do in his spare time?

    6.Complete the sentences with words from the box.

    revision on time in time manage flexible stipend residence

    mark freedom homesick
    1. I can see you any day this week. - I can be flexible.

    2. The train was ____________ fortunately.

    3. I think children have too much ___________.

    4. Do lots of _____________ before the exam.

    5. I don’t know how to ____________ my money.

    6. I got there ____________ to see Joel before he left.

    7. I lived abroad for a year but I was ________ and missed my family

    8. Six out of ten isn`t a very good _________ .

    9. Can they get a _________ to help pay for their studies?

    10. Do most students live in halls of _______?
    7. Complete the dialogues.
    1. How long does the term last ? - About twelve weeks.

    2. Did she have to _______________ an essay? -Yes, three, in fact.

    3. Can you ______________ research next year? - Yes, I want to do a__ to get_______.

    4. How long do you need to study for a _________ degree in Informatics? -Four years.

    5. Have you been invited to apply ____a PhD. Yes, but the ____ are too high.

    6. How long does the course ____________? - It`s only one term.

    7. What is your overall ________________ ? - My GPA would have been awesome this semester.

    8. Did you pass your ______________ ? – I passed all of them.

    9. Have you got a _________________?- Yes, a BSc.

    10. When are ________________ held? - In December and in May.
    Focus on Grammar
    8. Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
    1. If the train's late, we (walk).

    If the train's late, we`ll walk.

    2. She (call) you if she (have) time.

    She'll call you If she has time.

    3. If it costs too much, I (buy) a smaller one.


    4. If the doctor can't see me, I (go) somewhere else.


    5. If you (visit) Oxford, you (see) some interesting old buildings.


    6. What will we do if the taxi (not come)?


    7. Will you phone me if there (be) any problems.


    8. I (ask) Peter if I (see) him tomorrow.


    9. I (go) next week, if I (can) get a train ticket.


    10. I (lend) them some money if they (ask) me.

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