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  • 12. Write questions in the correct order.

  • 13. Complete the text with a possessive determiner.

  • 14. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.

  • 15. Tell about yourself your and friend. Test

  • 2.MY HOME IS MY CASTLE Focus on Reading 1.Write your associations to the picture.

  • ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

  • _______________________________ 2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

  • 4. Read the text “My home is my castle”.

  • 5. Answer the questions to the text.

  • 6.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary.

  • 7.Complete the sentences using the vocabulary. 1.John and Mary have two sons

  • Focus on Grammar 8. Order the words to make questions.

  • анг. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе
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    11. Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box.
    not to play to write to speak not to touch to open to drive to water to be to call not to order
    1. Open the window, please.

    2. _______________ football on the road.

    3. _______________ carefully! It is slippery today.

    4. _______________ a taxi for me, please.

    5. _______________ coffee! I don’t like it.

    6. _______________ careful not to fall down.

    7. ________________ slowly, please.

    8. _______________ my mobile phone.

    9. ________________ the flowers, please.

    10. _______________ your address.
    12. Write questions in the correct order.
    1. you / a student / are Are you a student?


    2. he / asister / has


    3. married / she / single / is / or


    4. what / mobile number / is / your

    5.is / he/ British / isn’t / James

    6. email addres / is/ what / their
    7. are / you / where / from


    8. what / surname / your / is

    9. hobbies/you / some / have / got

    10. bag /what / in / is/ your

    13. Complete the text with a possessive determiner.
    (1 )My name is Tom. (2) _____ brother’s name is Richard. We are English, but (3) _______ family is from France and (4) _______ surname is Durand. Richard is married and he has two children. (5)_______ names are Harry and Jemma. (6)_______ wife is an technician. (7) _________ job isn’t very interesting, and she doesn’t like (8) __________ boss. (9) _________ favourite music is jazz. She plays the saxophone. What about you? What’s (10) __________ name?
    14. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
    go live get up play drink like speak wear go out hate smoke
    1. I live near the station.

    2. My sister ___________ early in the morning.

    3. Mark (not) __________.

    4. She ____________ dancing and __________ sport.

    5. My friend (not) ____________ to rock concerts.

    6. We usually ____________ for a Chinese meal or sushi.

    7. Jack _____________ football every day.

    8. I _____________ Armani or Dolce & Gabbana.

    9. Her friends ______________ cocktails.

    10. Albert _______________ Spanish, English and Portuguese.
    15. Tell about yourself your and friend.


    1. ___ by train.

    a) Let her go

    b) Let her goes

    c) Let go her

    d) Let goes her

    e) Go let her

    2. Please, ___ the door.

    a) close to

    b) to close

    c) not close

    d) close

    e) close let

    3. Her hair is ________.

    a) tall

    b) young

    c) long

    d) big

    e) handsome

    4. You ___ a Japanese car.

    a) are

    b) have

    c) am

    d) is

    e) has

    5. My brother ___ single.

    a) be

    b) to be




    6. I ___ sixteen years old.

    a) have

    b) get

    c) be



    7. What is he?

    a)He is very well.

    b)He is my brother

    c) He is an actor

    d). He is seventeen.

    e)This is Frank.

    8. My mother ______ fair hair.

    a) is

    b) has

    c) have

    d) was


    9. My friend always ______ a lot of water.

    a) drink

    b) drinks

    c) not drinks

    d) does not drinks

    e) do drink

    10. Celine Dion _____ born in Canada.

    a) to be

    b) is

    c) has

    d) were

    e) was

    11. My eyes ____ green.

    a) is

    b) am

    c) are

    d) have

    e) had

    12. What’s his name?

    a) Michael

    b) my father

    c) Laura

    d) his son

    e) my mother

    13. You are fond of sports, ________ ?

    a) aren’t you?

    b) haven’t you

    c) have you?

    d) aren’t he?

    e) are you?

    14. We’re married. ___ names are Bill and Hillary.

    a) we

    b) my

    c) their

    d) our

    e) your

    15. Brad Pitt’s favourite food ____ pizza.

    a) has

    b) his

    c) her

    d) this

    e) is

    16. I play the saxophone, but I don’t play ___ very well.

    a) me

    b) him

    c) her

    d) them

    e) it

    17. I don’t like Mariah Carey. Do you like___?

    a) he

    b) him

    c) her

    d) it

    e) she

    18. He’s the Prince of Wales. ___ wife is called Camilla.

    a) her

    b) his

    c) my

    d) our

    e) its

    19. Jack has many friends, ________ ?

    a) hasn’t Jack?

    b) has he?

    c) hasn’t he?

    d) has Jack?

    e) is he?

    20. My parents ____ on holiday.

    a) is

    b) has

    c) am

    d) are

    e) have

    21. Nick ____ loud misic.

    a) likes

    b) cooks

    c) dance

    d) the guitar

    e) have

    22. She only thinks about herself. She doesn’t care about other people. She’s _______ .

    a) sensible

    b) selfish

    c) optimistic

    d) unselfish

    e) careful

    23. She loves meeting people and going to parties. She’s very _________ person.

    a) impatient

    b) tidy

    c) sociable

    d) adventurous

    e) sad

    24. Greta Garbo ______ born in Sweden.

    a) was

    b) has

    c) is

    d) are

    e) have

    25. I _____ many hobbies: cooking, reading, drawing

    a) was

    b) look

    c) am

    d) has

    e) have

    26. My sister is _____ .

    a) hobby

    b) listen to music

    c) plays the piano

    d) married

    e) songs

    27. I don’t like pop music. Do you like _____?

    a) he

    b) it

    c) his

    d) her

    e) them

    28. I _____ football.

    a) like

    b) look

    c) hobby

    d) am

    e) sport

    29. My brother _____ lots of good friends.

    a) is

    b) are

    c) have

    d) has

    e) am

    30. Frank is ______ .

    a) the actor

    b) a actor

    c) an actor

    d) actor

    e) he an actor

    Focus on Reading
    1.Write your associations to the picture.

    _ _____________________________









    2.Give the equivalents to the following words.














    2. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.
    A B
    1. Do you have any brothers? a) My family is large

    2. Is your sister older or young than you? b) No, I don’t have any sisters

    3. Is your family large or small? c) She is older than me for two years

    4. Are you an only child in the family? d) She is an accountant

    5. What is your sister’s occupation? e) Yes, I am

    6. We have got a lot of relatives f) I try to help my mother at home

    7. My grandfather is on the retire g) They are: my aunts, uncles, cousins

    8. My mother is 49, but… h) she looks much younger

    9. When I have a spare time.. i) He is a pensioner

    10. Do you have any sisters? j) Yes, I have two brothers
    4. Read the text “My home is my castle”.
    Queen Elizabeth II was born April 21, 1926 in London, England. Her father was King George VI and her mother was Queen Elizabeth (the late Queen Mother.) Elizabeth and her sister Princess Margaret were taught at home by tutors. Her father became king in 1936. Elizabeth studied history and law. She also studied art, music, learned to horseback ride. She even became a Girl Guide when she was eleven. (That's like Girl Scouts in the United States.)

    Queen Elizabeth II has got a large family. Their surname is Windsor.Elizabeth married Lieutenant Mountbatten in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947. Lieutenant Mountbatten was the son of Prince Andrew of Greece and a great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria. Today he is called HRH (His Royal Highness) Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip supports the Queen in her Royal Duties: gives interviews, works with lots of charity organizations, travels around the UK and abroad with the Queen and alone. The Duke of Edinburgh is interested in environment, wildlife, science, technology, sports. He also likes sports.

    Elizabeth and Prince Philip have four children, Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales born on November 14, 1948, Princess Anne, now The Princess Royal born on August 15, 1950, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York was born on February 19, 1960, and Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex born on March 10, 1964. They all support the Queen in her Royal Duties: work with charity organizations, travel around the UK and abroad with official visits. They also have seven grandchildren: three grandsons and four granddaughters. Their names are Prince William Prince Henry (or Harry) , the sons of the Prince of Wales, Prince Peter Philips, Princess Zara Philips the children of The Royal Princess, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the daughters of the Duke of York, and Lady Louse, who is only four, the only child of the Earl of Wessex.

    Elizabeth's father, King George VI died on February 6, 1952. And she became queen that very day. Her coronation was heard on radio and broadcast on television around the world on June 2, 1953.
    5. Answer the questions to the text.
    1.When and where was Elizabeth II born?


    2.Who was her mother and father?


    3.What education did Elizabeth get?


    4. When did Elizabeth II become Queen?


    5. Who is her husband?


    6. What can you say about his official life?


    7. How many children and grandchildren are there in Royal family?


    8. What’s like being Queen? (Daily Routine)


    9. Where does the Royal Family live?


    10. Who will be the next king?

    6.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary.
    1.My father’s mother is my grandmother.
    2. My father’s brother is my ____________________ and his sister is my ____________________________________ .
    3.My sister’s husband is my ____________________ and my brother’s wife is my ___________________________________ .
    4.My sister’s daughter is my ________________ and my brother’s son is my __________________________________ .
    5. My mother and my father are my ______________________________ .
    6.My aunt and my uncle are my _________________________________ .
    7. My grandmother and grandfather are my ________________________ .
    8. My uncle’s daughter is my _____________________ and my aunt’s son is my _____________________ too .

    9.My mother’s son is my ____________________ and her daughter is my _________________________.
    10. My father’s wife is my _____________________ and my mother’s husband is my ___________________________.
    7.Complete the sentences using the vocabulary.
    1.John and Mary have two sons and two daughters .

    2. Helen’s husband Dan is my b___________________________.
    3.Have you got any c________________________________ ___________?

    4.Are you m__________________________________________ or single ?

    5.I love my sister’s c__________________________________________.

    6. My parents are h_________________________________________ people.

    7. My father is h_______________________________________ many things.

    8.A Cinderella has a father, a stepmother and two s_______________________ .

    9. My parents have the same opinion about children’s education and u________________________________________ .

    10. Jim is my n____________________ and Jane is my n __________________ .

    Focus on Grammar
    8. Order the words to make questions.
    1.With/do/live/your/you/mother - Do you live with your mother?

    2.where/have/does/lunch/ kate - ________________________________________









    9.Write the comparative.
    1.old - older 6.good - _______________

    2.strong - _____________ 7.large - _______________

    3.happy - _____________ 8.serious - ______________

    4.modern - _____________ 9.pretty - _______________

    5.important - _____________ 10.crowded - _____________
    10.Write the opposite.
    1.younger- older 6.easier - _____________

    2.colder - ___________ 7.larger - _____________

    3.cheaper - _____________ 8.bigger - _____________

    4.better - _____________ 9.taller - ______________

    5.nearer - _____________ 10.longer - ____________
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   13

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