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  • 4. Read the text “My home –Kazakhstan” .

  • 5. Answer the questions to the text.

  • 6. Read the text and underline the correct word in italics.

  • 7.Match the definition with the words.

  • Focus on Grammar 8. Make up the interrogative and negative questions using the model.

  • 9. Put the verbs into the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

  • Read the situation and write the sentences. Use the following verbs.

  • 13. Read the situation and write the sentences with just, already, or yet

  • . Write your own composition about one of the following topics. Write 80-100 words. Use the organization of the text to help you.

  • 15. Tell about your motherland. Test

  • анг. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе
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    Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.

    A B
    1. According to active administrative a. but Russian is officially used on an equal and territorial division basis with Kazakh

    2. Kazakhstan has huge reserves of b. the Country in April 1990

    mineral recourse

    3. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a c. in the history and development of the unitary country Central Asia.

    4. Kazakh is the state language d. of the Euro-Asian continent

    5. In December 1991, a new

    independent country e. N. A. Nazarbayev.

    6. He became the first president f. with a presidential form of the


    7. The border length of Kazakhstan is g. such as crude oil, natural gas, copper,

    zinc, gold and silver.

    8. It is situated in the central part h. the Republic of Kazakhstan –joined

    the World community.

    9. The first president of Kazakhstan is i. is more than 15,000 km.

    10. The Republic of Kazakhstan has j. Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions and played a major role 223districts

    4. Read the text “My home –Kazakhstan”.
    Kazakhstan is one of the independent states of the Commonwealth Independent States (the CIS). It is situated in the central part of the Euro-Asian continent. Its territory stretched from West and East for 3,000 kilometres and from North to South for 1,600 kilometres covering an area 2,717,000 sq. kms. In the West, Northwest and North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East, there is China. The border length of Kazakhstan is more than 15,000 km.

    According to active administrative and territorial division, Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions, and 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204 townships. The regions are Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Aktobe, Eastern Kazakhstan, Taraz, Mangystay, Pavlodar, Kzyl-orda, Karaganda and Kostanai.

    The population of Kazakhstan now numbers 17 million people. People of 120 nationalities live in the country. Kazakh is the state language, but Russian is officially used on an equal basis with Kazakh. The languages of the minority groups living in our Republic our freely spoken.

    In December 1991, a new independent country-the Republic of Kazakhstan –joined the World community. The 16th of December was celebrated as an Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of the government. The first president of Kazakhstan is N. A. Nazarbayev. He became the first president of the Country in April 1990.

    Kazakhstan has huge reserves of mineral recourse, such as crude oil, natural gas, copper, zinc, gold and silver. Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of petro-chemicals and agriculture are important sectors of the economy. Agriculture provides grain, fruit, cotton, tobacco and meat.

    The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a major role in the history and development of the Central Asia. Kazakhstan has a special status within the Commonwealth, as it is the only non-Slavic member to own automatic weapons. In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Baikonur space Centre, which lies in the vast step land of Kazakhstan. Nowadays the Cosmodrome has close ties with the country’s leading research institutions, industrial enterprises and designers.

    The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of eleven international organizations including the United Nation, UNESCO, JAEA, UNISEF, IMF and others.

    5. Answer the questions to the text.
    1.Where is Kazakhstan situated?


    2.What is the population of Kazakhstan?


    3.How many towns and township do you have?


    4.What is the state language of Kazakhstan?


    5.How many regions and districts consist of?


    6.Who is the first president of Kazakhstan?


    7.When did he become the president?


    8.Has the Republic of Kazakhstan played a major role in the history and development of the Central Asia?


    9.What kind of mineral recourse is Kazakhstan rich in?


    10.Is the Republic of Kazakhstan a member of eleven international organizations?

    6. Read the text and underline the correct word in italics.

    1.Kazakhstan is one of theindependent/ monarchy/ dependent states of the Commonwealth Independent States (the CIS).

    2.According to active administrative and territorial division, Kazakhstan consists of 14/18/16 regions, and 112/223/110 districts.

    3.The population of Kazakhstan now numbers 17/10/12 million people.

    4.Kazakh/Russian/English is the state language.

    5.In December 1992/1991/2003, a new independent country-the Republic of Kazakhstan –joined the World community.

    6.He became the first /the second/the third president of the Country in April 1990.

    7.In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Semei/ Aktobe/ Baikonur space Centre, which lies in the vast step land of Kazakhstan.

    8.The 16th of December was celebrated as an Independence Day of Uzbekistan/ Turkmenistan/Kazakhstan.

    9.The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of twenty/ nine/ eleven international organizations.

    10.The first president of Kazakhstan is N. A. Nazarbayev/ Abraham Lincoln/ B. M. Saparbaev/
    7.Match the definition with the words.

    1.An independent-_________________________________________



    4.region _________________________________________________

    5.president ________________________________________________

    6.development _____________________________________________

    7.mineral __________________________________________________

    8.weapon _________________________________________________

    9.satellite ________________________________________________

    10.International _____________________________________________

    1. a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar.

    2. a natural object moving around a larger object in space.

    3. involving more than one country

    4. the person who has the highest political position in a country.

    5. the process in which something grows or changes and becomes more advanced.

    6. an area of land or sometimes sea that is considered as belonging to.

    7. any object used in fighting or war such as gun, bomb.

    8. an independent country is not governed or ruled by another country.

    9. useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the ground.

    10. the large official areas into which a country is divided.

    Focus on Grammar
    8. Make up the interrogative and negative questions using the model.
    1.We have sat here long- Have we sat here long? We have not sat here long.

    2.The first time I have met her.-­­­­­­­____________________________________

    3.They have taken a long trip.-_____________________________________

    4.You have written a long letter._____________________________________

    5.I have never had a surprise party.___________________________________

    6.We have lost a lot of money. ______________________________________

    7.They have taken many books to read._______________________________

    8.Mary has won many prizes._______________________________________

    9.My father has designed many famous buildings._______________________

    10.Mr Thomson has made many good films.____________________________

    9. Put the verbs into the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.
    1.They have rented a house.

    2.When I was a child I _____________________ (travel) a lot.

    3.He is a man who ______________________ (live) a great life.

    4.I never _________________ (travel) by plane.

    5.When___________ they___________(get married)?

    6.________You _________ (see) the film about animals last night?

    7.Bekzat lives in Astana. He ___________(live) there all his life.

    8._______You _____________(have) dinner today?

    9.I _______________ (lose) my glasses. I cannot find them anywhere.

    10.Bob _______________ (not play) much football since he __________ (leave) university.
    10.Put in for or since.

    1. I have not spoken English for ages.

    2. She has been here _________________________________early morning.

    3. I have known him ______________________________he was eight years old.

    4. Sam has had this pen ____________________________two year.

    5. We have not seen them ______________________ many years.

    6. The students have not had party ______________________three months.

    7. Mary has not had anything to eat ________________________ morning.

    8. She has been very happy _________________________ yesterday.

    9. Pete has been ill __________________________ Friday.

    10. They have not called us ________________________last autumn.

    1. Read the situation and write the sentences. Use the following verbs.

    Arrive, break, fall, go up, tell, grow, visit, read, improve, and lose.
    1.Nom is looking for his key. He cannot find it. – He has lost his key.

    2.Margaret cannot walk and her leg is in plaster.


    3.Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90.

    The bus fare___________________________________________.

    4.Mary’s English was not very good. Now it is better.

    Her English __________________________________________.

    5.Dan did not have beard before. Now he has a beard.

    He ___________________________________________________.

    6.This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it.

    The letter ______________________________________________.

    7.The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12.


    8.I think about your plan.

    We ___________________________________________________.

    9.I got a letter yesterday. I must go to the gallery.


    10.What is the newspapers today? I do not know.

    I _____________________________________________________.
    12. Put the verbs into the correct tense, Past Simple or Past Perfect.
    1.I was in a bad mood already that evening, because nobody had remembered my birthday.

    2.Then, as I walked up to the door of my house, I______________________ (have) a strange feeling that something was wrong.

    3.I___________________________ (can) see a light under the door.

    4.However, I was sure I __________________ (not leave) the lights on that morning.

    5.I _____________ (put) the key into the lock, and ______________ (open) the door.

    6.Then I _________ (hear) music playing. ________I___________ (forget) to turn off the radio?

    7.Suddenly someone_______________ (shout) “Surprise”. It was my brother and sister!

    8.They _____________ (arrive) earlier and let themselves in.

    9.On the table, there were some presents for me and a cake. They __________ (not forget) my birthday all!

    10.When I ___________ (get) home, burglars____________ (steal) my bike.

    13. Read the situation and write the sentences with just, already, or yet.
    1.After lunch, you go to see a friend at her house. She says, “Would you like something to eat?” You say: No thanks. I have just had lunch. (have lunch).

    2.Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, “Can I speak to Joe?” You say: I am afraid _________________________ (go out).

    3.You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: ________________________(not/finish).

    4.You are going to a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says, “Shall I phone to reserve a table”. You say: No, ______________________________________ _________________(do it).

    5.You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say: _________________________? (find).

    6.You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, “Where are you going for your holiday?” You say: _________________ (not/decide).

    7.Linda went to the bank, but a few minutes ago, she returned. Somebody asks, “Is Linda still at the bank?” You say: No, _____________________ (come back).

    8.Phil left to St. Petersburg. Dan asks to his mother, “When did Phil come back to Moscow?” Mother says: ______________________ (not arrive).

    9.I go to the post- office, will get my registered letter. I ask, the postman: “Where is the cash desk?” he says: ______________________ (receive).

    10.Mary wants to go to the film, but her sister will not want to go with her. She asks “Why did not you go with me to watch this film?” She says, She____________________________(lose her money).
    14. Write your own composition about one of the following topics. Write 80-100 words. Use the organization of the text to help you.
    1.What do you think about your motherland in the future?


    2.Will it be possible to live forever in your motherland?


    3.What do you change in your motherland?


    4.What do you think about nature of Kazakhstan?


    5.What do you think about mineral resources?


    6.What do you think about education in Kazakhstan?


    7.Do you want to move another country?


    8.Do you want to develop our agriculture?


    9.What do you think about ecology?


    10.What do you think about our independent?


    15. Tell about your motherland.

    1.I called Jim too late, he___________.

    1. had already left

    2. leave

    3. is leaving

    4. left

    5. do leave

    2.We ____________ in Paris for 12 years before we moved to America

    1. lived

    2. had lived

    3. is leaving

    4. lives

    5. were lived

    3.We have no classes today our teacher is___________ ill.

    1. falls

    2. was fall

    3. has fallen

    4. were fall

    5. was falling

    4.And I _______ at least six weeks there in the last year.

    1. spented

    2. were spend

    3. have spent

    4. spent

    5. spend

    5._____ you_______ to the top of the Empire State building?

    1. gone up

    2. go up

    3. were gone up

    4. have gone up

    5. is go up

    6.I _________ the ferry to Elis Island either.

    1. driven

    2. drive

    3. is drive

    4. haven’t driven

    5. wasn’t drive

    7.______ you ______ the film?

    1. h seen

    2. did see

    3. was saw

    4. were saw

    5. do seen

    8.I _______ the Louvre three times.

    1. was visit

    2. visit

    3. visiting

    4. have visited

    5. visited

    9.Why ______ you ______ my breakfast before I came back?Were you so hungry?

    1. have eaten

    2. has eaten

    3. had eaten

    4. did ate

    5. do eat

    10.When John made his mind to sign up for English course, Tom ______ already ____it.

    1. had done

    2. have done

    3. did do

    4. has done

    5. do done

    11.She __________ a member of our organization for more than 10 years.

    1. has be

    2. have been

    3. was

    4. has been

    5. were

    12.You are the most beautiful woman. I _____ even____ Why are you single then?

    1. have see

    2. had seen

    3. has seen

    4. was seen

    5. were see

    13. She _____ only for half a year for an employer before she was fired.

    1. has worked

    2. had worked

    3. worked

    4. was working

    5. works

    14. When I went to school I was very scared because I _____ not _____ my previous homework.

    1. had done

    2. have done

    3. do did

    4. was doing

    5. have do

    15. He is the 10th person who _____ me what is the weather today this morning!

    1. has ask

    2. has asked

    3. had asked

    4. was asked

    5. were ask

    16. I’m looking for Kate. Can you tell me where she is at the moment? I don’t she ____just_______.

    1. have leaved

    2. have left

    3. has leave

    4. has left

    5. was left

    17.____ your mother_____ the table by the time you were back from Canada?

    1. has laid

    2. had lad

    3. had laid

    4. had lying

    5. was lying

    18.I ________ already_______ doing housework.

    1. do finish

    2. had finished

    3. is finishing

    4. was finish

    5. did finished

    19.By the time she got home her children______ already____ their homework.

    а)had done

    b)do does

    c)is doing

    d)was doing

    e)did done

    20.We _________ working yet.

    1. do start

    2. did started

    3. is started

    4. was started

    5. has started

    21. ______ you ______ this film?

    1. do see

    2. had seen

    3. is saw

    4. was seen

    5. did see

    22.When I saw her last time, she _____ already ____ her hairstyle.

    1. has change

    2. had changed

    3. is changing

    4. was change

    5. have change

    23. Since he ______ with Natalie, he looks happy.

    1. marry

    2. has marry

    3. is married

    4. was marry

    5. has married

    24. She ______ not_____ yet.

    1. have go

    2. had gone

    3. is gone

    4. was go

    5. were gone

    25.The taxi _____________.

    1. arrived

    2. had arrived

    3. is arrived

    4. arrive

    5. has arrives

    26. _____ your brother _______ his homework?

    1. do did

    2. did done

    3. did do

    4. was do

    5. have do

    27. I _______ already hometask.

    1. do

    2. had did

    3. have done

    4. was doing

    5. did

    28.When _____ you _____ the job?

    1. do start

    2. did started

    3. has starting

    4. have started

    5. had starts

    29.______ you ______ in London for a long time?

    1. has live

    2. had live

    3. have lived

    4. do live

    5. did lived

    30.The audience left after the film_______.

    1. did finish

    2. do finish

    3. has finish

    4. had finished

    5. finish

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