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  • 10. Put indefinite pronounces something, anything, nothing or everything.

  • 11. Choose much

  • 15. Tell about your flat. Test

  • 4. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE MADE AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT SIMPLER Focus on Reading 1.Write your associations to the picture.

  • 2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

  • Match the sentences in A with the ones in B. А В

  • 4. Read the text «Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler».

  • анг. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе
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    Focus on Grammar

    8. Fill in the verb is or are.
    1. There is a table in the room.
    2. ________ there a dog in the garden?
    3. There __________ many books here.
    4. __________ there two chairs in the room?
    5. There ________ no fireplace in the house, it is cold in winter.

    6. In front of the house there ___________ a beautiful garden.

    7. There _________ modern conveniences in my flat.

    8. There _________ a suite of modern furniture with a wardrobe and a bookcase.

    9. There _________ a thick carpet in the middle of the room.

    10. ___________ there any sweets in your bag?

    9. Make up sentences.
    1. the bathroom, a mirror, in, is, there.

    2. 3 chairs, are, there, the table, near.

    3. behind, a lake, is, the house, there?

    4. are, a terrace, also, two, in my, balconies, and, there, house.

    5. isn't, in, a cat, there, the bedroom

    6. few, units, this, in, there, furniture, are, of, room.

    7. door, our ,study, is, the, next, there, to, library.

    8. the, this, armchairs, in, two, corner, there, and, of, room, a wardrobe, are.

    9. table, left, and, sofa, small, nearby, the, on, a leather, there's.

    10. a swimming, behind, is, bath, there, the, house.
    10. Put indefinite pronounces something, anything, nothing or everything.

    1. I have to tell you something interesting.

    2. Mike didn’t tell _______________ where he was going.

    3. Your mum is right. _________________ she says is true.

    4. We know _____________ about the accident. Please, give us some information about it.

    5. Bob said ________________ in Japanese but I didn’t understand ________________.

    6. It’s so dark in the room. I can see _____________________ here.

    7. Can I try one of your skirts on? – Sure. You can try on ________________

    you like.

    8. My grandfather taught me _______________________ he knew.

    9. I am afraid that _____________________ is wrong with my car.

    10. You should go to the supermarket. We have ____________ to eat.

    11. Choose much, many, a lot of, little, a little, few, a few.
    1. I don’t have many friends.

    2. Please be quick. I have little / a lot of / few time.


    3. There were much / many / a lot of sunny days but we did not spend much time on the beach.


    4. I will come soon. There is a little / a few / few work to do.


    5. There are a few / a little / much roses in the garden and the rest is tress.


    6. ­There are a lot of / little / much windows in my room.


    7. ­Mary has little / a few / much dolls because she likes toy cars.


    8. He doesn’t read many / much a lot of books.


    9. You took much / a little / few photos on holiday.


    10. There was too little / few light in the room, and I could not read.


    12. Choose the suitable preposition.
    1. The clock hangs on the wall, _________ the table. (above/under/on)

    2. He has played Hamlet _______ the stage many times. (on/in/next to)

    3. The bank is _____ the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)

    4. The ball has rolled ______ the bed. (on/under/above)

    5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the café ___________ each other.

    (between/behind/in front of)

    6. The gym is ____________ my college. (next to/on/between)

    7. The monument is ________ the right. (in/at/on)

    8. The office address is ________the top of the page. (in/at/above)

    9. He spends all his life _________ work. (in/at/on)

    10. The kettle is boiling ________the kitchen. (in/at/on)

    13. Open brackets, using verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple.
    1. My wife normally __________ (to work) at home, but she __________ (to spend) this month in Italy.

    2. Most days, Tom usually___________________________ (to cycle) to work.

    3. When _______________the lesson ____________________(to start) today?

    4. What’s your brother doing? He _______________(to do) the crossword in the

    newspaper. He ______________________ (to do) it every day.

    5. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I______________ (to play) very badly.

    I usually ___________________much better (to play).

    6. What’s she doing?  She _______________ (to mend) her husband’s socks. She

    always___________________ them. (to mend)

    7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I _________________ (to use) it a lot, but I

    _________________ (not /to use) it now.

    8. We _______________________(not to travel) by train very often.

    9. She ______________ (to be) particularly generous this week.

    10. It ______________________(to snow) right now. It’s beautiful!

    I _________________(to like) this weather.
    14. Open brackets, using verbs in the Past Continuous or Past Simple.
    1. He was gettingup at seven o'clock yesterday.

    2. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 


    3. At this time yesterday I (to sit) at the thea­tre.


    4. Yesterday she (to write) a letter to his friend. 


    5. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday.


    6. They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home.


    7. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 


    8.  Last year I (to go) to the United States. 


    9. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 


    10. He (to begin) to do his homework at four o'clock yester­day. 


    15. Tell about your flat.

    1. We must be quick. There is __time.

    a) few
    b) a few
    c) little
    d) a little

    e) many

    2. Are there ____new students in your group?

    a) some

    b) any

    c) no

    d) much

    e) little

    3. His office is ___ the top of the stairs.

    a) on

    b) in

    c) at

    d) above

    4. He ______ the car at the moment, don’t disturb him, please!

    1. repairs

    2. does repairing

    3. are repairing

    4. is repairing

    5. repaired

    5. There______a lot of furniture in their house last year.

    a) is

    b) are

    c) was

    d) were

    e) shall be

    6. At seven o’clock last Monday we ____ at the party of the Smiths.

    a) were dancing

    b) danced

    c) dance

    d) is dancing

    e) are dancing

    7.  I don't want to read ... book. I hate reading.

    a) some
    b) any
    c) no
    d) none

    e) much

    8. My parents’ _____ is cosy.

    a) bedroom

    b) carpet

    c) writing-desk

    d) sofa

    e) newspaper

    9. Carl lives ___ a wonderful house ____ the centre of the city.

    a) in,in

    b) in,on

    c) at,on

    d) on,in

    e) to, at

    10. There ____ much snow last winter.

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) were

    e) be

    11. It’s a secret. ____knows about it.

    a) Everybody

    b) Nothing

    c) Anybody

    d) Nobody

    e) Nothing

    12. They didn’t write____ at the lesson.

    a) something

    b) anybody

    c) anything

    d) nothing

    e) everything

    13. It ______heavily while I ran for the bus.

    a) rained

    b) was raining

    c) raining

    d) was rained


    14. There ___ some lessons in English next week.
    a) is

    b) are

    c) were

    d) will be

    e) was

    15. Helen is studying English ___university.
    a) on

    b) at

    c) for

    d) into

    e) in

    16.We cook in the __.

    a) bathroom

    b) sitting room

    c) kitchen

    d) garden

    e) study

    17. There___a new sport complex in a year.

    a) is

    b) are

    c) shall be

    d) will be

    e) was

    18. There is a ___in my study room.

    a) kitchen

    b) desk

    c) garden

    d) lift

    e) cupboards

    19. There ____no place like home.

    a) is

    b) are

    c) be

    d) were

    e) will be

    20. Julia is very good at languages. She ___four languages very well.

    a) spoke

    b) speak

    c) speaks

    d) spoken

    e) to speak

    21. There was a big table ___ the middle of the room.
    a) at

    b) on

    c) in

    d) onto

    e) to

    22. He _____ some new shoes last month.

    a) bought
    b) buying
    c) buy
    d) buys

    e) is buying

    23.  I am hungry. Let's eat _____.

    a) some
    b) any
    c) anything
    d) something

    e) nothing

    24. There ___ many birds on the roof.

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) be

    e) being

    25. There is some tea ___­­­­­­_the shelf in the cupboard.

    a) in

    b) on

    c) at

    d) -

    e) to

    26. Rachel is in London at the moment.

    ____ at the Park Hotel?

    a) Is she staying

    b) Does she stay

    c) Are she stays

    d) Is she stay

    e) Do she stay

    27. At three o’clock yesterday afternoon Mike and his son ___the dog.

    a) was washing

    b) washed

    c) were washing

    d) were washed

    e) is washing

    28. Can I have ___ potatoes, please?

    a) anything

    b) some

    c) much

    d) nothing

    e) anybody

    29. My granny is in the kitchen. She ___ cakes.

    a) cooks

    b) cook

    c) are cooking

    d) is cooking

    e) cooked

    30. There ___much snow last winter.

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) were

    e) will be


    Focus on Reading
    1.Write your associations to the picture.
    _ ______________________________










    2.Give the equivalents to the following words.




    To get up

    to have to

    to make bed

    to have breakfast

    to have opportunity

    to put smth on

    to have a lot of work to do

    to prefer

    to go shopping

    family affairs

    1. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.

    А В

    1. Last Tuesday Lisa flew a) from London to Madrid

    2. She got up at six o’clock in the morning and b) waited for her flight

    3. At 6.30 she left home and … c) arrived in Madrid two

    4.When she arrived she parked the car and d) to her hotel in the center of M.

    5. Then she went through passport control and e) had a cup of coffee.

    6. The plane waited on time and f) drove to the airport

    7. Finally she took a taxi from the airport g) she had breakfast

    8. The film was not very good h) I drank the water very quickly.

    9. I was very thirsty. k) they were late

    10. I was very angry because l) I did not enjoy it.
    4. Read the text «Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler».

    On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an early riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my tape-recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed.

    Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn't have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio.

    I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. Last year I tried to enter Moscow University, but unfortunately I failed my entrance examinations. So I thought I should work somewhere. It wasn't easy to find a job, but I managed to get a position of a secretary in a small business company.

    They agreed to take me because I had studied typewriting, computing and business organization at school. And besides, I passed my English school leaving exam with an excellent mark.

    It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time on the train. I've got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and dialogues. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across an interesting expression I try to memories it. I also write some English words on flashcards and learn them.

    I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9 sharp. There are always some fax messages to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to write a letter to our business partners abroad. There are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer.

    At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe just round the corner. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5 o'clock. During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

    I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk. Occasionally I have to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o'clock in the evening. When we have a lot of things to do we go to work on Saturdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep till eleven o'clock, watch television, listen to music and read something in English.

    And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job. I think I get a lot of useful experience.
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