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Практикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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An Italian success story

Luxottica makes sunglasses. It is an Italian company and 85% of its factories are in Italy. But less than 5% of Luxottica's sales are in its home country. Most of Luxottica's shops are in the USA. The company produces glasses for Chanel, Prada, Bulgari and other companies selling luxury goods. It also owns Ray-Ban sunglasses, and about 15% of the group's sales are from Ray-Ban.

Luxottica's main competitor is Safilo, another Italian glasses manufacturer. The big difference between Luxottica and Safilo is that Safilo has 50 shops and Luxottica has nearly 5,500 shops.

Luxottica started as a manufacturing company. Today, they make more money from retail than from manufacturing. They specialise in glasses that cost £50 or more. This market is ten times more profitable than the market in cheap glasses.

The company has two big challenges in the future. The first challenge is China. At the moment, Luxottica has 250 shops there. But the company wants to double the number of shops to 500. The second challenge is the next chairperson. The company's founder is 70-year-old Mr Del Vecchio. At the moment, he is the chairperson and he owns 70% of the company. It is a family company, but Mr Del Vecchio's four children don't work for Luxottica. A new chairperson could make changes that turn Luxottica from a family company into a multinational.

Задание 2. Соотнесите цифры 1-6 с информацией, к которой они относятся a-f:

1 70 c

a the number of shops that the company wants in China

2 5% f

b the minimum price of Luxottica's glasses

3 15% d

с Mr Del Vecchio's age

4 £50 b

d group sales from Ray-Ban

5 500 a

e Luxottica's manufacturing in its factories in Italy

6 85% e

f Luxottica's sales in Italy

Задание 3. Определите, в какой из следующих строк a-c лучше всего отражается тема статьи “Look east”:

a Designer glasses in China

b The price of Italian sunglasses

с A company that manufactures and retails glasses

Задание 4. Перечитайте текст “Look east” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Luxottica is a Chinese company. false 2 It doesn't sell products only in Italy. true

  1. Luxottica manufactures most of its glasses in the USA. true

  2. The company also produces glasses for other companies. true

  3. They make more profit from manufacturing than retail. false

  4. Luxottica doesn't have any competitors. true

  5. The company wants to open shops in China. true

  6. Mr Del Vecchio's children work for the company. false

Задание 5. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

  1. A multinational company is a large organiser / organisation.

  2. Department stores sale / sella lot of different products / producers.

  3. Swatch is a watch maker / make.

  4. Our office is in a builder/ buildingin Kowloon.

  5. A lot of people in this country work in manufacturing / manufacturer.

  6. Many retails / retailers buy direct from the factory.

  7. Who is your main compete / competitorin the computer market?

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами:

Manufacturer, retail outlets, competitor, produces, build, sell.

Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) is a big tractor __ Manufacturer _______inIndia. It_______ sell__more than 68,000 tractors in its factories every year. Its main_____ competitor ____is a company called TAFE, which produces 48,000 tractors. The companies_____ produces ____the tractors at home and also to the USA and Europe. M&M has 270_______ retail outlets __ _________in the USA. Now the company also plans to____build_____factories in China.

Задание 7. Составьте предложения:

1 speaking / Sam / Hello, / Reynolds Hello, Sam Reynolds speaking

2 Lorco / say / you / Sorry, / did?

Sorry, did you say Lorco?

  1. right / that's / Yes,

Yes, that's right

  1. please / spell / you / Can / that?

Can you spell that please?

  1. say / again, / please / you / Could / that?

Could you say that again, please?

  1. your / help / Thanks / for

Thanks for your help.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски, используя do, does, don'tили doesn't:

A ___Do____you work for Westfield Electronics?

В No, I____ don't ___. I work for Danemart.

A ___Does____Grace Davies work for Danemart?

В Yes, she ___does____. She works in the marketing department.

A ___Does____your company manufacture televisions?

В No, it___ doesn't ____. It makes radios.

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски в вопросах 1-4, используя Who, Howmany, Whatили Where, и подберите на них ответы a-d:

  1. _____What__does the factory manufacture?a

  2. ____Where___does Ottwell have factories? b

  3. ____How many___people does the company employ? c

  4. _____Who__does the company sell to? d

a shoes

b Turkey

c 180

d luxury shoe shops

Задание 10. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными:

  1. Clive does not works for____a__bank in London.______Queen of England banks are not there.

  2. Jardin Care is _not_____Canadian company and ___it does not have___headquarters are in Toronto.

  3. I can not meet you at______station you can get__a____taxi.

  4. Wavetel is___not___big IT company with three finance directors. Geraldineis____is not__finance director there.

Задание 11. Соотнесите вопросы 1-6 с ответами a-f: a The company is called/ It's called [ICI]. 3

b It's based in [Toronto]. 5

с It has offices / factories in [Poland]. 6

d It's a [manufacturing] company. 1

e It makes / sells [cars]. 4

f It employs [250] people. 2

  1. What type of company is it?

  2. How many employees does it have?

  3. What is the company called? / Who do you work for?

  4. What does it do?

  5. Where is it based?

  6. Where are its factories?

Задание 12. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

Franco Martinez are / isthe CEO of Webplan, and it is a / the successful internet company. Webplan employs/ employer 5,000 people in Asia and Europe. Mr Martinez always / does arrives in the office at 8am. He has a glass of water because he not / doesn't drink tea or coffee. Then he read / readshis emails. He has a meeting with a / the marketing department at 10am every day. He doesn't often has/ have lunch. He has a sandwich at his desk. In the / an afternoon he meets the design team. The employees at Webplan never don't work / work after 6pm.

Задание 13. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными (-) или вопросительными (?):

  1. Luxottica makes glasses. (?) Does Luxottica makes glasses?

  2. The CEO lives in Germany. (-)The CEO does not live in Germany

  3. They have offices in Tokyo. (?) Do they have offices in Tokyo?

  4. We manufacture Porsche cars in India. (-)We do not manufacture Porsche cars in India

  5. You work in the USA. (?) Do you work in the USA?

  6. Fiat employ 12,000 people. (-)Fiat does not employ 12,000 people

  7. I have Hani's address. (?) Do you have Hani's address?

  8. Mr and Mrs Sanz live in Berlin. (-)Mr and Mrs Sanz do not live in Berlin

Задание 14. Заполните пропуски в тексте данными ниже словами (первая буква слова указана):


products production

sales sellsstaffproduces

Vinway International is a _______ manufacturing_and retail company. It _____produces____electrical equipment and it ___sells______ its _____products____in shops in Europe and Asia. We _____ manufacture ____digital radios. We have a good __production____ department and ___sales______department. We are a small company with good managers and __ staff _______.

Задание 15. Заполните пропуски следующими фразами:

It employs… It's a… It's based in…

It sells… The company… is called

It has offices in

  1. The company is called Raven Ltd.

  2. ... It's based in Bristol, in the UK.

  3. It has offices in Europe and the USA.

  4. It's a retail company.

  5. It sells clothes.

  6. It employs 120 people.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 4



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

work for работать на кого-либо rank занимать место employee работник knock off выталкивать software engineer программист laundromat прачечная survey обзор

incredibly невероятно outstanding выдающийся significant важный focus on серьезно заниматься deliver передавать


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The best companies to work for

A new report has identified the top 25 companies in the USA to work for. The report comes out every year and always has some surprises. It ranked the best places to work in 2014 by taking a survey of employee satisfaction. Top of the list was Google, which has become famous for its excellent working conditions. Google knocked Facebook off of the number one position. A Google software engineer earns an average salary of $119,000 a year. He or she also gets free access to a gym, laundromat, sports facilities and a place which looks after their pets when the employee goes on holiday. One ex-employee said Google staff are so happy that it is unusual for anyone to take time off.

Another survey released at the same time shows a slightly different picture. The careers website Glassdoor asked employees to rate how happy they are with their company, career opportunities, pay, culture, and values. It found that the consulting firm Bain and Company was the best place to work. Russ Hagey, Global Chief Talent Officer at Bain and Co. is incredibly proud to be named the number one best place to work. For more than 40 years, they have placed significant focus on creating an outstanding professional and personal work experience that in turn has fueled their growth anchored in a mission of delivering results for clients and organizations around the globe.

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “The best companies to work for” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true или ложными (false):

  1. A report listed the best companies in the world to work for. false

  2. Facebook was number one last year. true

  3. A company called Glassdoor paints pictures. false

  4. The consulting company has been number one for 40 years. false

  5. The company's mission is to help its clients around the world. true

  6. Another survey said a consulting company was the best place to work. true

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “The best companies to work for”:

  1. What was the survey on? On the best company to work for

  2. How many companies were in the report? 25

  3. What is the number 119,000 in the article? The Googles software engineer salary

  4. Why don’t Google workers take a lot of time off work? Because thaey are so happy

  5. What is the name of the careers website that did the other survey? Glassdoor

  6. How many years has Bain & Co. been focusing on work experience? 40

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами around, off, to, for, after, of, on:

  1. Top___of__the list was Google which has become famous___for__its excellent working conditions.

  2. He or she also gets free access___to__a gym, laundromat, sports facilitiesand a place which looks____after_their pets when the employee goes___on__holiday.

  3. __For___more than 40 years, we have placed significant focus___on__creating an outstanding professional and personal work experience.

  4. That has fueled our growth anchored___in__a mission__of___delivering results___for__clients and organizations___around__the globe.

  5. Google staff are so happy that it is unusual___for__anyone to taketime_of____.

Задание 5. Соотнесите слова 1-6 с синонимами a-f:

  1. every year b a pay

  2. career c b annually

  3. salary a c job

  4. slightly e d strange

  5. unusual d e a little 6 outstanding f excellent f

Задание 6. Составьте предложения:

  1. companies / in / the / USA / to / work / for / The / top / 25.

The top 25 companies in the USA to work for

  1. to / 2014 / ranked / places / in / It / best / work / the.

It ranked the best places to work in 2014

  1. for / take / unusual / to / off / is / anyone / time / It.

It is unusual for anyone to take time off

  1. how / their / happy / company / they / are / Rate / with.

Rate how happy they are with their company

  1. be / number /are / to / the / We / proud / named / one / incredibly.

We are increadibly proud to be named the number one

  1. for / results / delivering / of / mission / A / clients.

A mission of delivering results for clients

  1. focus / have / professional / placed / significant / work / creating / on / experience / an / outstanding / personal / and / We.

We have placed significant focus on creating an outstanding professional and personal work experience

  1. survey / same / released / shows / a / Another / the / slightly / time / different / picture / at.

Another survey released at the same time shows a slightly different picture.
Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 5



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.




рабочий стол
















использовать совместно


канцелярские принадлежности




Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The paperless office
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