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  • Задание 2. Найдите в тексте “ The business of giving ” и укажите в цифрах следующую информацию

  • Задание 3. Просмотрите текст “ The business of giving ” и ответьте на вопросы

  • Задание 4. Заполните пропуски артиклем a

  • Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя some, any, much

  • Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используя some

  • Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами и фразами

  • Задание 8. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу: Impact furniture

  • Задание 9. Подчеркните лишнее слово в каждой группе

  • Задание 10. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных выше слов

  • Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных ниже слов

  • Задание 12. Соотнесите начало и конец предложений

  • Литература: [1, 5]. Практическое занятие № 8 ДЕНЬГИ (часть II ) MONEY ( part II )

  • Задания Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст: Money makes people worry

  • Задание 2. Соотнесите начало фразы 1-10 с окончанием a - j

  • Задание 3. Перечитайте текст “ Money makes people worry ” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными ( true или ложными ( false

  • Задание 4. Подчеркните правильный вариант

  • Задание 5. Просмотрите текст “ Money makes people worry ” и ответьте на вопросы

  • Задание 6. Составьте предложения

  • Задание 7. Соотнесите слова 1-6 с синонимами a - f

  • Литература: [1, 5]. Практическое занятие № 9 ПРОЕКТНАЯ РАБОТА PROJECTS Теоретическая часть

  • Задания Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст: Project analysis

  • Практикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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    Charity from the rich

    Today, many rich and famous people give money to charity. Technology billionaire Bill Gates recently gave $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other technology leaders also give away money. Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, and Jeff Skoll, eBay’s first CEO, want to use their billions to help 'make the world a better place'.

    Why do charities receive so much money? One reason is that there are more rich people than in the past. The world now has 691 billionaires, compared with 423 in 1996. Rich people in many different countries give millions of euros, riyals, yen and other currencies to charity.

    What can the world of charity learn from the world of business? Michael Porter, a management guru at the Harvard Business School, believes that the rich need to think about how their charitable foundations spend money. In the USA, it is traditional for the rich to give money to hospitals, libraries and universities. These are very important, but some people think that this does not always help the very poor.

    People with a lot of money often have useful social connections. They usually know how to market ideas and how to interest the media in a subject. So, some people think that the rich can give more than money. They can also use their time, social connections and skills to help find solutions to some of the world's problems, such as poverty and the environment.

    Задание_2._Найдите_в_тексте_“_The_business_of_giving_”_и_укажите_в_цифрах_следующую_информацию'>Задание 2. Найдите в тексте “The business of giving” и укажите в цифрах следующую информацию:

    1. Bill Gates' donation ______31 billion dollars____

    2. number of billionaires now_____691_____

    3. number of billionaires in 1996____423______

    Задание 3. Просмотрите текст “The business of giving” и ответьте на вопросы:

    1. What American companies does the article talk about? Ebay, Gates Foundation

    2. What currencies does the article mention? Euros, riyals, yens, dollars

    3. What do rich people in the USA often give money to build? To hospitals, libraries, universities

    4. What problems can rich people help find solutions to? Poverty and the environment

    Задание 4. Заполните пропуски артиклем a/anили неопределенным местоимением some:

    1. We want ...an employee to work on a new project.

    2. I have ..some. news about the exchange rate.

    3. Can you send Gina ..an. email with our prices?

    4. Do they have ...a problem with their computers?

    5. The bank wants .some.. information about your account.

    Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя some, any, much or many: a Does she have …any news?

    b Would you like …some cash?

    с Do we have …some information?

    d Could I have some… coins, please?

    e How many… minutes is it until the presentation starts?

    f How much… time do you have?

    g They don't have any… documents.

    Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используяsome, any, muchили many:


    have…any Australian dollars?

    Good morning, I'd like to change some… money. Do you

    Sales assistant:

    Yes, sir. How …many dollars would you like?


    1,500. How much… is the commission?

    Sales assistant:

    1%. Do you need any… other currencies, sir?


    Yes. Can I have …some Mexican pesos, please?

    Sales assistant:

    How much…?

    Customer: 2,000, please.

    Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами и фразами:

    How many, how much, some, any, an, a A … how much time do you spend on the internet?

    В Nine or ten hours a… week.

    A Do you buy …any products online?

    В Yes, I buy some… things, for example, books and DVDs.

    A How many … emails do you send every morning?

    В About ten - I always send an… email to each member of my team. Then I reply to all the emails I receive.

    Задание 8. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

    Impact furniture

    Not / Don't buy an / any office furniture until you see our prices! Our products are great and we do / can deliver to any country in the world. And we don't have sowe / any delivery charges! We have a retail outlet in / on most cities. Looking / Lookat our map to find a store near / between you. Would / Doyou like to see our new price list? Don't visit / Visitour website today for ап / some ideas for your office.

    Задание 9. Подчеркните лишнее слово в каждой группе:

    1. printer keyboard mouse stapler

    2. beef salmon lamb chicken

    3. boiled roast drink fried

    4. notepad envelope sofa pen

    5. COD water tea fruit juice

    6. cupboard bookcase supplier desk

    7. carrots lemons potatoes onions

    8. furniture menu stationery equipment

    Задание 10. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных выше слов:

    1. I use my ___keyboard_____ to type information into my computer.

    2. ____Beef____is meat from a cow.

    3. You cook ______boiled__vegetables in water.

    4. Do you want an ___envelope_____for your letter?

    5. Would you like a hot drink? ____Tea____or coffee?

    6. Our stationery ____supplier____isn't expensive - he gives us a 15% discount.

    7. ___Carrots_____are orange, not red.

    8. I have a sofa and a chair, but I need more ____furniture_____for my new house.

    Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных ниже слов:

    Discount, total, price, account, invoice, code, free A Hello. I have a problem with my_____invoice____.

    В ОК. What's your _____ account ____number?

    A It's GJT 384827.

    В And what is the problem?

    A The ____price_____of the product is wrong.

    В Oh. What is the product _____code____in the catalogue?

    A It's 3492J.

    В OK, the price is £70.

    A Yes, but there is a 10 per cent_____discount____.

    В Oh, yes, sorry. So the correct ____total_____is £63.

    A Yes, but can I check - is it necessary to pay for delivery?

    В No, delivery is ____free_____.

    Задание 12. Соотнесите начало и конец предложений:

    1. I'd like to c

    2. How much d

    3. Can I have your a

    4. How many f

    5. Is there b

    6. We can offer e

    1. account number?

    2. a discount? c place an order? d are the printers? e a 10% discount? f would you like?

    Литература: [1, 5].

    Практическое занятие № 8

    ДЕНЬГИ (часть II)

    MONEY (part II)

    Теоретическая часть

    Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

    look after присматривать psychology психология finding открытие percentage процент cash наличные деньги generous щедрый suffer from страдать от researcher исследователь continually непрерывно checkout касса aisle проход

    jewellery ювелирные украшения run out of заканчиваться


    Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

    Money makes people worry

    A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money isn’t easy. Over 109,000 people took part in the BBC’s Big Money Test. It was one of the biggest ever studies on the psychology of money.

    One of the biggest findings is that money makes many people feel bad. Researchers say over 40 per cent of us always worry about spending money; a third of us constantly worry about money; and the same percentage feel guilty when spending money on themselves. The study found that women like to go shopping to make themselves feel better about life, while men are more likely to save their cash. Women are more generous with their money and are also more likely to suffer from money problems.

    The researchers also looked at ways shops try and make us spend our money. It showed how stores are continually looking at new ways to make us buy things on impulse. It asks why candies and chocolate are always by the checkout in supermarkets; why “everyday essentials like bread and milk are at the back of shop so you have to walk through as many aisles as possible to reach them;” and why the perfume and jewellery sections are always at the front of a department store. The test says that buying things on impulse can be bad for our finances. People who bought goods impulsively were three times more likely to go bankrupt, and four times more likely to run out of money by the end of the week.

    Задание 2. Соотнесите начало фразы 1-10 с окончанием a-j:

    1. looking after f a better about life

    2. studies on the psychology i b our finances

    3. a third of us constantly h c from money problems

    4. make themselves feel a d on impulse

    5. more likely to suffer c e out of money

    6. buy things d f money isn't easy

    7. everyday j g aisles as possible

    8. walk through as many g h worry about money

    9. bad for b i of money

    10. more likely to run e j essentials

    Задание 3. Перечитайте текст “Money makes people worry” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true или ложными (false):

    1. Almost 110,000 took part in a BBC study on money. true

    2. The BBC research was the biggest ever on the psychology of money. T

    3. The researchers said men are more generous than women with money. F

    4. The research questions why milk is always at the back of the store. F

    5. The study found impulse buying is not so good on our wallets. T

    1 Impulse buyers are 3 times likelier to go bankrupt. T

    Задание 4. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

    1. A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money aren’t / isn’t easy.

    2. It ask / asks why candies and chocolate are / is always by the checkout in supermarkets.

    3. Women is / are more generous with their money.

    4. Jewellery sections are / is always at the front of a department store.

    5. The test say / saysthat buying things on impulse can be bad for our finances.

    Задание 5. Просмотрите текст “Money makes people worry” и ответьте на вопросы:

    1. What shows that looking after money isn’t easy? Because you need to plan your finance and do not make impulsive buying

    2. How many of us always worry about spending money? 40 %

    3. What percentage of people feel guilty about buying themselves things? 1/3

    4. What are women more likely to suffer from? Suffer from money problems

    5. What are shops continually looking at getting us to do? To buy things on impulse

    6. What question do the researchers have about candies and chocolate? Why are they always by the checkout

    2 What thing are impulse buyers three times more likely to do? To go bankrupt

    Задание 6. Составьте предложения:

    1. 2 BBC / 5 looking /8 isn’t /1 The /4 that /7 money /3 shows / 6 after /9 easy.

    2. 2 more / 7 money / 3 likely / 8 problems / 4 to / 5 suffer / 1 Also / 6 from.

    3. 6 us /9 money /2 shops /5 make / 8 our /1 Ways /4 and /7 spend / 3 try.

    4. 4 impulse / 5 can /6 be /7 bad /8 for / 9 our /10 finances /1 Buying /2 things / 3 on.

    5. 2 times / 1 Three /7 bankrupt /6 go /5 to /4 likely / 3 more.

    6. 7 the / 2 and / 4 are /1 Candies /5 always /6 by /8 checkout /9 in / 3 chocolate /10 supermarkets.

    7. 4 likely / 1Men / 8 cash /3 more /5 to / 6 save /2 are /7 their.

    Задание 7. Соотнесите слова 1-6 с синонимами a-f:

    1. took part f a caring for

    2. psychology c b at fault

    3. generous e c mental processes

    4. impulsively d d spontaneously

    5. guilty b e kind

    6. looking after a f participated

    Литература: [1, 5].

    Практическое занятие № 9



    Теоретическая часть

    Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.






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    Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

    Project analysis
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