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Практикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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Experts talk about big changes for the telephone

It is easy to imagine what mobile phones will look like in a year or two they'll probably be smaller. But what will they look like ten or fifteen years from now? Perhaps they'll be so small that we won't be able to see them. Maybe we'll have phones in jewellery such as rings, and fashion items like sunglasses.

People in Japan can already use mobile phones to buy things in shops. In some countries it is also possible to use a phone as a train ticket and office pass. So, what new functions will phones have in the future? One thing that is certain is that phones will do more of the things that PCs do today. Some people also think that we'll use phones as house keys, passports, computer games, maps and video recorders. The phone will be our 'remote control for life'. In a decade's time, many phones will have enough memory to video all of a person's life.

Companies are developing phones built into glasses. This will be useful when looking for directions -a map will appear inside the glass of the lens. Maybe we'll be able to use our phone to label people at a party or соnference. We'll never forget a name again.

Some experts think that in the future we'll use our voice instead of our fingers to put data into a phone. Stuart Wolf, a professor at the University of Virginia, predicts that in 20 years' time people will use their thoughts to communicate with each other. We won't need phones at all!

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “The phone of the future”:

  1. What does the writer think phones will look like in two years' time?

  2. Which of the following are possible at the moment?

a phone in jewellery b paying for shopping using a phone с phone as a ticket for travelling d phone as house keys 3 What will a typical phone's memory allow it to do?

  1. How does the writer think a phone will help us at a party?

  2. How will people input data into a phone?

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple: a In 20 years' time people (use) their thoughts to communicate. b We (not need) phones at all. с What they (look) like ten or fifteen years from now? d Perhaps they (be) so small that we (not be) able to see them. e Maybe we (have) phones in jewellery and fashion items. f They probably (be) smaller.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски, используя will / won't, perhaps/ maybe.

  1. _______ it_______ rain later, but I think it'll be fine. (not sure)

  2. It_______ rain - look at the blue sky. (sure)

  3. Yes, of course computers_______be much smaller in ten years' time.


  1. Jim _______be on time for the meeting. He's always late. (sure)

  2. _______we_______be able to have holidays on the moon in the Future.(not sure)

  3. Our profits_______ rise. Look at our increase in sales for the last three

Months. (sure)

  1. Our profits_______ rise - our prices are too high. (sure)

  2. _______our profits_______ rise one day, but not this year. (not sure)

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя to+infinitive там, где необходимо:

  1. We could_____go to the cinema tonight.

  2. They shouldn’t_____work at the weekend .

  3. Do you want_____visit the factory?

  4. Do you think you should _____ask for a new office?

  5. We arranged _____meet our new supplier.

  6. Carla and Wei plan _____arrive at 9:30.

Задание 6. Составьте предложения, используя Present Continuous (запланированное действие в будущем):

  1. Jane / meet / the design team / next week.

  2. We / fly / Athens / next Thursday.

  3. Polly and Tom / leave / in a moment.

  4. Douglas / move / Prague / next year?

  5. I / do / a presentation / the day after tomorrow.

  6. you / see / the HR manager / later today?

  7. they / sell / the company / in six months' time?

  8. The finance director / not come / to the meeting / tomorrow.

Задание 7. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

What will / are offices be like in the future? Some people think that in ten years' time company offices aren't / won't be necessary because we won't / will all work from home. A different idea is that we could / are make our offices more like home. CEO Alexis Parks wants - / to make her company's offices more comfortable. She also thinks that she should to / - create an environment that makes her workers feel happy. Next year, her company is building / builds new offices with a gym and swimming pool. Alexis asked staff for suggestions. They said that the new offices could to / - have sofas, TVs and places to sleep. She thinks that her company should / shouldn't do more to help the staff to enjoy themselves in their free time, so the new offices will also include a cinema and a karaoke bar. Alexis thinks that in the future her employees don't / won't want to go home!

Задание 8. Подчеркните лишнее слово:

  1. fly plane sail airport

  2. newspaper TV radio mug

  3. drive station car park

  4. brand logo Volvo half price

  5. merchandise pen key ring internet

Заполните пропуски, используя данные выше слова:

  1. You can__________from Stansted airport in the UK to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris.

  2. I have a__________of coffee with my breakfast.

  3. 1 usually__________to work.

  4. This CD is__________- it's a sales promotion.

  5. I think we should order more__________for the exhibition next month.

Задание 9. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

  1. When will you make / do a decision?

  2. It's a good product, but we should make / do more research.

  3. It's good to make / do business with you.

  4. Did our investment make / do a profit last year?

  5. Would anyone like to make / do a suggestion?

  6. I could make /do the accounts this afternoon.

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из слов a-c:

1 I'm___________that Azzopardi will be the next president.

a possible b certain с likely

2 Do you think that the population will __________in the next ten years?

a plus b minus с increase

3 It cost $40 in February 2007 and $40 in February 2008, so prices remained ___________for a year.

a steady b per cent с equals

4 Unemployment was 15% last year and it's 5% this year. That's a 10%__________in unemployment.

a increase b remain steady с decrease

5 We didn't sell many products. So it's ___________that we will make a profit this year.

a likely b unlikely с certain Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 17 ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ (часть II)


Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.














с улучшенными возможностями



treatment лечение


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Life in 2116

A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years from now. It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today’s buildings, underwater ‘bubble’ cities, and holidays in space. The report is from Samsung’s SmartThings. It asked experts on space, architecture, and city planners to give their ideas on life in 2116. They said the way we live, work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today. 25 years ago, people could not imagine how the Internet and smartphones would change our lives. The Internet has revolutionised the way we communicate, learn and do daily things. The changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable.

Researchers questioned 2,000 adults about the predictions they thought were most likely to happen in the future. They predicted that in the future few people will go to an office but will work from home and have virtual work meetings. People will have advanced 3D printers that will let you download a design for furniture or a food recipe and then ‘print’ the sofa, table or pizza at home. There will also be less need for visits to the doctor. We will all have a home health capsule that will tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also be going into space for holidays and to get resources that we have used up on Earth. A prediction that was missing was whether people would still need to study English.

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “Life in 2116” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Experts say people will be living in underwater cities. true 2 Buildings in the future will be shorter than today's buildings.

  1. People will be able to print download and print pizzas.

  2. People won’t need to go to the doctor as much as they do now.

  3. People predicted that we will still need to study English.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple:

  1. The way we live, work and play (to be) totally different.

  2. In the future few people (to go) to an office but (to work) from home.

  3. People (to have) advanced 3D printers.

  4. There (to be) less need for visits to the doctor.

  5. We (to have) a home health capsule that will tell us what the problem isand give us treatment.

  6. We (to be) going into space for holidays.

Задание 4. Подчеркните лишнее слово в каждой группе:

  1. totally completely partially entirely

  2. unbelievable incredible unthinkable possible

  3. question ask reply interview

  4. design ruin form plan

  5. experts specialists master amateur

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “Life in 2116”:

  1. Where will the bubble cities in the future be?

  2. What did the experts say the changes in the next century would be?

  3. How many people did the researchers question?

  4. What kind of meetings will we have at work in the future?

  5. Who will people need to visit less in the future?

  6. Where will we be going to on holiday?

  7. What language did people not make a prediction about?

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски предлогамиinto, to, for, from, in:

  1. There will also be less need_____visits_____the doctor.

  2. A new report shows what life might be like____100 years____now.

  3. The report is_____Samsung’s SmartThings.

  4. We will also be going_____space_____holidays.

  5. Advanced 3D printers will let you download a design_____furniture.

Задание 7. Составьте предложения:

  1. all / We / will / a / home / health / have / capsule.

  2. go / future / in / an / the / people / few / will / to / office.

  3. be / visits / will / less / There / need / doctor / for / to / also / the.

  4. report / Samsung’s / from / SmartThings / is / The.

Задание 8. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными (-) или вопросительными (?):

  1. They predicted that in the future few people will go to an office. (-)

  2. We will also be going into space for holidays. (-)

  3. Researchers questioned 2,000 adults. (?)

  4. The Internet has revolutionised the way we communicate. (-)

  5. The report is from Samsung’s SmartThings. (?)

  6. It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today’s buildings. (-) Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 18



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

French fries картофель фри all-you-can-eat шведский стол, без ограничений bottomless бездонный сustomer посетитель staff персонал self-service самообслуживание topping верхняя часть

profit польза, выгода touch-screen сенсорная панель obesity чрезмерная полнота


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

McDonald’s restaurant

A new McDonald’s restaurant that will soon open in the USA will offer allyou-can-eat French fries. The new store in St. Joseph, Missouri, is set to open in July. The company has called it the restaurant “of the future” because of the many features it will have. In addition to bottomless fries, the new location will have couches, armchairs and a large space for children to play in. Customers will also be able to sit at their table and order food from the waiting staff. There will also be a self-service kiosk where customers can personalise their orders by selecting the toppings or fillings they want. There really are hundreds of different choices to build the burger of your dreams.

The addition of all-you-can-eat fries to the menu is just one of many recent changes at McDonald’s. New CEO Steve Easterbrook took over as boss last year and has been trying many new things since then. His job is to get the company to make more profit. Some of the changes include an all-day breakfast menu, touchscreen ordering and taking certain items off the menu. People have mixed views about McDonald’s offering all-you-can-eat fries. Health campaigners think it will lead to a further rise in the levels of obesity. McDonal’s should be offering healthier food. Many of the restaurant’s customers find endless fries fantastic. One said she couldn’t wait and will be going to McDonald’s more often.

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “McDonalds restaurant” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true или ложными (false):

  1. A new McDonald's in France will offer all-you-can-eat French fries.false

  2. Customers at the restaurant will be able to choose their own fillings.

  3. McDonald's say you will be able to build your dream burger.

  4. The new boss of McDonald's has made many changes.

  5. Campaigners say the all-you-can-eat fries will keep calories down.

  6. A McDonald's customer said she would no longer eat there.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “McDonalds restaurant”:

  1. In what U.S. state will the new McDonald's open?

  2. When will the new restaurant open?

  3. What kind of kiosk will let customers personalise their orders?

  4. What kind of burger will people be able to build?

  5. What is it Steve Easterbrook's job to make?

  6. What do health campaigners say will rise because of the fries?

  7. What did one customer say about the endless fries?

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple:

  1. A new McDonald’s restaurant that will soon open in the USA (to offer) all-you-can-eat French fries.

  2. The new location (to have) couches, armchairs and a large space forchildren to play in.

  3. There (to be) a self-service kiosk.

  4. Customers (to be able) to sit at their table and order food from thewaiting staff.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами selecting, make, have, offering, personalise, play, build, get, want, mixed:

  1. There really are hundreds of different choices to_____ the burger of yourdreams.

  2. People have_____views about McDonald’s_____all-you-can-eat fries.

  3. His job is to_____the company to_____more profit.

  4. McDonal’s should be_____healthier food.

  5. Customers can_____their orders by_____the fillings they_____.

  6. The new location will_____couches, armchairs and a large space forchildren to_____in.

Задание 6. Составьте предложения:

  1. about / mixed / People / views / McDonald’s / have.

  2. offering / should / healthier / McDonald’s / food / be.

  3. include / all-day / the / of / an / Some / breakfast / changes / menu.

  4. different / burger / choices / to / Hundreds / build / of / the.

  5. addition / eat / of / fries / all / to / - / the / you / menu / - / can / The / - .

  6. menu / breakfast / day / - / all / an / include / changes / the / of / Some.

  7. further / lead / levels / rise / to / It / of / in / a / will / obesity / the.

Задание 7. Подчеркните лишнее слово в каждой группе:

  1. selecting choosing declining taking

  2. build strike construct create

  3. boss junior head captain

  4. facts views ideas opinions

  5. endless unlimited bottomless limited

Литература: [1, 5].

Список рекомендуемой литературы Основная литература:

  1. Barral I., Barral N. Intelligent Business: Coursebook. - Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

Дополнительная литература:

  1. The Oxford Russian dictionary: Англо-русский словарь: Русскоанглийский словарь/ под ред. Пола Фаллы/ под ред. Маркуса Вилера, Бориса Анбигауна. - М.; Смоленск: Прогресс-Академия: Полиграмма, 2005.

  2. Oxford Russian Dictionary: Russ.- Engl., Engl.- Russ. - 3 ed. Oxford:

Oxford univ. press, 2004.

  1. Dictionary of Science and Technology / ed. by Christopher Morris. - San Diego: Academic Press, 2006.

  2. Cambridge. International Dictionary of phrasal verbs /Michael McCartht:

Cambridge, 2004.

ПРАКТИКУМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» для студентов направления подготовки магистратуры

150100.68 Материаловедение и технологии материалов

151000.68 Технологические машины и оборудование 270800.68 Строительство 230700.68 Прикладная информатика 090900.68 Информационная безопасность


Составители: канд. филол. наук Касьяненко Л.С.,

Редактор текста на русском языке:

______________________________________________________ Подписано в печать 15.01.2020 г.

Формат 60x84 1/16. Усл. п. л. – 4,72 Уч.-изд. л. – 4,25 Бумага газетная. Печать офсетная. Заказ Тираж 100 экз.

ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет»

355028, г. Ставрополь, пр. Кулакова, 2

Издательство Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Отпечатано в типографии СКФУ
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