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  • Задание 2. Просмотрите текст “ Lighting up the world ” и ответьте на вопросы

  • Задание 3. Заполните пропуски информацией из текста

  • Задание 4. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными

  • Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя did

  • Задание 6. Составьте вопросительные предложения

  • Задание 7. Задайте вопросы в Past Simple

  • Задание 8. Прочитайте текст: Finding solutions: Thomas Alva Edison

  • Important dates 1847

  • Задание 10. Составьте вопросительные предложения в Past Simple и ответьте на них

  • Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в скобках или краткие ответы в Past Simple

  • Задание 12. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу

  • Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя данные ниже слова

  • Литература: [1, 5]. Практическое занятие № 11 ПРОДУКЦИЯ PRODUCTS Теоретическая часть

  • Задания Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст: Playtime

  • Практикум по английскому языку к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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    LED lights help in areas without electricity

    Dr Irvine-Halliday is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Calgary in Canada. Dr Irvine-Halliday went on a walking trip to Nepal in 1997 and he saw that people in the villages used lanterns to light their homes. The lanterns were smelly and dangerous and the light wasn't very bright. Dr IrvineHalliday wanted to help solve the problem. So, he started the Light Up The World Foundation. It is a charity that gives LED lights to thousands of people around the world.

    About 1.6 billion people worldwide don't have electricity. They use oil in their lamps. But it is an expensive fuel. It is also inefficient and causes indoor and outdoor air pollution.

    LED lights are an ideal solution to the problem. They only need a little power and this means that people can use them in areas where there is no electricity. They can run on AA batteries, or solar power. LEDs can give up to 100 times more light than lanterns, and they last a long time. When people began to use LED lights, it changed their lives. They increased productivity and it gave them more time to study. It also reduced health problems and accidental fires.

    Now, it is important to make LEDs less expensive. For example, families in rural Kenya spend about $7 a month оn oil for lighting. A solar-powered LED lamp lasts longer, but many people cannot afford the $25 to $50 that the lamps cost to buy. When charities and other organisations find a solution to the price problem, the future could be bright.

    Задание 2. Просмотрите текст “Lighting up the world” и ответьте на вопросы:

    1. What countries does the article mention?Kenya, Nepal, Canada

    What are the disadvantages of oil lanterns? Lanterns were smelly and dangerous and the light wasn't very bright. They use oil in their lamps. But it is an expensive fuel. It is also inefficient and causes indoor and outdoor air pollution.

    1. What are the four ways that LED lights helped people? They increased productivity and it gave them more time to study. It also reduced health problems and accidental fires. Also people can use them in areas where there is no electricity.

    Задание 3. Заполните пропуски информацией из текста:

    1. Dr Irvine-Halliday_____went_____on a walking trip to Nepal.

    2. People in the villages______used____ lanterns to light their homes.

    3. He____started______the Light Up The World Foundation.

    4. When people began to use LED lights, it____changed______their lives.

    Задание 4. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными:

    1. Dr Irvine-Halliday went on a walking trip to Norway. Dr Irvine-Halliday didn`t go on a walking trip to Norway.

    2. The villagers used electricity in their homes. The villagers didn`t use electricity in their homes

    3. The lanterns were very bright. The lanterns weren`t very bright.

    4. Dr Irvine-Halliday was a professor of medicine. Dr Irvine-Halliday wasn`t a professor of medicine.

    5. He made a profit from the LED lights. He didn`t make a profit from the LED lights.

    6. The LED lights increased health problems. The LED lights didn`t increase health problems

    Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя did, didn't, was, wasn't, were и weren't:

    1. When ____did___Alessandro Volta invent the battery?

    2. I think it ____was___ in 1928.

    3. No, it__wasn`t_____. It__was_____ in 1800.

    4. ___Did____ Percy Shaw invent the microwave oven?

    5. No, he___ didn`t ____. The inventor ___was____ Percy LeBaron Spencer.

    6. Who__were_____ Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland?

    7. ____Were___they writers?

    8. No, they___weren`t___. They____were__ postgraduate students who invented thebarcode.

    Задание 6. Составьте вопросительные предложения:

    1. Did Theodore Maiman build first laser?

    2. When did IBM produce first personal computer?

    3. Did John Logie Baird invent radio?

    4. Who was Carlton С Magee?

    5. What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

    6. What country was Guglielmo Marconi from?

    Задание 7. Задайте вопросы в Past Simple:

    like / school? Did you like school?

    visit / other countries? Did you visit other countries?

    have / a pet animal? Did you have a pet animal?

    live / city? Did you live in the city?

    play / sport? Did you play sport?

    go / college? Did you go to college?

    Задание 8. Прочитайте текст:

    Finding solutions: Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Edison was a great inventor. He thought that every technological problem had a solution. Edison developed more than 1,093 inventions. They included the electric light bulb, the typewriter and an early movie camera. Sometimes he did thousands of experiments to get an invention right. He worked on some ideas for many years to improve the product. Edison thought that his failures were important because he and his scientists learned from each one. 'I failed my way to success,' he said.

    Important dates

    1847 Edison was born in Ohio in the USA. At school, his teachers thought that he wasn't clever so his mother educated him at home.

    1871 Married Mary Stilwell.

    1878 He created the Edison Electric Light

    Company. Later it became the General Electric Company. 1887 He built an invention factory in Menlo Park, near New York City. It was the world's first research laboratory. A team of scientists helped Edison develop his inventions.

    1931 Died in New Jersey, USA.

    Задание 9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “Finding solutions:

    Thomas Alva Edison”:

    1. Where was Edison born? Edison was born in Ohio in the USA.

    2. Did all Edison's inventions succeed the first time? No

    3. Who helped him develop his inventions? A team of scientists

    Задание 10. Составьте вопросительные предложения в Past Simple и ответьте на них:

    1. Edison's teachers / think he was clever? Did Edison's teachers think he was clever? No, the didn`t. His teachers thought that he wasn't clever so his mother educated him at home.

    2. Edison / develop / 1,303 inventions? Did Edison develop 1,303 inventions? No, he didn`t. Edison developed more than 1,093 inventions.

    3. Why / Edison / think / failures / be / important? Why did Edison think failures are important? Because he and his scientists learned from each one.

    4. Who / he / marry? Who did he marry? Married Mary Stilwell.

    When / Edison / create / Edison Electric Light Company? When did Edison create Edison Electric Light Company? He created the Edison Electric Light in 1878.

    1. What / Edison Electric Light Company / become? What did Edison Electric Light Company become? It became the General Electric Company

    2. Where / he / build / his research laboratory? Where did he build his research laboratory? In Menlo Park, near New York City.

    3. When / he / die? When did he die? In 1931.

    Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в скобках или краткие ответы в Past Simple:

    A Thank you for helping with our market research. Here is the first question. What electrical products ___did you buy_______(you / buy) last year?

    В I _____bought_____(buy) a digital radio and a computer.

    A What_____did you do_____(you / do) with your old electrical products?

    В Well, I_______offered___(offer) the computer to my friend, but he _____didn`t want_____(not want) it.

    A So, _______did you take___(you / take) the computer somewhere to recycle it?

    В No, I ______didn`t_____. I ______didn`t have_____(not have) time.

    A ______Did you have____(you have) the address of a company that recycles computers?

    В Yes, I ______did____, but it____was______(be) 40 kilometres from my town.

    A OK. Well, we ____built______(build) a new recycling factory in your town last month.

    В Great!

    Задание 12. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

    1. Hugh Oxley is a manager / professorat the university/ company in Dundee. He teaches communications to MBA students.

    2. We built a new laboratory / office for our Research and Development department. Our students / scientistsdo experiments and test new products there.

    3. The machine isn't working - take it to the electronics room / workshop.

    The researcher / technician can fix it.

    Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя данные ниже слова:

    In, off, fix, wrong, work

    1. There's something _____wrong_____with the printer.

    2. It doesn't______work____ .

    3. He plugged ____in______ the photocopier.

    4. Did you turn ____off______ the computer?

    5. Can you ______fix____it?

    Литература: [1, 5].

    Практическое занятие № 11



    Теоретическая часть

    Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.













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