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  • 2. Oleg’s winter and summer holidays

  • Exercises

  • 2. Complete the following sentences

  • 4. Fill in the missing parts in the following dialogues

  • 5. Answer the questions on the topic

  • 7. Translate into English

  • 8. Speak on the way you usually spend your day off‚ your winter and summer holidays Text 2. The Kirillovs’ week-end

  • 2. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

  • 3. Add some more sentences from the text to expand the following statements

  • Study the following vocabulary before reading the text

  • Text 1. Sunday in England

  • Answer the questions on the text

  • Study the following vocabulary before reading the texts

  • 2. Discuss with your group-mates the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by

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    Chapter 4. Free Time. Travelling

    Text 1. Oleg’s free time

    Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

    Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

    to stay away (from) – пропускать, не ходить

    to be in a hurry – спешить

    garbage – мусор

    to tidy the room – убирать комнату

    plenty of = many (much)

    rather – довольно

    sunbathe – загорать

    leisure – досуг

    pastime – времяпрепровождения

    indoors – внутри (дома)

    to be frozen over – замерзать

    to sledge – кататься на санках

    to be boring – быть скучным

    to pick up – поднимать, собирать

    to go to the seaside – ездить к морю

    to ride – ездить (верхом)

    to cycle – ездить на велосипеде

    1. Oleg’s day off

    Oleg hasn’t much free time on week-days when he studies. But he is more or less free on Sundays. On that day he stays away from classes. He gets up later than usual as he is not in a hurry anywhere. After breakfast he usually tidies the room, takes the garbage away as on week-days he has no time to do it regularly. Then it’s high time to go shopping. The shop is not far from his hostel and it doesn’t take him long to do shopping. But sometimes he goes to the market that is a long way and he has to take a bus to get there.

    As a rule, Oleg has some other things to do. On that day he usually does his hometasks and if it is necessary he visits a library to get ready for classes. Then he may relax.

    What Oleg does on his days off really depends on the weather. If the weather is fine he prefers to visit his friends and they go to the park together. There are a lot of different things going on there, from sport competitions to musical entertainment of various kinds. They can listen to a band or just sit on the bank of the river, have a talk and discuss different problems.

    If the weather is cold or wet, it is not a big problem for Oleg. There are plenty of things he can do indoors. He can read books, listen to music, and watch TV. Watching TV is a very popular leisure activity. He may also go to different entertainment centers such as sport and disco clubs, art centers including exhibitions, cinema, theatre, concert halls, etc. Oleg is very sociable and he often meets friends at his place. They have a nice time together.
    2. Oleg’s winter and summer holidays

    Oleg has much more free time during his holidays: winter and summer. The winter holidays last from January 26 till February 7.

    In winter the weather is cold and it often snows. Everything is white. The river is frozen over. The average temperature is about 5 degrees below 0. Oleg likes such weather. It’s a very good time for sports. He can go in for skiing and skating. Sometimes he makes snowmen and plays snowballs with his friends or sledges with his younger sister from the hill near their house. Unfortunately it gets dark early and he has to come back home and to occupy himself playing computer games, programming or watching sport news on TV. Sometimes winter evenings are rather boring.

    He prefers summer holidays because it’s the warmest season of the year. The sun shines brightly. The sky is often blue and cloudless. It gets light early in the morning and gets dark late at night. As summer holidays last two months, he has much time for his favourite pastime. The weather gives him the opportunity to be more in the open air. Riding a bicycle is the best way of being in a good form and Oleg cycles as much as possible .He also goes to the river to swim and sunbathe or enjoys walks in the forest gathering berries or picking up mushrooms.

    It’s also a good season for travelling. Every year his family goes somewhere by car. Usually they go to the seaside or to the country where their grandparents live. As for Oleg, he enjoys living in a city or town. But after a while, say a week or so, he feels like breathing some fresh air and having a look at the countryside. Oleg’s grandparents have a house in the country. Everything is peaceful and inviting there. He especially likes cycling through the forest along the long lanes.

    Oleg likes active spending of free time. Leisure for him is a source of inspiration.
    1. Reproduce the sentences using the following words and word combinations:

    later than usual

    to do shopping

    far away

    to do indoors

    at one’s place

    to get ready for

    on his day off

    to take away

    2. Complete the following sentences:

    1. If the weather is fine Mike goes… .

    2. If the weather is bad we usually go… .

    3. Do you watch …?

    4. Much depends on… .
    3. Agree to the following statements and add some more information:

    Pattern: – On your day off you go shopping.

    That’s right. I go shopping on my day off as I want to help my mother about the house.
    1. You skate well.

    2. Your father always helps your mother to clean the flat.

    3. Mary went to the skating-rink last Sunday.

    4. Helen had a good time yesterday.

    5. Kate doesn’t often go to the theatre.

    6. It’s a pleasure to see the friends.
    4. Fill in the missing parts in the following dialogues:

    1. A: Were you at home last night?

    B: No, I wasn’t. I skated with my friends on the skating-rink.

    A: Did you have a good time?

    B: …

    1. A: Do you like going to the pictures?

    B: …

    A: Do you often go to the theatre?

    B: …

    A: How often?

    B: …

    A: Not so bad, I think.

    B: …
    5. Answer the questions on the topic:

    1. When do you have your day off?

    2. Do you get up early or late?

    3. Do you go for a walk on week-days or on days off?

    4. What do you usually do when the weather is fine?

    5. How often do you go to the cinema or theatre?

    6. What does Oleg’s leisure depends on?

    7. What does he do during winter holidays?

    8. How long do summer holidays last?

    9. Does he spend more time indoors or outdoors in summer? Why?

    10. You don’t spend the whole day off resting, do you?

    11. Where do you want to spend next week-end?
    6. Ask your friend:

    как он (она) – проводит свободное время зимой

    собирается провести свои летние каникулы

    – добирается до кинотеатра

    – готовится к занятиям

    чем он (она) – увлекается

    занимается по вечерам

    часто ли он (она) – ходит в кино

    – проводит каникулы с родителями

    – ездит на велосипеде
    7. Translate into English:

    1. Где вы проводите свои летние каникулы?

    2. Иногда они ходят в лес собирать грибы и ягоды.

    3. Они прекрасно провели время на зимних каникулах.

    4. За городом мы загораем, играем в футбол и поем песни.

    5. В плохую погоду мои друзья приходят ко мне. Мы играем на гитаре и обсуждаем различные проблемы.

    6. Как правило, утром мне некогда выносить мусор и убирать квартиру.

    7. Мне приходиться готовить еду себе, так как я живу в общежитии.

    8. Кто ходит за покупками в вашей семье?
    8. Speak on the way you usually spend your day off‚ your winter and summer holidays

    Text 2. The Kirillovs’ week-end

    Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.
    Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

    a homesort – домосед

    to get smth. ready – подготовить что-то

    unanimous – единодушный

    a trouble – неполадка

    an engine – мотор

    a spirit – настроение
    It’s a difficult question for the Kirillovs what is the best way to spend the week-ends. There is a difference of opinion in the family. For example, Ann is fond of figure-skating in winter time. In summer time she likes swimming and boating. Oleg is always ready to go fishing, snow or rain. It’s his favourite pastime. His mother is a homesort. She likes to stay at home on week-ends. She likes watching television and knitting, especially when there’s nobody around. As for Oleg’s father he spends his week-ends in different ways. He goes to the theatre or goes for a camping week-end.

    But the week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous. They all agreed to go to the country for a picnic. On Saturday everybody got up early in the morning. Grigory Alexeyevich went out to get the car ready. Meanwhile his wife and Ann were making sandwiches into a basket and Oleg took it down and put it into the car.

    A quarter of an hour later they were ready to go. But Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine. He tried again and again without success. It took him nearly half an hour to find the trouble.

    At last they drove off. The weather was fine. The sun was shining brightly and everybody was in high spirits. Oleg was joking.

    Soon they found a nice place at the riverside. The women wanted to sunbathe while Oleg and Grigory Alexeyevich were fishing. In the afternoon they had their tea and sandwiches.

    It was getting dark when they decided to go back. But Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine again. Everybody was worried. Besides, the weather was changing. It was getting cold.

    They got home very late at night. Everybody was tired but glad the picnic was over.
    1. Use the text to put questions about:

    1) what each member of the family is fond of doing on week-ends;

    2) how the Kirillovs were getting ready for the picnic;

    3) what they were doing at the riverside;

    4) why everybody was glad the picnic was over.
    2. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

    1. Ann is fond of having her week-ends somewhere out.

    2. Oleg is always ready to stay at home on week-ends.

    3. The week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous.

    4. In the morning everybody was busy getting ready for the trip.

    5. Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine for some time.

    6. When they got to the riverside it began to rain.

    7. At the riverside they had a nice time.

    8. In the afternoon they decided to go back.

    9. They got home very early.

    3. Add some more sentences from the text to expand the following statements:

    1. The Kirillovs spend their week-ends in different ways.

    2. The week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous.

    3. The preparations for the trip didn’t take them long.

    4. They had a good time at the riverside.

    5. They got home late at night.
    4. Look through the text once again and speak on:

    1) the way the Kirillovs usually spend their week-ends;

    2) the picnic they went for last week-end.
    5. Be ready to speak about your last week-end.

    Text 3. Oleg’s trip to Minsk

    Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

    Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

    to undertake – предпринять

    to book – заказать заранее

    to board – cесть в поезд (трамвай, на корабль, самолет)

    a booking-office – билетная касса

    a berth – место (для лежания)

    a trough train – прямой поезд

    a return ticket – обратный билет
    Oleg is fond of travelling. Last summer he undertook a trip to Minsk which he will remember forever.

    Oleg was going to the football match which took part in Minsk. He had very little time. He had to book tickets and pack his things.

    He phoned up the railway booking-office and inquired about the time-table and tickets. A clerk replied that there were tickets for the 6.40 train. It was a through express train. That suited Oleg all right.

    Oleg went to the railway booking-office. There were not many people in there. So it didn’t take him long to get a ticket. He bought a return ticket too.

    Oleg came to the station half an hour before the departure. There were a lot of people on the platform. They were waiting for the train to come. At last it arrived. Passengers started getting in. Oleg was among the first to get into the carriage. He quickly found his compartment, found his berth and could relax at last. As he had enough time before the departure he went out onto the platform to buy a newspaper. People were hurrying to get aboard the train. Porters were carrying luggage. Suddenly Oleg looked at the sign on the carriage. It was Gomel – Brest. What a big fool he is! He mixed up the platforms and boarded the wrong train to Minsk. Certainly he missed it. What an awful situation! All his plans went to pieces...
    1. Expend the following statements. Add information from the text:

    a) the purpose of the trip;

    b) the preparation for the trip;

    c) booking a railway ticket;

    d) the failure of his plans.
    2. Answer the questions on the text:

    1. Are you fond of travelling?

    2. Do you travel much?

    3. When did you last travel by train?

    4. Where did you go?

    5. Did you travel by an express or by a stopping train?

    6. You didn’t miss the train, did you?

    7. Did you travel light or heavy?

    8. How did you buy ticket?

    9. Do you prefer to buy a lower or upper berth?
    3. Speak on:

    – your last journey;

    – your journey which impressed you greatly.

    Additional texts for reading

    Text 1. Sunday in England

    Read the text with a dictionary and be ready to answer the questions that follow it.

    The English Sunday is no longer the quiet and dreary day of rest it was in the past. Writing letters, reading novels, playing the piano or violin, riding a bicycle or motorcycle, visiting picture galleries, exhibitions, museums or the Zoo, going to an afternoon or evening concert, all that is no longer considered wicked or improper. Even some cinemas are now open on Sundays and most of the West End restaurants give some music during the dinner hours.

    But in many other respects, things have remained as they were. People do not go to business on Sunday; only a few small shops are open; no letters are delivered in London, except by “Express Sunday Delivery”. The railways, trolley-buses and trams run less frequently than on week-days. A few Sunday newspapers only are published; the theatres and music halls remain closed.
    Answer the questions on the text:

    1. Is Sunday in England a quiet and dreary day of rest?

    2. What can people do on that day?

    3. Is there any difference between week-days and Sundays in England?

    Text 2. Adventure holidays at Beacon Park

    Read the text with a dictionary and be ready to answer the questions that follow it.

    Beacon Park is an adventure holiday camp in South Wales. Young people can stay there without their parents and do lots of different sports and activities. Beacon Park is very big. It is next to a lake in the mountains.

    You can do lots of sports and activities there: you can go canoeing, orienteering, archery, grass-skiing, pony-trekking, rock-climbing, sailing, and windsurfing. You can do computer course, film-making, pottery, weaving.

    During the summer holidays Liz Dean and Sandra Bell from Hatfield stayed at Beacon Park for a week. They enjoyed it very much. Liz wrote about it in her diary.

    Sandra and I arrived at the camp at 4 o’clock this afternoon. You can choose to sleep in tents or caravans. We are in a tent. We share one with 3 other girls, Megan, Fiona and Sarah. For tea we had roast beef with vegetables. It was good. Later we walked round the camp and met some of the others. One boy, Stephen, was very noisy and not very nice. He even hit Sandra once and hurt her. He’s from Birmingham. I hope there aren’t any more here like Stephen.

    Before we went to bed, we went to the washroom with our soap, towels and toothbrushes. But there was mud and dirty water on the floor, so we ran out again fast. Megan’s towel fell in the mud. I lost my toothbrush. It was dark in the tent when we put on our pyjamas. Megan and I tried to put on the same pyjamas.

    During the night some of the boys walked round the tent and shouted, “We are the ghosts of Beacon Park!” We said, “Go away.” Then the tent fell on us.


    We got up at 6.30 and went to the lake to swim. I’ve never got up so early before. It was great, the water was very cold.

    For breakfast we had sausages, eggs, beans, tomatoes and toast. Stephen ate enough for three people. Later he was sick.

    In the morning we went pony-trekking near the camp. We wore special hard hats and rode slowly across the fields. One girl, Samantha, brought her own hat, so we called her “Snobbo”. It was very boring. Stephen shouted, “Let’s play cowboys and Indians.” But the instructor was very angry and sent Stephen back to his tent.

    In the evening there were activities like film-making, but we were too tired.


    When we got up, everything ached: our arms, legs, and feet. Breakfast was sausages, eggs, tomatoes, beans and toasts again. Then we went to the archery field. That was fun. We had a competition. The prizes were packets of sweets. I didn’t win anything.

    In the afternoon we had BMX races. That was great. We also had a slow race. Stephen thought you must come first and not last. He’s so silly. When we rode over the finish line, he shouted, “I’ve won.” “Oh no, you haven’t,” said another boy. “It was a slow race.” And everybody laughed. Stephen tried to push the boy into the mud and the instructor was very angry. He sent Stephen back to his tent again. He stayed there till the evening meal. I felt sorry for Stephen.


    In the morning we went canoeing on the river. Brilliant. And the weather was great, too. A really nice day. Megan and I fell into the river. For our afternoon activity we went to a farm near the camp. We fed the animals and helped to milk the cows. The boys from Stephen’s tent tried to leave Stephen in the cowshed, but the farmer didn’t want him.

    Tea was fish and chips. After tea we played some games with other groups.


    It rained today. And we went sailing. Megan didn’t go because she didn’t want to get wet again. It was probably a good idea because Stephen and his friends played pirates. In the afternoon we went grass-skiing. I really enjoyed that. We wore funny skis with wheels and rolled down a big hill. After the evening meal we had a disco. I met a nice boy from Bayswater in London. He’s as old as me – 13. We want to do the same activities tomorrow.


    This morning we went orienteering. Orienteering is very boring. The instructor drives out of the camp with you and leaves you in a field. You have got a map and you must find your way back to the camp. A boy from Halifax was the leader in our group. His name is Ashraf Khan. We walked across fields and climbed over walls. We hid behind one wall and pushed some of the boys into the river. Everybody was dirty and wet. It was brilliant. In the evening we made a camp-fire. Then we sang song. I talked with Andrew. He’s going to visit me in Hatfield.


    Today was the best day of all. We went canoeing again and we played Indians. We painted our faces and did a war dance. Everybody fell into the river, even the instructor. Then we went to the sports room and had a lot of fun on the trampoline. When Stephen fell off, the others laughed, but I didn’t think it was very funny.

    Andrew says he’s going to write to me and he has visited me to London.

    Sandra and I must go home tomorrow. It’s a pity. I think this place is great.
    Answer the questions on the text:

    1. Why didn’t Liz enjoy the fist day at Beacon Park?

    2. On Monday morning Liz’s arms, legs and feet ached. Can you say why?

    3. Where is Andrew Walker (Ashraf Khan) from?

    4. Why didn’t Megan go with the others on Wednesday?

    5. Why didn’t Liz want to go home?

    Text 3. travelling

    Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

    Study the following vocabulary before reading the texts:

    to take off – взлетать

    to land – приземлиться

    a halt – платформа

    a junction – узловая станция

    pretty often – довольно часто

    a port of call – порт захода
    1. A trip by air

    Modern life is impossible without travelling. Railways, ports and airports are full of people hurrying to catch a train, a ship or a plain.

    Man has always wanted to use the fastest way of travelling. It’s aviation.

    Passengers arrive at the airport in cars, taxes, trolley-buses and buses. Some people wait for their planes in comfortable chairs in the waiting-rooms. Some passengers prefer spending time in a cafe, where tea, coffee, soft drinks, sandwiches and cakes are sold.

    Before they get aboard the plane they have their luggage registered. They don’t take their luggage with them, only a small bag.

    The stewardess greets the passengers and shows them to their seats. She asked the passengers to fasten their seat-belts and not to smoke while the plane is on the ground, while it is taking off, and when it is landing. She gives information about the flight and offers the passengers some mineral water, lemonade and sweets.
    2. A trip by railway

    Travelling by train is slower than that by plane, but it has its advantages, too. Modern trains have comfortable seats in all passenger carriages, and there are sleeping-cars and dining-cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable.

    And what an interesting place a big railway station is! There are a lot of notices: Entrance and Exit, or perhaps Way In and Way Out, Arrivals and Departures, Refreshment Room and Waiting Room. There are shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platform to the waiting trains, the crowds at the booking-office getting tickets. At bookstalls the passengers choose books, magazines or newspapers for the journey.

    When the train is in, the loud speaker announces the passengers to take their seat. The travellers find their berths and arrange their suitcases under the seat or on the racks. Soon the train starts.

    If it is an express train, it doesn’t stop at little wayside stations or halts. It stops at big stations and junctions where some passengers change trains.

    On arriving in a town of his destination, the traveller may leave his heavy luggage in the Left Luggage Office until he finds a hotel or other place to stay in.

    If people need any information about a train, they address the Inquiry Office.
    3. A sea voyage

    Some people prefer to travel by ship when possible. There are large liners, holiday ships and river boats on board which you can visit different countries or parts of their country. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but a sea voyage or river trip is a very pleasant way of spending a holiday. Stewards and stewardesses keep the cabins clean and tidy. A cabin has beds, chairs, wardrobes, dressing tables, etc. Large rooms in a ship are called saloons, so when you see Dining Saloon you know where to go to when it is time for lunch. The passengers do not pay for their meals on board a ship.

    The passengers have every opportunity to enjoy themselves. They play tennis or badminton on the deck. They sit on the deck, watching the sea or river and enjoying the sun. There are film shows and concerts pretty often, and dancing almost every evening. At every port of call they can go ashore and enjoy sightseeing excursions and bathing in the sea
    1. Say what we call the place where:

    – we buy tickets for a train;

    – passengers wait for their trains, planes, etc.;

    – we get all necessary information at the railway station;

    – we leave our luggage;

    – we live when travelling by ship;

    – passengers stay in a strange place.
    2. Discuss with your group-mates the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by:

    – air;

    – sea;

    – rail way.
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