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Part IISelection of Personnel
Task 1. Read and translate the text. When Williams introduced his new policy designed to put Smallcrown back on its feet, there followed a number of resignations from men occupying key positions within the company. The posts that are vacant at the time are those of personnel Manager, Transport Manager, Deputy Company Secretary and Deputy Head of Product Development. Smallcrown advertises these posts and receives a great many applications. On the basis of the applicants’ curriculum vitae a short list of two candidates for each post is drawn up. Those selected are asked by a letter to attend an interview. For this purpose Williams forms a selection board to conduct the interviews. The board consists of himself, Robert Davis and Kevin Murphy. The problem is to select the most suitable applicants of the two applying for each post. Williams is the Chairman of the Selection Board and therefore responsible for leading each interview. Of course he may be not very active in asking questions, but he must pay a great attention to the particular areas of each interview carried out by Davis or Murphy. It is quite clear that Davis, the marketing Manager, should approach each applicant with his marketing requirements firmly in mind, while Murphy, the Production Development Manager should be especially interested in the candidate’s previous experience and his ideas about his future work at Smallcrown. Before interviewing a candidate, each member of the selection board should think over a number of questions which will help to appreciate the essential qualities of the applicant. The points which may help the selection board to work out their attitude to this or that candidate can be the following:
Vocabulary Notes on the Text a number of resignations – ряд заявлений об отставке to occupy a key position – занимать ключевую должность deputy Head – заместитель руководителя Task 2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation: advertise, application, applicant, apply, appreciate, attitude, candidate, curriculum vitae, experience, interview, position, particular, quality, qualification, requirement, resignation, selection, salary, value. Task 3. Explain the meaning of the following terms and expressions in English: An applicant, an application, a selection board, a curriculum vitae (a CV), an interview, a post, a qualification, a salary, a key position. Task 4. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Use them in the sentences of your own: Отборочная комиссия, автобиография, оклад, ключевая должность, заместитель руководителя, заполнить анкету с заявлением о зачислении на работу. Task 5. Reproduce the text on behalf of: a) an applicant, b) one of the managers, c) the secretary, who is present at the selection procedure. Task 6. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words from the box below: