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  • Сборник заданий. Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным. Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам

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    Task 1. You are going to read an article about four young people. Read the text and for questions 1- 10, choose from the four people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. Eg.: 0 – A
    Which person

    1. has a twin?

    2. talks about not depending on another person all the time?

    3. thinks having a long friendship is important?

    4. sometimes acts without thinking?

    5. doesn't like meeting new people?

    6. says good friends don't have to spend a lot of time together?

    7. mentions going out to social occasions together?

    8. has a good working relationship?

    9. talks about having unexpectedly different personalities?

    10. wants to do something creative in the future?

    11. makes another person's life more enjoyable?

      1. FLORA: I'm a singer, and I've had a couple of hit singles. My album is selling well at the moment, and I'm getting more and more work. But I couldn't have done any of this without Tim. He's more than a manager - he's a really good friend too. I'm not in the least a business person - I'm too emotional and sensitive. I can't make difficult decisions, but that's where Tim is so good. He makes decisions more quickly and more carefully than me. The more difficult the situation, the more clear-headed he becomes. And he never upsets people, because he's so open and probably the most honest person I know.

    Opposites attracts

      1. IAN: My sister Eva and I are twins, and we get on really well. I think we're probably far closer than most brothers and sisters. Our friends are surprised when they find out that we're twins, and I suppose that's because they think we will be the same sort of people. And we aren't - not at all. I'm not half as sociable as she is. I'm a bit of an introvert - very quiet and kind of shy. We go to parties most weekends, but I just like talking to people I already know. She's just the opposite. I often complain that she never stops talking, but she loves to chat to new people and find out all about them. She's a lot more outgoing than I am.

      2. NED: I think that old friends are the best of all, and Sam and I have been friends all our lives. Wewere both born in the same hospital, in rooms next to each other. He's a little older than I am - but only by two hours. He was the cleverest kid in our school, and now he's doing a degree in Chemistry. That suits him because he's got quite a scientific mind, and he's very practical and hard-working. For me, Science is the subject I'm the least interested in. I'm crazy about art and I'd love to be a painter. If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll go round the world or become a musician. We don't see each other much, but close friends don't need to, and when we do get together it's like we haven't been apart at all.

    PAULA: Jane and I share a flat, but we're complete opposites. She's by far the most organized person that I know. Look at the way we found this flat: she went to different agents, made lists of all the advantages and disadvantages, and so on. I was much more laid-back about it. I came, had a quick look, said it seemed fine, and we moved in. That's not to say that I rely on her all the time. She also benefits from me too. I'm much more spontaneous and enjoy doing things without thinking them through - like inviting people back to our flat for a party. That makes her panic because she's so cautious, but generally I think she's also a bit happier and has more fun with me around.
    Task 2. Read labels 11-20 and choose the correct answer A, B or C.


      1. Have a drink once a day and take this tablet.

      2. Take a tablet every day with a drink.


      1. Put this medicine in a cupboard away from children.

      2. Keep this medicine where children can see it.


      1. Clean this dressing before putting it on a wound.

      2. Before you put on the dressing, wash the wound carefully.


      1. It is best to keep this medicine in the fridge.

      2. Keep this medicine away from heat or damp.


      1. Students should enquire about their results by post.

      2. Students can see the exam results on a notice.

      3. Students will receive their exam results in the post.


    1. For safety reasons, we look after any luggage while you are inside the stadium.

    2. You are requested to use another stadium gate in case of dangerously large crowds.

    3. Choose the stadium exit that is closest to you if there is an emergency.


      1. If you have collected your ID card, you are allowed inside the factory.

      2. Once you have entered the factory, please report to Security for an ID card.

      3. Hand over your ID card to Security as you enter this factory.



    1. You must wait here for Picasso exhibition tickets unless you have already booked.

    2. Join the queue to buy tickets to enter the Picasso exhibition this morning.

    3. We are no longer taking reservations for tickets to the Picasso exhibition.


      1. Each patient must choose the time thelr two visitors come to visit.

      2. Each patient can have a maximum of two visitors with them at the same time.

      3. Each patient can only have two visits during their time in hospital.


    1. New staff need not sign in after they have received their identity card.

    2. New staff will receive identity cards when they sign in at reception.

    3. New staff have to sign their identity cards at reception.
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