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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 10.03.01 Информационная безопасность

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    Communication devices have changed as much as the techniques people use to communicate. Previous changes to communicating involved adopting newer computers and connecting to networks. Voice communication generally occurred using telephones. For many years, telephones did little more than support voice communication. Over the past several years, personal communication devices and mobile phones have become very powerful. Use of cell phones exploded in the 1990s as people began to use them to extend their mobility. Today’s mobile phones, smartphones, and PDAs have grown to match the power and flexibility of many small computers. A PDA is a lightweight, handheld, usually stylus-driven computer used as a personal organizer, with calendar, address book, and the like. Software publishers have responded with many programs targeted for the portable device market. Tablets, smartphones, and netbooks have emerged to fill a need for lightweight portable devices. A growing number of people carry these devices instead of larger laptops for everyday use.

    One of the big trends affecting organizations of all sizes is the growing use of personal communication devices. As users came to rely on their personal devices, employees came to expect to keep connectivity while at work. Organizations able to permit the devices still had to employ some control over the use of these devices through policy. This policy popularly became known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Organizations with such a policy can allow their employees and contractors to use their own personally chosen and personally procured devices to connect to the network at their office. This practice often replaces the need for the organization to procure limited model options and issue them to employees for individual use. Some advisers will support the “business sense” of such a move as it relates to lower purchase price, lower operational costs, and supportability of users and applications, but others recognize that BYOD opens the door to considerable security issues.

    Users want small devices that are multifunctional and connected. In the past decade, laptops got smaller, lighter, and more powerful. They became powerful enough to match the performance of many desktop computers. Users began to rely on their laptops and enjoy the mobility of taking work away from their desks. They also enjoyed being able to leave their offices and still be connected to email and a growing number of office applications. The user community began to expect mobility and freedom from desktop computers. Computer manufacturers began to offer smaller and lighter laptops to appeal to a growing desire to be connected everywhere without having to carry a heavy device around. The smartphone and PDA manufacturers paid attention as well. They began to make their devices faster and more powerful—more computer-like. One of the leaders in increasing market share among business users was BlackBerry. The first BlackBerry device was released in 1999. It allowed users to use a single device to make phone calls, access email, and manage schedules. Users could also run some applications and perform some of their work without a laptop. Apple followed with its iOS products, starting with the popular iPhone ®. The first iPhone was released in 2007. The first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1 TM, using the brand-new Android operating system, was released in 2008. With these three heavy hitters in the market, the race was on to win the most mobile users.

    There are many uses for mobile devices and applications. Some of the earliest applications were really just lightweight web apps. Users connected to the web server using a lightweight browser on their mobile device. Later smartphones and PDAs supported native applications that did not require continuous network connections. Some applications must be connected at all times, but others do not need to be. One example is an application that stores employee timesheet information on a central server. The mobile device must connect to a network to synchronize data with the server but does not need to maintain a constant connection. Applications that do not require continuous network connection make it possible to work with mobile data aboard, for example, an aircraft or other remote location. One of the earliest uses of mobile devices was to take work away from the workplace. Mobile workers quickly became the drivers for migrating applications to mobile devices. General applications that help manage email and schedules were among the first to be made available. Medical professionals quickly realized the advantages of mobile computing to meet their specific needs.
    (English for Computer Science Students: учеб. пособие / Сост. Т. В. Смирнова, М. В. Юдельсон; науч. ред. Н. А. Дударева)
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