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    Контрольная работа № 4

    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 38.03.04 Государственное и муниципальное управление

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    Among the factors that have influenced the nature and development of local government in New York, one of the most important has been the state’s role as a member—a charter member—of the federal union called the United States. The state and its local governments are an integral element of the federal system.

    At the time the people of the United States were creating the Federal Union in 1787-1789, they deeply feared great concentrations of governmental power. Accordingly, the United States Constitution established more than one principal center of sovereign power.

    Although the United States Constitution does not mention local government, the constitutional fathers were well aware of its existence and importance; it is clear that they saw it as a vital and continuing element of American life.

    The First Congress made the intention of the framers explicit in 1789 when it proposed the Tenth Amendment — all powers which were not delegated to the national government would rest with the states.

    Among other reserved powers, the states were free to subdivide, not only their territory, but also their powers, authority, and functional responsibilities, as they believed appropriate to their unique needs and requirements. Accordingly, every state in its own way has provided for local governments and has endowed them with relatively independent authority to deal with issues that are regarded as local in nature. This has been done within limitations and according to applicable procedures set forth in the United States Constitution. The reapportionment of county legislative bodies to conform with the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment (described in Chapter V) provides a clear example.

    When, as in New York, the people of a state have endowed their local governments with extensive homerule authority through State Constitutional provisions, it is possible to regard the local government as a third level of the federal system. By delegation from the people of the state, the local government constitutes a third center of sovereign power, energy and creativity.
    (New York State. Department of State. URL: https://www.dos.ny.gov/)

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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 38.03.04 Государственное и муниципальное управление

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    Local government in New York State comprises counties, cities, towns and villages, which are corporate entities known as municipal corporations. These units of local government provide most local governmental services.

    Special purpose governmental units also furnish some basic services, such as sewer and water services. School districts, although defined as municipal corporations, are single-purpose units concerned basically with education in the primary and secondary grades. Fire districts, also considered local governments in New York State, are single-purpose units that provide fire protection in areas of towns. Fire districts are classified as district corporations.

    There are other governmental entities which have attributes of local governments, but which are not local governments. These miscellaneous units or entities are generally special-purpose or administrative units normally providing a single service for a specific geographic area.

    In this country’s federal system, consisting of the national, state and local governments, local government is the point of delivery for many governmental services and is the level of government most accessible to and familiar with residents. Local government is often referred to as the grass-roots level of government.

    New York has many local governmental entities that possess the power to perform services in designated geographical areas. While all of these entities fall within the broad definition of “public corporation,”9 only a very small percentage of them are “general purpose” local governments — counties, cities, towns and villages — which have broad legislative powers as well as the power to tax and incur debt. In order to stem the proliferation of overlapping and independent local taxing units, the New York Constitution was amended in 1938 to prohibit the creation of any new type of municipal or other corporation possessing both the power to tax and to incur debt. While New York has long had counties, towns, villages and cities, their powers have increased greatly in the last century. Originally, each individual local government was created by a special act of the State Legislature.

    Each act created the corporate entity, identified the geographical area that would be served by the entity and granted powers and duties. Over time, the State Legislature adopted general laws to govern the nature and extent of local governments’ powers: the Town Law, Village Law, General City Law and the County Law. These general laws still apply, and now are augmented by the overriding constitutional guarantee of “home rule.” A local government’s power is primarily exercised by its legislative body. The general composition of legislative bodies for counties, cities, towns and villages is discussed in the individual chapters addressing each particular form of government. The New York State Constitution, however, guarantees and requires that each county, city, town and village have a legislative body elected by the people of the respective governments.14 Local legislative bodies are granted broad powers to adopt local laws in order to carry out their governmental responsibilities.

    Local governments serve a vital link in the relationship between the states and the federal government under the federal system. Many governmental services, whether from the national or state level, have implications for, or call for the involvement of, local government. Additionally, in exercising its broad legislative authority, a local government can profoundly impact the quality of life of its residents. This sharing of responsibility with the other levels of government emanates from the federal and state constitutions and the various statutory grants of power that the State Legislature has passed to local governments.
    (New York State. Department of State. URL: https://www.dos.ny.gov/)
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