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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 54.03.01 Дизайн

    1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

    There are many organizations and societies that render assistance and recognition to designers and promote leading approaches and methods of design.

    Here are some of them. The Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), headquartered in London, England, is the professional body for designers. It is the world's only Royal chartered body of professional designers. It is unique in that it is multi-disciplinary – representing designers in all design disciplines.

    Founded in 1930 as Society of Industrial Artists, the Society is governed by Royal Charter (granted in 1976), and as such its members are obliged to practice to the highest professional standards. It is also a registered charity in the UK and adheres to best practice as a membership organization. Its Royal Patron is HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.

    The CSD is not a trade body or association, functioning as a learned society. Membership to the Society is only awarded to qualified designers who must also prove their professional capability during an admission assessment. The Society exists to promote concern for the sound principles of design in all areas in which design considerations apply, to further design practice and encourage the study of design techniques for the benefit of the community. It also seeks to secure and promote a professional body of designers and regulate and control their practice for the benefit of the design industry and the general public.

    CSD has an awards programme to ensure that designers are recognised for their work. Awards endorsed or organised by CSD carries enormous merit and value as it is awarded by the world's largest and only Chartered body of professional designers. The Minerva Service Award is to be awarded to members of the Society who have made an outstanding contribution to the life and success of the Society. The Minerva Medal is the highest award the Society can give to its members, usually for an overall lifetime achievement in design. Many who have received it are recognizable names, each having helped to raise the professionalism of design.

    The European Design Awards, also known as the ED-Awards, are annual awards presented to European designers for outstanding work in the communication design field. The ED-Awards is a joint initiative of design magazines from across Europe and endorsed by the International Council of Graphic Design Associations. The ED-Awards are judged by a panel of representatives from eleven European design magazines. The awards are presented at the end of the three-day European Design Conference, and the submissions are featured in the ED-Awards Catalogue.

    The jury consists of eleven representatives from high-profile European design magazines: “2+3D”, Poland; “CAP&Design”, Sweden; “+design”, Greece; “étapes:”, France; “Eye”, UK; “IDPURE”, Switzerland; “Items”, The Netherlands; “[kAk)”, Russia; “novum”, Germany; “TYPO”, the Czech Republic; “Visual”, Spain.
    (Касаткина Т.Ю. English for Design Students: учеб.пособие)
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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 54.03.01 Дизайн

    1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

    Design is the organized arrangement of one or more elements and principles (e.g. line color or texture) for a purpose. Awareness of the elements and principles in design is the first step in creating successful visual compositions. These principles, which may overlap, are used in all visual design fields, including graphic design, industrial design, architecture and fine art. The principles of design are as varied as attitudes regarding modern design. They differ both between the schools of thought that influence design, and between individual practicing designers.

    The principles govern the relationships of the elements used and organize the composition as a whole. Successful design incorporates the use of the principles and elements to serve the designer's purpose and visual goals. There are no rules for their use. The designer's purpose and intent drives the decisions made to achieve appropriate scale and proportion, as well as the degree of harmony between the elements. Design principles are a technical and artificial method to attempt to produce home architectural and interior design beauty.

    The principles of design consist of: unity, balance, harmony, contrast, repetition (rhythm, pattern), variety (alternation), emphasis (dominance, focal point or area in a room's decor), proportion (scale), functionality, attraction and design styling, artistic unity, genuineness in media and form, form and function, proximity, decluttering, organization and harmonization of accessories, lighting and light reflection.

    Design methods. 1. Design by experimentation: experiment with different shapes, materials, sizes of shapes to optimize functionality and aesthetics of design; for example choosing a good size for a sconce. 2. Design by modification: modify an existing design to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a design; for example modify a colour of a couch to match the colour in a drapery.

    3. Design by chance: for example scribble some lines and curves randomly with a pencil on a piece of paper then choose a shape outline seen in it that perhaps may be used as a wood table top. 4. Design by sketching: sketch a house or room design on paper or on computer; sketches and drawings can be easily modified. 5. Design using a moodboard: photographs of lamps and couches, paint swatches, wood samples, textile samples, and room sketches can be placed on the moodboard to help visualize a room design. 6. Design in the mind: may be able to visualize visually pleasing designs of rooms and houses in the mind, entire design project (room decor) can be checked this way inexpensively; this may be the best way to refine a home design. 7. Design with “direct” method: direct is abbreviation for describe, investigate, record, evaluate, construct, and try; for example describe design requirements, investigate design requirements and feasibility, record design progress and plans, evaluate the design to see if design requirements were met, construct the design, and then try or test the home design.

    Colour theory in interior design includes the colour wheel. The colour wheel are the colours of the rainbow arranged in a circular array. Colour theory also involves the idea of how colour affects human thought and emotions. Pastel colours are considered as soothing colours. Red on sports cars is considered a daring colour, or may be used to bring emphasis to a part in a design. Colours that have red such as orange, reddish-brown and yellow are assumed to be warm colours because we associate these with sunlight. Woody browns are considered as cozy colours. Colours than have blue are cool colours because we associate blue will cool water and ice. Ice cream packages with white, blue and silver colours may be associated with cool so that buyers may be inclined to buy ice cream on a hot summer day. Colour harmony is a pleasing combination of colours and the amount of these colours in a design like a room decor. Colour harmony could also be a visually pleasing colour combination that enhances the style and character of a design like a home interior design. Colour harmony is also using a limited number of colours in a colour palette usually seven or less initially to help preserve design unity. A visually pleasing colour combination may be chosen for the colour palette of a room for a particular age group and gender. Light neutral colours as dominant colours in a room seem more visually pleasing for people over age 35, because perhaps it resembles the colours in natural stone or wood.
    (Касаткина Т.Ю. English for Design Students: учеб.пособие)
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