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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 10.03.01 Информационная безопасность

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    The evolution and rapid growth of the Internet was possible with the deployment of nationwide optical fiber backbone networks. Faster speeds and greater bandwidth deliver more opportunities for humans to interact with connected things. With high-speed networks now extending to the mobile user, the opportunities are limitless. Today’s consumer and business user benefits from broadband connectivity, thanks to nationwide cellular and wireless Internet service providers (ISPs). Fueled by the optical fiber backbone infrastructure growth of the late 1990s, ISPs extended their reach by connecting to cellular networks throughout the United States. This led to a surge in connecting mobile endpoints such as smartphones and tablets. People, businesses, and now their devices are connecting to the Internet.

    Parents can keep an eye on their children through a secure webcam connection monitoring their living room or day care center. Businesses are using the Internet to conduct secure transactions. Vending machines are now equipped with a cellular phone network antenna for secure credit card transaction processing. Smartphones and tablets that are cellular or Wi-Fi connected can be equipped with secure credit card transaction software. Credit card swiping attachments are also available for mobile payments. Rural healthcare services can be provided using telemedicine, secure video communications, and collaboration. Any device that can connect to the Internet can be accessed by the owner of that device.

    The term Internet of Things (IoT) was first used in 1999. Kevin Ashton, a British technology visionary, first used it to describe objects connected to the Internet—any type of objects. Mr. Ashton’s IoT describes objects in the physical world connecting to the Internet and allowing for any-to-any connectivity as long as the use is authorized by its owner. At the same time, radio frequency identification (RFID) was being implemented within supply chain management processes to track the movement of goods and their delivery. Today, the term IoT is used to describe how a wide variety of objects, devices, sensors, and everyday items can connect and be accessed. Connecting IP devices and other objects to the Internet is not a new idea, but the vision of what’s possible with IoT is gaining momentum. The speed of IoT implementations is not slowing down; in fact, it is rapidly increasing. This creates the issues and challenges described previously. Technology and market trends laid the foundation for IoT and are driving where IoT is headed. The danger in this system lies in the fact that these drivers push development and connectivity ahead of the security, privacy, and regulatory compliance that might govern it. How can we protect all of these IP-connected devices? Is it a good idea to connect all your objects and devices to the Internet? The following technology and market trends are drivers for IoT:

    IP-based networking is globally adopted—The Internet provides global connectivity for any user, business, or device.

    • Connectivity is everywhere—Broadband Internet connectivity is provided free in many public areas and as a benefit for customers (e.g., bars, restaurants, etc.) in cities globally.

    • Smaller and faster computing—Smaller semiconductors and faster chips results in faster computing and smaller device sizes.

    • Cloud computing is growing—Cloud services allow for faster and easier access to data and content.

    Data analytics feeds the growth—Capturing and studying the analytics of what, how, when, and why devices connect and communicate on the Internet feed analytics for enhancing service and performance. The IoT provides an avenue for things to connect. This connectivity encompasses both personal and business life. IoT applications are being developed and hosted in secure cloud infrastructures. This can support a one-to-many delivery model via the Internet. Application service providers (ASPs) are software companies that build applications hosted in the cloud and on the Int ernet. Users don’t have to buy software and install it on their workstations or laptop computers; rather, they run the applications hosted in a cloud using a secure browser. This is sometimes referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS) computing. With the growth in cloud hosting companies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) came the growth in cloud application development. IoT applications for both personal and business scenarios were born. With ASPs building SaaS applications, new online e-businesses were born. The days of needing a bricks-and-mortar storefront are gone. Today you must have a storefront on the World Wide Web. Without an online presence, businesses have no access to global users and suppliers. Internet marketing, having a World Wide Web presence, and maximizing search engine optimization (SEO) are all important business requirements in today’s IP-connected world.
    (English for Computer Science Students: учеб. пособие / Сост. Т. В. Смирнова, М. В. Юдельсон; науч. ред. Н. А. Дударева)
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