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  • Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык. DECOMMISSIONING OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS

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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 24.05.01 – «Проектирование, производство и эксплуатация ракет и ракетно-космических комплексов»

    1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.

    The name "mechatronics" was originated in 1969 by senior engineer Tetsura Mori. He was working for a Japanese company called Yaskawa Electric Corporation that was famous for building mechanical factory equipment. At that time, Yaskawa Electric Corporation was using some electronic features for manufacturing mechanical equipment. Mori wanted to introduce a technical term for that new technology, so he combined the two technical words ‘mechanical’ and ‘electronics’ and created the new word "Mechatronics". In 1970, Yaskawa applied to make this word a registered brand and got the rights in 1973. But, at that time this term didn’t gain much popularity. After the 1980s, the term started gaining popularity because of its useful features. Earlier, this term was based on only some electrical and electronic computers, but after the 1980s, the use of computer technology was integrated. The controlling and functioning of machines became much easier by use computer hardware and software. This allowed the start of manufacturing of a variety of products of any size with very high accuracy and comparatively low cost.

    Mechatronics, although still a new term as compared to other well established branches of engineering, now seems to be firmly established. Now, individuals and industries around the world use the term freely. At the research and development level, mechatronics is classified into ten technical areas: Motion Control, Robotics, Automotive Systems, Intelligent Control, Actuators and Sensors, Modeling and Design, System Integration, Manufacturing, Micro Devices and Optoelectronics, and Vibration and Noise control.

    Now the application area of mechatronics is extremely broad. This technology is firmly used in the automation of machines, servo-mechanics, industrial goods, biomedical systems, energy and power systems, vehicular systems, data communication systems, computer aided design, CNC and DNC systems, etc. Robotics is directly dependent upon this technique. There are uncountable examples where this technology is used. But proper application, utilization, and maintenance of these high technology products and systems are also some important characteristics because these factors are responsible for the enhancement of productivity and the quality of the product and system. Obviously, the design of future products will involve a combination of precision mechanical and electronic systems, and mechatronics will be the basis for all activities in products and production technology.
    (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. URL: https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/robots-grow-in-numbers)

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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 24.05.01 – «Проектирование, производство и эксплуатация ракет и ракетно-космических комплексов»

    1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.

    By definition, robots are aids created to make work easier, faster, more accurate, and safer to do. They are mechanically driven and have some artificial intelligence that can be programmed to perform different commands. Robots have been developed for many reasons, but have largely found their major use in the manufacturing sector. Some of the work that can be performed by industrial robots is the lifting of heavy weights, painting, drilling, welding, and handling chemicals and hazardous materials. These robots are mainly fixed and have limited movement.

    Maintenance departments and facilities that handle hazardous material also use robots to do work. Exploration missions to the moon and more recently to Mars used robotic equipment to survey and collect data for research centers on earth. Exploration robots are built to withstand extreme conditions and are mobile; they need to be mobile to conduct geological surveys and collect data and samples. Anti-terrorism agencies and the military use robots to neutralize dangerous things like bombs or mines. Personal robots are rare since they need to be programmed to do many different tasks.

    When industrial robots stop working or are replaced with newer versions, it is called "decommissioning". The problem of disposal, of course, starts after the robot has been decommissioned. Resale, sending to a scrap yard, using it for land-fill, and recycling are some of the options available for decommissioned robots. The fate that a decommissioned robot meets depends on the nature of work for which it was developed, the materials used for making it, and the law of the land. If no potential customer for the used equipment comes forward, retired industrial robots should ideally be sent to recycling plants for the proper disposal of the different materials used to build them. Most robots are built using plastic and metals, which should not pose any dangers, but within these robots are many electronic sensors, motion detectors, batteries, motors, and other part that may contain harmful materials. This does not apply to all robots, but particularly does for robots that are constructed as a single operational unit.

    Robotic attachments like used pick and place robots, painting robots, and precision welding, positioning, and manufacturing robots, as well as all robots that receive commands from a central command, do not pose a high pollution risk as they are composed mostly of mechanical parts. Nevertheless, all used robots, if possible, should be sent to robot recycling units who specialize in dismantling them and extracting all the reusable parts and materials.

    Robots that have been used in certain hazardous operations such as inside nuclear power plants may never get proper disposal due to the nature of the work they have to do. When they are retired or break down, replacement is done and the old robot is moved to a storage area within the secured perimeter. Exploration robots are also never built for cycling since there fate is not predictable. Robots on the moon and mars are some example of these kinds of irretrievable robots. Back on earth the problem is getting bigger with the risk of contamination of water reservoirs and underground water by harmful elements that are contained within the artificial intelligence and sensors that controls the robots mobility and precision. People who are environmentally conscious have created innovative ways by which they can contribute to reducing pollution.
    (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. URL: https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/robots-grow-in-numbers)
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