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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 38.03.01 Экономика (Экономика предприятий и организаций)

    1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

    Individuals, and groups of people doing business as a partnership, have unlimited liability for debts, unless they form a limited company. If the business does badly and cannot pay its debts, any creditor can have it declared bankrupt. The unsuccessful business people may have to sell nearly all their possessions in order to pay their debts. This is why most people doing business form limited companies. A limited company is a legal entity separate from its owners, and is only liable for the amount of capital that has been invested in it. If a limited company goes bankrupt, it is wound up and its assets are liquidated (i.e. sold) to pay the debts. If the assets don't cover the liabilities or the debts; they remain unpaid. The creditors simply do not get all their money back.

    Most companies begin as private limited companies. Their owners have to put up the capital themselves, or borrow from friends or a bank, perhaps a bank specializing in venture capital. The founders have to write a Memorandum of Association (GB) or a Certificate of Incorporation (US), which states the company's name, its purpose, its registered office or premises, and the amount of authorized share capital. They also write Articles of Association (6B) or Bylaws (US), which set out the duties of directors and the rights of shareholders (GB) or stockholders (US). They send these documents to the registrar of companies.

    A successful, growing company can apply to a stock exchange to become a public limited company (6B) or a listed company (US). Newer and smaller companies usually join 'over-the-counter' markets, such as the Alternative Investment Market in London or Nasdaq in New York. Very successful businesses can apply to be quoted or listed (i.e. to have their shares traded) on major stock exchanges. Publicly quoted companies have to fulfil a large number of requirements, including sending their shareholders an independently audited report every year, containing the year's trading results and a statement of their financial position. The act of issuing shares (6B) or stocks (US) for the first time is known as floating a company (making flotation). Companies generally use an investment bank to underwrite the issue, i.e. to guarantee to purchase all the securities at an agreed price on a certain day, if they cannot be sold to the public.

    Companies wishing to raise more money for expansion can sometimes issue new shares, which are normally offered first to existing shareholders at less than their market price. This is known as a rights issue. Companies sometimes also choose to capitalize part of their profit, i.e. turn it into capital, by issuing new shares to shareholders instead of paying dividends. This is known as a bonus issue. Buying a share gives its holder part of the ownership of a company Shares generally entitle their owners to vote at a company`s Annual General Meeting (GB) or Annual Meeting of Stockholders (US), and to receive a Proportion of distributed profits in the form of a dividend - or to receive part of the company's residual value if it goes into liquidation. Shareholders can sell their shares on the secondary market at any time, but the market price of a share - the price quoted at any given time on the stock exchange, which reflects (more or less) how well or badly the company is doing - may differ radically from its nominal value.
    (Шпетный К.И., Калмыкова Е.И., Захарова М.А., Казанчян К.П. Английский язык для экономистов)
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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 38.03.01 Экономика (Финансы и кредит)

    1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.

    An alternative school of thought advocates free banking. In the 19th century, free banking was unregulated by government authorities, they did not need a charter or licence to operate, and issued their own bank notes. There were periods of free banking in Scotland (1716–1844), Sweden (1831–1903), Switzerland (1826–1907) and Canada (1867–1914). Cameron (1972) argued that Scottish free banking fostered economic growth because of the intense competition between the banks, which forced them to innovate. He credits the banks as being the first to introduce branch banking, interest paid on deposits, and overdraft facilities. Dowd (1993) argued the free banking episodes in Scotland, Sweden and Canada were highly successful.

    Modern-day usage of the term ‘‘free banking’’ refers to a highly competitive system operating without a central bank or regulations. Proponents of free banking claim central banks have the potential to encourage collusive behaviour among banks, thereby increasing their monopoly power. In the absence of government regulation, private banks have a collective interest in devising a framework to prevent runs. It could take the form of private deposit insurance and/or a private clearing house, which acts as lender of last resort. See, among others, Dowd (1993), Friedman and Schwartz (1986), White (1986). However, a private clearing house could also encourage collusion among banks. In Chapter 1, recall Cruickshank (2000) claimed that the private settlements system in the UK has resulted in the big banks exercising monopoly power, resulting in higher settlement charges for banks and customers. Furthermore, private deposit insurance and/or lender of last resort institutions merely replicate what a central bank does, so the same monitoring problems exist, creating incentives to free-ride.

    Free banking also raises macroeconomic issues, because banks issue their own notes. No bank should have an incentive to issue too many notes because they will be exchanged for specie at that bank, thus running down its reserves. However, Nelder (2003) argues the above is only true if holders of the notes have to return to the bank where they are issued. However, if the notes issued by the different banks are perfect substitutes (or perceived to be by the public), then smaller banks have an incentive to issue an excessive supply of notes because there is a greater chance they will be redeemed at the larger banks. He argues that in the Swiss case, this resulted in an over-issue of notes, causing the depreciation of the Swiss franc. As a result, the banks agreed to give up their right of issue, and approved the establishment of a central bank, controlled by the federal government.

    Nelder argues Sweden and Scotland also experienced periods of excess issue, but Canada escaped it because there was little in the way of effective price competition between the banks. Though the free banking idea is interesting in theory, it is very unlikely that the regulatory systems of western countries will be dismantled to allow an experiment. For this reason, the issue is not explored any further. The rest of this chapter is devoted to issues related to the global regulation of banks.
    (Шпетный К.И., Калмыкова Е.И., Захарова М.А., Казанчян К.П. Английский язык для экономистов)
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