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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 38.03.01 Экономика (Финансы и кредит)

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    The international coordination of prudential regulation at global level is increasingly important. As was discussed in Chapter 2, there has been a rapid growth of international banking, and financial conglomerates. A number of arguments favour global coordination of prudential regulations. First, policy makers, bank management and regulators recognise that problems with the global institutions and markets could undermine the stability of the international financial system, and therefore the environment in which all banks operate.

    Second, if a branch or subsidiary of a bank is located in another country, there is the question of which supervisory authority should have jurisdiction over the branch. Home country regulators will want to ensure a bank’s overseas operations meet their supervisory standards because foreign operations will be difficult to monitor but affect the performance of the parent. Host country authorities are concerned with the effect the failure of a foreign bank could have on the confidence in its banking system. They will want to see the foreign branch to be adequately supervised, but will lack information about the parent operations. For these reasons, effective international coordination will only be achieved if there is good communication between the supervisory authorities.

    Third, if all multinational banks are required to meet the same global regulations, compliance costs will be similar. Hence a global approach to regulation can help to level the competitive playing field for banks with international operations. It is worth noting that decisions taken by international regulators are increasingly being used as benchmarks for other banks. For example, the Basel Committee’s (see below) 1988 agreement on capital standards was adopted by not only the member countries, but also by governments that were not signatories to the agreement. Also, many regulators impose the Basel agreements on domestic banks.

    On the other hand, it could be argued that international banking is largely wholesale, making prudential regulation less important from the standpoint of consumer protection, depending as it does on interbank and corporate business. However, the performance of a global bank will affect the confidence of depositors and investors located in the home country. Unprotected wholesale depositors are capable of starting bank runs, and the enormous size of the interbank market creates the potential for a rapid domino effect. Often, the first indication of a problem bank is when it has trouble raising interbank loans – wholesale depositors will be the first to withdraw their money.

    An excellent example of this phenomenon is Continental Illinois Bank, rescued by a ‘‘lifeboat’’ in 1984. The bank was highly dependent on the interbank markets for funding, which was quickly cut off once rumours about its health began to circulate. The rapid loss in liquidity merely exacerbated the problems, prompting a rescue organised by the Federal Reserve. Furthermore, if a global bank acquires a bad reputation as a result of some international transaction, and has a retail presence in its home country, it may find itself the target of a run. Finally, global financial conglomerates, if they get into difficulties, can cause problems in more than one country.
    (Шпетный К.И., Калмыкова Е.И., Захарова М.А., Казанчян К.П. Английский язык для экономистов)
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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 38.05.02 – «Таможенное дело»

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    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade. The organization officially commenced on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements, which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments. WTO's current Director-General is Pascal Lamy, who leads a staff of over 600 people in Geneva, Switzerland.

    In 2011, Russia completed negotiations regarding its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Membership of the WTO will give Russia the advantages of being able to play a role in setting world trade rules, of Russian manufacturers not seeing their goods discriminated against on foreign markets, and of trade disputes between Russia and other partners being able to be resolved using procedures within the WTO framework. After Russia becomes a member of the WTO (the necessary legal procedures have been successfully completed in autumn 2012), the rates of duty may not be established at a rate higher than is set by Russia's obligations to the WTO. In the Customs Union's current Harmonized Customs Tariff, the rates of import duty are no higher than 5 percent for more than 40 percent of commodity classifications codes, which when there are currency fluctuations of the nature witnessed in 2011 can scarcely be regarded as a protective barrier against imports.

    It should be also noted that, in Russia and the Customs Union, not all the measures to stimulate the setting up of new manufacturing, including export-oriented and high technology, that do not contradict to the WTO rules have been used measures. For example, the processing customs regimes has not been put into practice. Also, in many cases the Customs Union's Harmonized Customs Tariff violates the tariff escalation principle by setting rates of import duty for ready products at a significantly lower level than those for the materials and components from which they are made. Requirements for customs formalities and procedures constitute a minor part of the WTO rules. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1947 contains general principles for arranging customs formalities with a view to them not being artificial barriers in trade. Article VIII of GATT requires customs fees to be restricted in their amount to the approximate value of the services supplied, and not to be used for fiscal purposes. After Russia becomes a member of the WTO, the maximum amount of customs fees will be 30,000 rubles as opposed to 100,000 rubles currently.

    Article VIII of GATT establishes also the principle that punishments for customs violations must be proportionate: "No contracting party shall impose substantial penalties for minor breaches of customs regulations or procedural requirements. In particular, no penalty in respect of any omission or mistake in customs documentation that is easily rectifiable and obviously made without fraudulent intent or gross negligence shall be greater than necessary to serve merely as a warning." In practice, if, before a customs declaration is submitted, an importer or its customs broker have not identified errors in documents submitted to the customs office, the penalty, for example, for incorrectly referring to an article of the commodity in the customs declaration, may be up to 200 percent of the value of the goods.
    (Никитин В.В. Customs Authority. Сборник текстов)

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