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  • 15. Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами [6].

  • 16. Замените придаточные предложения причины причастными оборотами.

  • 17. Преобразуйте данные ниже предложения, заменяя подчеркнутые придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.

  • 19. Откройте скобки, используя перфектную форму причастия I [6].

  • 22. Заполните пропуски соответствующим причастием [6].

  • 23. Выберите нужную форму причастия [6] .

  • 25. Раскройте скобки и переведите предложения на русский язык [6].

  • 26. Переведите следующие русские причастия и деепричастия на английский язык.

  • 28. Переведите на английский язык, заменяя придаточные предложения абсолютным причастными оборотами.

  • 29. Выберите правильный вариант.

  • Экология. НОВ.2019_Сборник_контрольных_работ_для_заочников_ФЗО_1. Технологический университет

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    1. The syndicate controls prices and output and, allotting (отводить, выделять) quotas to its members, it divides the market demand among them.

    2. Boom is a period of increased business activity when a rising demand for all commodities results in increased industrial production.

    3. If free migration between countries is allowed, people from poor countries will be able to go elsewhere looking for higher incomes.

    4. People working in their own businesses should calculate the cost of their own time spent in running the business.

    5. Varying input, the firm can vary output.

    6. The work of a farmworker and the work of a nurse are very different, but both are measured in terms of payment received.

    14. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание нанезависимый причастный оборот.

    1. An increase in price of one percent resulting in an increase in supply of more than one percent, the supply is called elastic.

    2. Ceiling prices being controlled by the government, goods may find their way to the black market.

    3. In the next 25 years or so, the average age in the United States increasing, problems of the aged rather than young people will be of importance.

    4. With a financial panic everyone wanting his money at the same time, the bank is unable to pay.

    5. Cheques being accepted in payment of purchases, people feel that a bank account is as good as or even better than money in their pocket.

    6. The two principal economic systems were considered to be capitalism and socialism, mixed economies lying in between those.

    7. Natural resources are one of the three factors of production, the other two being labour and capital.

    8. Auctions make buyers bid against each other, with the seller taking a passive role.

    9. The world distribution of income is unjust, with poor countries having 61 percent of the world's population, but receiving only 6 percent of the world income.

    15. Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами [6].

    1. All the people who live in this house are engineers. 2. The woman who is preparing a report now is our manager. 3. The young woman who helps the teacher to take his books studies at school. 4. People who buy tickets must show it to conductor. 5. There are many students in our group who take part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities.
    16. Замените придаточные предложения причины причастными оборотами.

    1. As Kate now felt more at ease, Paul spoke in a louder voice. 2. Since she knew who the man was, Jack was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him. 3. As they thought that it was their cousin at the window, Peter and Mike decided to open it. 4. As the people were afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, they felt their way about very carefully. 5. Since he needed a shelter for the night, Mike decided to go to the neighbours’ house.

    17. Преобразуйте данные ниже предложения, заменяя подчеркнутые придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.

    1. Supply restrictions that are imposed by cartels are as characteristic of industrialized economies as of developing economies. 2. Excess supply is a situation in which the quantity of a good that is demanded by buyers is less than the quantity that is supplied by producers. 3. Society increasing the quantity of one good that is produced at one time typically reduces the quantity of another good that is produced at the same time. 4. Some of the inputs that an individual uses are food, chairs and tables, but another input of great importance is time. The consumer's time is limited, and this time limitation as well as his or her limited income influence the decisions that are made in dav-to-dav life.
    19. Откройте скобки, используя перфектную форму причастия I [6].

    1. ________(See) so little of the country side, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions. 2. ________(Arrive) four days before the conference he had a lot of time to see Manchester. 3. Sue felt very tired ________(work) the whole day in the sun. 4. (Buy) a pair of gloves we moved to the shoe department. 5. He left (tell) us all he had found out. 6. (Get) what they wanted they took their coat and left. 7. By this time (get used) to the atmosphere of the big city, Kate no longer felt a stranger. 8. Paul felt refreshed and rested (sleep) for nine hours. 9. (Complete) all his preparations Jack hired a taxi and hurried off. 10. Never (experience) such difficulties he was at a loss.
    20. Откройтескобки, используяпричастиепрошедшеговремени (причастиe II) [6].

    1. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread _______(divide) into two halves. 2. There was another pause ________(break) by a fit of laughing of one of the old men sitting in the first row. 3. The child _______(leave) alone in the large room began screaming. 4. The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester _________(connect) with Liverpool by a canal. 5. The story _________(tell) by the old captain made the young girl cry. 6. He did not doubt that the information _________(receive) by morning mail was of great interest for his competitors. 7. The equipment _________(install) in the shop is rather sophisticated. 8. We’ve got a great variety of products, which are in great demand. Here are some samples _______(send) to our distributors last month. 9. The methods _______(apply) in the building of the new metro stations proved to be efficient. 10. She warned over the dinner that she ________(cook) yesterday.
    21. Заполнитепропускисоответствующимпричастием [6].

    1. He fell asleep _______________(exhaust) by the journey. 2. She entered the dining room ____________ (accompany) by her husband and her father. 3. A snake ___________ (sleep) in the grass will bite if anyone treads upon it. 4. __________ (Fill) his pockets with apples the boy was about to run away when he saw the owner of the garden with a stick in his hand. 5. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer _____________ (promise) heat. 6. When I came home, I found the table ______ (lay). 7. ________ (Judge) by the colour of the sun it should be windy tomorrow. 8. _________ (Arrive) at a big seaport, I started to look for a job. 9 He had received an urgent message _________ (ask) him to telephone Sir Matthew. 10. He looked at groups of young girls _______ (walk) arm in arm. 11. In the wood they sat down on a _______ (fall) tree. 12. _________ (See) from the hill the city looks magnificent. 13. _________ (Not know) where to go he turned to a passer by. 14. __________ (Lock) in her room she threw a fit. 15. ________ (Address) the parcel, I went out at once to post it. 16. She often took care of my little sister _______ (give) me a possibility to play with other boys. 17. ________ (Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it. 18. Paul sat down again, evidently _______ (change) his mint about going.
    22. Заполните пропуски соответствующим причастием [6].

    Paul: You must be very 1) ________________ (excite). London is a 2)______________(fascinate) city. There are so many 3)______________ (interest) things to do. You won’t be 4)____________________ (bore).

    Farid: Well, I’m a bit 5)________________ worry because I can’t speak English very well.

    Paul: You should buy a phrase book and then you won’t be 6)_______________ (embarrass) if someone speak to you. They won’t be 7)______________ (annoy) if you make a mistake, and most people will be 8)_____________ (please) if you ask something in French.

    Farid: I’m sure they’ll find my accent very 9)______________ (amuse).

    Paul: Don’t be silly. I’m sure you’ll have a very 10)_________ (stimulate) holiday.
    23. Выберите нужную форму причастия [6].

    1. The children were thrilled / thrilling with the clown’s tricks.

    2. The adventure was excited / exciting.

    3. She was interesting / interested in anything antique.

    4. Her experience was terrified / terrifying.

    5. The police were puzzled / puzzling by the clues.

    6. What an amazing / amazed person he is!

    7. He was very surprised / surprising by her sudden change of attitude.

    8. She felt relaxed / relaxing in the hot sun.

    9. He was distributed / distributing by the threatening phone calls.

    10. He found the history lesson extremely bored / boring.

    24. Заполнитепропускисоответствующимпричастием [6].

    Carla has been 1)_______________ (interest) in dancing since she was a little girl. When she put on her own “performances” at home for her relatives, they were all 2)______________ (entertain) by the sight of the young girl twirling around in her home-made costumes. No one guessed, however, that by the age of eighteen she would be an 3) _______________ (entertain) spectacle for a much larger audience. Carla’s family were 4)________________ (thrill) to attend a Royal Performance and to witness their little girl’s 5)____________ (excite) debut, Carla herself was more 6)_______________ (excite) and 7) _________________ (frighten) that she’d ever been in her life. Her climb to fame had been extremely 8)_____________ (reward). And now, here she was, dancing for the Queen. How 9)_______________(please) she felt! But even more 11) _______________ (thrill).
    25. Раскройте скобки и переведите предложения на русский язык [6].

    1. The motor (be) in good order, we could start at any moment. 2. All questions (settle), we parted. 3. It (be) very late, we went home. 4. My brother (finish) writing a letter, I posted it. 5. There (be) nothing to do, we rested a little. 6. The weather (be) windy, we did not risk crossing the bay. 7. The tank (fill) at last, Tom started the motor. 8. There (be) no time left, we must hurry. 9. A private sitting-room (be) engaged, the bedrooms inspected, an dinner ordered, the party walked out to view the city and adjoining neighborhood. 10. The commander (be) given the order, the general rode off. 11. There (be) no further preliminaries to arrange, the company went home in twos and threes. 12. His habit (be) to rest after dinner, we dared not disturb him. 13. My friend (be) very busy, I could not see him. 14. The servants (be) sent away, the conversation began. 15. This much (agree) upon, the members proceeded with the discussion. 16. But nobody (be) in sight, they again closed the door and refastened. 17. Such (be) the result, the public interest in the affair will be readily understood. 18. The steel pipes (embed) in the base, the whole structure is very stable. 19. Cutting is effected by the backward stroke, the frame (be) hydraulically lifted from the work on the forward stroke, thus reducing wear on the blade to minimum.
    26. Переведите следующие русские причастия и деепричастия на английский язык.

    Принося, приносящий, принесенный, принеся, звонящий, звонивший, звонив, переводящий, читая, читающий, написав, пишущий, берущий, сделанный, созданный, учрежденный, рассказанный, рассказывающий, потерянный, нарисованный, нарисовав, берущий, взятый, взяв, объясняя, выпитый, прыгая, плавая, подписывающий, знающий, выпивающий, строящий, играющий, проданный, поющий, видевший, идущий, сказав, сидевший, посмотрев, забытый, строящийся, поиграв, рассказавший, видя, принесший, будучи принесенным, продав, доставленный, отгруженный, обсужденный, прослушанный.
    27. Переведите на английский язык, используя причастие, где необходимо.

    1. Будьте осторожны, когда переходите дорогу.

    2. На стене висело несколько картин, написанных Репиным.

    3. Получив письмо, моя мама немедленно поехала в Санкт-Петербург.

    4. Я не знаю ту девушку, говорившую с моим братом.

    5. Уехав утром, мы прибыли в Москву в обед.

    6. Павел отправил ей сообщение, не застав ее дома.

    7. Устав, Майкл и Питер решили передохнуть.

    8. Мы не запомнили имя менеджера, представившегося нам в магазине вчера.

    9. Они сидели на крыльце, наслаждаясь чудесным видом гор, окружающих наш отель.

    10. Статья, прочитанная вчера, была очень интересной.

    11. Полученная телеграмма очень важна.

    12. Предложение, высказанное на переговорах, было принято.

    13. Поговорив со специалистами, он решил оформить заказ.

    14. Окончив институт, он начал работать в большой фирме.

    15. Прочитав руководство по эксплуатации, он включил холодильник.

    16. Опубликовав этот роман, издательство получило большую прибыль.

    17. Когда его спросили, он не знал, что ответить.

    18. Когда он занят (будучи занятым), он не отвечает на телефонные звонки.

    19. Когда вызван (будучи вызванным) директором, он немедленно пошел в кабинет.

    20. Рассматриваемая работа имеет много достоинств.

    21. Изучаемая проблема известна многим.

    22. После того, как информация была получена, он сообщил ее коллегам.

    23. Повторив распоряжение, директор уехал.

    24. Закончив работу, он поехал домой.

    25. Он ушел, сказав, что скоро вернется.

    26. Прочитав много книг по этому вопросу, он смог сделать очень интересный доклад.

    27. Он очень помог мне, переведя эту статью на русский язык.

    28. Он сидел, повернув голову к окну.

    29. Изучив эту проблему детально, он мог ответить на любой вопрос.

    28. Переведите на английский язык, заменяя придаточные предложения абсолютным причастными оборотами.

    1. Так как день был дождливым, мы шли медленно.

    2. Когда корабль подошел к берегу, мы с облегчение его покинули.

    3. Так как все было на французском, я не мог ничего объяснить ему.

    4. Так как в нашем доме нет телевизора, они не смогли посмотреть свой любимый фильм.

    5. После того как менеджер подготовил отчет, его (отчет) проверил начальник.

    6. Так как я закончил делать упражнение, я позвал учителя.

    7. Когда убрали со стола, мы начали играть в шахматы.

    8. Так как у меня много работы, я не могу прийти к вам.

    9. После того как все пришли, директор начал совещание.

    10. Так как это упражнение последнее, я скоро закончу мою работу.

    29. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. She stayed ______ in her room, __________ to come downstairs.

      1. having, locked, refused

      2. locked, refusing

      3. locking, having refused

    2. She had a good practical knowledge of French _________ as an interpreter for many years in France.

      1. working

      2. having worked

      3. worked

    3. When we ________ from our day’s outing came into the kitchen, we found dinner ________.

      1. returned, serving

      2. having returned, served

      3. returning, having served

    4. ____________ by his elbow, Mary listened to their talk.

      1. supported

      2. supporting

      3. having supported

    5. _________their meal they went for a stroll in the park.

      1. finishing

      2. finished

      3. having finished

    6. Fruits ________ in hothouses are not so rich in colour, taste and vitamins as fruits ________ in natural conditions.

      1. having grown, grown

      2. grown, growing

      3. growing, having grown

    7. ________ in the reception room he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the office.

      1. waiting

      2. waited

      3. having waited

    8. She used to say sharp and ________ words to him.

      1. having wounded

      2. wounded

      3. wounding

    9. I admired the grounds and trees ________ the house.

      1. surrounding

      2. having surrounded

      3. surrounded

    10. She looked at the scene ________ to the innermost.

      1. shaking

      2. shaken

      3. having shaken

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