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  • Вопросительные местоимения

  • Present Simple

  • Future Simple

  • Экология. НОВ.2019_Сборник_контрольных_работ_для_заочников_ФЗО_1. Технологический университет

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    НазваниеТехнологический университет
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    Much, many, (a) little, (a) few



    time, water ,love



    books, women, friends


    a lot of

    time, books, love

    мало (плохо)


    time, water, love

    мало (хорошо)

    a little

    time, water, love

    мало (плохо)


    books, women, friends

    мало (хорошо)

    a few

    books, women, friends

    Вопросительные местоимения

    Who – кто?

    Who invented the radio?

    Who did you invite?

    Whose – чей?

    Whose book did you take?

    What – что, чей?

    What did you ask?

    What book did you take?

    Why – почему?

    Why did you come?

    Which – который, какой, что?

    Which student works hard?

    Which of you speaks French?

    When – когда?

    When did you come?

    How many/how much?

    How many books have you bought?

    How much have you read?

    Where – где, куда

    Where is he?

    Where did he go?

    How often – как часто?

    How often do you come here?

    How - как

    How did you get there?

    Спряжение глагола to be

    Present Simple

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма

    I am

    Am I?

    I am not

    He, she, it is

    Is he, she, it?

    He, she, it is not/ isn’t

    We, you, they are

    Are we, you, they?

    We, you, they are not/ aren’t

    Past Simple

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма

    I, he, she, it was

    Was I, he, she, it?

    I, he, she, it was not/wasn’t

    We, you, they were

    Were you, they, we?

    We, you, they were not/ weren’t

    Future Simple

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма

    I, we shall be

    Shall I, we be?

    I, we shall not/shan’t be

    You, we, they will be

    Will you, we, they be?

    You, we, they will not/ won’t be
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