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Read the text and answer the question: What is the first aid for poisoning?
The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give much water to drink 4-8 glasses. Some poisons cause shock, others asphyxia. In every case the patient needs prompt medical care.
Ex 1. Find phrases in the text:

Первая помощь при; очистить желудок; в каждом случае; пациенты нуждаются в быстрой медицинской помощи.

First aid for; to clear the stomach; in every case; patients need prompt medical attention.
Ex 2. Say what is true: «What are the aids for poisoning? »

  1. lay the person down;F

  2. give the person four or eight glasses of water;T

  3. take off the person’s dress;F

  4. examine the person’s mouth.F

Read the case using the notes and do exercises:
A doctor was invited to see a family of three persons. Approximately, half an hour before the attackof illness all of them had eaten some food which was evidentlynot quite fresh.

All the members of the family became nauseated; they vomitedand had violentpains in the stomach. At the examination food poisoning was diagnosed. Gastrictubewith

large amount of boiled water was instituted immediately. Two patients were put to bed and given some medicine.

Hot-water bags were applied to their feet. They obtained almost immediate relief and were allowed to get up.

The third patient was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He was retained there because of persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and marked prostration. A strict diet, bed regime and a proper therapy helped the patient and in a week he wasdischargedfrom the hospital in a good condition.

  1. approximately– приблизительно, примерно

  2. attack приступ

  3. evidently очевидно

  4. nauseate тошнить

  5. vomit рвать

  6. violent сильный

  7. gastric tube желудочный зонд

  8. prostration слабость

  9. to be discharged быть выписанным

Ex 1. Make up sentences using the words:

  1. To see, a family, a doctor, of three persons, was invited. A doctor was invited to see a family of three persons

  2. Their feet, to, heating, were applied, pans. To haeting their feet were applied pans

  3. To the hospital, in an ambulance, third, was taken, the patient. Third patient was taken in an ambulance to the hospital

  4. Became, all, of, nauseated, the members, the family. All the members of the family became nauseated

  5. Were, two, to, some, patients, bed, and put, medicine, given. Two patients were put to bed and given some medicine

Ex 2. Translate the phrases using the text:

Осмотреть семью из 3-х человек; примерно за полчаса до начала болезни;

не совсем свежий; сильные боли в желудке; большое количество кипяченой воды; быстрое облегчение; постоянная тошнота; постельный режим.

To examine a family of 3 people; about half an hour before the onset of the disease;

not quite fresh; severe stomach pains; a large amount of boiled water; rapid relief; constant nausea; bed rest.

Ex 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What happened to the family of three persons? Two patients were put to bed and given some medicine. The third patient was taken to the hospital in an ambulance

  2. Had they eaten some food which was not fresh? had eaten some food which was evidentlynot quite fresh

  3. What did they complain of? All the members of the family became nauseated; they vomited and had violentpains in the stomach

  4. Why did they obtain immediate relief? Hot-water bags were applied to their fee

  5. What did the third patient use to become healthy again? A strict diet, bed regime and a proper therapy helped the patient and in a week he was discharged from the hospital in a good condition

7. When was the third patient discharged? In a week he was discharged from the hospital in a good condition.
Ex 4. Fill in the missing words

  1. A doctor was…to see a family. want invited

  2. The family became…


  1. Two patients were… and given some medicine. were put in to bed

  2. The third patient was… in an ambulance. taken to the hospital

  3. In a week he was… from the hospital in a good condition. discharged

Read and retell the text

Stomach pains vomiting and diarrhea can have many different causes, including food poisoning and viral infections, so it is important to see your doctor if the symptoms persist. Vomiting and diarrhea are common in young children and are often caused by gastroenteritis, a viral infection of the bowel or other infections. Food poisoning often results from eating food contaminated by bacteria. Bacteria can breed in foods, such as fish, chicken, ham and dairy products that are not properly handled. Food should always be well cooked and eaten immediately or refrigerated as soon as it is bought. If food is reheated always bring it to boiling point. Food poisoning can also result from naturally occurring toxins in some plants and fish.

Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration loss of the fluids required for the normal functioning of the body particularly in babies and small children, so it is important that sufferers drink lots of fluid.

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