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Learn the words:
sunstroke солнечный удар dry сухой

headache головная боль

to cool охлаждать; прохладный sponge губка

to keep up поддерживать

blood circulation кровообращение Read and translate the text:

It is very dangerous to fall asleep (засыпать) in the open air when the sun is hot or to be in the hot sun for a long time without a hat .You may get sunstroke.

When a person has sunstroke, he has a high temperature. His skin is very hot, dry and red. He has a bad headache and can even lose consciousness.

If you help a person who has sunstroke:

  1. Take the patient into a cool and shady (тенистое) place.

  2. Put him on his back.

  3. Raise his head and shoulders a little.

  4. Put cold cloth on his head.

  5. Cool his body with cold water.

  6. Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up blood circulation.

Очень опасно засыпать (засыпать) на открытом воздухе, когда палит солнце , или долго находиться под палящим солнцем без головного убора .Вы можете получить солнечный удар.

Когда у человека солнечный удар, у него высокая температура. Его кожа очень горячая, сухая и красная. У него сильно болит голова, и он может даже потерять сознание.

Если вы помогаете человеку, у которого солнечный удар:

1. Отведите пациента в прохладное и тенистое (тенистое) место.

2. Положите его на спину.

3. Немного приподнимите его голову и плечи.

4. Положите холодную ткань ему на голову.

5. Охладите его тело холодной водой.

6. Потрите его кожу губкой, чтобы поддержать кровообращение.
Ex 1. Tell in English:

На открытом воздухе, высокая температура, сухая красная кожа, сильная головная боль, потеря сознания, перенести в прохладное место, слегка приподнять голову, обтереть кожу губкой.

Outdoors, high temperature, dry red skin, severe headache, loss of consciousness, move to a cool place, lift your head slightly, wipe the skin with a sponge.
Ex 2. Make up the sentences:

  1. The skin is not very

  2. He has bad headache

  3. dangerous/it/very/to fall asleep/is/air/open/in the. it very dangerous to fall asleep in the open air

  4. temperature/has/a/high/he. he has a high temperature

  5. put/back/on/his/him. put him on his back

  6. body/water/cool/cold/his/with. cool his body with cold water

  7. skin/with/sponge/rub/his/a. rub his skin with a sponge

  8. even/he/lose/can/consciouo he even can lose conscious ness.

Read and role play the dialogue:

  1. Read and role play the dialogue:

Sam: Mum, where are you?

In the Country

Mother: I’m in the kitchen, Sam. What’s the matter?

S.: My friend Nick feels bad. He has a bad headache and his skin is very hot. M.: Where is he?

S.: He is on the bank of the river. He was lying in the sun for a long time. M.: He probably has sunstroke. Is anybody with him?

S.: Yes, Bob is there.

M.: Don’t waste time. Run back quickly and take Nick to a shady place .Raise his head a little. Put a wet cloth on his head. I’ll take some medicine and come in a minute.

Read and remember:
Rules to follow on the beach

While on the beach, avoid being exposed to the open sun for more than half an hour.

  1. Wear a hat or a cap to avoid sunstroke.

  2. Avoid swimming in deep water if you are not a good swimmer.

  3. Keep an eye on your kids while on the beach.

  4. Try not to take much money or wear jewelry to the beach.

  5. Avoid swimming in the stormy sea.

  6. Avoid touching the unknown sea plants and fish while swimming.

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