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The challenges in translating the English infinitive are due to its specific forms, functions and structures.

Unlike Russian, the English language possesses a number of forms of the same verb: the Simple infinitive, the Continuous infinitive, the Perfect infinitive, the Perfect Continuous infinitive. The first two forms indicate actions simultaneous with that of the main predicate: Я рада, что вижу вас. – I am glad to see you. Я рада, что читаю эту книгу. – I am glad to be reading the book, or the future actions: Я рада, что пойду туда. – I am glad to go there. The Perfect and Perfect Continuous infinitives denote actions prior to that of the predicate: Я рада, что увидела вас. - I am glad to have seen you. Я рада, что читала эту книгу. – I am glad to have been reading the book. On the other hand, the difference between the Simple / Perfect and Continuous / Perfect Continuous forms of the infinitive lies in expressing either a fact (incomplete or completed) or a process, respectively:

рад, что делаю (каждый день) – glad to do (every day) рад, что делаю сейчас – glad to be doing рад, что буду делать – glad to do рад сделать (что сделаю) – glad to do рад, что сделал – glad to have done рад, что делал – glad to have been doing.

The actual meaning of the infinitive can be determined by the context only.

English infinitive functions can also be a stumbling block for a fledgling translator. The attributive function of the infinitive can cause difficulties in translation due to its modal meaning: This is a book to read. – Вот книга, которую можно (нужно) почитать. The type of modal meaning can be seen from the context: When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it. (Emerson) – Когда природе предстоит что-то сделать, она создает гения, который может сделать это. However, it is not always necessary to verbalize the modal meaning in Russian: The latest reports from Europol, the organization to be established for the coordination of police work in all the countries of the European Union, indicates that it has not yet been able to agree on a single working language. – В последних докладах Европола, организации, созданной для координации работы полиции во всех странах Европейского Союза, отмечается, что в вопросе о едином рабочем языке согласия еще не достигнуто. As is seen from the examples, the attributive infinitive usually has the meaning of a future action/state.

The function of some adverbial infinitives presents difficulties in translation. For example, the English infinitive can be used to denote a subsequent event or a parallel action, which is often confused with the infinitive of purpose: Iron combines with oxygen to form rust. – Железо соединяется с кислородом и образует ржавчину. The infinitive in this function is usually rendered by a parallel finite verb: (In many rooms, one wall or another was overgrown with black-green mold.) … In some rooms, the mold grew thickly halfway down a wall, only to stop in a sharp horizontal line, as if cut by a knife. – (Во многих комнатах одна-две стены были покрыты темно-зеленой плесенью)…В некоторых комнатах плесень густо покрывала полстены, и резко прерывалась, словно ножом была проведена горизонтальная линия.

This infinitive should be distinguished from the infinitive of purpose: Live not to eat, but eat to live. – Живи не для того, чтобы есть, но ешь для того, чтобы жить.

When translating the infinitive of result, a translator should take care to render properly the connotation of the construction: the infinitive with too implies a negative meaning, while the infinitive with enough suggests a positive one: She is too old to go there. – Она слишком стара и не поедет туда. She is old enough to go there. – Она достаточно взрослая и может поехать туда.

Infinitive constructions are the most challenging problem. They are usually translated by a clause. For instance, the Complex Object construction: We expect them to pay us by Friday. – Мы ожидаем, что нам дадут зарплату к пятнице.

When translating the Complex Subject construction, it is recommended that the finite verb be translated first, and then the subject and the infinitive be joined to form a clause: After a few minutes the men were seen to be running in all directions. – Через несколько минут увидели, что эти люди бегут в разные стороны. The letter seems to have been opened. – Кажется, письмо уже вскрыли. The main verb of the sentence is translated with the indefinite or impersonal form (кажется, видели) or with a parenthetical phrase (конечно, повидимому, очевидно): The reporters were certain to misunderstand his attendance... – Конечно, журналисты неправильно истолковали его присутствие .., or by an introductory phrase (согласно сообщению, как сообщают): The EPO is expected to make a final decision in the near future. – Как ожидают, Европейское патентное ведомство примет решение в ближайшем будущем.

When dealing with the for-to-infinitive construction, a translator substitutes an English simple sentence with a Russian complex one, i.e. s/he does the partitioning of the sentence: She arranged for the office to be opened by one of the security people. – Она устроила так, что офис открыл один из охранников. In some cases this type of construction can be rendered by a compound sentence: He was a very nice fellow, you had only to say you wanted something for him to give it to you. – Он был очень славный малый: стоило вам только сказать, что вам что-то нужно, и он тут же давал это вам.

Special difficulties can arise from the Absolute construction with the infinitive. This construction usually has the meaning either of concession or of successive events: With so much to say, the two said nothing. – И хотя этим двоим так много надо было сказать, они не сказали ничего. The resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from occupied territories, with a peace conference to follow. – В резолюции содержится призыв вывести израильские войска с оккупированных территорий, после чего будет созвана мирная конференция.

To summarize, the ways of translating English infinitives are as follows:

  • by the infinitive: To err is human. – Человеку свойственно ошибаться.

  • by the noun: The best way to make children good is to make them happy. – Лучший способ воспитания хороших детей – это сделать их счастливыми.

  • by the participle: The problem to be considered in Chapter 2 is concerned with the article. – Вопрос, рассматриваемый в главе 2, касается артикля.

  • by the clause: Вопрос, который будет рассмотрен в главе 2, касается артикля.

  • by homogeneous, that is, parallel, verbs: He went to Australia tofall sick there.

Он поехал в Австралию и там заболел.


The gerund is not a regular equivalent of the Russian adverbial participle (деепричастие). It is closer to the verbal noun than to the adverbial participle.

The gerund can be translated by the following means:

  • the noun: A woman’s idea of keeping a secret is refusing to tell who told it. – Представление женщины о том, как надо хранить секрет, - это отказ сообщить, кто ей его рассказал.

  • the infinitive: There’s nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of

changing what you have done. – Нет ничего трагичнее в жизни, чем абсолютная невозможность изменить то, что ты сделал.

  • the adverbial participle: Learn to swim by swimming. – Учись плавать,


  • the clause: I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught. (Churchill) – Я всегда готов учиться, но мне не всегда нравиться, когда меня учат. The gerundial construction is always translated by the clause: He was amused at my becoming so impatient with him. – Он удивился тому, что я стал так нетерпелив с ним. He stayed there without our knowing it. – Он остался там, а мы даже не знали об этом.

When translating from Russian into English, it is necessary to pay attention to the careful selection of either the single gerund or the gerundial construction. While in the Russian sentence the subject is named twice, the English sentence does not take the same subject before the gerund. Cf.: Я настаиваю на том, чтобы мнепозвонили. – I insist on being phoned. The gerundial construction in English is used only in case of two different subjects in the sentence: I remember his asking the question. – Помню, как он задал этот вопрос.

Some practical grammars of English do not distinguish the –ing participle and the gerund. However, in translation the difference can be essential, since the gerund and the participle have different functions and, therefore, convey different meanings. For instance, Flying planes can be dangerous can be translated as Летать на самолетах опасно, if flying is used here as a gerund. The sentence could also be translated Летающие самолеты опасны, the word flying being treated as a participle.


The difference between the English and Russian participle concerns its form and usage.

As for the form, the English participle exists in two special forms – the Present Participle and the Past Participle, the former varying into Simple and Perfect, active and passive forms. The Russian participle is altered according to time and voice distinctions. Furthermore, there is a form, called the adverbial participle (деепричастие) which varies by the tense. Thus, a general correspondence between English and Russian participles can be given as follows:




-вш-/-ш- (Vimperf.)




роняющий, ронявший падающий, падавший

роняя падая

-ing + -ed

-ом-/-ем-, -им-,


being dropped

роняемый, ронявшийся

having +-ed


-в, -вши, -ши

having dropped having fallen

уронивший упавший

уронив упав

having been +ed

-енн-/-нн-, -т-

having been




-енн- (Vt)

-вш- (Vi), -ш-

-в (Vi)

dropped (Vtrans)


fallen (Vintrans)



For example, The main problem is rising prices. – Основная проблема – растущие цены.

Rising crime has driven many families out of downtown areas. – Возросший уровень преступности вынудил многие семьи уехать из центра города.

The Chairman, having risen from his seat, was beginning to speak. – Уже вставший со своего места председатель начал свою речь.

The government, raising taxes, cuts public spending. – Правительство, увеличивающее налоги, сокращает расходы на общественные нужды.

Raising her voice, she made herself heard over the noise in the classroom. – Повысив голос, она заставила класс услышать себя, несмотря на шум.

Raised taxes is no news for us. – Увеличенные налоги – для нас не новость.

Risen by 10% every year, salaries did not keep up with prices. – Возраставшие ежегодно на 10% зарплаты, тем не менее, не поспевали за ценами.

Note, however, that not all Russian verbs have the entire set of participial forms; some of them lack adverbial participles (e.g., ждать, писать, беречь, мерзнуть, бежать).

The English participle can be translated not only by the Russian participle or adverbial participle, but also by the clause: The cat shuts its eyes when stealingcream. – Когда кошка крадет сливки, она закрывает глаза. In this case, the English sentence is more laconic, since in Russian the subject is repeated twice, whereas in English only once: Если человек нужен, его ищут. – When wanted, a man is looked for.

Sometimes a Russian noun accompanied by a preposition may correspond to the English participle: Aspirin can be poisonous when taken in excessive amounts.

При приеме в больших количествах аспирин может быть ядом.

A parallel verb may also be used: She sat reading. – Она сидела ичитала. Sometimes, to translate a participle, it is necessary to transform the entire sentence: When seen from this angle, the picture looks rather good. - Если смотреть на картину с этой стороны, она кажется достаточно интересной. When shot, Mrs. Doran was apparently taking a walk. – Миссис Доран была убита, очевидно, во время прогулки.125


The absolute construction, characteristic of the English language, is that part of the sentence which is separated and has predicate-like relations between the construction subject and the participle. The construction subject is different from the subject of the main clause.

A translator can easily recognize the absolute construction if s/he knows its types:

  1. The Nominative Participial construction, consisting of a noun/pronoun in the Common/Nominative case and a participle: The agenda being exhausted, the sitting was closed. – Поскольку повестка дня была исчерпана, собрание было закрыто.

  2. The Nominative Non-participial construction: They walked for long hours in the Gardens, books in their hands. – Они долго гуляли по саду с книгами в руках.

  3. The Prepositional Participial construction, introduced by the preposition with: She sat silent, with her eyes fixed on the ground. – Она молча сидела, опустив взор.

  4. The Prepositional Non-participial construction, also introduced by with: I found him ready with the stick in his hand. – Я застал его готовым в путь, в руках у него была палка.

  5. Subjectless Participial construction is outdated and at present is considered stylistically wrong (dangling constructions). If found in the classical literature, they are translated by introducing the subject guessed from the context: Bobbingand bounding upon the spring cushions, silent, swaying to each motion of their chariot, Old Jolyon watched them drive away under the sunlight. (Galsworthy) – Старый Джолион смотрел, как они удалялись в ярком солнечном свете, молча качаясь и подпрыгивая на пружинных сиденьях коляски в такт ее движению. In rhetoric, this construction is a specific device called anacoluthon. Compare Pushkin’s lines: Согласитесь, что имея право выбрать оружие, жизнь его была в моих руках, a sentence usable in the 19th century’s Russian and agrammatical in modern Russian.

  6. Infinitive constructions (see §1 of this chapter)

Before translating an absolute construction, it is necessary to state its meaning and function in the sentence. As is known, the absolute construction can function as an adverbial modifier of

    • attending circumstances: The children were still feverish, with Mary the worst of all, and Anna was still sick too. – У детей все еще была высокая температура, Мария же чувствовала себя хуже всего, и Анна также все еще была больна.

    • condition: The weather permitting, we’ll go for a walk. – Если позволит погода, мы пойдем гулять.

    • reason: There being so much noise, I couldn’t hear what was going on. – Так как было очень шумно, я не слышал, что происходило.

    • time: With Clayton gone, she was even more lonely.Когда Клайтон уехал, она почувствовала себя еще более одинокой.

The meanings of time and reason often coincide. The previous sentence might be translated as Поскольку Клайтон уехал, она чувствовала себя еще более одинокой. But sometimes the difference between the meanings of reason and that of time may be essential for the context, as it happened in translating Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray: George being dead and cut out of his father’s will, Frederic insisted that the half of the old gentleman’s property be settled upon his Maria… A translator B. Stein (1894) suggested the causative version for this absolute construction: Так как Джордж умер и к тому же был вычеркнут из родительского завещания, то Фредерик вздумал настаивать, чтобы половина всего состояния старика закреплена была за Мари… In 1935, M. Diakonova translated the same sentence by means of the time clause: Когда Джордж умер и был исключен из завещания отца, Фредерик настаивал, чтобы половина состояния старого джентльмена была закреплена за Марией… Which of these translators was correct? On studying the context, we learn that George had been cut out of his father’s will long before his death because of his marriage to Emily. Therefore, the correct translation belongs to B.


The absolute construction is characteristic of formal, scientific and journalistic registers. In informal conversation, however, there occur nonparticipial constructions.

In the text, absolute constructions carry out several functions:127

  • rational function: developing emotionless narrative; e.g., Her husband presently followed her, and there being no other company, we went to dinner. (H. James) – Затем появился ее муж, и поскольку я был единственным гостем, мы сели за обеденный стол. The absolute construction helps to diversify the style and structure of the sentence, preventing text monotony.

  • humorous effect: contrasting official style with the informal conversation; e.g.,

Jane suits me; do I suit her?”

To the finest fibre of my nature, sir.”

The case being so, we have nothing in the world to wait for: we must be married instantly.” (Ch. Bronte) – - Я люблю Джейн, но любит ли она меня?

    • Всем существом, сэр.

    • Если дело обстоит так, то нам нечего больше ждать; нам нужно немедленно обвенчаться.

  • dynamic function: increasing the action dynamics; e.g., The dance broke up, the couples hurrying to their seats. – Музыка умолкла, и танцующие пары устремились по местам.

  • circumstantiating function: describing some details of the surroundings, the background of a subject or situation described; e.g., He came into the room, his face red of shame. – Он вошел в комнату, заливаясь краской стыда.

There are several ways of translating the absolute construction from English into Russian:

  • by a subordinate clause, especially when the absolute construction is in the beginning of the sentence; e.g., It being Sunday, it was hard to find a garage open. – Поскольку это было воскресенье, было трудно найти открытый гараж. When translating an absolute construction by the subordinate clause, a translator should pay special attention to the meaning and function of the construction.

  • by a separate clause: Charles Dickens was born at Landport, Portsmouth, on the 7th February, 1812, Mr. John Dickens, his father, being a clerk, in the Navy Pay Office at that seaport. – Чарльз Диккенс родился в Лэндпорте, предместье Портсмута, 7 февраля 1812 г. Его отец, Джон Диккенс, был мелким служащим расчетного отдела Адмиралтейства в этом портовом городе.

  • by a coordinate clause introduced by the conjunctions причем, при этом, и, а, etc., especially when the absolute construction is used in its circumstantiating function as an afterthought; e.g., Almost all the metals are good conductors of electricity, silver being the best conductor of all. – Почти все металлы являются хорошими проводниками электричества, причем самым лучшим из всех оказывается серебро.

  • by an adverbial participle (деепричастие) only if the subject of the absolute construction is part of the subject of the main clause: “It’s a nasty story,” said Granger, his face grim. – «Это скверная история», - сказал Грейнджер, помрачнев.

  • by a prepositional phrase: She walked out, her head held high. – Она вышла с высоко поднятой головой.

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