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  • 7) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

  • Вариант 3 Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и переведите

  • 2) Определите функцию глаголов “

  • 3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык

  • 4) Подчеркните местоимения и укажите их типы. Переведите предложения на русский язык

  • 5) Составьте к каждому из следующих предложений вопросы (общий, альтернативный (

  • 6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем

  • Вариант 4 Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и переведите

  • Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 1 1) Подчеркните местоимения в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык

  • 2) Объясните употребление или отсутствие артиклей. Предложенияпереведите

  • 3) Подчеркните прилагательные. Переведите предложения на русский язык

  • 4) Переведите предложения на русский язык. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам

  • Английский язык. Учебные материалы

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    Mining Higher Education in Russia

    In Russia young people get mining education at special institutes which train geologists and mining engineers for coal and ore mining. The total number of students of an institute includes full-time students, part-time students and postgraduate students.

    Higher mining schools develop a wide range of courses and programs that meet the requirements of the society. They offer courses in mining technology, machinery and transport, hydraulic engineering, electrical engineering, industrial electronics, automation, surveying, geodesy, information technology, etc. The main trend in the development of higher mining education is the introduction of courses in environmental protection, management (environmental human resources), economics and management of mining enterprises, marketing studies, computer-aided design and others.

    The students go through practical training at mines, plants and other industrial enterprises. They become familiar with all stages of production and every job from worker to engineer. Here they get practical knowledge and experience necessary for their diploma papers.

    Students graduate from mining higher schools as mining engineers, mining mechanical engineers, ecologists, mining electrical engineers, geologists, economists and managers for mining industry.
    7) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

    1. Where are geologists and mining engineers trained?

    2. What do higher mining educational institutions offer?

    3. Where do the students have their practical training?

    4. What specialties do the students receive after graduation?
    Вариант 3

    1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и переведите:

    1. a book, 2. a child, 3. a mouse, 4. a mineral, 5. a supplier, 6. an analysis, 7. a shovel, 8. a stream, 9. a case, 10. a structure.

    2) Определите функцию глаголов “tobe”, “tohave” в следующих предложениях. Предложения переведите:

    1. James Hutton (1726–1797), a Scottish farmer and naturalist, is known as the founder of modern geology.

    2. As a scientist, Lomonosov was equal parts thinker and experimenter.

    3. Today we have to do a lot of research to prove the theory.

    4. Earth’s water supply has had, since Earth was created, major influences on Earth’s climate.

    5. We are to carry out a huge amount of experiments in the laboratory.

    6. They are listening to the lecturer now.

    7. The first documented discovery of gold in the United States was made by 12-year-old Conrad Reed in 1799.

    8. We had a number of credits and tests last term.

    3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

    1. There are many methods of investigation in Natural Science.

    2.There will be a new technical college in the town next year.

    3. There were many problems in the Russian mining industry last decade.

    4. There is a broad range of potential environmental problems associated with mining the ocean for resources.

    5. There are a lot of hydrothermal mineral deposits in the region.

    6. There wasn’t any valuable metal in the sample.

    4) Подчеркните местоимения и укажите их типы. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1. Copper extraction techniques refer to the methods for obtaining copper from its ores.

    2. Ancient mining techniques go well back into our history – well back into our prehistory, in fact.

    3. Diodorus in his “History” of the 1st century BC writes about the despair of the miners.

    4. Pliny gives us a detailed history of ancient mining.

    5. She is taking English classes as she’s going to spend six months in a Canadian mining company.

    6. His ideas and approach to studying the Earth established geology as a proper science.

    5) Составьте к каждому из следующих предложений вопросы (общий, альтернативный (or) и разделительный). Повествовательные предложения переведите на русский язык:

    1. Large hydraulics hovels, wheelloaders, bulldozers, andtrucksremoveoverburden.

    2. At our mining school students will participate in practical exercises using a combination of remote laboratories and simulation software.

    3. Mining and geological engineers develop economical solutions to technical problems.

    4. The famous American mining engineer George Argall graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 1935.

    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:


    Eratosthenes was a Greek scholar, who lived in the 3rd century BC, renowned for his love of learning. Born in the Libyan city of Cyrene, which was once part of the Greek Empire, he received the equivalent of a university education when he was a teenager. He was an all-round scholar, and during his life named himself as a poet, grammarian, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, chronographer, and geographer in equal measure. He published works in several areas, and was also something of a problem solver.

    His most famous works were in the fields of geography and mathematics, and he was known for creating the first map of the ancient world that featured latitude and longitude lines. He also used geometric formulas, and the sun, to calculate the Earth’s circumference to a 10% accuracy, and made measurements of the tilt of the Earth’s axis. These measurements led to further exploration by other scholars and geologists, and the production of maps and globes that were the most accurate in existence for hundreds of years.

    Although there is very little evidence of Eratosthenes’ work around today, or details of his methodology and calculations, he has been referenced in publications by other noted scholars, such as Strabo. A three volume study on the Earth and the Earth’s measurement, Geographica by Eratosthenes, is still well-known in the geology field today.
    7) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

    1. What sciences was Eratosthenes interested in?

    2. What was Eratosthenes famous for?

    3. How did Eratosthenes’ measurements influence the further exploration of the Earth?

    4.What is the most prominent publication by Eratosthenes still known in the modern science?

    Вариант 4

    1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и переведите:

    1. an experiment, 2. a deposit, 3. a louse, 4. an ore, 5. a hypothesis, 6. a spectrum, 7. a depth, 8. a technician, 9. a producer, 10. an activity .

    2) Определите функцию глаголов “tobe”, “tohave” в следующих предложениях. Предложения переведите:

    1. Rocks from the earliest Archaean are predominantly igneous.

    2. Russia is the world’s second largest PGE producer, after South Africa.

    3. Today we have to do a lot of geophysical and mine surveying research to construct a mine.

    4. The Siberian-Urals Aluminium Company has begun construction of Sredne-Tuman bauxite field.

    5. The scientists are to know more about the fossil fuels in this region in the nearest future.

    6. They are still exploiting this mine.

    7. Although 90 percent of the country's coal reserves are concentrated in 10 states, coal in mined in 27 states.

    8. The United Kingdom has a rich history of mining.

    3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

    1. There are a lot of copper reserves in Siberia and the Urals.

    2.If a woman comes into a coal mine, there will be an accident to the miners (English superstition).

    3. There were different mining complexes in Transbaikalia.

    4. There is a big mining enterprise in Krasnokamensk.

    5. There are different ways of extracting raw materials from the earth.

    6. There was nobody in the auditorium.

    4) Подчеркните местоимения и укажите их типы. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1. Vernadsky attends Saint Petersburg’s grammar school, where he shows a keen interest in natural sciences.

    2. Vernadsky develops mineral genesis theory and defends his Doctor thesis (Phenomenon of crystalline matter sliding) in 1897.

    3. Pliny left us a profound description of the ancient types of extracting valuable minerals.

    4. George Argall began his work as an editor of mining magazines in 1950, when he became editor of Mining World and World Mining.

    5. Russia had not its own gold and silver till the end of the XVII century.

    6. He became the first Russian professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1745.

    5) Составьте к каждому из следующих предложений вопросы (общий, альтернативный (or) и разделительный). Повествовательныепредложенияпереведитенарусскийязык:

    1. Russia contains 10% of the worlds' copper reserves with most reserves located in Siberia (70%) and the Urals (20%).

    2. Lead and copper attracted the Romans to Britain.

    3. The scientists will discuss the formation of natural diamonds on the conference.

    4. The proper conditions for diamond formation occur in the upper mantle about 100 miles below stable continent interiors.

    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:

    Mining and geological engineers

    Mining and geological engineers find, extract and prepare minerals, metals and coal for use by utilities and manufacturing industries. They may supervise the construction of underground mine operations, design open-pit and underground mines and create ways to transport minerals to processing plants. They’re responsible for ensuring the operation of mines is safe, economical and environmentally sound. Some mining and geological engineers work alongside metallurgical engineers and geologists to find and appraise new ore deposits. Some mining and geological engineers direct mineral-processing operations to extract dirt, rock and other materials from valuable minerals. Others develop new mining equipment. Often mining and geological engineers specialize in a particular metal such as gold or coal. They use their knowledge of mine practices and design to comply with safety regulations and ensure worker safety. They must monitor air quality, examine equipment for safety compliance and inspect surfaces of walls and roofs. Most mining and geological engineers work in laboratories, plants or offices, though they may also spend time at mine sites to direct and monitor operations and solve onsite problems. Some must travel to worksites.

    Computers are a must for mining and geological engineers. They use them to produce and analyze designs, simulate tests, generate specifications, monitor quality and control efficiency. Another new aspect of the design process for mining and geological engineers is nanotechnology.

    7) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

    1. What is mining and geological engineers job?

    2. May mining engineers and geologists specialize in particular mineral or metal?

    3. Where do mining and geological engineers often work?

    4. What do they use different gargets such as computers for?
    Контрольная работа № 2

    Вариант 1

    1) Подчеркните местоимения в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1. Will you deliver any lecture tomorrow?

    2. He has some experience in mining as he is a fifth-year student now.

    3. That mining engineer is a very good specialist.

    4. Someone wants to see you.

    5. Those rocks are igneous rocks.

    6. In some cases limestone is a clastic rock.

    7. Nobody knows everything,

    8. This academician is famous in the field of opencast mining of minerals.
    2) Объясните употребление или отсутствие артиклей. Предложенияпереведите:

    1. Russia is a large industrial country.

    2. They are adults.

    3. Mineral deposits of the USA are concentrated largely among the Appalachian Mountains.

    4. There are, however, important oil-fields in Texas, Oklahoma and California, and important iron mines in Minnesota.

    5. Nowadays natural gas is utilized as a raw material for manufacturing.

    6. It is difficult to understand the nature of fossils without studying their origin.
    3) Подчеркните прилагательные. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1. Hard rocks have the highest resistance to penetration with a tool.

    2. The effectiveness of modern equipment is greater than that of the old one.

    3. The process of rock disintegration by direct influence of local atmospheric conditions on the Earth’s surface is called weathering.

    4. Rocks are composed of different minerals.
    4) Переведите предложения на русский язык. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

    1. You are doing that exercise correctly.

    2. He was looking for the book which he lost.

    3. My father will be working in the mine for the whole day tomorrow.

    4. Ann is doing well in her studies at present.
    5) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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