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  • 7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.

  • 3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен

  • 4) Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. Предложенияпереведите

  • 5) Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами

  • 6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем

  • Английский язык. Учебные материалы

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    Mining activities include prospecting and exploration for a mineral deposit through finding, developing, extracting and processing the ore. That is why it is possible to divide the mining activity into three major phases: 1) before mining which involves prospecting and exploration required to locate, characterize and prove a potential ore body; 2) mining which refers to actual coal or ore extraction; extraction processes include underground or surface mining and dredging; 3) after mining which involves processing and preparing the raw ore for the end product.

    Before a mineral deposit can be worked, that is, before it can be extracted from the Earth for use by man, it must first be found. The search for economically useful mineral deposits is called prospecting. To establish the quality and quantity of a mineral deposit, the type of country rock, etc. means to prove it and this process is called proving. Prospecting and proving are only two different stages of mining geological exploration, the latter includes drilling and driving of openings.

    Last century prospectors looked for visible evidence of mineralization on the surface of the Earth. To recognize valuable minerals it was necessary to know their various distinctive physical properties. For example, gold occurs in nature as a heavy malleable yellow metal. The first ores of iron to be mined were deposits of magnetite, a black heavy mineral capable of attracting a piece of iron. The aim of geological prospecting is to provide information on a preliminary estimation of the deposit and the costs of the geological investigations to be made. It also indicates whether it is available to continue the exploration or not.
    7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.
    Вариант 2

    1) определите инговые формы:

    а) ParticipleI;

    b) Gerund;

    c) Verbal noun.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык.

    1. Core drilling with diamond and carbide bits is widely used.

    2. There different ways of obtaining this substance.

    3. Most solar-heating systems coming on the market use a black surface to absorb the Sun’s heat.

    4. While at the Institute every student is to go through practical training at mines, open-pits, quarries or dressing plants.

    5. Making the geological map the geologists study all the data of ground and aerial geological surveys.

    6. A method of prospecting for mineral, gas, oil, etc. which is based on combination of X-rays and ultrasonic transmissions came into use recently.

    7. Like other sedimentary rocks coal beds may be structurally disturbed by folding and faulting.

    8. Being intensively used in the iron and steel industry bituminous coal varies from medium to high rank.
    2) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и на бессоюзную связь:

    1. If conditions had permitted the geologists would have applied aerial prospecting.

    2. If projects are planned from the outset with a low impact perspective, it should be possible to avoid problems or turn potential problems into assets.

    3. It is necessary to say land reclamation has emerged as a method of controlling the negative after-effects of extracting coal and other minerals.

    4. To recognize valuable minerals it was necessary to know their various distinctive physical properties.
    3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен:

    1. They know you will graduate from the Institute next year.

    2. They knew you would graduate from the Institute the next year.

    3. The teacher asks if you can answer.

    4. The teacher asked if you could answer.

    5. He asked how normal temperature was maintained in the underground.
    4) Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. Предложенияпереведите:

    1. Professor I.M. Gubkin (to make) a great contribution to the development of the science of geology.

    2. Flaky materials (to cause) the rock to split into thin sheets.

    3. The action of plants (to be) even more destructive.

    4. Iron fields (to work) by surface mining which (to be) more economical.

    5. Coke (to represent) natural solid fuel.
    5) Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами:

    а) сложное дополнение;

    b) сложное подлежащее;

    c) абсолютная причастная конструкция.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык:

    1. Neighbouring coal beds seemed to be sloping gently.

    2. At this mine the method of working is longwall, the faces being rather long.

    3. The computerizing systems of planning and control proved to be reliable.

    4. The teacher asked the student to answer the question.

    5. The researcher reported the new method to meet their requirements.

    6. Different kinds of exploratory drilling are used, their choice depending on the geological conditions of the deposit.
    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:
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