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  • 7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.

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  • 5) Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами

  • 6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем

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  • Английский язык. Учебные материалы

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    Exploration is known to include a whole complex of investigations carried out for determining the industrial importance of deposit. The main task is to determine the quality and quantity of mineral and the natural and economic conditions in which it occurs. The exploration of the deposit is divided into three stages, namely preliminary exploration, detailed exploration and exploitation exploration.

    The aim of preliminary exploration is to establish the general size of a deposit and to obtain an approximate idea of its shape, dimensions and quality. At this stage the geological map of the deposit is corrected and a detailed survey of its surface is completed. The information on the preliminary exploration is expected to give an all-round description of the deposit which will enable the cost of its detailed exploration to be estimated.

    The following points should be taken into consideration: 1) the shape and area of the deposit; 2) its depth and angles of dip and strike; 3) its thickness; 4) the properties of the surrounding rock and overburden; 5) the degree of uniformity of distribution of the mineral within the deposit and the country rock, etc.

    Preliminary explorations can make use of exploratory openings such as trenches, prospecting pits, adits, crosscuts and boreholes. They are planned according to a definite system, and some are driven to a great depth. All the exploratory workings are plotted on the plan. These data allow the geologist to establish the vertical section of the deposit. The quality of the mineral deposit is determined on the basis of analyses and tests of samples taken from exploratory work.
    7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.

    Вариант 3

    1) определите инговые формы:

    а) ParticipleI;

    b) Gerund;

    c) Verbal noun.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык.

    1. Copper extraction techniques refer to the methods for obtaining copper from its ores.

    2. After spending over $30 million on the project, the company has decided to discontinue its development activities in Russia.

    3. The pulverized ore is separated by physical processes like hydraulic washing, froth-floatation, and magnetic separation or by chemical processes, depending on the nature of the ore and its impurities.

    4. Further cooling will go more slowly.

    5. There are so many historical episodes involving the Orloff.

    6. The engines power hydraulic pumps, which generate very high pressure oil for driving the track motors and moving the excavator rams.

    7. According to the basic definition, mining means extracting minerals from the earth.

    8. Drilling and blasting is employed to remove the worthless overburden.
    2) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и на бессоюзную связь:

    1. The geological record shows that after the cataclysm the world was dominated by oceans.

    2. When mineral rains of different density are moved by flowing water, the less dense grains will be most rapidly moved, and a separation of high density grains can be effected.

    3. The higher the silica content, the more viscous a magma and the more slowly segregation can proceed.

    4. It was interesting to see the value of gemstones depends on a lot of things.
    3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен:

    1. John said that it was difficult to study geochemistry.

    2. He asked if the history of life on Earth had begun form the asteroids.

    3. He thinks that they are taking their examination in Geology now.

    4. He thought that they were taking their examination in Geology at that moment.

    5. The teacher informed that in ancient Egypt, gold had been considered the skin or flesh of the gods, particularly the Egyptian sun god Ra.
    4) Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. Предложенияпереведите:

    1. Only approximately 142,000 tons of gold (to mine) throughout history.

    2. Venice (to introduce) the gold ducat in 1284 and it (to become) the most popular gold coin in the world for the next 500 years.

    3. The USA’s environmental agencies recently (to place) increasing pressure on mining and exploration companies.

    4. Mining companies (to blame for) releasing excessive amounts of pollutants into the air and water which has caused considerable public response.

    5. Tin and lead still (to mine) from deep mines located in England, Scotland and Wales.
    5) Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами:

    а) сложное дополнение;

    b) сложное подлежащее;

    c) абсолютная причастная конструкция.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык:

    1. The average grade of copper ores in the 21st century is below 0.6% copper, with a proportion of economic ore minerals being less than 2 % of the total volume of the ore rock.

    2. Coal was known to be used in England already in the XII century.

    3. Scientists found the Romans to employ three techniques to recover the metals.

    4. Some specialists consider it to be an intrusive igneous complex.

    5.With the old creation destroyed, terrestrial crust had to be formed, by massive underwater intrusions.

    6. We all know gold to conduct both heat and electricity and not to rust.
    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:

    Alluvial Mining

    Alluvium refers to sediment that is transported and deposited by water. Alluvium is found in rivers, lakes and along coastlines. In the case of alluvium transported by an ancient stream, alluvium can also be found in a terrestrial environment. The alluvial process can transport, and concentrate, valuable minerals. Over thousands of years, minerals are eroded from their source and transported by water to a new locale. Because sediments settle out of water according to their weight, heavier, valuable minerals such as diamonds, platinum group metals, and gold will often deposit at the same time, this characteristic can lead to a concentrated deposit of valuable minerals, prime for extraction.

    Alluvial mining is an ancient technology. The early gold-panners were alluvial miners. Although somewhat archaic, small scale alluvial mining operations are still common, both as a hobby and as a source of income, in areas of Africa and South America. Alluvial mining has also morphed into a big business involving cutting edge technology and a great deal of capital investment.

    In the case of alluvial deposits that are “cut-off” from their water source, mining is simple. The resource can be extracted through a conventional open-pit. If the deposit is still covered by water, the mining process is a bit more complex. If the water is shallow, such as a lake or adjacent a coast-line; a wall may be built and pumps used to pump out water. The overburden (if any) is removed, and then the deposit is excavated and transported for screening. Dredging is used to remove overburden in areas with very wet ground conditions. The dredge is floated in an initial pond and then moved into the mining block where it excavates down to the mineral bearing material.

    7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.
    Вариант 4

    1) определите инговые формы:

    а) ParticipleI;

    b) Gerund;

    c) Verbal noun.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык.

    1. Existing hydrothermal solutions can be studied at hot springs such as those in the Cheleken Peninsula on the eastern edge of the Caspian Sea.

    2. Exploration is the work involved in determining the location, size, shape, position, and value of an ore body using prospecting methods, geologic mapping and field investigations, remote sensing (aerial and satellite-borne sensor systems that detect ore-bearing rocks), drilling, and other methods.

    3. The deep mine workings created problems with ventilation, lighting, and drainage in Ancient Rome.

    4. Restoring ecology is the process of putting an ecosystem back to life from a traumatic experience in activities like mining.

    5. It is most convenient to discuss hydrothermal mineral deposits in the context of their settings.

    6. Gold is so rare that the world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold since the beginning of recorded history.

    7. Alluvial diamond mining is an above ground form of mining which concentrates on gathering diamonds on the surface.

    8. After the Romans left Britain, in AD 410, there are no records of coal being used in the country until the end of the 12th century.
    2) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и на бессоюзную связь:

    1. If mice run out of a mine, the mine will fall in.

    2. The higher the number, the greater the purity.

    3. If you are a pre-college student you can start preparing for a career in Earth science by enrolling in the college preparation program and doing well in all of your courses.

    4. When the mine works out the mineral deposit it will be closed.
    3) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен:

    1. Everyone knew that to work alone in the lower mines was to invite trouble from those who roamed the empty rooms (English miners’ superstitions).

    2. Miners believed that mules could see ghosts and spirits, that the miners couldn't see (English miners’ superstitions).

    3. They say that if you stand at the opening of a mine, even today you can hear them tapping away (English miners’ superstitions).

    4. A medical study in France during the early twentieth century suggests that gold is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

    5. The Greeks thought that gold was a dense combination of water and sunlight.

    4) Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. Предложенияпереведите:

    1. Gold (to know) to people for over 6000 years now.

    2. In fact, most diamonds that (to date) are much older than Earth's first land plants.

    3. Our climate (to change) and that change (to cause) by human activity.

    4. Today we (to live) in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants (to face) many challenges.

    5. Metal production in the United Kingdom (to decrease) over the past century.

    5) Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами:

    а) сложное дополнение;

    b) сложное подлежащее;

    c) абсолютная причастная конструкция.

    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык:

    1. The Greeks thought gold to be a dense combination of water and sunlight.

    2. Some specialists consider it to be a combination of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

    3. Some scientists believe diamonds to be formed from coal.

    4. Water is supposed to have come from comets hitting the Earth after the proto-crust solidified.

    5. The original Earth was two-layered, with a body of deep water lying underneath the land rather than encircling it.

    6. Similar to South Africa, Russia is thought to employ approximately 400 000 people in its gold mining industry.

    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:

    From the history of coal mining in Great Britain

    In Roman Britain, the Romans were exploiting all major coalfields (save those of North and South Staffordshire) by the late 2nd century AD. While much of its use remained local, a lively trade developed along the North Sea coast supplying coal to Yorkshire and London. This also extended to the continental Rhineland, where bituminous coal was already used for the smelting of iron ore. It was used in hypocausts to heat public baths, the baths in military forts, and the villas of wealthy individuals. Excavation has revealed coal stores at many forts along Hadrian's Wall, as well as the remains of a smelting industry at forts such as Longovicium nearby.

    After the Romans left Britain, in AD 410, there are no records of coal being used in the country until the end of the 12th century. Shortly after the signing of the Magna Carta, in 1215, coal began to be traded in areas of Scotland and the north-east England, where the carboniferous strata where exposed on the sea shore, and thus became known as "sea coal". As early as 1228, sea coal from the north-east was being taken to London. During the 13th century, the trading of coal increased across Britain and by the end of the century most of the coalfields in England, Scotland and Wales were being worked on a small scale. During the first half of the 14th century coal began to be used for domestic heating in coal producing areas of Britain, as improvements were made in the design of domestic hearths. Edward III was the first king to take an interest in the coal trade of the north east, issuing a number of writs to regulate the trade and allowing the export of coal to Calais. The demand for coal steadily increased in Britain during the 15th century, but it was still mainly being used in the mining districts, in coastal towns or being exported to continental Europe. However, by the middle of the 16th century supplies of wood were beginning to fail in Britain and the use of coal as a domestic fuel rapidly expanded.

    7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.

    Правильно выполненная и оформленная контрольная работа является основным требованием для получения зачёта. Оформление письменной контрольной работы согласно МИ 01-02-2018 Общие требования к построению и оформлению учебной текстовой документации.

    Итоговый контроль – ЭКЗАМЕН
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    О переводе технического текста

    Перевод научно-технического текста должен верно передавать смысл оригинала в форме, по возможности близкой к форме оригинала. Отступления должны быть оправданы особенностями русского языка, требованиями стиля.

    Перевод в целом не должен быть ни буквальным подстрочником, ни вольным пересказом оригинала, хотя элементы того и другого обязательно присутствуют обязательно: если буквальный перевод какой-то фразы хорошо передает ее смысл и хорошо звучит по-русски, нет оснований изменять его; и наоборот, можно (и должно) пересказать содержание своими словами, если иначе «никак не получается». Важно лишь не допускать потери существенной информации или, наоборот, привносить от себя то, чего нет в тексте (или хотя бы в достаточно явном подтексте) оригинала.

    Верность научного перевода определяется тем, насколько хорошо переводчик знает язык оригинала и предмет изложения. Однако верный смысл должен быть передан ясно и доходчиво.


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    «Горное дело»

    семестр IV

    1. Read and translate the text “Methods of Extraction”

    2. Read and give a brief summary of the text “Surface mining”

    3. Speak on the topic “Types of processing”

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    Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины

    Основная литература

    1. Венявская В.М. Английский язык. Страноведение = Across the countries and continets: учебник / В.М. Венявская. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2009. – 444с.

    2. Козыкина Н.В. Практика перевода в комментариях и упражнениях: учеб. пособие / Н.В. Козыкина, О.И. Флешлер. – Чита: ЧитГУ, 2008. – 129с.

    3. Полякова Т.Ю. Достижения науки и техники XX века : учеб. пособие / Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская, Г.А. Селезнева. – 3-е изд., стер. – М. : Высш. шк., 2009. – 287с.

    4. Соколова Л.А. Грамматические трудности перевода с английского языка на русский: учеб. пособие / Л.А. Соколова, Е.П. Трофимова, Н.А. Калевич. – М.: Высшая школа, 2008. – 204с.

    Дополнительная литература

    1. Английский язык для инженеров-химиков. Книга для студента: учебное пособие / авторы-сост.: Т.С. Петровская, И.Е. Рыманова, А.В. Макаровских; Томский политехнический университет. – Томск: Изд-во Томского политехнического университета, 2012. – 165 с.

    2. Журавлева Р.И. Английский язык. Учебник для студентов горно-геологических специальностей вузов. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2013. – 508 с.

    3. Baker A. Ship or sheep. An intermediate phonetic course/ 3d ed. – UK., Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2006.

    4. Brieger N., Pohl A. Technical English: Vocabulary and Grammar. – UK., Summertown Publishing, 2012. – 250 с.

    5. Glendinning E.H., Pohl A. Technology. – UK., Oxford, 2011. – 136 c.

    6. Haines M., Nettle S. Advanced Grammar in use. Supplementary exercises. – UK., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 136 c.

    7. Ibbotson M. Professional English in Use: Technical English for Professionals. – UK., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 156 c.

    8. Ibbotson M. Cambridge English for Engineering. – UK., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 110 c.

    9. MacCarthy M., O’Dell F. Academic Vocabulary in Use. 7th ed. – UK., Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012. 176 c.


    1. Баринов С.М., Борковский А.Б., Владимиров В.А. и др. Большой англорусский политехнический словарь: В 2х т. Около 200000 терминов. – М.: Рус. яз., 1991. –720 с. 820 с.

    2. Перлов Н.И., Истеев А.И., Тюрин В.А. и др. Англо-русский металлургический словарь. Ок. 66000 терминов. – М.: Рус. яз., 1985. – 841 с.

    3. Тимофеев П.П., Алексеев М.Н., Софиано Т.А. Англо-русский геологический словарь. – М.: «Русский язык», 1988. – 542 с.

    4. Woods A. English-Russian /Russian-English Encyclopedic dictionary of Exploration and production geophysics. About 30 000 terms.– USA, Dallas, 1997. – 303 c.

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