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Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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Времена группы Continuous употребляются для выражения действия, происходящего в какой-то определенный момент времени в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем. Этот момент может подразумеваться из контекста или может быть обозначен либо конкретным указанием на время, например: в 10 часов, либо указанием на другое однократное действие, например: когда мы вошли, когда мы вернулись и т.д.

В the Present Continuous момент может быть выражен словами now сейчас, at the present moment в настоящий момент, at this moment в этот момент. Например:

They are doing grammar exer- Они делают грамматические

cises now. упражнения сейчас.

They were doing grammar exer- Они делали грамматические

cises when he came in. упражнения, когда он вошел.

They will be doing grammar ex- Они будут делать грамматиче-

ercises at 10 oclock tomorrow. ские упражнения завтра в де

сять часов.

Глаголы, выражающие чувства: to love любить, to like нравиться, to hate ненавидеть и т. п.; восприятия: to see видеть, to hear слушать, to feel чувствовать, to know знать, to remember помнить, to understand понимать и т. п.; а также глаголы to belong принадлежать, to contain содержать, to consist состоять, to possess обладать, как правило, в форме Continuous не употребляются. Например:

Thank you, I feel much better Благодарю Вас, я чувствую се-

now. бя гораздо лучше.

На русский язык времена группы Continuous переводятся глаголами несовершенного вида настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени. Длительный характер действия передается словами сейчас, в данный момент, в это время и т. п.:

You can talk to him. Не is not Вы можете поговорить с ним.

working. Он не работает в данный мо


Не was getting ready for his fi- Он готовился к выпускным

nal exam, when I came in. экзаменам, когда я пришел.

She will be working at her arti- Завтра в это время она будет

cle at that time tomorrow. работать над своей статьей.

to be + being + Participle II


I am' he, she, it -h is we, you, they are

being written


I, he, she, it + was j being written we, you, they werej

В страдательном залоге

1 Students asked the lecturer many questions. The lecturer was asked many questions. 2. The monitor told the first-year students to come to the laboratory. The first-year students were told to come to the laboratory. 3. Usually a lab assistant shows the equipment to the students. Usually the equipment is shown to the students by a lab assistant. Usually students are shown the equipment by a lab assistant. 4. Students watched the process with great attention. The process was watched with great attention. 5. Tomorrow our teacher

2 Cambridge University was formed in the 12th century. 2. The solution of ecological problems may be achieved only by joint efforts of all countries. 3. Great changes in people’s lives and work were brought about by the scientific and technological progress. 4. The theory of interaction of atmospheric and oceanic processes is being developed to determine the weather of the planet. 5. The teachers at Cambridge are called «dons» or «tutors». 6. Computers and la-

3 That electricity is clean and easily-regulated is its great advantage. 2. The important fact is that electricity offers improved service at reduced cost. 3. That the two scientists Lodygyn and Yablochkov were the first in Russia to work in the field of electrical engineering is well-known. 4. One of the main advantages of electricity is that it does not pollute the environment. 5. The indicator of nation development is how much electricity is consumed per capita. 6. What has been and is being done in environment protection cannot be measured by yesterday’s standards.

4when the mass production of TV sets began, people realized they wanted to have a TV set at home. 4. Experiments proved that elec

5tricity could travel instantly over a long piece of wire. 5. Can you

6tell me whether satellites are used for telephone communication?

7 It became clear television had a great influence on people’s life.

8 Flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo on board a new supersonic craft will take two hours. 2. On examining the car before starting on a long journey a driver can be sure that he will get to his destination without accidents. 3. By summing up the information about the speed and distance of various objects on the road, the computer de-

9 If a scientific research is closely linked with practice, the results are always good. 2. If you looked at the equipment of 1946,

10 Laser means «light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation». 2. Laser produces an intensive beam of light. 3. In the next few years laser will become one of the main technological tools. 4. Martians almost invaded the Earth before the turn of the last century. 5. Laser and thermonuclear reaction can produce a limited source of energy. 6. The laser beam heats the fuel so quickly that the plasma disintegrates. 7. There are projects to transform lu-
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