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  • The Infinitive and Continuous Tenses (Active and Passive) Ex

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    American Terminology is sometimes confusing

    An experienced international counselor once warned that a misconception frequently develops around the American use of the word "grade."

    As with many words in the English language, grade has more than one definition and that definition can be confusing. In American, grade can refer to both the "level" of study reached by a student and also the "marks" earned in a class. Even more confusing, ^making the grade" in America can mean both successfully passing a course and realizing success on several levels—a typically confusing English example!

    The international student learning English is may confront these challenges frequently because of language and cultural differences. This is especially confusing when the American penchant for slang and idiomatic expressions are added. For instance, many American students will refer to their "major" and their "career" almost as if they had one definition. Actually, a college major is the intended course of study such as engineering or medicine. A career is the actual job(s) practiced after graduation such as a civil engineer or anesthesiologist.

    There is not enough room in any single publication to spell out all the confusion in American English. We offer this list of education-related words and anacronyms of special interest to the international student:

    GMAT - This Graduate Management Admissions Test is set by the Education Testing Service (ETS). Many schools require it from students applying for a Masters in Business Admin­istration (MBA). A score of 450 or more usually is required for graduate admission.

    GPA - Grade Point Average. The average marks scored in your accumulated college study. It is computed by adding all your grades and dividing them by the number of courses taken. Most GPAs are based on a system of "4," with a perfect "A" (excel­lent) represented by a 4.0 and an average by 2.0.

    Graduate Programs—The course of study leading to a master's degree or doctorate. They must follow completion of a bachelor's degree program.

    GRE—Graduate Record Examination. This is the test set by the Education Testing Service and is required by many schools for students applying for master's degrees other than a Master's of Business Administration (MBA).
    IAP-66—This is the immigration form issued by the State Department through a United States school to an international student applying for a J-1 ex­change visitor visa.

    MBA—Master of Business Administration degree.

    Post-Secondary Institution—A college, university, professional or technical school. Any higher educa­tion beyond the American 12th grade (final public education).

    1-20—This is Immigration Form 20 which is issued by schools in the United States to international students applying for an F-1 (academic) or M-1 (vocational) visa.

    APT—Advanced Placement Test. The test set by the Education Testing Service (ETS) taken by students wishing to enter a U.S. university with advanced standing.

    B. A. Bachelor of Arts degree, usually four years, available from colleges and universities.

    B. S. Bachelor of Science degree, usually four years, available from colleges and universities.

    SAT—The Scholastic Aptitude Test is a test provided by the Education Testing Service (ETS) for students wishing to enter a United States university as a freshman. It commonly is known as a college "entrance examination."

    TOEFL - The Test of English as a Foreign Lan­guage. This is a test given by the Education Testing Service (ETS) for determining a student's standard of English. Test centers are available in many interna­tional students' home countries. A score of 500 usually is required for undergraduates and 550 for graduates. Students not passing the test may still enroll in American schools provided they and the school make immediate arrangement for English as a Second Language (ESL) study.



    Confusing – запутанный

    Experienced – опытный

    Counselor – советник

    Warn – предупреждать

    Misconception – неправильное понимание

    Frequently – часто

    Grade – 1. Уровень: класс; 2, оценка (амер)

    Definition – определение

    Refer (to) – относиться (к)

    Level – уровень

    Reach – достичь, добиться

    Earn marks – получать отметки

    Confront – сталкиваться

    Challenge – возникшая проблема

    Penchant – склонный

    Added – добавлен

    Major – специализация

    Graduation – окончание (вуза)

    Intend – намереваться

    Civil – гражданский

    Admission – прием

    Apply – обращаться

    Score – сумма очков (баллов)

    Require – требоваться

    Average – средний

    Compute – подсчитывать

    Excellent – отличный

    Master – магистр

    Degree – научная степень

    Completion – завеершение

    Issue – выдавать

    Secondary – средний

    Institution – учреждение

    Final – заключительный

    Academic – учебный, академический

    Advanced – продвинутый
    Placement – определение места

    Standing - положение

    Available – доступный, возможный

    Scholastic учебный

    Aptitude – склонность

    Entrance exam – вступительный экзамен

    Undergraduate – здесь: старшеклассник

    Enroll – здесь: регистрировать(ся)

    Provided – в случае, если

    Make arrangement – условиться, договориться

    Immediate - немедленно

    Word Study to the Text.
    Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

    1. international student 2. experienced counselor 3. 12th grade 4.

    misconception 5. entrance examination 6. confusing definition 7.

    advanced level 8. required score 9. typical example 10. average mark

    11. enough room 12. vocational education

    a/ профессиональное образование b/ продвинутый уровень c/

    студент-иностранец d/ вступительный экзамен e/ опытный советник f/

    типичный пример g/ достаточно места h/ 12-й класс (последний) i/

    требуемая сумма очков j/ приводящее в замешательство определение k/

    средняя отметка l/ неправильное понимание
    Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

    1. to earn marks 2. to confront challenges 3. to complete a program

    4. to issue a form 5. to add and divide 6. to apply for a Masters 7.

    to determine one' standard of... 8. to make an arragement

    a/ завершить программу b/ поступать на получение степени магистра c/

    складывать и делить d/ сталкиваться с возникающими трудностями e/ выдать

    документ f/ условиться g/ получать отметки h/ определить свой

    Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

    1. Опытный советник по международным вопросам предупредил, что существует

    неправильное понимание американского слова "grade". 2. У этого слова -

    несколько определений. 3. Одно из них обозначает класс, уровень знаний. 4.

    Второе значение - "оценка", но именно в американском английском, поскольку

    у англичан есть свое собственное слово для данного понятия (notion). 5.

    Иностранный студент часто может сталкиваться с проблемами, возникающими

    из-за языковых и культурных различий. 6. Существует ряд терминов и

    аббревиатур, которые представляют интерес для студента-иностранца. 7.

    Существуют различного рода тесты для поступления в университеты и другие

    учебные заведения. 8. Для поступления в университет необходимо набрать

    определенное число очков в письменном экзамене, который проводится

    независимыми экзаменационными комиссиями, разбросанными по всей стране. 9.

    Этот экзамен равносилен (be equal to) вступительному экзамену.
    Comprehension Check.

    Ex. Answer the following questions:

    1. What did an experienced counselor warn about?

    2. What are the main meanings of the word "grades"?

    3. What do the words "major" and "career" mean?

    4. What scientific degrees are there in America?

    5. What score is required to apply for a Master's degree?

    6. What do the following abbreviations mean:

    a/ MBA;

    b/ SAT;

    c/ TOEFL.

    7. What institutions are the exams held at?
    Topics to discuss.

    1. Meanings of the word "grade".

    2. Comment the following abbreviations:

    a/ GMAT;

    b/ GPA;

    c/ GRE;

    d/ MBA;

    e/ SAT;

    f/ TOEFL.

    Ex.1:Find out the Subject and the Predicate

    1. Courses vary in length – from a few months to two years.

    2. In order to enter a university or polytechnic in Britain, you should have two or three “A” levels with good marks.

    3. Do young people pay less in their own state?

    4. The undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor’s Degree.

    5. During the last two years the undergraduates major in one special subject.

    6. To obtain the Master’s Degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years.

    7. For classes like history, literature, or even science there are essay questions, for math there are problems to solve.

    8. Discussion often centres on the design of secondary and higher education programs.

    Ex 2:Choose the verb (in brackets) that agrees with the subject

    1. Colleges of education (train, trains) teachers.

    2. Postgraduate courses (exist, exists) for the degrees of MA, M Sc and Ph.D.

    3. In you have a high IQ score the teacher (give, gives) you more interesting work to do.

    4. Further education at special colleges is mainly vocational, and (lead, leads) to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree.

    5. The academic programs (differ, differs) greatly in various universities.

    6. An ever increasing number of students (hold, holds) jobs besides studying.

    7. This (mean, means) that just about any student who really (want, wants) to can finance his education.

    8. Young people usually (go, goes) to the university in the state they (live, lives).

    Ex 3: Write down the questions to the given answers

    1. ….. are you? – I’m 20.

    2. ….. do you prefer, tennis or golf? – Tennis

    3. ….. does it cost? – 10 dollars

    4. ….. is it? - 11 am

    5. ….. of books do you enjoy reading? – Detective stories

    6. ….. does he go to school? – 6 days a week

    7. ….. is he? – a coach

    8. ….. were you there? – Yesterday

    9. ….. have you been there? – (for) 3 weeks

    10. ..… people will there be out of town tomorrow? – A lot (of)

    11. ….. do they life? – in S.-P.

    12. ….. things are these? – Mine

    13. ….. is she? – my sister

    14. ….. are you? – O.K.

    15. ….. do you go in for? - Football

    Ex.4:Choose the correct form of each present tense verb

    1. A university (offers, offer) both the B.D. and graduate degrees such as the M.A. and Ph.D.

    2. Why (does, do) people go to university?

    3. Education in Great Britain (is, are) compulsory from 5 to 16.

    4. University and Polytechnic degree courses (lasts, last) three or four years.

    5. (Does, do) a student wear a uniform?

    6. Private universities (is, are) generally small and, therefore, very competitive.

    7. In the USA the word “school” (describes, describe) any place where people learn.

    8. (Does, do) students have a lot of tests and exams?

    The Infinitive and Continuous Tenses (Active and Passive)
    Ex 5:Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous (Active).

    1. Nothing (to grow) in a desert. 2. – Aren’t you dressed yet? – I (to think) of what to put on, it (to be) rather cold outside. 3. She (to speak) French fluently. 4. This girl always (to talk) at the lessons. 5. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (to shout) at each other again/ 6. As a rule she (to do) her homework in the evening. 7. It is rather unpleasant to live in that part of the country at this time of the year. It continually (to rain) there. 8. She (to work) much and usually (to get) good marks. 9. The moon (to go) round the earth. 10. You always (to lock) the door to your apartment when you leave? 11. Please be quiet, I (to try) to concentrate. 12. I can’t afford this ring. It (to cost) too much. 13. Jane often (to teach) other students in her math class. This afternoon she (to help) Steve with his math assignment because he (not to understand) the new material. 14. After three days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (to shine) again today. 15. Mike is a student but he (not to go) to the college right now because it’s summer. He (to attend) his college from September to May every year, but in the summers he (to have) usually a job at the post office. In fact, he (to work) there this summer.
    Ex 6: Translate into English using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous (Active)

    1.Девушка, которая разговаривает с моей сестрой, наша соседка, которая живет напротив. 2. – Ты хорошо слышишь докладчика? – Да, я слышу его достаточно четко. Я слушаю его очень внимательно, но не совсем понимаю, на что он намекает, (to drive at). 3. Идете в эту же сторону? Могу вас подвезти. 4. Не входи в кабинет! Там сейчас занимается май брат – студент последнего курса. Он готовится к выпускным экзаменам. 5. – Почему не заходишь к нам? – Я очень занят, я играю в студенческом оркестре и мы репетируем каждый вечер. 6. Прекрати курить! Комната полна дыма. 7. Ей нравятся произведения этого писателя, а мне нет.
    Ex7: Open the brackets putting the infinitive into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous (Active)

    1.The class (to argue) hotly about the plans for the summer holidays when the teacher (to enter) the classroom. 2. While I (to study) in one room of our apartment, my roommate (to have a party) in the other room. 3. When he (to offer) you to meet to discuss the plans for the future? 4. – Where, you (to be)? I (to ring up) you at 8 o’clock last night. 5. I (to sleep) soundly when the mailman (to knock) at the door. 6. The accident (to happen) while they (to drive) on the highway. 7. When john (to come) home, Ann (to watch) television. 8. Everybody (to understand) that she (to be) not right but (not to tell) her about it.
    Ex8: Translate the sentences into English using the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous (Active)

    1.Когда они наконец приехали к нам, нас не было дома. 2. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 3. Когда поезд проезжал Париж, была ночь и пассажиры так и не увидели его. 4. Когда декан вошел в аудиторию, какой-то студент делал доклад. 5. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала и задумалась. 6. Шел сильный дождь, когда я вышел из автобуса. 7. Когда ты позвонил нам, мы обедали. 8. В субботу утром я работал в саду. 9. Машинистка печатала доклад, когда вошла секретарь и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги.10. Что ты делала вчера вечером в 9 часов? – Смотрела TV. 11. Когда я впервые встретил ее, она работала в школе. 12. Когда мы вышли на улицу, ярко светило солнце. 13. – Где ты был в 11?

    - В колледже. У меня были занятия в это время.

    14. Обычно студенты сдают тесты и экзамены в конце семестра.
    Ex9: Translate the following into English using the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite

    1. Я сержусь на вас за то, что вы были очень невнимательны вчера. 2. Он говорит, что не помнит многих подробностей этого фильма, т.к. смотрел его еще в детстве. 3. Кажется, он очень интересуется иностранными языками? – Да, он увлекался ими еще в школе. 4. Наша библиотека снабжает студентов всеми нужными им книгами. 5. Латинский – сейчас «мертвый» язык, но несколько веков тому назад он был международным языком. 6. – Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? – В прошлый четверг. 7.Вы обычно говорите со своими друзьями на английском языке? – Нет. 8. Я никогда не упускаю возможность послушать хорошую музыку. 9. Ваше предложение не имеет смысла. 10. – Не одолжишь мне 10 долларов? – Почему ты не попросишь их у своего брата? – В этом-то вся проблема, я заняла у него 10 долларов на прошлой неделе и сейчас он просит их вернуть.

    Ex10: Translate into Russian paying attention to the meanings of the expression used to. Study the example.
    Example: - Do you play football?

    - Not now but I used to

    - Ты играешь в футбол?

    - Сейчас нет, но когда-то играл.

    1. She used to be very pretty when she was young. 2. He used to be a sailor. 3. I can’t speack French now as well as I used to, I’m afraid. 4. I don’t drive as carelessly as I used to. 5. He doesn’t smoke as much as he used to. 6. She is slender now but she used to be rather fat in her youth.

    Ex11: Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous (Active).
    1. You (to have) time to help me tomorrow? 2. What you (to do) at 8 a.m. tomorrow? 3. We (to have) a holiday next week. 4. I (to know) the results of my written test in a week 5. At this time tomorrow night, Jack (to practice) the piano. 6. They (to stay) with us next Christmas. 7. At 9 p/m/ he (to work) on his Master’s essay. 8. Where you (to spend) your vocation? 9. You (to meet) Ann soon? 10. When we reach England it (to rain) probably. 11. I can’t understand this letter. I (to call) my son. He (to translate) it to you. 12. Hurry up or you (not to catch) the last train. 13. I’m awfully busy these days, but I (to see off) you. 14. I hope the weather (to be) better soon and we (to go) down to the country to have a rest.
    Ex12: Translate the sentences into English using the Present Continuous in the future meaning. Study the example.
    Example: Делегация прибывает завтра.

    The delegation is arriving tomorrow.

    1. – Что Вы делаете сегодня вечером? – Иду в театр. 2. Они приедут в любую минуту. 3. На следующей неделе мы устраиваем встречу выпускников. 4. Я выхожу из дома через 10 минут. 5. Завтра я встречаю приятеля их Москвы. 6. Они едут за город на субботу и воскресенье. 7. – Когда уезжают твои родители? – Завтра.

    Ex13: Translate the sentences into English according to the model.
    Model: Я думаю, он не придет.

    I don’t think he’ll come.

    1. Я думаю, он не предложит нам помощь. 2. Я думаю, их не заинтересует эта проблема. 3. Я думаю, книга не будет иметь успех. 4. Я думаю, это не займет у нас много времени. 5. Я думаю, не будет никаких трудностей. 6. Я думаю, там не будет много народа.
    Ex14: Translate into English using the Future Indefinite or The Future Continuous (Active).
    1. Надеюсь, фильм будет иметь успех. 2. В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать. 3. – Она будет заниматься английским языком с 8 до 10 часов утра? – Да. 4. Боюсь, мы только зря потеряли время. 5. Подожди! Я поймаю такси. 6. Извини, я тебя не слышу. Я выключу радио. 7. Он перезвонит Вам позднее. 8. Уверена, они поддержат эту идею. 9. – Мы придем в 5. – Хорошо, я буду Вас ждать. 10. Будь уверена, мы придем вовремя. 11. Не звони ей в 12 часов, она будет готовиться к экзамену. 13. Мы не опоздаем.
    Ex15: Complete the sentences using the expressions from the right column.
    a) I am going - to say a few words about it.

    - to explain our new ideas to you.

    - to leave them some message.

    - to talk about modern art.

    b) Are you going…? - to buy a colour TV-set.

    - to play tennis this afternoon.

    - to be a scientist.

    - to go to the movies tonight.

    Work in pairs. Give your partner the sentence in Russian and ask him to translate it. Give other variants.
    Ex16: Change the following sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense (Active).

    1. using shall or will:

    2. using going to.

    Replace the present or past time expressions by a future time expressions.

    Example: He wrote the letter yesterday.

    1. He will write the letter tomorrow.

    2. He is going to write the letter tomorrow.

    1. Ted worked hard last term. 2. Did Ted work hard last term? 3/ They built a new school in 1990. 4. What time did you have breakfast? 5. They sold their house last month. 6. Susan brought in the coffee. 7. He spoke English to his colleagues. 8. I went to my friend’s house. 9. They thought about their work. 10. We had supper at 7 p.m.

    Ex17: Rewrite each sentence below using the Passive Voice wherever possible. Make all the necessary verb and subject changes.

    1. A four-year college or university offers a Bachelor’s Degree.

    2. The undergraduates take the majority of courses in one special subject.

    3. Upon term completion university students have vacations.

    4. In “graduate” schools students receive advanced degrees.

    5. A high school transcript summarizes the courses taken by the student and the grades obtained.

    6. Most universities require mid-semester and final examinations.

    7. The best universities admit about 15-17 percent of all applicants.

    8. Each year over 3 million high school students take two standardized tests – SAT and ACT.

    Ex18: Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets. Make all the necessary changes.

    (Present Simple / Present Progressive)

    1. What are you doing? I (write, be writing) my term paper.

    2. The IQ tests are not perfect, and often (fail, be failing) to bring out students’ best abilities.

    3. A final examination usually (last, be lasting) three hours.

    4. Don’t bother me! I (prepare, be preparing) for my mid-semester exam.

    5. Harry (know, be knowing) that his daughter will graduate with honors.

    6. After final examinations students (receive, be receiving) their grades in the mail a month, or two later.

    7. Hurry up! Your teacher (want, be wanting) you.

    8. Where is Sam? He (play, be playing) in the playground.

    Ex19:Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct Passive form).

    give subsidize refer (to)

    divide (not) support call aim (at) know

    Example: The results of the test are mailed to students.

    1. The academic year in all types of educational institutions … into two terms.

    2. State universities partly … by state governments.

    3. Private schools … primarily by public funds and charge fees.

    4. In British universities some university teachers … tutors.

    5. The freshman year and the sophomore year at an Undergraduate school … providing general education.

    6. The results from IQ tests … only by the teachers, and not by the students or their parents.

    7. The degrees usually … by their initials, both in speech and writing.

    8. At some institutions an Honors degree … to the students who are more successful in their examinations.

    Ex20: Make the sentences Passive according to the model wherever possible.
    modal verb + be + Participle II

    Model: - We can solve this problem.

    Мы можем решить эту задачу.

    - The problem can be solved.

    Задачу можно решить.

    1. A student can hold a part-time job either “on campus” or “off campus”.

    2. Many students must maintain a certain grade average to keep their scholarships.

    3. The candidate for Ph. D. Should depend his dissertation before a panel of experts.

    4. High school students can select subjects useful in their chosen work.

    5. Students may have two finals a day.

    6. The students can obtain the Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree in Graduate school.

    7. An applicant to a University should submit some letters of recommendation.

    8. Some students may get vocational education at special colleges.

    Ex21: Change the voice of the underlined verb making all the necessary changes.

    1. Example: We carry out many experiments in our laboratory.
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