By Jennifer Tanaka Vocabulary:
watch - наблюдать, следить
connect - (под)соединять
webcam - видеокамера, подсоединенная к Интернету
transmit - передавать
round-the-clock - разг. круглосуточный
surf - плавание на волнах
coastline - побережье
heavy traffic - напряженное движение на дорогах
tank - резервуар, бак; бассейн, пруд
in the early ’90 - в начале ‘90-х
proliferate - распространяться, численно возрастать
steadily - упорно, постоянно
search - поиск
tune in - настраиваться на
observer - наблюдатель
hooked on - разг.: помешанный на
broadcast - вещать, передавать (по радио, ТВ)
continuously - беспрерывно
entertainment - развлечение
boring - скучно, утомительно
sound - звучать
tend - иметь тенденцию
catch*- заставать
routine - повседневный
stare - уставиться
inclined - склонный
appeal - здесь: влечение, привлекательность
run* - вести
set up* - установить
feature - амер.: показывать (на экране)
snapshot - снимок, кадр
update - обновлять
througout the day and night - круглые сутки
hang* - висеть
crib - колыбель
neat - аккуратный; ловкий
grow* up - расти
stranger - незнакомец
fun - забавный
stumble - наыкаться
traffic - движение
amuse - забавлять, развлекать
horror - ужас
unknowingly - не зная
miss - скучать
addict (to) - пристраститься; предаваться
migrate - перейти
shared bedroom - спальная на двоих
habitat - жилище
senior - студент 4-го (последнего) курса
socialize - общаться
curiosity - любопытство
female - женщина
junior - третьекурсник
amazing - удивительный, поразительный
point at - указывать на
upward - вверх
maintain - поддерживать
charge - взимать плату
subscription - подписка
increasingly - все в большей степени
discover - обнаруживать
peek in - заглядывать
day-care center
check out - проверять
stand* in line - стоять в очередь
beam - высвечивать
gridlock - (ТВ)сетка экрана
application - заявление
indispensable - неотъемлемый Comprehension Check.
Answer the following questions.
What is done with a help of Webcams?
Why do people turn cameras on themselves?
What did the Williamses’ Web site feature?
Was it alwaya a fun?
Will Webcams be widely used in future?
Topics to Discuss.
Using Webcams by ordinary people (take examples from the text).
Positive and negative sides of using Webcams.
Text 7:
SECRETARIES: THE WASTED ASSET. Too many British managers cannot manage their own secretaries. That is the opinion of Juliet Hepburn, who began as a secretary and is now a leader of a campaign to maximise the use of a much underrated group of employees. The campaign is being run by the Industrial Society - an organisation with 16,000 members, including trade unions - which aims to increase the productivity and profitability of British businesses. It seems unreasonable to waste the time and talents of so many secretaries by limiting their duties to the traditional typing and tea-making activities.
Among the most popular of the 2,000 courses and conferences arranged each year by the society is one called «Helping Your Manager». Four years ago, when it began as a two-day course for secretaries and bosses, the project almost failed, for the simple reason that bosses were not willing «to waste two whole days».
But once a secretary who participated in the two-day course for secretaries, brought in the managers at lunchtime on the second day, and after that things began moving. Now the society runs a dozen of such courses in London and throughout the country, and has had to double its advisory staff to cope with the extra work.
The doubts of its sponsors if there was the need for such a course were soon disappeared. Shock-horror tales of bad office practice began to emerge like copies from a duplicator and often they were as repetitious.
There were the bosses who came to the courses with their secretaries, but they refused to tell the details of their day's programme, or even their whereabouts. A common source of friction was the morning mail. There was one boss who insisted that when he was on holiday his letters should be forwarded to him, and another who would not allow his secretary to open his letters even when he was at work. After taking this course, he agreed that this might be unreasonable, but a follow-up inquiry from the society revealed that he was allowing his secretary to open the letters, but only in his office and under his beady eye. Progress can sometimes be slow.
A senior secretary in a law firm, who had opened everyone's mail since the days when the total staff was two partners and herself, continued to do so when they had expanded to employ 50 secretaries. The result was that the morning mail never arrived on desks before 3p.m.
On a more personal level Mrs Hepburn and her colleagues have been shocked by the number of managers who do not make time to talk to their secretaries on a regular basis.
Even when some enterprising girl makes her own appointment in the diary, that is always the one that is cancelled because of pressure of work. Small wonder that the turnover of secretaries in some companies is 60 per cent in a year.
«All you need to avoid this waste is to invest a little time in motivating secretaries to realise that they are part of the management structure,» Mrs Hepbum insists. At the course secretaries are questioned first of all about their perceptions of themselves. 'Too many think of themselves as only a secretary - an adjunct to, rather than a part of, the management team,» says Mrs Hepburn.
Next the secretaries are encouraged to use their initiative, to anticipate problems rather than to sit at their desks doing nothing. There is talk about office administration - making appointments, controlling a diary and evolving a system for keeping track of earlier decisions.
The importance of communicating - through letter writing, the telephone, face-to-face meetings - emphasised. «An awful lot secretaries would never shake hands with a visitor,» Mrs Hepburn says. When the bosses join the course during an informal lunch on the second day, their reactions never vary. 'They walk straight up to their secretaries and ask, with embarrassed grin: "What have you been saying about me? Vocabulary.
waste - терять понапрасну
asset - актив
manage - управлять, руководить
opinion - мнение
campaign - кампания
underrated - недооцениваемый
employee - сотрудник, работник
run* - руководить, проводить
trade union - профсоюз
aim - иметь целью
increase - увеличивать
profitability - прибыльность
businesses -мн.ч.: фирмы
unreasonable - неразумный
type - печатать на машинке
arrange - организовать, устроить
fail - проваливаться, не удаваться
bring* in - привести
dozen - дюжина
throughout the country - по всей стране
double - удвоить
advisory staff - консультанты
cope with - справляться с
extra - дополнительный
doubt - сомнение
need (for) - необходимость (в)
disappear - исчезать
tale - история
emerge - появляться, возникать
repetitious - повторяющийся
refuse - отказываться
details - мн.ч.: подробности
whereabouts - координаты
common - обычный
source - источник
friction - трение
insist - настаивать
forward - переправлять, передавать
allow - позволять
unreasonable - неразумно
follow-up - последующий
inquiry - опрос
reveal - открыть, обнаружить
beady eye - бдительный взгляд
expand - расширять(ся)
employ - принять на работу
level - уровень
enterprising - предприимчивый
make* an appointment - назначить встречу
diary - дневник, книжка-календарь
cancel - отменять
turnover - сменяемость
avoid - избегать
invest - вклажывать
motivate - заинтересовать
realise - понимать
insist - настаивать
perception - воспринимать
adjunct (to) - приложение
encourage - поощрять
anticipate - предвидеть
rather than - а не
evolve - развивать
keep* track (of) - вести запись
communicating - общение
shake hands (with) - пожимать руки
join - присоединяться
informal - неофициальный
vary - различаться
embarrass - приводить в замешательство
grin - усмешка Comprehension Check.
Ex. Answer the following questions:
Why was the two-day course "Helping your manager" a failure
when it was conducted for the first time?
What happened to make the course successful?
How is it suggested that managers should improve the use of their secretaries?
How can secretaries help themselves?
Topics to discuss.
Traditional secretaries' duties.
"Helping your manager" courses.
Secretary as a part of managers' team.
Men's reaction to having a woman as a boss.
It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
It usually takes 100 years to make a law, after it's done its work, it usually takes 100 years to get rid of it.
Henry Ward Beecher.
You are remembered for the rules you break.
Douglas MacArthur.
A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
Robert Frost.
Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black.
Danish proverb.
Liberty is always unfinished business.
American Civil Liberties Union.
- Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having. Gandhi.
- The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right. Learned Hand.
- Liberty is always dangerous - but it is the safest thing we have. Harry
Emerson Fosdick.
- Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. George
Bernard Shaw.
My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.
Adlai Stevenson.
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
Hunert Humphrey.
The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong.
Harry Weinberger.
Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.
90% of the politicians give the other 10% a bad reputation.
Henry Kissinger.
- A politician divides manking into two classes: tools and enemies.
Friedrich Nietzsche.
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is surprised when others believe him.
Charles de Gaulle.
Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.
Henry Adams.
Politics is the science of how who gets what, when and why.
Sidney Hillman.
In politics a wee is a very long time.
Harold Wilson.
In politics, a straight line is the shortest way to disaster.
John P.Roche.
In science, all facts, no matter how trivial or banal, enjoy democratic equality.
Mary McCarthy.
- 3 o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Punctuality is the thief of time.
Oscar Wilde.
- Never try to walk across a river just because it has an average depth of four feet.
Martin Friedman.
- The art of creation is older than the art of killing.
Andrei Voznesensky.
- The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.
Oscar Wilde.
World Almanac and book of facts. N.Y., 1998.
Язык Численность(млн.чел.)
1.Мандаринский (пекинский диалект китайского) 863
2. Хинди 357
3. Испанский 352
4. Английский 335
5. Бенгальский 200
6. Арабский 200
7. Португальский 173
8. Русский 168
9. Японский 125
10. Немецкий 99
11. Француский 75
Приложение 2 Список основных сокращений, используемых в деловой корреспонденции:
А/С, АС, ас, С/А, са (accountcurrent) — текущий счет
adsd (addressed) — адресовано
adse (addressee) — адресат, получатель
ad (advertisement) — рекламное объявление (множ. число ads)
a.f. (asfollows)— как указано далее
a.m. 1. (above mentioned) — вышеупомянутый; 2. (antemeridiem) — до полудня (см. Урок 1)
Аррх (appendix) — приложение
Attn (attention) — вниманию (кого-либо)
В/Е (billofexchange) — переводной вексель, тратта
B/L (bill of lading) — коносамент
СЕО (chiefexecutiveofficer) — исполнительный директор
cf (compare) — сравните
Co. (company) — компания
cont, contr. (contract) — контракт
Corp., Corpn (corporation) — корпорация
cur 1. (currency) — валюта; 2. (current) — текущий
CV (curriculum vitae) — краткая биография
dd 1. (dated) — датированный; 2. (delivered) — доставленный
Dept. (department) — 1. — отдел; 2. — министерство
doc., dct (document) — документы (множ. число — docs.)
doz., dz (dozen) — дюжина
EAON (exceptasotherwisenoted) — если не указано иначе
e.g. (exempligratia, лат.) — например
enc., end (enclosed, enclosure} — вложенный, прилагаемый, вложение, приложение (к письму и т. п.)
exc., excl. (except, excluding, exception, exclusion) — исключая, исключение
expn (expiration) — истечение (срока)
fig. (figure) — 1. цифра; 2. рисунок, схема
FY (fiscalyear) — финансовый год
h.a. (hocanno, лат.) — в текущем году
hf (half) — половина
Hp, H.P., h.p., H/P (hirepurchase) — покупка в рассрочку
id.(idem, лат.) — тот же
i.e., ie(id est, лат.) — то есть
incl. (including) — включая
inv. (invoice) — счет-фактура
IOU (Ioweyou) — долговая расписка
iss. (issued) — выпущенный (в обращение)
La. (letter of advice) — авизо, извещение
L/A (letter of authority) — доверенность
L.C., L/C (letter of credit) — аккредитив
Ld, Ltd. (limited) — с ограниченной ответственностью "
LOC (letter of commitment) — гарантийное письмо
mdse (merchandise) — товары
memo (memorandum) — записка
M/P (mail payment) — почтовый перевод
M.T. 1. (mailtransfer) — почтовый перевод; 2. (metricton) — метрическая тонна
MV (merchant (motor) vessel) — торговое (моторное) судно
N/A (notapplicable) — не применимо {напр., пункт в анкете)
NB (лат.) — важное замечание
o/l (ourletter) — (ссылаясь на) наше письмо
РА, Р/А, Р.А. 1. (personalassistant) — личный секретарь; 2. (power of attorney) — доверенность
p.a. (per annum, лат.) — в год
par., para. (paragraph) — абзац, параграф, пункт
Pie, PLC (public limited company) — открытая акционерная
компания с ограниченной ответственностью
РО (postoffice) — почтовое отделение
р.р. (pages) — страницы
рр, р.р. (perpro, лат.) — от имени и по поручению
qv (quodvide) — смотри (там-то)
R&D (research and development) — научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы (НИОКР)
ret, rept (receipt) — расписка, квитанция
re (regarding) — относительно
ref. (reference) — ссылка
RMS (root-mean-square) — средне-квадратический
shipt (shipment) — отгрузка, отправка
sig. (signature) — подпись
tn (ton) — тонна
urgt (urgent) — срочный v,, vs,
vers. (versus, лат.) — против
VAT, V.A.T. (value-added tax) — НДС
V.I.P (very important person) — особо важное лицо
v.s. (vide supra, лат.) — см.выше
v.v. (viceversa, лат.) — наоборот
w/o (without} — без
& (and) — и (союз)
@ — коммерческое at
# (number) — номер
Приложение 3
In the United States some universities were founded by private individuals and still receive a large part of their financial support from private donations. These are private universities, such as Yale or St. Louis University. Some of these private universities are supported by churches, so Notre Dame University is supported and controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. Some Universities were founded and are supported by the states where they are, for example the University of California (Los Angeles). State universities do get some of their money from private and business donations, but they are controlled by the States which started them.
MIT — The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, near Boston has the same prestige as CalTech. It is an excellent American technical university.
CALTECH — The California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena, Southern California is a private technical university. It is equal in prestige with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, near Boston.
IVY LEAGUE is a group of eight prestigious universities in the Eastern United States. It includes Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
JUNIOR COLLEGE is an American college rather like a British Sixth Form College or Polytechnic. Usually the qualification to enter a Junior College is obtained by completing secondary school course of education. Junior colleges usually teach two year courses. They often have both practical and academic subjects. Some junior college courses may be credited towards University Degrees.
CEEB (the College Entrance Examination Board) is a private organisation in America. It prepares and marks tests and examinations which are used by Colleges and Universities to test the abilities and aptitudes of their entrants.