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    1. На схеме обозначены субъекты международного права. Переведите названия на русский язык и определите, какие из них являются первичными, а какие производными.


    Subjects of International Community Vocabulary

    1. backbone of the community основа сообщества

    2. to possess full legal capacity обладать полной правоспособностью

    3. to be vested with rights быть наделенным правами

    4. to fall apart – распадаться

    5. insurgents мятежники, повстанцы

    6. to assert oneselves – самоутверждаться

    7. provisional existence временное существование

    8. a fully-fledged state полностью сложившееся государство

    9. to be defeated потерпеть поражение

    2. Прочитайте текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы.

    1. What are the legal subjects in national systems? Which of them are primary?

    2. What are the primary subjects in the international community?

    3. How are states defined in international law?

    4. What does “full legal capacity” mean?

    5. Are states of the international community equal?

    6. Who are insurgents?

    7. Which subjects of the international community are traditional and which are relatively new?

    8. Which subjects of the international community possess “limited legal capacity”?

    National systems comprise very many legal subjects: citizens, foreigners residing in the territory of the State, corporate bodies and State institutions (if endowed with legal personality). Individuals are the primary subjects in national legal systems. In contrast, the legal subjects of the international community are relatively few. In addition, the fundamental or primary subjects are not individuals, but States. They are entities which, besides controlling territory in a stable and permanent way, exercise the principal lawmaking and executive functions proper of any legal order. All other subjects either exercise effective authority over territory for a limited period of time only or have no territorial basis whatsoever. States, therefore, are the backbone of the community. They possess full legal capacity, that is, the ability to be vested with rights, powers, and obligations. Were they to disappear, the present international community would either fall apart or change radically. For historical reasons, there are at present about two hundred States including a few mini-States. In principle, all States are equal. However, one particular class, a handful of States with strong economic and military systems, holds authority in the international community.

    There is another category of international subjects, namely, insurgents, who come into being through their struggle against the State to which they belong. They are born from a wound in the body of a particular State and are not, therefore, easily accepted by the international community unless they can prove able to exercise some of the sovereign rights typical of States. They assert themselves by force and acquire international status proportionate to their power and authority. However, their existence is by definition provisional: they either win and turn into fully fledged States or are defeated and disappear.

    States and insurgents are traditional subjects of the international community in the sense that they have been the principal actors on the international scene since its inception. In the twentieth century and increasingly after the Second World War, other poles of interest and activity have gained international status. They are: international organizations, national liberation movements and individuals. The emergence of these relatively new subjects is a distinct feature of modern international law.

    Unlike States, all the other international subjects just mentioned, on account of their inherent characteristics (e.g. lack of permanent or at least stable authority over a territory, etc.) possess a limited capacity in the area of international rights and obligations. They also have a limited capacity to act, that is, to put into effect their rights and powers, in judicial and other proceedings or to enforce their rights.

    1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русских словосочетаний.

    1. главные субъекты права

    2. правопорядок

    3. осуществлять эффективную власть над

    4. обладать правоспособностью

    5. быть признанным международным сообществом

    6. повстанцы, мятежники

    7. быть наделенным правами и полномочиями

    8. самоутверждаться

    9. временное существование

    10. превратиться в полноценное государство

    11. получить международный статус

    12. национально-освободительное движение

    13. отличительная черта современного права

    14. отсутствие постоянного контроля над территорией

    15. претворять в жизнь права и полномочия

    1. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.


    1. is a person born in another country and speaking another language.

    2. is a freeman, enfranchised member of a State.

    3. is a member participating in rebel.

    4. …is a person owing allegiance to government or ruling power.

    5. is a single member of the class or group.

    5. Заполните пропуски словами из текста.

    1. assert themselves by force and acquire international status proportionate to their power and authority.

    2. are the primary subjects in national legal systems.

    3. States and insurgents are traditional of the international community.

    4. possess full legal capacity, that is, the ability to be vested with rights, powers and obligations.

    6. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями.

    1. The legal subjects of the international community are numerous.

    2. Individuals are the primary subjects of international law.

    3. States are entities which, besides controlling territory in a stable and permanent way, exercise the principal lawmaking and executive functions proper of any legal order.

    4. Insurgents are easily accepted by the international community.

    5. States and insurgents are traditional subjects on the international scene.

    6. National liberation movements possess unlimited legal capacity in the area of international rights and obligations.

    1. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста “Subjects of International Community”.

    Субъекты занимают центральное положение в международном праве, которое призвано регулировать их взаимоотношения. Особенность положения субъектов международного права состоит в том, что они не только выступают носителями прав и обязанностей, но и играют главную роль в создании и реализации международно-правовых норм. Субъект международного права это носитель международных прав и обязанностей, возникших в

    соответствии с общими нормами международного права либо международно-правовыми предписаниями.

    Существует две категории субъектов международного права: первичные (суверенные) и производные.

    Государства являются первичными субъектами международного права в силу присущего им национального суверенитета и признаются носителями международных прав и обязанностей. Суверенитет делает их независимыми от других субъектов международного права и предопределяет возможность самостоятельного участия в международных отношениях. Государства выступают наиболее полновластными и организованными субъектами международного права, имеющими решающие средства воздействия на международные отношения и обладающими универсальным правом участвовать в любых международно-

    правовых действиях.

    Государство характеризует три элемента: население, территория и суверенная власть.

    Территориально-организационная структура государства может быть различной.

    1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите, к какому типу условных предложений они относятся.

    1. Were states to disappear, the present international community would either fall apart or change radically.

    2. Insurgents are born from a wound in the body of a particular State and are not, therefore, easily accepted by the international community unless they can prove able to exercise some of the sovereign rights typical of States.

    3. Had a State, or group of States, proved strong enough to claim and enforce the exclusive rights to use that thereof, it would have had no hesitation in depriving other members of the international community of access thereto.

    4. If the insurrection is widespread and protracted in time, and rebels come to acquire stable control over a part of the territory, the central authorities or third States may grant the recognition of belligerency.

    9. Самостоятельная работа. Используя схему (упр.1), выберите один из субъектов международного права и подготовьте презентацию.

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