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UNIT 5. REMEDIES IN THE CIVIL COURT OF LAWОтветьте на вопрос.What types of damages are enforced under the Civil Code in the Russian Federation and in the Common Law countries? TEXT 1Types of Damages Прочитайте текст и замените выделенные русские слова и словосочетания предложенными ниже английскими. injunctive relief, compensatory damages, defendant’s actions, lost income, to recover, bad faith, malice, punitive damages, temporary restraining orders, plaintiff In most tort cases, the (истец) is seeking damages (i.e. money). Generally speaking, there are two major categories of damages a plaintiff can (взыскать убытки) in a personal injury case: (i) (компенсаторные убытки) and (ii) punitive damages. "Compensatory damages" are designed to "compensate" the plaintiff for what the plaintiff has lost or endured (e.g. medical bills, lost wages, (упущенная выгода), physical pain and suffering and mental/emotional pain and suffering) as the result of the (действий ответчика). (Денежное возмещение в виде наказания ответчика) are designed to punish the defendant for his actions. However, punitive damages are only awarded in extraordinary situations where the plaintiff proved that the defendant acted with (злой умысел) or intent - negligence is not enough. The law permits punitive damages in order to discourage similar acts in the future by the same defendant or other persons. Punitive damages are usually awarded in cases involving fraud, (недобросовестность) or intentional acts. Some tort cases also seek what the law calls (судебный запрет). Injunctive relief involves a court order requiring or preventing the defendant from doing or continuing to do a certain act. This type of relief includes such things as (временный судебный запрет) and permanent injunctions. A plaintiff can request both injunctive relief as well as monetary damages in the same lawsuit. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.What are two major categories of damages a plaintiff can recover in a personal injury case? What category do medical bills, lost wages, or lost income belong to? What is the purpose of punitive damages? In what situations or cases are punitive damages awarded? What is injunctive relief? TEXT 2The Most Famous Frivolous Lawsuit: Liebeck Against McDonald’s4. Прочитайте текст и определите, соответствуют ли данные высказывания содержанию текста. Исправьте неверные утверждения. The claimant bought sandwiches at a drive-through McDonald’s. She didn’t have to have medical treatment for 2 years. McDonald’s wanted to give her $800. Liebeck and her lawyer tried a few more times to reach a settlement. Liebeck filed a suit for active McDonald’s negligence. The evidence didn’t show that McDonald’s did actually serve their coffee much too hot. The court found McDonald’s knew their coffee was injuring people. The claimant, a 79-year-old woman, bought coffee at a drive-through McDonald’s and got really bad third-degree burns when she opened the container. She had to have medical treatment for two years. Actually, at first she only tried to get $20,000 to pay her medical expenses. But McDonald's only wanted to give her $800. Then Liebeck and her lawyer tried a few more times to reach a settlement before the case went to trial, but McDonald's always refused. Probably because in other cases the courts had decided that coffee burns were an open and obvious danger, and McDonald's thought Liebeck couldn't win. Liebeck filed a suit for gross negligence, saying that McDonald's sold coffee that was 'defectively manufactured'. The evidence showed that McDonald's did actually serve their coffee much too hot. In fact, more than 700 people had been burnt in the years from 1982 to 1992 by McDonald's coffee. The court found they knew their coffee was injuring people. The jury found for the claimant. They said that McDonald's was 80% responsible and Liebeck was 20% responsible. They said the warning on the coffee cup was too small and not sufficient. At first Liebeck was awarded $200,000 in compensatory damages, which was then reduced by 20% to $160,000. They also awarded her $2.7 million in punitive damages. The idea was that McDonald's should pay her two days' worth of coffee revenues, which were about $1.35 million per day. The judge then reduced the punitive damages to $480,000. So the total amount of damages was $640,000. The decision was later appealed by McDonald's and Liebeck, but they settled out of court for an amount less than $600,000. Nobody actually knows how much she got, as a matter of fact. 5. Просмотрите образцы иска в гражданский суд США и образец иска в Арбитражный суд РФ. Изучите и сравните форму и структуру. Определите, в чем состоит сходство и различие по форме и содержанию иска в гражданский суд США и иска в Арбитражный суд РФ. Образец 1. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND
COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Sandy Jenkins, by and through their undersigned attorneys, Ronald V. Miller, Jr., and Miller &Zois, LLC, bring suit against Defendant Connective Energy and states as follows: Plaintiff is a resident of Mt. Carmel, Pennsylvania. Defendant Connective Energy carries on regular and substantial business in Baltimore City, Maryland. On July 3, 2004 at 11:05 p.m., at 13601 Philadelphia SB Avenue in Ocean City, Maryland, Plaintiff suffered serious and permanent injuries as the result of an explosion that occurred on Defendant’s electrical pole (Connective pole 62496/95862 located on the bay side of 135th Street). The explosion caused a cylinder measuring two inches long and 3/8 inches wide to become imbedded in Plaintiff’s right forearm. COUNT I - Strict Liability-Defect in Design - Product LiabilityPlaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1. Defendant participated in sale and maintenance of a product. Defendant maintained, installed and assembled the product which contained a defective condition because the design was defective and unsafe. This design defect made the product unreasonably dangerous. The system as assembled by Connective remained unchanged and was in the same condition at the time of the injury hereafter alleged. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant’s installation and maintenance of the defectively designed product, Plaintiff sustained permanent injury. COUNT II - Negligent Design and/or Maintenance - Product LiabilityPlaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 through 9 of this Complaint. Defendant built and/maintained an electrical system that had a defective design or was defectively maintained. Accordingly, defendant owed a duty to Plaintiff that the system was designed and maintained in such a way that made the system safe for its intended purpose. Defendant knew or should have known when building and maintaining this electrical system that it was designed defectively or maintained, creating an unreasonable risk of injury to Plaintiff. Plaintiff was negligent in failing to properly design, manufacture, install, maintain, and communicate the defect in the system to Plaintiff, creating a clear and immediate risk of serious injury. As a direct and proximate result, Plaintiff sustained serious injury. COUNT III - Strict Liability-Abnormally Dangerous Activity - Products LiabilityPlaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 through 12 of this Complaint. Defendant’s conduct in maintaining an electrical system in a public area constituted an abnormally dangerous activity which exposed Plaintiff to an unreasonable risk of harm. At all relevant times, Defendant had control over the abnormally dangerous activity of maintaining the electrical system. As set forth above, Plaintiff sustained injury as a direct and proximate cause of this unreasonably dangerous activity. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant in the amount of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000.00), plus interest, costs and any other relief this court deems appropriate. Respectfully submitted, MILLER & ZOIS, LLC Ronald V. Miller, Jr. Laura G. Zois Empire Towers, Suite 615 7310 Ritchie Highway Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061 (410)553-6000 Counsel for Plaintiffs PLAINTIFF’S REQUEST FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff pursuant to Maryland Rule 2-325, prays a trial by jury on all issues. Образец 2.В Арбитражный суд Истец: (наименование, место нахождения, если истцом является гражданин, его место жительства, дата и место рождения, место работы или дата и место гос. регистрации в качестве предпринимателя) Ответчик: (наименование, место нахождения или место жительства) Цена иска:руб. ИСКОВОЕ ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ В соответствии с договором подряда от ""г. No., заключенным между истцом и ответчиком, ответчик выполнил и (перечень работ, выполненных в соответствии с договором) сдал объект. В процессе эксплуатации объекта были выявлены следующие дефекты: . ""г. был составлен двусторонний акт, который подписали наш представитель и представитель ответчика. В aкте отмечалось, что обнаруженные дефекты явились следствием нарушения . В акте было указано, что допущенные дефекты будут устранены ответчиком до. Однако фактически работы по устранению дефектов были выполнены только, т.е. с просрочкой на. Нашу претензию от "__" г. No.ответчик оставил без ответа. Пунктом договора предусмотрено, что в таких случаях виновная сторона должна уплатить второй стороне по договору пени в размереза каждый день просрочки. Учитывая изложенное выше, на основании ст.ст. 330, 331Гражданского кодекса РФ, а также ст. ст. 125, 126 АПК РФ, ПРОШУ: 1. Взыскать с ответчика -пени в сумме руб. и расходы по госпошлине в сумме_ руб., всего в суммеруб. Приложение: Копия договора от ""г. No.. Копия акта об обнаруженных дефектах от ""г. Копия претензии от ""г. No.. Уведомление об отправке копии искового заявления ответчику. Документ об уплате госпошлины. Копия свидетельства о государственной регистрации истца. Копия доверенности или иного документа, подтверждающего право на подписание иска. Руководитель (представитель) (подпись) ""г. Самостоятельно заполните форму иска в Арбитражный суд РФ и передайте его содержание на английском языке. Ролевая игра. «Юридическая консультация» А – практикующий адвокат. В – ведущий ТВ программы. В студию поступают звонки от людей, попавших в трудную ситуацию. Задача адвоката – помочь позвонившему решить проблему, в частности, дать рекомендации по составлению иска. Используя образцы исков, составьте исковое заявление. Falling off a diving board at a public pool* My 8 year son was climbing the ladder of the high dive at a public pool when he apparently slipped on the step and fell 10 ft. to the concrete*. He suffered a fractured skull*, stitches to the head, a broken arm and multiple cuts/scraps. He will be unable to participate in any sports for 9-12 months. He will not be able to participate in physical education in school for the first 6 months of the school year. Most importantly, our vacation (booked for next week) had to be canceled. Do I have a personal injury case here? I am grateful my son is alive, however, I am wondering at what point does an accident on public property become a liability issue? (pool - бассейн; concrete – бетонный пол; fractured skull – nepeлoм кocтей чepena; stitches - швы) Is a village or town responsible for their parks?I went to a public park maintained by the village for a village-sponsored event and while walking on their paved walking path slipped and fell on their path resulting in pain and suffering in my right hip and back. The path was not only wet and muddy but was green and slimy* with some kind of moss*. Shouldn't they have posted signs that day saying that pathways can be dangerous when wet? Are they responsible for my injury? Can I sue them for pain, suffering, and Dr. bills? (slimy – липкий;moss –мох) Product liability or malpractice?My apartment owner engaged in a re-plumb construction* with a plumbing service* corporation in December 2002. The plumbing company made a mistake and connected the hot water pipe and cold water pipe wrongly (cross-connected) and now I am exposed to scalding* water whenever I turn on the faucet*. If I am injured by this faucet defect, is the plumbing company responsible for "product liability" or "malpractice"? The owner has no desire to negotiate with the constructor since he thinks I should put up* with the situation. (re-plumb construction – замена водосточных тpyб; plumbing service – служба по ремонту сантехники; scalding - обжигающий; faucet – водопроводный кран; to put up with – мириться с ч-л.) Slip and fall/Premises liabilityA close friend of mine needed a place to stay for a few days. My husband and I offered her to stay with us. We currently rent from a private homeowner. No signed lease exists, everything was done on a handshake. My friend asked to use our shower and, of course, we agreed. My husband mentioned for her to be careful, as it could get slippery because of no rubber mats in the shower. She slipped and fell, claiming she could not move her arm. I took her to the Emergency Room where they did x-rays, and advised her that it was not broken, just dislocated. They relocated it, then put her in a sling. 5 days later, she follows up with a surgeon. Afterwards, she calls me to say that according to the surgeon, her arm was fractured and there might be some permanent damage, which will lead to future surgery. She then proceeds to tell me that she is considering filing an injury claim against our landlord and/or his insurance company. How will this affect us as tenants, and are we held responsible for having no mats in the shower? Paintball gunsI was with a group of people who had been drinking. They decided to go out and shoot their paintball guns inside city limits at signs and buildings and other things. I was sober so I decided to drive them instead of letting them drive. At one point they fired their guns at a vehicle and there were people standing around. The cops showed up and charged the shooter with vandalism and assault. They also charged me with the same charges because I was driving. What should I do? GLOSSARYa civil wrong гражданское правонарушение a tort деликт action иск adversarial состязательный ( о судебном процессе) adversary противная сторона assault угроза нападения, словесное оскорбление battery нанесение удара, побоев, избиение to breach duty нарушить обязанность burden of proof бремя доказывания causation причинность, причинная обусловленность compensatory damages компенсация реальных убытков to construe толковать contractual relations договорные отношения determination разрешение disabled недееспособный; неправоспособный to dispose of избавиться от emotional harm, mental distress моральный ущерб forceable предвидимый fraud мошенничество fraudulent misrepresentation намеренное введение в заблуждение, обман frivolous явно необоснованный, несерьезный future expected losses ожидаемые убытки grievance жалоба injunction судебный запрет injunctive relief судебный запрет injury вред, ущерб, телесное повреждение inquisitorial следственный invasion of privacy нарушение неприкосновенности личной жизни liability insurance страхование ответственности libel клевета письменно или через печать loss of earning capacity потеря трудоспособности malice (intent) злой умысел medical malpractice claim иск о недобросовестной врачебной практике medical malpractice недобросовестная (врачебная) практика misstatement неправильное, ложное заявление to mug грабить (на улице) negligence небрежность, халатность permanent injunction бессрочный судебный запрет premises liability ответственность за помещение proceeding(s) рассмотрение дела в суде products liability ответственность производителя за качество товара punitive damages денежная компенсация в виде наказания ответчика to reach a settlement достичь мирового соглашения remedies средства судебной защиты revenues государственные доходы to seek damages испрашивать возмещение ущерба slander устная клевета standard/burden of proof бремя доказывания strict liability tort деликт строгой ответственности tort feasor лицо, совершившее деликт trespass деликт нарушения владения umpire судья, рефери vindication защита, восстановление (прав), виндикция PART VI CHAPTER 10 INTERNATIONAL LAW |