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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English. Учебное пособие для студентов технических вузов Английский язык Москва Издательство 2009 Утверждено учебным управлением мэи подготовлено на кафедре английского языка

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Тема 31. Причастие. Независимый причастный оборот в начале предложения

Перевод с союзамитак как, когда, если


Anobject losing its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic one. – Когда (так как, если) предмет теряет свою потенциальную энергию, эта энергия переходит в кинетическую.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. The temperature being raised, the kinetic energy is increased.

  2. The fluid increasing in temperature, its density decreases.

  3. An electric current passing through a conductor, we generally detect it thanks to its various effects.

  4. The molecules or atoms of gas being ionized, an electric current passes through that gas.

  5. The article being ready, I shall show it to the teacher.

  6. The flow of the current being reduced, the speed of the motor is correspondingly decreased.

  7. It being a holiday, that university was closed.

  8. The work finished, we went home.

  9. The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.

  10. A magnet being broken into two parts, we get two new smaller magnets.


  1. The young physicist having discovered a mistake in calculations,
    the experienced specialists corrected it.

  2. The first TV-sets having been shown in 1939, the news about it spread throughout the world.

  3. There being no other traffic on the road, the driver can maintain a constant high speed.

  4. A gas being heated at constant pressure, work is done by the gas while expanding.

  5. The plant having offered new high tech micromotors, the modern small-sized appliances appeared at the market for selling.

  6. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low at the constant voltage.

  7. An alternating current flowing through a conductor, its direction reverses at regular intervals.

  8. A conductor of any kind carrying an electric current, a magnetic field is set up around that conductor.

  9. There being a lot of spare components at the workshop station, we could fit our car.

  10. The magnetic lines of force being cut by the wire, an e.m.f. is induced in that wire.

  11. Numerous calculations having been carried out at the research institute, it became possible to put in life the fifth generation airplanes.

  12. A gas cooling down, the average speed of its molecules decreases.

  13. Jablochkov’s candle having given the first and the most important stimulus to the development of a.c. systems, a number of plants began to produce a.c. generators.

  14. With the current in the circuit of the primary winding increasing, the magnetic flux of the transformer core also increases.

Radiowave impulses being transmitted and received by radars, the operators can easily detect the location and velocity of planes in the sky.

Тема 32. Причастие. Независимый причастный оборот в конце предложения

Перевод с союзамиа, и, но, причем


I finished the experiment, my friend having helped me. –
Я закончил эксперимент, причем мой друг мне помог.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. The term “speed” means the rate of motion, the term “velocity” meaning the speed in a definite direction.

  2. The direction of vectors can be represented by arrows, the length of
    the arrows indicating their magnitude.

  3. Different molecules have different speeds, the average speed of all molecules remaining the same as long as the temperature is constant.

  4. The atoms form combinations known as molecules, a molecule being defined as the smallest part of a substance.

  5. People began to use the first steam engines many years ago, the above engines having been built in the 17-th century.

  6. Metals are excellent conductors, the best conductors of electricity being also the best conductors of heat.

  7. Working at his new device, the inventor made a number of improvements, the latter resulting from his own experiments.

  8. Germanium was predicted by Mendeleev, the German scientist Ninkler discovering it seventeen years later.

  9. The inventor demonstrated his new device, the students watching its operation very attentively.

  10. Metals are the best conductors of electricity, non-metals being rather poor ones..


  1. Most electricity we receive from electric power plants, portable generators running on petrol being in use as well.

  2. The warm air rises, cooler air flowing around the lower part of the stove and warmer air going upward the ceiling.

  3. Lasers produce intense, directional, pure in colour, light beams, the latter being focused by the lens system.

  4. When a liquid boils evaporation takes place, small bubbles of vapour forming within the liquid.

  5. The first question to be asked about any reactor is just how neutrons are deposed off, the object of every reactor designer being to make them stop operating safely.

  6. The electric current is the flow of electrons through a metal conductor, these electrons flowing along a wire just like water runs through a pipe.

  7. In radio engineering work it is common to use the term megohm instead of large figures amounting to millions of ohms, the prefix “mega” standing for a million.

  8. We are quite familiar with two properties of an electric current-resistance and self-inductance, the latter properly having been discovered by Faraday.

  9. Many electronic devices are constructed on the basis of transistors,
    the multifunctional printed circuit boards (PCB), so called chips, have been developed and being widely used.

  10. An e.m.f. is induced in the coil by the lines of force of its own changing magnetic field, this effect being called self-induction.

  11. The lines of force from the first coil induce a current in the circuit of the second coil, this being another kind of induction.

  12. To generate a current by magnetic action, a wire is made to pass through a magnetic field, the latter being set up either by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet.

  13. Electric current can be generated by magnetic action, all of them being based on the principle of cutting magnetic force lines with a conductor.

  14. In transistor there are two circuits, one of which contains the emitter and the base, the other containing the collector and the base.

  15. The famous English architect Anthony Panizzi designed the Reading Room of the British Museum in London, the Reading Room being a perfect circle.
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