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Английский. Учебник МЭО 1 курс. Учебное пособие по английскому языку. Мировая экономика. Часть 1 Москва 2012 удк 81(075. 8)111 ббк 81 Англ. 7365. 5

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НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку. Мировая экономика. Часть 1 Москва 2012 удк 81(075. 8)111 ббк 81 Англ. 7365. 5
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I.2 Other questions concerning physical aspects.

Who is the audience?

How many people will there be in the audience?

Check beforehand, if you can, the place where you are going to make your presentation and some technical aspects, such as equipment you may need, the necessity of handout materials etc.


What time of day is it? What day is it? Will the audience be more or less receptive when listening?

How long?

In relation to what the audience knows or time constraints, what can I eliminate if necessary?


Am I dressed appropriately? Shoes polished? Are my hands and fingernails clean?

Experienced presenters are able to improvise and adapt to changing circumstances

but you may have only one chance to present your information, so be prepared.
II. Structure of an Oral Presentation

A good oral presentation is well structured; this makes it easier for the listener to follow.

Basically there are three parts to a typical presentation: the beginning, the middle and the end (or introduction, body and conclusion). Let’s look at each part in turn and present the language needed to express both the structure and the content.
II.1 The beginning or the introduction

The beginning of a presentation is the most important part. It is when you establish a rapport with the audience and when you have its attention.
II.1.A Get the audience's attention and signal the beginning.

Right. Well. OK. Erm. Let's begin.

Good. Fine.Great. Can we start?

Shall we start? Let's get the ball rolling.

Let's get down to business.

A good technique is to try to get your audience involved in your talk either by asking direct or rhetorical questions. Ask for a show of hands for example, in response to a question or, present information in such a way that the audience can identify with it.

II.1.B Greet audience.

It is important to greet the audience by saying something like:

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

Good morning members of the jury.

Good afternoon esteemed guests

Good evening members of the board

Fellow colleagues Mr. Chairman/Chairwoman

Thank you for your kind introduction
II.1.C Introduce yourself (name, position, and company)

Do this not only to give important information so people can identify you but also to establish your authority on the subject and to allow the audience to see your point of view on the subject (you are a student, researcher, responsible for, director of, etc).

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself.

Good morning everyone, I'd like to start by introducing myself.

My name is...

I am a student at the INT

I am a doctoral candidate,

I am X. Y. from 3 Com. I'm the manager of…

I am a researcher from … I've been working on the subject now for X years...

I've had wide experience in the field of ...

Good morning, my name is Lawrence Brown. I am a student at the INT and I would like to talk to you today about some of my findings in a study I did on…

Sometimes, especially when invited to speak, the host introduces the guest, gives the same information as above and then gives the floor to the guest speaker.

I am very pleased and proud to introduce …who is…. He/she is known for…

Now I'll turn the floor over to today's speaker (to take the floor, to have the floor, to give the floor to someone).
II.1.D Give title and introduce subject

What exactly are you going to speak about? Situate the subject in time and place, in relation to the audience and/or its importance. Give a rough idea or a working definition of the subject.

I plan to speak about...

Today I'm going to talk about...

The subject of my presentation is...

The theme of my talk is...

I've been asked to give you an overview of...

Why are you going to speak about it?

I have chosen to speak about this because...

I was asked to speak about X because...

Have you estimated the time it will take? It is useful to give the listeners some idea of how long you will speak so as to maintain their attention better.

I have limited my speech to…

My talk will last about 15 minutes

I will speak for 15 minutes.

You may want to give acknowledgements here too. If you have been sponsored, supported or encouraged by a particular firm, organization, professor, etc. you may want to recognize their contribution. Your research and paper may have been the work of a collaborative effort and you should acknowledge this too giving the names of all the participants.

At some point you may ask a question or somehow try to determine the attitude and knowledge of the audience. How do they feel about the subject?

Have you ever heard of...?

You may already know…

I feel sure that some of you…

Every day you encounter...

To get the audience's attention and perhaps to find out where they are you could introduce the subject by saying:

Have you ever heard of/seen X?

You've probably seen countless times...

You may have wondered...
II.1.E Give your objectives (purpose, aim, goals)

The main purpose of an informative speech is to have the audience understand and remember a certain amount of information. You should therefore have two purposes: a general purpose and a specific one. The former is to inform: to give an overview, to present, to summarize, to outline; to discuss the current situation or to explain how to do something or how something is done. The latter is what you want the audience to take away with them after listening to you, what you want them to do, what they should remember.

My purpose in doing this paper is to give you a solid background on the subject of oral presentation skills so that in the future, at the INT or elsewhere, you can deliver a successful speech in front of a group.

What I would like to do today is to explain

to illustrate...

to give you the essential background information on...

to outline...

to have a look at...

What I want my listeners to get out of my speech is...

If there is one thing I'd like to get across to you today it is that…

Once you have established your specific objectives you may go on to formulate your content.
II.1.F Announce your outline.

You want to keep the outline simple so 2 or 3 main points are usually enough.

Concerning grammar the headings of the outline should be of the same grammatical form.

I have broken my speech down/up into X parts.

I have divided my presentation (up) into Y parts.

In the first part I give a few basic definitions.

In the next section I will explain

In part three, I am going to show...

In the last part I would like/want to give a practical example...
II.1. G Questions and comments from the audience.

You should also let the audience know at some point in the introduction when and whether they may ask questions.

I'd ask you to save your questions for the end.

There will be plenty of time at the end of my speech for a discussion.

You may interrupt me at any moment to ask questions or make comments.

Please stop me if you don't understand anything I say but could you keep any specific questions until after I've finished.

II.1.H Make a transition between the introduction and the body.

You should refer to your transparency or outline.

Now let us turn to point one.

Let us now move on to the second part, which is, as I said earlier….
II.2 The middle or the body

II.2.A Content.

What information should you give in your speech? All your information should support your purpose. In most cases you will have to limit the content, as time is usually precious!
II.2.B Quantity

How much information should you give? Enough to clearly develop your ideas. Don’t forget to illustrate through examples.
II.2.C Sequencing your ideas.

Here are a few possibilities for organizing your ideas: logical; chronological order; from general to specific; from known to unknown;;cause/effect; problem/solution, etc. Whatever sequencing you choose, the headings should be all of the same grammatical form.
II.2.D Keeping the audience's attention

The beginning and the end or the first and last parts of a talk are what listeners will remember best. Think of ways you can keep the audience's attention throughout the rest of the speech.
II.2. E Signposting or signaling where you are.

Just as when you are driving along a road that you don't know very well, you depend on signs to guide you, you need to guide the listener by using expressions to tell him/her where you are going. That is to say, first announce what you are going to say (give an example, reformulate etc.) and then say what you want to say. This is very like verbal punctuation. Indicate when you have finished one point and then go on to the next one. It is redundant in text but very useful in oral presentations. Experienced presenters will also clearly pause, change their stance and the pitch of their voice as they move from one part of a presentation to another. To make your presentation sound more lively use the following phrases:
For listing information

Lists are often a necessary evil. Vary your language whenever possible and avoid reading directly.

There are three things we have to consider: one, two, and three.

A, B, C.

Now let us look at the first aspect which is...

First of all,…

In the first place…

For linking ideas, sections/making transitions

Indicate the end of one section and the beginning of the next.

That's all I would like to say about... (subject of part A) and now let us turn to ....

Now that we've seen... let us turn to…
That brings us to the next point of my presentation…

For outlining options

If there are alternative ways of looking at a topic or proposal, outline them to show you are familiar with the different ways of dealing with a situation.

There seem to be two possible ways of dealing with this...

We've looked at this from one point of view of but there’s the other opinion which…

A number of options present themselves at this point....

If what you are dealing with demands a comparison of strengths and weaknesses indicate clearly the different aspects and underline the points you feel are important or secondary.

What exactly are the benefits?

On the plus side we can add...

This is not the only weakness of the plan...

We cannot ignore the problems that such an action would create...

We do not need to concern ourselves with…

Of lesser interest are…

Be clear and concrete. Use examples, rephrasing, summaries etc.:

To give an example:

Now let's take an example.

An example of this can be found...

To illustrate this…

Let's see this through an example.

For example,

For instance,

To rephrase:

Let me rephrase that,

In other words

Another way of saying the same thing is

That is to say

To summarize:

To summarize

To sum up,

Let me summarize by saying

So that concludes my overview

In conclusion

Briefly said

In short,

What I've tried to show in this part...

To recap what we've seen so far...

To emphasize

What is very significant is...

What is important to remember...

I'd like to emphasize the fact that...

I’d like to stress the importance of...

to highlight...

to underline...

What I tried to bring out...

What we need to focus on...

To refer to what you have said


As I have already said earlier...

As we saw in part one...

To repeat what I've said already…

To refer to what you will say:

We will see this a little later on.

This will be the subject of part 3.

We will go into more detail on that later.

For now, suffice to say...

To refer to what an

expert says:

I quote the words of ...

In the words of…

According to...

Here I'd like to quote…

As Mr. X says in his book...

There is a famous quotation that goes...

To refer to common knowledge:

As you all may well know...

It is generally accepted that...

As you are probably aware (of)...

II.3 The end or conclusion

The end of a talk should never come as a surprise to an audience; it needs special consideration.
II.3.A Content

The end or the conclusion of your talk should include four parts:

1) a brief reminder of what you tried to show in your speech and how you tried to do so,

2) a short conclusion,

3) thanks to the audience for listening,

4) an invitation to ask questions, make comments or open a discussion.

At the end you should briefly summarize your speech in a few lines to make sure the audience has retained the main points. Alternatives are: to state the point of the speech; give the essential message to retain; list the main points and what you want the audience to remember; review informally or indirectly by using a quote, a comparison or example.

Then you should give some kind of conclusion. That is to say you should give a message that logically comes out of the ideas developed in your speech. This could be a commentary, the lessons learned, some recommendations, or the next steps. You could also make a call to action; the audience should have to do something.

Thirdly, thank the audience for being there.

Naturally you need to signpostthe end of your talk. This may take the form of a recapitulation of the main points:

I'd like to summarize/sum up

At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points...

So, as we have seen today....

As I have tried to explain this morning BT finds itself in....

Or there may be recommendations or proposals that you wish to make:

As a result we suggest that…

In the light of what we have seen today I suggest that...

My first proposal is...

Above all when you conclude do not do it abruptly or as if surprised to get to the end of your talk:

In conclusion I would like to say that...

My final comments concern...

I would like to finish by reminding everyone that...

You may at this point wish to distribute a vocabulary list or more detailed information that you wish to make available:

I've prepared a slim folder of the proposals...

In the sheets that are now being distributed you will find a breakdown of the...

And finally you may well have to deal with questions:

I'd be happy to answer any questions....

If there are any questions please feel free to ask.

Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any suggestions or comments
II.3.B Dealing with difficult questions

1. Make sure you understand the question:

Ask a question to see if you understand

Repeat the question in your own words to check that you have understood.

if not, ask the questioner to repeat

2. In answering:

delay the answer (ask for time and/or repeat the question)

Just a minute please. What is a...?

How can I put it?

I'm glad you asked that question.

That's a good question/point/remark.

Can I answer that question later?

admit that you are not responsible:

I saw that in the work of…

agree but give an alternative point of view:

I agree with you but there is another way of looking at it.
Summary of Part II

In addition to careful preparation - good structure and vocabulary – and organization, a message passes in other ways. According to experts 55% of the message is non-verbal. Using images (visuals); body language and voice are extremely important too.

To give a successful presentation and at the same time a good image of yourself or your firm, careful preparation and organization are required. You need to take into consideration who you are speaking to, when, where, and why, as all of these details will have an impact on your structure and content. A well-structured speech with a step-by-step approach is one that is easy to follow. Besides structure, it is also necessary to be relatively repetitive. A good 'rule' is announce what you are going to say, say it and finally, say what you've said.

Be careful with the figures. Pronunciation (proper names, cognates, and numbers) and presentation are important, practice beforehand! This is equally important for the key words of your presentation. It is particularly annoying for the audience to hear the same word mispronounced repeatedly.
III. Visuals

What are visuals?

graphs charts

maps photos

drawings images

models video/film


What media are used?


Power Point slides

video projection/projector


It is often a good idea to give out a paper copy, called a handout, an outline, a glossary of key words, sources, any other visuals you plan to use, so people can take them away, not waste time in taking notes on key concepts.

What is the vocabulary of the equipment used?

blackboard, whiteboard, paperboard

chalk, felt tip pen or marker, eraser

podium, lectern, overhead,

overhead projector system (OHP)



microphone, mike

opaque projector

What should you put on a visual?

key words

technical words





Vocabulary of graphs/chart

line graph (algorithmic, linear curve, line)

bar chart

flip chart


pie chart (segment, slice of the pie)

flow chart

organization chart

Why use visuals?

to focus the audience's attention

to illustrate points easier to understand in visual form but difficult in a verbal form (e.g. statistics)

to reinforce ideas

to change focus from aural/oral to visual

to involve and motivate the audience

to involve all the senses

to serve as logical proof

to save time and avoid putting information on a board

to avoid turning your back to the audience when writing on a board

to help the speaker

Text to put on a visual:

name, conference/company and company logo, date, title of presentation. Try to do this consistently but not to the detriment of a table or image.

full sentences are not to be used, unless a quote is given, give round figures

N.B. Keep text to a minimum!

Size, layout, font (typeface) and size, colors.

Size - A4

Layout should be pleasant and easy to read: horizontal/landscape layout is preferable.

If possible, use color transparencies (unless you are just showing text).

How many?

One every two minutes is sufficient. To show too many slides is worse than none at all.

How should you present a visual in a presentation?

It is not sufficient just to put up a transparency on the screen and expect the audience to turn its attention to it, to understand it and make the link with what you are saying. The following strategy can be suggested:

  1. It is important to prepare your audience for what they are going to see. This keeps the audience on their toes and gives you the opportunity to position your visual correctly.

Let's look at the current distribution of the market, as you can see...

I'm going to show you now the most recent figures available...

My next slide concerns the method by which...

  1. Remember to draw the attention of the audience to the points that you wish to highlight but avoid redundancy by describing everything that is in the visual!

As you can see....

The first line of figures is the most revealing...

Notice/observe how the increase has had an effect on the...

What is important here is the way that...

  1. You can also try to rephrase your point to give it emphasis, giving the audience time to absorb the information.

In other words the number of employees has a direct effect on the...

Or to look at it in another way every time you...

That is to say no matter what technique is used, the results remain
IV. A Relationship with the Audience

Do not assume the audience will be interested in what you have to say. Even if they are, minds wander and get distracted. From the very beginning you need to create interest and continue doing so throughout your speech. The techniques are the following:

  1. Arouse listeners' interest from the beginning. In the introduction show how your subject or what you are going to say affects or may affect their lives. In other words, make it personal.

  2. Give an unusual fact or statistic.

  3. Use words like you, we, us, our.

  4. Illustrate with a real life story or anecdote.

  5. Ask the audience to do something. "Raise your hands if you know."

  6. Ask the audience direct or rhetorical questions. (See below)

Other tips:

Be brief and clear in giving the subject and purpose.

The speaker’s attitude is important - knowledge, personality, openness. Be lively and enthusiastic.

Use a variety of media sources.

Rhetorical questions

What is a rhetorical question? A question that you ask without expecting it to be answered. Why use such a question? In using such a question the speaker appears to be having a dialogue with the listeners. It also should catch their attention.

Have you ever seen/heard/experienced...?

How can we explain this?

What does that mean?

What can be done about that?

What does this imply for you, as a consumer?


  1. Say something is important.

The important thing to remember is...

The essential element is...

  1. Stress verbs with your voice.

We experimented with the concept over a period of three years.

  1. Add auxiliary verbs for emphasis.

We did see a noticeable difference.

  1. Change the word order

What I'd like to show today is the difference between the two products.

Good it may be, easy it isn't.

  1. Repetition

As I've said before...

Let me repeat

  1. Tripling, chunking and other techniques of word play and emphasis should be used as you become more fluent and confident.

This method is clearer, cheaper and more consistent.

Quality is not something that affects the bottom line, it is the bottom line.

V. Body Language

The body language usually implies eye contact, facial expressions, posture, movements, gestures. The golden rule is "Be natural and relax!"

Why is it useful?

It is a natural part of communication:

to clarify meaning; it is very visual

to vent nervousness

to maintain interest

to emphasize and regulate

Below are just a few examples of both positive and negative body language:
Positive body language

eye contact to keep audiences' attention (though Asian audience might feel aggressed.)

facial expressions should be natural and friendly. Don't forget to smile.

raise eyebrows to show surprise

open eyes wide

squint your eyes

knit your eyebrows to show consternation or puzzlement

posture – stand straight but relaxed (do not slouch or lean)

movement - to indicate a change of focus, keep the audience's attention

move forward to emphasize

move to one side to indicate a transition


up and down head motion or other movements to indicate importance

pen or pointer to indicate a part, a place (on a transparency).

shrug of the shoulders to indicate "I don't know!"

hands - back and forth = two possibilities, more or less

arm - movement back, forth

Negative body language

loss of eye contact: looking at notes, looking at screen, at the board, at the floor

don't stare, or look blankly into people's eyes

swaying back and forth like a pendulum

back turned to the audience

nervous ticks

hands in pockets
VI. Voice and Pronunciation

Correct pronunciation is important if one is to be understood correctly. Incorrect pronunciation is perhaps the first cause of communication breakdown. If the listener is not accustomed to the speaker’s native language, he/she will not understand a mispronounced word. Mispronunciation also tires the listener’s ear and he/she will perhaps even stop trying to understand the speaker if it becomes too difficult.

The voice, or more precisely the qualities of the voice, should be used to its/their fullest. Qualities include loudness, speed (fast or slow), variety, pitch (high or low), silent moments or pauses. The voice is important:

to indicate importance, meaning

to create atmosphere and to avoid sounding monotonous and putting the audience to sleep!
Обучениеиностранному языку в экономическом вузе носит многоцелевой характер: с одной стороны, формирование у студентов способности и готовности к межкультурной коммуникации, с другой – необходимость овладения стратегиями иноязычного профессионального общения.

Авторвыражаетнадежду, что данное пособие послужило хорошей основой для дальнейшего формирования у студентов навыков и умений иноязычного общения, для расширения их кругозора и развития культуры мышления, а также для формирования навыков самостоятельной работы.

Автор желает студентам дальнейших успехов в изучении иностранных языков!

List of Literature

        1. Matthew Bishop. Economics. An A-Z Guide. The Economist in association with Profile Books LTD, 2009

        2. The Eurosystem. European Central Bank, 2008

        3. Dieter Gerdesmeier. Price Stability: Why Is It Important for You?European Central Bank, 2008

        4. John Black, HigarHashimzade, Gareth Myles. Oxford Dictionary of Economics. Oxford University Press, 2012

        5. Paul Harvey, Rhodri Jones. Britain Explored. Pearson Education Limited, 2007

        6. Christopher Garwood, Guillermo Gardani, EddaPeris. Aspects of Britain and the USA. Oxford University Press, 2009.

        7. Lidia Raitskaya, Stuart Cochrane. Macmillan Guide to Economics. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2007

        8. Paulene Cullen. Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2011

Internet sources:



















Данное учебное пособие – плод труда не только автора, но и коллектива кафедры «Иностранные языки» Финуниверситета. Хотелось бы выразить особую благодарность заведующей кафедрой Седовой Т.В., доцентам Николаевой Т.Н., Матявиной М.Ф., а также старшим преподавателям Калининой О.К. и Мещеряковой О.В. за ценные советы и рекомендации, которые очень помогли автору при создании пособия.

Следует отметить, что некоторые разделы пособия были созданы при непосредственном участии студентов факультета МЭО (Iи IIкурсов), которые оказали автору техническую поддержку, а также были первыми, кто ознакомился с содержанием учебного пособия.




Unit I

Part 1 History of the US Economy


Part 2 Top Ten Issues Facing our Youth Today


Unit II

Part 1 Basics of Economics


Part 2 Education in the US


Unit III

Part 1 Market, Types of Economies


Part 2 Choosing a University Course


Unit IV

Part 1 Competition


Part 2 Strengths and Weaknesses of a Student


Unit V

Part 1 Money: History and Functions


Part 2 Money and the Meaning of Life


Unit VI

Part 1 Forms of Money


Part 2 Student’s Success


Unit VII

Part 1 Inflation, Deflation and Price Stability


Part 2 From College to Career



Part 1 History of English Clearing Bank


Part 2 Career: Economist


Unit IX

Part 1 Globalization


Part 2 Why Learn Languages?


Unit X

Part 1 The European Union


Part 2 21ST Century Education


Appendix I


Appendix II


Appendix III




List of Literature





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