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Календарное планирование 10 класс. Урок 1. Вводный урок. Увлечения. Цель совершенствовать речевые умения по теме. Задачи

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Упр.5 стр.32 Изучение теории- образование абстрактных существительных

Answer Key

1 action 4 selection 2 competition

5 accommodation 3 excitement

Практика употребления.

Answer Key 2 education 6 suggestion

3 collection 7 recovery

4 dependence 8 agreement

5 achievement

Упр.6 стр.32 фразовый глагол

Answer Key

1 take over –принимать должность 4 takes after-быть похожим

2 take up -приступить 5 Take off –снимать одежду

3 take (you) out-пригласить за свой счет 6 take (your clothes) in-ушивать
Упр.7 стр.33 зависимые предлоги

Answer Key

2 at 4 at 6 on

3 in 5 of 7 of

Упр.8 стр.33 практика употребления трудных ЛЕ

Answer Key

1 owe

2 change

3 broke

4 salaries


Упр.9 стр.33

Suggested Answer Key

1 is crazy about

2 can’t afford to go

3 would rather go out than

4 not keen on going

5 looking forward to seeing

Домашнее задание упр.10 стр.33 правило учить

Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни

Урок №20 (2c)

Тема: Э. Несбит «Дети железной дороги»

Класс: 10а



Обучающие: развитие навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения;

Развивающие: развитие умений выполнять задания в формате ЕГЭ (выбор ответа из нескольких вопросов).

Воспитательные: прививать любовь к литературе через знакомство с зарубежной литературой.
Оборудование: компьютер для прослушивания

Ход урока


2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.10 стр.33 ,правило

Введение в модуль

Упр.1 стр.34 Работа по картинке для нахождения ответа на вопрос.

Suggested Answer Key I think the story took place about a hundred years ago in the early 1900s.

Упр.2 стр.34 Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения.

Suggested Answer Key

The extract is about the three children and their parents. It describes them and the relationship between them. It also describes their lifestyle and prepares the reader for the event that changed their lives.

Упр.3 стр.34 Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.

Answer Key 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 B

Упр.4 стр. 34 Работа с лексикой

Suggested Answer Key

ordinary: plain;

usual suburban: from an area outside the city centre where people live and do not usually work tiled: covered with tiles (flat, square pieces of dried clay)

bells: devices that make a ringing sound used to get attention or give a signal

French windows: pair of glass doors usually leading to a garden

estate agents: people whose job it is to sell houses and land

dull: boring

aloud: speaking out loud

refurnishing: putting of new furniture into a house

mumps: a childhood illness where your face and neck swell up

nursery: a room in a house where children play and/or sleep

heaps: a lot, many

merry: very happy

cross: a little angry

unjust: unfair over and done with:

finished; ended;

no more dreadful: awful

model: a smaller but exact copy of something, e.g. plane, train charm: to be pleasant/attractive/likeable

lasted: existed for a period of time

inexperience: lack of skills or knowledge of something

intentions: an idea or a plan of what you want to do in the future

Рефлексия изученного

Домашнее задание –учить слова 2


usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:







usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:







usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:







usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:







usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:







usual suburban:



French windows:

estate agents:











no more dreadful:






Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни

Урок №21 (2е)

Тема: Короткие сообщения.



Обучающие: развитие навыков письма-короткое сообщение с освоением структуры и типов коротких сообщений; развитие ознакомительного и поискового чтения.

Развивающие: развивать навыки письма с использованием аббревиатур и сокращений принятых в сообщениях.

Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру написания коротких сообщений

Оборудование: выдержки из коротких сообщений .

Ход урока


2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

Контроль выполнения домашнего задания слова модуля 2д

Введение в модуль

Упр. 1 стр.36

Suggested Answer Key I

last wrote a written message when I left a note for my mother on the fridge. It said that I was going to be late home as I had hockey practice after school.
Упр.2 стр.36 Изучение теории.

Answer Key 2 abbreviations 5 informal linker 3 present participle 6 short form 4 imperative

Упр.3 стр.36 Практическое задание.

Suggested Answer Key

2 (I) Can’t come tonight ― no money.

3 Back late tonight.

4 Meeting in front of theatre at 8.

5 Your food’s in the fridge.

6 Got a new Saturday job. I’ll tell you when I see you.

7 Gone to supermarket. Back soon.

8 Looking forward to our trip next month.

9 Sorry (I) didn’t call you yesterday. I’ll call you tonight.

10 John’s buying (the) tickets for Saturday’s match.

Упр.4 стр.36 Сопоставление отрывков из писем с описанием

Suggested Answer Key

A 6 thanks, B 3 email addresses (@, com, mail)

C 4 sorry D 1 Don’t forget

E 5 2, 2nite, u, ☺

F214, Church Lane, Aylesbury Dear Sally, Having great time here

Упр.5 стр.37Повторение аббревиатур.

Answer Key 1

E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A

1 etc 2 e.g. 3 asap 4 P.S.

Упр.6 стр.38 Нахождение ключевых слов

Suggested Answer Key

Key words: Luke gone out, boots, What time you back, Dad’s birthday dinner at 7, Leave mum, reply, thanks, when back

Упр 6бстр.38

Suggested Answer Key

The answer is too long. It includes all the correct information but it should begin ‘Dear/Hi Mum’. The style is too formal and there are no contractions. It should be much shorter and have a friendlier ending.

Упр.7 стр.38 Практическое задание

Suggested Answer Key

Hi Mum

Thanks for buying my boots. Will be home at 6.30. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten Dad’s birthday.

See you later!


Рефлексия на основе упражнения 8

Упр.8 стр.38 Поисковое чтение.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words:



reason can’t go shopping,

suggest meet later, where, shopping,


25-35 words

1 a note

2 Katie

3 informal

4 reason can’t go shopping and meeting place

Чтение теории. Ознакомительное и поисковое чтение.

Упр.9 стр.38 Развитие навыков письма.

Suggested Answer Key

1 Dear Sarah,

Having great time in Brighton. Going shopping and seeing the sights. Just love the place. Wish you were here! Will take lots of photos to show you when I get back.



2 To: Gill@hotmail.com

From: Sueblue@hotmail.com


Just started at Leeds University. Fabulous city with great shops and clubs. Think I’m going to like it here! How about coming to stay one weekend?

Let me know asap (as soon as possible).



3 Mum &Dad

Gone to cinema with Fred. Be back at 6. Didn’t have time to walk Dodo. Would you walk him, please? Thanks

. See you later.


Домашнее задание: упр.9 стр.38

Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни

Урок №22 Culture Corner

Тема: Известные спортивные события в Великобритании.


Цели: Vocabulary: British sporting events. Введение новой лексики по теме «Спортивные события в Великобритании»-обучающие

Reading: texts about four British sporting events (matching).Чтение поисковое (сопоставление)

Skill ― reading for specific information.Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.(развивающие)

Writing: a short article about famous sporting events in your country. Развитие навыков письма (короткий текст о спортивных событиях в России) .Развитие страноведческих знаний (воспитательные)

Speaking: talking about a sporting event (monologue ― role play).Развитие навыков говорения-монолог.

Оборудование: видео.

Ход урока


2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.9 стр.38.

Введение в модуль

Упр.1 стр.39 Работа по картинкам- с целью задать вопрос о с/событиях. Просмотр видео и самопроверка.

Suggested Answer Key

A When does it take place? (every spring)

B Why do people do it? (prize money, fun, to raise money for charity)

C Where is it? (Berkshire)

D How long does it last? (two weeks)

Упр.2 стр.39.Повторное чтение текста с целью развития навыков чтения.

Answer Key 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

Упр.2 б стр.39 Работа с лексикой.

Suggested Answer Key

competitors: people taking part in a contest

extremely: very much

get out of breath: breathe very quickly and with difficulty

take part in: be involved in

offers: gives

majority: most

raise money for charity: make money for those less fortunate

race course: a place where horses run against each other

presenters: people who introduce a TV programme

comment on: talk about,

give an opinion on smart: fashionable

championship: a competition to find the best player(s) in

a sport spectators: people who watch a sporting event

queue: wait in a line to be served/for your turn

compete: play against each other

упр.3 стр.39 Повторение лексики из упр.1

Аnswer Key 1 presenters 3 competitors 2 spectators

Упр.4 стр.39 Развитие навыков монологической речи. Рассказать об одном из событий.

Suggested Answer Key

Hi everyone! It’s Mike Legg here at the London Marathon. Competitors are just lining up for the start of this fantastic event. As always it’s a race over 26 miles. You have to be pretty fit to enter. There are over 40,000 people taking part this year. Here at the starting line the serious runners are on the left and those raising money for charity are on the right. Hello, they’re asking people to be quiet. … And that was the starter pistol. There they go! They’re off to a flying start.
Рефлексия изученного What have you learned at the lesson? What can you do now?

Упр.5 стр.39.-портфолио либо д/p

Suggested Answer Key One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events is the Round the Bays fun run. Held in March every year since 1972 and with 70,000 runners, it is one of the world’s largest. It costs $15 to enter but all the money goes to charity. It starts at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay. Some of the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Even members of Greenpeace race in whale costumes!! After the run people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm. Every runner gets a certificate. It is a good day out and a lot of fun for all.
Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни

Урок №23 Across the Curriculum

Тема: Деньги и ответственность. Чистый воздух дома.



Reading: a quiz on money (comprehension) .Развитие навыков чтения квизов

Skill ― reading for detailed understanding.Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.

Speaking: expressing/enquiring about opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement.Развитие навыков говорения –выражения/запроса мнения/выражения согласия и несогласия.

Writing: a survey about Ss’ responsibility with money; survey results. Развитие навыков письма-обозрение чье-то ответственности по отношению к деньгам.

Оборудование: .

Ход урока


2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

Контроль выполнения домашнего задания собрать письменное сообщение .

Упр.1 стр.40 Обсуждение ситуаций по заданной теме.

Suggested Answer Key 2
A: Do you think you would tell your friend he had paid you twice?

B: Of course! I wouldn’t want to take his pocket money from him.
3 A: Don’t you think you should just ask your mum for some extra money?

B: Certainly not! It’s my fault I spent all the money at the arcade.
4 A: Don’t you agree that you should always lend a friend money?

B: You are wrong there. If he/she doesn’t pay you back, you might have an argument and fall out.
5 A: Don’t you agree that taking the money is the same as stealing?

B: That’s correct. You shouldn’t keep it.

6 A: Don’t you think that you should give your mother back all her change when you go to the shop for her?

B: Certainly.

Упр.2 стр.40 Проведение опроса .

  • Preparing a survey and writing your findings

  • Elicit/Explain the meaning of the word survey.

  • Explain how a survey is conducted (by asking a specific number of people a number of questions on a particular topic).

  • Allow Ss time to come up with questions.

  • Write the questions on the board.

  • Count how many Ss answer Yes and how many answer No. Ss write a paragraph about the findings.

  • Allow Ss some time to write it or alternatively assign the task as HW.

Домашнее задание заполнить таблицу и приготовить результаты опроса
Suggested Answer Key


Most of the class seems to be really honest. Only one person said that they wouldn’t return a wallet if they found it in the street. On the other hand, five people said they wouldn’t tell the shopkeeper about the extra change and two people said they wouldn’t tell the boss about paying the extra day. However, most people felt it was better to tell the boss to show their honesty and perhaps be given promotion.

Name 1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......

1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......

1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......

Statement Yes No 1 You find a wallet in the street with an address in it. Do you keep it?

2 A shopkeeper gives you too much change. Do you tell him?

3 You don’t work one Saturday but your boss still pays you. Do you return the money?

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all

Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….

Type- the Round the Bays fun run.

Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay

Time- Held in March every year since 1972

Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.

Prizes-to charity

Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate



3. get out of breath

4. take part in



7. raise money for charity

8. race course

a very much

b. people taking part in a contest

c. be involved in

d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty

f. most

g. gives

h. a place where horses run against each other

i. make money for those less fortunate

Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни

Урок №24

Тема Выполнение заданий в формате ЕГЭ.

Ход урока


2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

Контроль выполнения заданий.


Reading for specific information

Allow Ss time to read the text. Ss complete the multiple choice task

Answer Key 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 C

Use of English

Using word derivatives

Answer Key 1 enjoyable 5 usually 2 expensive 6 shiny 3 working 7 excitement 4 really 8 generously

Explain the task. Read out the text. Allow Ss time to complete the task..


Listening for specific information

Explain the task. Play the recording. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Select individual Ss to read out the answers.



I asked some people about what kinds of sporting events they enjoy. Here’s what they had to say:

Speaker 1: My boyfriend always wants to stay in and watch sports events on TV. It’s really annoying because I find watching sport really boring. Speaker

2: I usually watch sports events in the pub with my friends when something important is on. The atmosphere’s just not the same when you watch it by yourself!

Speaker 3: I go to a major sporting event at least once a year. The tickets can be a bit expensive but they are usually worth every penny!

Speaker 4: I’m a really active person and play quite a lot of sport. I sometimes watch sports events, on TV for example, but I’d rather be out there doing it myself!

Speaker 5: I love watching sports. My girlfriend thinks I’m really boring but I always stay in and watch if something important is on.
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5


Writing a letter to a pen-friend

Check Ss’ understanding by asking questions:

What are you going to write? (a letter)

Who is the letter for? (my pen-friend Matt)

Why are you writing? (to tell him about my hobbies and ask 3 questions about pocket money). Allow Ss time to complete the task.

Suggested Answer Key

Dear Matt,

Thanks for your last letter. How’s your new baby sister?

You asked about my hobbies. Well, I’m not really into sports. I prefer quieter pastimes like stamp collecting. As a matter of fact, I have a huge stamp collection ― over 5,000 stamps. Most of my stamps are from America but I also collect Australian stamps.

Helping your mother and father is a good way to earn money. Do you get other pocket money, too? How much pocket money do you get a week? What other jobs do you have to do to earn it? I have to earn all mine.

Write again soon.


Модуль 3 Образование и карьера.

Цели :


понимать небольшие аутентичные тексты, короткие диалоги, высказывания об образовании, типах школ и школьной жизни в странах изучаемого языка.

Чтение: читать аутентичные прагматические, научно-популярные и худ. тексты по изучаемой теме с извлечением частичной и полной информации.

Монолог.речь: рассказывать о школе и школьной жизни, планах на летние каникулы; делать рекламу своей школы.

Диалогическая речь: брать/давать интервью во время поиска работы, сообщать новости, и реагировать на них, запрашивать информацию и выражать желание/намерение.

Письмо: уметь писать резюме и сопроводительное письмо, эссе, научно-популярную статью о вымирающих животных.

Урок №26

1   2   3   4

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