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1glavaansиспр26.04. Исследование организации управления системой дошкольного образования в образования в Верхнеуслонском муниципальном районе рт

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Организация управление системой дошкольного образования на муниципальном уровне (на примере Верхнеуслонского муниципального района РТ)


1. Теоретические основы управление системой дошкольного образования на муниципальном уровне 3

1.1. Сущность, цели и задачи системы дошкольного образования 3

1.2. Правовые основы управления дошкольным образованием в Российской Федерации 9

Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта дошкольного образования: Приказ Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России) от 17 октября 2013 г. N 1155 // Российская газета. - № 235. - 2013. 14

1.3. Специфика организации управления дошкольным образованием на муниципальном уровне 17



Рис. 1. Рейтинг городов-миллионников по обеспеченности детскими садами 31


Рис. 2. Рейтинг городов-миллионников по количеству детсадов на 10 кв. м 31

2. Анализ организации управления системой дошкольного образования в образования в Верхнеуслонском муниципальном районе РТ

2.1. Структура системы управления дошкольным образованием в образования в Верхнеуслонском муниципальном районе РТ

2.2. Исследование организации управления системой дошкольного образования в образования в Верхнеуслонском муниципальном районе РТ

2.3.Разработка проекта предложений по совершенствованию организации управления системой дошкольного образования в Верхнеуслонском муниципальном районе РТ


Список использованной литературы

1. Теоретические основы управление системой дошкольного образования на муниципальном уровне

1.1. Сущность, цели и задачи системы дошкольного образования

В начале XXI века во многих странах мира раннее образование и развитие детей стали важной частью государственной образовательной политики.

Общедоступность дошкольного образования провозглашается Конституцией Российской Федерации1. Таким образом, дошкольное образование сегодня признается важной ступенью общего образования.

Database error in antiplagiat.ru: Invalid SQL: 21004

SELECT varname, value, datatype FROM setting;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away

Error Number : 22006

Script : http://antiplagiat.ru

Referrer : http://www.antiplagiat.ru/Cabinet/Cabinet.aspx?folderId=33483538346

IP Address :

Username : an_User

Classname : vap_Database

MySQL Version : Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL

Error 1428: Неправильный синтаксис около "%.*ls". Если имелась в виду часть табличной подсказки, то для этого теперь необходимо использовать ключевое слово A WITH и круглые скобки. Правильный синтаксис см. в электронной документации по SQL Server.

Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to database

SQL Server Error 15739: Недопустимый список столбцов после имени объекта в инструкции GRANT/REVOKE.

MySQL Error : Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_bin,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_bin,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

Error Number : 71246 Code errors: Distance to bottom of object this_store_obj_picture( col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end y2 );x panes; Access private param string The table to inspect return string function _track_aliases(table) if (is_array(table)) foreach (table as t) this_track_aliases(t); return; Does the string contain a comma? If so, we need to separate the string into discreet statements if (strpos(table, ',') ! FALSE) return this_track_aliases(explode(',', table)); Writes the Excel BIFF PANE record. Access private returnvoid function _merge_cache() count(thisar_cache_exists) 0) return;Writes the BIFF record ROW. function trans_begin(test_mode FALSE) if ( ! thistrans_enabled) return TRUE; Write the WSBOOL BIFF record, mainly for fittopage. Used in conjunction with the SETUP record.

Close DB Connection access public param resource return void function _close(conn_id) require_once('Parser. Php');

Write the visible label using the write_string() method. Compile the SELECT statement Generates a uery string based on which functions were used.

Write the visible label if (str '') { str preg_replace('', ' ', url);

Delete statement Generates a platformspecific delete string from the supplied data access public param string the table name param array the where clause param string the limit clause return string function _delete(table, where array(), like array(), limit FALSE) conditions '';


DISTINCT Sets a flag which tells the query string compiler to add DISTINCT access public param bool return object function distinct(val TRUE) thisar_distinct (is_bool(val)) ? val: TRUE;

Write the PRINTGRIDLINES BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the GRIDSET record.

Escape String access public param string return string function escape_str(str) Access the CI object CI get_instance();

Write the packed data this_append(header. Data);

Execute the query access private called by the base class param string an SQL query return resource function _execute(sql) sql this_prep_query(sql);

Write the packed data this_append( header, data);

Flush Cache Empties the AR cache access public return void function flush_cache() { this_reset_run( array( 'ar_cache_select' array(), 'ar_cache_from' array(), 'ar_cache_join' array(), 'ar_cache_where' array(), 'ar_cache_like' array(), 'ar_cache_groupby' array(), 'ar_cache_having' array(), 'ar_cache_orderby' array(), 'ar_cache_set' array(), 'ar_cache_exists' array() );


From Tables This function implicitly groups FROM tables so there is no confusion about operator precedence in harmony with SQL standards access public param type return type function _from_tables(tables) if ( ! is_array(tables)) tables array(tables);

Write links to external directory names such as 'c: \foo. Xls', c: \foo. XlsSheet1! A1', '. foo. Xls'. and '. foo. XlsSheet1! A1'.

Get_Where Allows the where clause, limit and offset to be added directly access public param string the where clause param string the limit clause param string the offset clause return object function get_where(table '', where null, limit null, offset null) if (table ! '')

Write BIFF record SELECTION.

groupby() is an alias of group_by() this function is here for backwards compatibility, as groupby() has been deprecated function groupby(by) return thisgroup_by(by);

Write BIFF record DEFCOLWIDTH if COLINFO records are in use.

Insert ID access public return integer function insert_id() return odbc_insert_id(thisconn_id);

Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

Like Called by like() or orlike() access private param mixed param mixed param string return object function _like(field, match '', type 'AND ', side 'both', not '') if ( ! is_array(field)) field array(field match);

Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

Limit string Generates a platformspecific LIMIT clause access public param string the sql query string param integer the number of rows to limit the query to param integer the offset value return string function _limit(sql, limit, offset) Does ODBC doesn't use the LIMIT clause?

Width_and_height unpack(, substr(data, 0, 8));

Not Like Generates a NOT LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with AND access public param mixed param mixed return object function not_like(field, match '', side 'both') return this_like(field, match, 'AND ', side, 'NOT');

width width + x1 1;

OR Not Like Generates a NOT LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with OR access public param mixed param mixed return object function or_not_like(field, match '', side 'both') return this_like(field, match, 'OR ', side, 'NOT');

while(list($k, $line) = each($output)) { if(eregi("^$host", $line)) { return true;

orderby() is an alias of order_by() this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orderby() has been deprecated function orderby(orderby, direction '') return thisorder_by(orderby, direction);

while (list($key, $value) = each($array)) { if ($i > 0) { $shifted_array[$key] = $value;

orlike() is an alias of or_like() this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orlike() has been deprecated function orlike(field, match '', side 'both') return thisor_like(field, match, side);

while (list($key, $val) = each($array1)) $array_merged[$key] = $val;

Prep the query If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string access private called by execute() param string an SQL query return string function _prep_query(sql) return sql;

while ($years = tep_db_fetch_array($years_query)) { $years_array[] = array('id' => $years['banner_year'], 'text' => $years['banner_year']);

query Generates a platformspecific query string that counts all records in the specified database access public param string return string function count_all(table '') if (table '') return 0;

while ($orders = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_query)) { if (tep_not_null($orders['delivery_name'])) { $order_name = $orders['delivery_name'];

Resets the active record values. Called by the get() function access private return void function _reset_select() ar_reset_items array( 'ar_select' array(), 'ar_from' array(), 'ar_join' array(), 'ar_where' array(), 'ar_like' array(), 'ar_groupby' array(), 'ar_having' array(), 'ar_orderby' array(), 'ar_wherein' array(), 'ar_aliased_tables' array(), 'ar_distinct' FALSE, 'ar_limit' FALSE, 'ar_offset' FALSE, 'ar_order' FALSE, );

value 0x7fff; first 15 bits password ^ (value | bit_16);

Select Average Generates a SELECT AVG(field) portion of a query access public param string the field param string an alias return object function select_avg(select '', alias '') return this_max_min_avg_sum(select, alias, 'AVG');

Used to write http, ftp and mailto hyperlinks.

Select Min Generates a SELECT MIN(field) portion of a query access public param string the field param string an alias return object function select_min(select '', alias '') return this_max_min_avg_sum(select, alias, 'MIN');

Url_len. Url);

Select the database access private called by the base class return resource function db_select() Not needed for ODBC return TRUE;

url url.;

Sets the HAVING values Called by having() or or_having() access private param string param string return object function _having(key, value '', type 'AND ', escape TRUE) if ( ! is_array(key)) key array(key value);

url s[\\]g;

Sets the OFFSET value access public param integer the offset value return object function offset(offset) thisar_offset offset;

up_count pack(, up_count);

Should not be called directly. The get() function calls it.


Show table query Generates a platformspecific query string so that the table names can be fetched access private param boolean return string function _list_tables(prefix_limit FALSE) sql "SHOW TABLES FROM `". thisdatabase.;


the character used to excape not necessary for ODBC var _escape_char '';

Unknown2. url_len. Url);

The error message string access private return string function _error_message() return odbc_errormsg(thisconn_id);

unknown2 pack(,'0303000000000000C000000000000046' );

The syntax to count rows is slightly different across different database engines, so this string appears in each driver and is used for the count_all() and count_all_results() functions.

Unknown1. options.

Truncate Compiles a truncate string and runs the query If the database does not support the truncate() command This function maps to "DELETE FROM table" access public param string the table to truncate return object function truncate(table '') if (table '') if ( ! isset(thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error('db_must_set_table');

unknown1. link_type.

Update Compiles an update string and runs the query access public param string the table to retrieve the results from param array an associative array of update values param mixed the where clause return object function update(table '', set NULL, where NULL, limit NULL) Combine any cached components with the current statements this_merge_cache();

Turn off option this_fit_page 0;

Version number query string access public return string function _version() return "SELECT version() AS ver";

thisxls_colmax colmax; thisxls_strmax strmax;

Where_in_or Generates a WHERE field IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with OR if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function or_where_in(key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in(key, values, FALSE, 'OR ');


Where_not_in_or Generates a WHERE field NOT IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with OR if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function or_where_not_in(key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in(key, values, TRUE, 'OR ');


Write the portion of the query if (count(thisar_groupby) 0) sql.; Sql. Implode(', ', thisar_groupby);

thisrow_sizes array(); this_zoom 100;

Write the portion of the query if (count(thisar_join) 0) sql.;

thisfirstsheet firstsheet; this_url_format url_format; this_parser parser; thisext_sheets array(); this_using_tmpfile 1;

Write the portion of the query if (count(thisar_orderby) 0) sql.; Sql. Implode(', ', thisar_orderby);

thisdim_colmin colmax +1; thisdim_colmax 0;

Write the portion of the query if (select_override ! FALSE) sql select_override;

thisactivesheet thisindex;

Extract any aliases that might exist. We use this information in the _protect_identifiers to know whether to add a table prefix this_track_aliases(table);

this_title_colmin NULL; this_title_colmax NULL; this_print_rowmin NULL;

If the escape value was not set will will base it on the global setting if ( ! is_bool(escape)) escape this_protect_identifiers;


If we are "protecting identifiers" we need to examine the portion of the query to determine if there are any aliases if (this_protect_identifiers TRUE AND count(thisar_cache_from) 0) this_track_aliases(thisar_from);


remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace('['. this_escape_char.']+', this_escape_char, str);

this_print_scale floor(scale);

Reset the transaction failure flag.

this_print_rowmax NULL; this_print_colmin NULL; this_print_colmax NULL;

When transactions are nested we only begincommitrollback the outermost ones if (this_trans_depth 0) return TRUE;

this_print_gridlines 1; this_print_headers 0; this_fit_page 0; this_fit_width 0; this_fit_height 0; this_hbreaks array(); this_vbreaks array(); this_protect 0; this_password NULL; thiscol_sizes array();

When transactions are nested we only begincommitrollback the outermost ones if (this_trans_depth 0) return TRUE;

this_print_colmax last_col;

Store the alias, if it doesn't already exist if ( ! in_array(table, thisar_aliased_tables)) thisar_aliased_tables table;

this_prepend(header. Data. Sheetname);

remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace('['. this_escape_char.']+', this_escape_char, str);

this_prepend(header. Data);

thisar_cache_exists 'from';

this_prepend(header. Data);

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_from this_protect_identifiers(v, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

this_prepend(header. Data);

thisar_cache_exists 'from';

this_prepend(header. Data);

thisar_cache_exists 'select'; return this;

this_prepend(header. Data);

v ' '. thisescape(v);

this_prepend(header. Data);

if ( ! this_has_operator(k)) k. ' ';


if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_groupby this_protect_identifiers(val);

this_panes panes;

return FALSE;

this_margin_top margin;

return FALSE;

this_margin_right 0.75; this_margin_top 1.00; this_margin_bottom 1.00; this_title_rowmin NULL; this_title_rowmax NULL;

sql. Implode(', ', thisar_select);

this_margin_head margin;

thisar_cache_exists 'having';

this_margin_foot margin;

thisar_from this_protect_identifiers(val, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

this_header string;

v ' '. thisescape_str(v);

this_footer ''; this_hcenter 0; this_vcenter 0;

ar_cache_var 'ar_cache_'. val;

this_fit_height height;

Conditions. Implode(, like);

this_datasize + strlen(data);

direction (in_array(strtoupper(trim(direction)), array('ASC', 'DESC'), TRUE)) ? ' '. direction: ' ASC';

this_append(header. Data. Substr(note, 0, 2048));

else like_statement prefix." K not LIKE ''";

this_append(header. Data. Str);

else type. ' ';

this_append(header. Data. Formula);

elseif (side 'after') like_statement prefix." K not LIKE ''";

this_append(header. Data);

if ( ! in_array(type, array('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'OUTER', 'INNER', 'LEFT OUTER', 'RIGHT OUTER'))) type '';

this_append(header. Data);

if ( ! this_has_operator(k)) k. ' ';

this_append(header. Data);

if (count(thisar_select) 0) sql. '';

this_append(header. Data);

if (escape TRUE) k this_protect_identifiers(k);

this_append(header. Data);

if (side 'before') like_statement prefix." K not LIKE ''";

this_append(header. Data);

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_like like_statement;

this_append(header. Data);

if (v ! '')

this_append(header. Data);

match this_protect_identifiers(match);

This is described in BITMAPCOREHEADER and BITMAPCOREINFO structures in the MSDN library.

prefix (count(thisar_like) 0) ? '': type;

The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into account.

return FALSE;

The values of col_start and row_start are passed in from the calling function. The values of col_end and row_end are calculated by subtracting the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the underlying cells.

return FALSE; if (table '') if ( ! isset(thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error('db_must_set_table');

The panes can either be frozen or thawed (unfrozen).

Sql. Implode(, thisar_join);

The hyperlink can be to a http, ftp, mail, internal sheet, or external directory url.

sql. Thisdbprefix.;

The first 2 bytes are used to identify the bitmap.

table thisar_from;

The default column width is 8.43

table thisar_from;

The breaks represent the column after which the break is inserted.


Tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page='. $HTTP_GET_VARS['page']. '&tID='. $tax_rates_id)); case 'deleteconfirm': tep_db_query("delete from ". TABLE_TAX_RATES. " Where tax_rates_id = '". (int)$tax_rates_id. "'");

thisar_cache_exists 'join';

tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));

thisar_cache_exists 'select';

tep_db_query("update ". TABLE_TAX_RATES. " Set tax_rates_id = '". (int)$tax_rates_id. "', Tax_zone_id = '". (int)$tax_zone_id. "', Tax_class_id = '". (int)$tax_class_id. "', Tax_rate = '". tep_db_input($tax_rate). "', tax_description = '". tep_db_input($tax_description). "', tax_priority = '". tep_db_input($tax_priority). "', last_modified = now() where tax_rates_id = '". (int)$tax_rates_id. "'");

thisar_having prefix. K. v;

tep_db_query("insert into ". TABLE_TAX_RATES. " (Tax_zone_id, tax_class_id, tax_rate, tax_description, tax_priority, date_added) values ('". (int)$tax_zone_id. "', '". (Int)$tax_class_id. "', '". Tep_db_input($tax_rate). "', '". tep_db_input($tax_description). "', '". tep_db_input($tax_priority). "', now())"); tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES));

thisar_offset offset;

Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image while (width thissize_col(col_end)) { width thissize_col(col_end);

thisar_where prefix. K. v; if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_where prefix. K. v; thisar_cache_exists 'where';

Substitute an Excel cell reference in A1 notation for zero based row and column values in an argument list.


strmax 255; thisname name; thisindex index; thisactivesheet activesheet;

type strtoupper(trim(type));

Strip URL type url preg_replace('s', '', url);

} foreach (key as k v) if (escape FALSE) thisar_set[this_protect_identifiers(k)] v;

Strip the '' or '' sign at the beginning of the formula string if (ereg(, formula)) { formula preg_replace(, formula);

class CI_DB_odbc_driver extends CI_DB { var dbdriver 'odbc';


else sql ( ! thisar_distinct) ? 'SELECT ': 'SELECT DISTINCT ';

str_error thiswrite_string(row1, col1, str, format);

else table this_protect_identifiers(table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

str_error thiswrite_string(row1, col1, str, format);

else if (direction ! this_random_keyword) orderby this_protect_identifiers(orderby);

Store the window zoom factor. This should be a reduced fraction but for simplicity we will store all fractions with a numerator of 100.

elseif (trim(direction) ! '')

Store the vertical centering VCENTER BIFF record.

foreach (field as k v) k this_protect_identifiers(k);

Store the TOPMARGIN BIFF record.

foreach (key as k v) prefix (count(thisar_where) 0 AND count(thisar_cache_where) 0) ? '': type;

Store the RIGHTMARGIN BIFF record.

foreach (this_reserved_identifiers as id) if (strpos(item, '.'. id) ! FALSE) str this_escape_char. Str_replace('.', this_escape_char.'.', Item);

Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise to support other Excel objects.

foreach (values as value) thisar_wherein thisescape(value);

Store the long dir name as a wchar string (nonnull terminated) dir_long join(, split('', dir_long));

if ( ! is_array(key)) key array(key value);

Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).

if ( ! is_null(limit)) thislimit(limit, offset);

Store the header caption BIFF record.

if ( ! is_null(set)) thisset(set);

Store the BOTTOMMARGIN BIFF record.

if (alias '') alias this_create_alias_from_table(trim(select));

Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists) list(dir_long, sheet) split('\', url);

if (count(thisar_set) 0) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error('db_must_use_set');

Sort and filter array of page breaks sort(breaks, SORT_NUMERIC);

if (is_string(select)) select explode(',', select);

Slurp the file into a string.

if (limit ! NULL) thislimit(limit); if (count(thisar_where) 0 count(thisar_wherein) 0 count(thisar_like)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error('db_del_must_use_where');

size size_array;

If (prefix_limit ! FALSE AND thisdbprefix ! '')

Size + 0x0C; Add size of BIFF header.

if (querynum_rows() 0) return '0';

sheet_len pack(, strlen(sheet) + 0x01);

if (strpos(orderby, ',') ! FALSE) temp array();

Sheet; Pack the header data length length data;

if (table '') if ( ! isset(thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error('db_must_set_table');


if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_orderby orderby_statement;

sheet join(, split('', sheet));

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_where where_in;

sheet '';

limit ( ! limit) ? '': ' LIMIT '. limit;

Set width to zero if column is hidden width (hidden) ? 0: width;

not (not) ? ' NOT': '';

Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet. This is necessary when there are a large number of worksheets and the activated worksheet is not visible on the screen.

odbc_autocommit(thisconn_id, TRUE);

Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet, i. e. the worksheet has its tab highlighted.

orderby_statement orderby. Direction;

Set the worksheet protection flag to prevent accidental modification and to hide formulas if the locked and hidden format properties have been set.

query thisquery(sql);

Set the top margin in inches.

result thisquery(sql);

Set the scale factor for the printed page.

ret odbc_rollback(thisconn_id);

Set the right margin in inches.

return (int) rownumrows;

Set the page orientation as portrait.

return item;

Set the page header caption and optional margin.

return odbc_exec(thisconn_id, sql);

Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.

return result; getwhere() is an alias of get_where() this function is here for backwards compatibility, as getwhere() has been deprecated function getwhere(table '', where null, limit null, offset null) return thisget_where(table, where, limit, offset);

Set the left margin in inches.

return ret;

Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.

Return sql;

Set the Biff PROTECT record to indicate that the worksheet is protected.

return sql; Object to Array Takes an object as input and converts the class variables to array keyvals access public param object return array function _object_to_array(object) if ( ! is_object(object)) return object; array array(); foreach (get_object_vars(object) as key val) There are some built in keys we need to ignore for this conversion if ( ! is_object(val) ! is_array(val) key ! '_parent_name' key ! '_ci_scaffolding' key ! '_ci_scaff_table') array val;

Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.

return this;

Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.

return this;

See write_url() param integer row1 Start row param integer col1 Start column param integer row2 End row param integer col2 End column param string url URL string param string str Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function _write_url_internal(row1, col1, row2, col2, url, str, format 0) record 0x01B8; Record identifier length 0x00000; Bytes to follow if (format 0) { format this_url_format;

return this;

See also write_url() above for a general description and return values.

return this;

See also the _store_print_headers() method below.

return this;

Scale the frame of the image.

return this; Where Generates the WHERE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with AND access public param mixed param mixed return object function where(key, value NULL, escape TRUE) return this_where(key, value, 'AND ', escape);

scale 100;

return thisdbprefix. Table;


return thisquery(sql);

rgch 0x03; Reference to a sheet in the current workbook header pack(, record, length);

return thisquery(sql); DB Prefix Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration access public param string the table return string function dbprefix(table '') if (table '') thisdisplay_error('db_table_name_required');

Returns 0: normal termination 2: row or column out of range access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param string formula The formula text string param mixed format The optional XF format function write_formula(row, col, formula, format 0) record 0x0006; Record identifier Excel normally stores the last calculated value of the formula in num.

return. Table. Conditions. Limit;

sql this_compile_select(this_count_string. This_protect_identifiers('numrows'));


sql this_insert(this_protect_identifiers(table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), array_keys(thisar_set), array_values(thisar_set));

return(this_write_url_web(row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string, format));

sql this_update(this_protect_identifiers(table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), thisar_set, thisar_where, thisar_orderby, thisar_limit);


sql. (Where ! '' AND count(where) 1) ?. implode(, where): '';


sql. Table. Implode(', ', valstr);



return(array(row1, col1));




return true; function submitForm() { var is_error=false;


Return string The data function get_data() buffer 4096;

This_trans_failure (test_mode TRUE) ? TRUE: FALSE;

return str_error if str_error 2;

thisar_orderby orderby_statement;

return file_exists($tmp_file. Basename($filename));

thisar_where where_in;

Return data stored in memory if (isset(this_data)) { tmp this_data;

where_in prefix. This_protect_identifiers(key). not. Implode(, thisar_wherein).;

Return array containing (row, column) function _cell_to_rowcol(cell) preg_match("\?(?)\?(\d+)", cell, match);

} Sets the OR HAVING value Separates multiple calls with OR access public param string param string return object function or_having(key, value '', escape TRUE) return this_having(key, value, 'OR ', escape);

return 0;

if(! is_error) document. GetElementById('form'). submit();

return (array(width, height, size, data));

if(! is_error) if(! checkChar(wert,'0123456789') || wert == '' || wert. Length!=8) {alert('BLZ muss aus 8 Ziffern bestehen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_bank'). value;

return $return;

if(! is_error) if(wert == '') {alert('Bitte Bankname eintragen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_homepage'). value;

return $new_array;* http_build_query() natively supported from PHP 5.0

if(! is_error) if(wert == '') {alert('Bitte Firma eintragen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_strasse'). value;

Retrieve the worksheet name. This is usefull when creating worksheets without a name.

if(! is_error) if(wert == '') {alert('Bitte Kontoinhaber eintragen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_kontonummer'). value;

reserved 0x00; Reserved header pack(, record, length);

if(! is_error) if(wert == '') {alert('Bitte Namen eintragen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_firma'). value;

require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES. $Language. '/'. FILENAME_ACCOUNT);

if(! is_error) if(wert == '') {alert('Bitte Projektnamen eintragen'); is_error=true; } wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_name'). value;

Remove bitmap data: ID.

if(! is_error) if(wert1 == '' && wert2 == '') {alert('Es muss mindestens ein telefonischer Kontakt angegeben sein'); is_error=true; } // adjust Backlink document. GetElementsByName('user[backlink]')[0]. value += '&konto_inhaber=' + escape(document. GetElementById('sammel_input_konto_inhaber'). value);

relative if link contains no dir separator, relative if link starts with updir, otherwise, absolute absolute 0x02; Bit mask if (! preg_match('', url)) { absolute 0x00;

Var _count_string "SELECT COUNT() AS ";

record 0x0201; Record identifier length 0x0006; Number of bytes to follow xf this_XF(format); The cell format Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return(2);

var ar_aliased_tables array(); var ar_store_array array();

record 0x00A0; Record identifier length 0x0004; Bytes to follow header pack(, record, length);

var ar_from array(); var ar_join array();

record 0x0041; Record identifier length 0x000A; Number of bytes to follow Code specific to frozen or thawed panes.

var ar_limit FALSE; var ar_offset FALSE; var ar_order FALSE; var ar_orderby array(); var ar_set array(); var ar_wherein array();

record 0x001C; Record identifier max_length 2048; Maximun length for a NOTE record length 0x0006 + note_length; Bytes to follow Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return(2);

var wert, wert1, wert2; wert = document. GetElementById('sammel_input_project_name'). value;

record 0x001a; Record identifier cbrk count(breaks); Number of page breaks length (cbrk + 1) 2; Bytes to follow header pack(, record, length);

${$class_method[0]} = new $class_method[0]();

record 0x0012; Record identifier length 0x0002; Bytes to follow fLock this_protect; Worksheet is protected header pack(, record, length);

$array = $shifted_array;

Read and remove the bitmap size. This is more reliable than reading the data size at offset 0x22.

$banner_extension = tep_banner_image_extension();// check if the graphs directory exists $dir_ok = false; if (function_exists('imagecreate') && tep_not_null($banner_extension)) { if (is_dir(DIR_WS_IMAGES. 'Graphs')) { if (is_writeable(DIR_WS_IMAGES. 'Graphs')) { $dir_ok = true;

Read and remove the bitmap compression. Verify compression.

$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));?>
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