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  • The Plenum of the Supreme Court.

  • 7. Answer the questions on the text "The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

  • 10. Insert the right word

  • 11. Federal Constitutional Law on Judicial

  • 12. Answer the questions on the text "Federal Constitutional Law on Ju­dicial System of the Russian Federation"

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    6. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of courts of general ju­risdiction, carries out judicial supervision over their activities according to the federal law-envisaged procedural forms and provides clarifications on the issues of court pro­ceedings (Article 126 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). It heads the judicial system of general jurisdiction, representing a supreme tier of this system. The Supreme Court of Russian Federation has the right of the legislative initiative. It acts as a court of first instance for cases of special importance or special public in­terest when it accepts them for consideration according to the legislation. The law de­termines a category of cases which are included in the sphere of activities of the Su­preme Court of the Russian Federation as a court of first instance. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is a cassation instance in relation to the federal courts of general jurisdiction of republics or oblast. It supervises legality, va­lidity and substantiality of sentences and other decisions of courts of lower level. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is composed of its Chairman, first deputy and deputies of the Chairman, the justices of the Court and People's as­sessors. The Supreme Court has the following structure: The Plenum of the Supreme Court.

    The Plenum of the Supreme Court on the basis of studies and generalization of the judicial practice and judicial statistics, provides its guidance to courts on the issues of proper application of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Plenum hears reports on the activities of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, reports by the judicial chambers chairmen . It has the right to present the legislative body with presentations on issues subject to be resolved in the legislative order.

    The Presidium of the Supreme Court.

    Apart from consideration of cases by way of supervision and upon newly discovered evidences, the Presidium of the Supreme Court considers and hears issues relating to the organization of activities of judicial chambers, examines materials of the studies and generalization of judicial practice, analyses judicial statistics, assists lower courts in correct application of the legislation. Judicial chambers.

    There are three chambers in the structure of the Supreme Court of the Russian Fed­eration: Judicial Chamber on Civil Cases; Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases; and

    Military Chamber. Within the limits of their powers they consider cases as courts of first instances; in the order of cassation; by way of supervision and on newly discov­ered evidence, study and generalize judicial practice, analyse judicial statistics. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is assisted in exercising its powers by several offices, departments and other structural units.

    At present the Supreme Court has initiated establishment of the ail-Russian system of administrative justice . The appropriate draft of a federal law has already been pre­sented to the State Duma.

    - a court of first instance - суд первой инстанции;

    - sphere of activities - сфера деятельности;

    validity of sentences - законность обвинительного заключения;

    - assessors - эксперты;

    - to be resolved in the legislative order - быть принятым в соответствии с установленной законом процедурой;

    - way of supervision - способ наблюдения.
    7. Answer the questions on the text "The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

    1. How would you define the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation head?

    2. What does the Supreme Court head?

    3. Does the Supreme Court act as a court of first instance?

    4. What is it in relation to the federal courts?

    5. What is the structure of the Supreme Court?

    6. What is the sphere of activities of the plenum?

    7. What is the role of the Presidium?

    8. Choose the right equivalent

    1. clarification

    1. appeal to super court

    2. tier

    2. preliminary written version of a document

    3. valid

    3. person who gives advice

    4. substantiality

    4. the moral ideal of being right


    5. science of collecting and analysing significant numeri­cal

    6. statistics

    6. watching or directing work

    7. cassation

    7. suitable, proper

    8. draft

    8. having real importance or value

    9. appropriate

    9. suitable, proper process of making transparent

    10. evidence

    10. available fact, circumstances, indicating whether or not a thing is true or valid

    11. not yet expired

    12. special structure

    9. Match the given phrases

    1. law-envisaged

    1. законный

    2. to provide clarification

    2. бесспорный

    3.in relation to

    3. принимать на рассмотрение

    4. to provide guidance

    4. относительно

    5 .chamber

    5. руководить

    6. in the legislative order

    6. должное обращение

    7. evidences

    7. в законном порядке

    8. proper application

    8. факты

    9. to exercise power

    9. палата (суда)

    10. to accept for consid­eration

    10. осуществление власти

    11. прояснять

    12. анализировать юридическую статистику

    10. Insert the right word

    1. The Supreme Court carries out judicial over activities according to the

    Federal law.

    1. It provides on the issues of court proceedings.

    2. The Supreme Court heads the judicial system of general jurisdiction, represent­ing a supreme of this system.

    3. The Supreme Court is a instance in relation to the federal courts.

    4. This judicial body legality, and of sentences and other decisions

    of courts of lower level.

    1. The plenum of the Supreme Court provides its guidance to courts on the basis of judicial .

    2. The of a federal law has already been presented to the state Duma.

    11. Federal Constitutional Law on Judicial System of the Russian Federation

    Judicial power in the Russian Federation is performed only by courts in the persons of judges and jurors, people's and arbitration assessors drawn in the administration of justice in the order stated by Law. Judicial power is self-dependent and acts inde­pendently from legislative and executive powers. Judicial power is performed through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal court procedure. Judicial system of the Russian Federation is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Constitutional Law. Unity of judicial system of

    the Russian Federation is ensured by: establishment of judicial system of the Russian Federation by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Constitu­tional Law; observance of the rules of court procedure established by federal laws by all federal courts and Justices of the Peace; application of the Constitution of the

    Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, universally recognized


    principles and norms of the international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, and also constitutions (by-laws) and other laws of the subjects of the Rus­sian Federation by all courts; acceptance of compulsory execution of judicial deci­sions, which came into legal force, on the whole territory of the Russian Federation; legislative securing of the unity of judicial status; financing of federal courts and Jus­tices of the Peace from federal budget.

    Justice in the Russian Federation shall be administered only by courts established un­der the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Constitutional Law Establishment of extraordinary courts or the courts not mentioned in this Federal Constitutional Law is not allowed.

    There are federal courts, constitutional (by-laws) courts and Justices of the Peace of the subjects of the Russian Federation functioning in the Russian Federation which compose judicial system of the Russian Federation.

    Federal courts are: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, supreme courts of the republics, regional (kraj oblast) courts, city courts of federal importance, autonomous region and autonomous circuits courts, district courts, military and specialized courts, which compose the system of federal courts of general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation; the Su­preme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation, federal circuit courts of arbitra­tion, courts of arbitration of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which compose the system of federal courts of arbitration.

    The courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation are: constitutional (by-laws) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the Justices of the Peace, which are the judges of general jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation,

    - self-dependent - независимый;

    - court procedure - судопроизводство;

    - legislative and execu­tive powers - исполнительные и законодательные власти;

    - observance of the rules -соблюдение правил;

    - compulsory execution - обязательное исполнение;

    - extraordinary court -чрезвычайный суд;

    - autonomous circuits courts - автономные окружные суды.

    12. Answer the questions on the text "Federal Constitutional Law on Ju­dicial System of the Russian Federation"

    1. How is judicial power in the Russian Federation performed?

    2. Is the judicial power self-independent?

    3. What procedure is judicial power performed through?

    4. What is the unity of judicial system insured by?

    5. What courts of the Russian Federation do you know?

    6. What are the integral parts of federal courts?

    7. What composes the system of federal courts of arbitration?

    13. Choose the right equivalent

    1 .assessor

    1. required by law or a rule

    2. observance

    2. member of jury

    3. by-law

    3.judges itinerary through a district to hold courts

    4. compulsory

    4. legal system


    5. make certain

    6. arbitration

    6. having self-government

    7. compose

    7. regulations made by a local authority or corporation

    8. circuit

    8. settlement of a dispute by an impartial third party

    9. ensure

    9. constitute

    10. juror

    10. written reports

    11. legal adviser on technical questions

    12. keeping or performing of law, duty, etc
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