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sentimentalusher inAs per our phone conversation — Как уже было сказано в нашем телефонном разговоре

I am pleased to have your inquiry of 1 of May — Я рад(а) получить ваш запрос от 1 мая

I acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 22 April —Я подтверждаю получение вашего письма от

I am writing this letter to request the cancellation of — Я пишу это письмо с просьбой об отмене (ч-л)

I am writing this letter to complain about the poor service that I have received from your company —

Я пишу, чтобы пожаловаться на плохое обслуживание, которое я получил от вашей компании

Your name and email was given to me by (name) — Ваше имя и адрес электр почты дал(а) мне (имя)

My colleague, Victor Petrov, suggested that I write to you concerning —

Мой коллега, Виктор Петров, посоветовал мне написать вам по поводу

I have been advised to contact you regarding — Мне посоветовали связаться с вами по поводу

I am the Social Media Marketing Manager of (Company), and I am writing to you to ask if you would be interested in... —

Я SMM-менеджер (Название компании), и я пишу вам, чтобы спросить, заинтересованы ли вы в...

It has come to my notice that — Мое внимание привлекло то, что

I am pleased to tell you that — Я с удовольствием сообщаю вам, что

I am delighted to inform you that — Я рад(а) проинформировать вас о том, что

I would like to draw your attention to (the fact that) — Мне бы хотелось обратить ваше вним на (то, что)

I have been informed (by one of my clients) that —

Мне стало известно (от одного из моих клиентов), что

We are puzzled to have had no remittance from you —

Мы озадачены тем, что не получили от вас денежный перевод

Заключение (Closing sentence)

I greatly appreciate your patience in this matter — Я очень ценю ваше терпение в этом вопросе

Thank you for your extremely helpful attention to this matter —

Спас за ваше чрезвычайно полезное внимание к этому вопросу

It is always a pleasure doing business with you — Всегда приятно иметь дело с вами

Thank you again for sharing your expertise in this matter —

Спасибо еще раз за то, что поделились своим экспертным мнением в этом вопросе

I look forward to building a strong business relationship in the future —

Я рассчитываю на построение прочных деловых отношений в будущем

Looking forward to our successful partnership — Рассчитываю на успешное партнерство

I look forward to the opportunity of being at your service — Жду возможности быть к вашим услугам

I look forward to doing business to our mutual advantage — Я жду, когда мы начнем вести взаимовыгодный бизнес

I am looking forward to getting your input on this issue —

Я с нетерпением жду ваших комментариев по этому поводу

I will be pleased to supply any further information you require —

Я буду рад(а) предоставить любую информацию, которая вам понадобится

I would like to make a decision on this as soon as possible —

Мне бы хотелось принять решение по этому вопросу как можно скорее

Please advise as necessary — При необходимости поделитесь своими рекоммендациями

I hope that I may continue to rely on your valued custom —

Я надеюсь, что могу рассчитывать на ваши ценные заказы

In the meantime, we suggest that you call the... — В то же время мы советуем связаться с...

I hope to meet your requirements — Надеюсь удовлетворить ваши требования

For purposes of quick contact, a reply by telephone would be appreciated —

Для быстроты связи приветствуется ответ на это письмо по телефону

We hope that the matter will be settled to our mutual satisfaction —

Мы надеемся, что этот вопрос будет решен к нашему взаимному удовлетворению

I would be grateful if this matter could be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction —

Я был(а) бы рад(а), если бы эта ситуация могла быть разрешена ко всеобщему удовлетворению

I would be grateful if you could spare me a few minutes —

Я был(а) бы рад(а), если бы вы смогли уделить мне несколько минут

As our demand is very urgent, a quick answer would be appreciated —

С учетом того, что наш запрос срочный, будем благодарны за быстрый ответ

I trust that you will give this matter your urgent attention —

Я верю, что вы как можно скорее сможете уделить этому вопросу внимание

I would be grateful for further advice — Буду рад(а) совету

Вежливая подпись (Complimentary close)

Best wishes — С наилучшими пожеланиями

Best — С наилучшими пожеланиями

Cordially — Сердечно

Fond regards — С уважением

Kind regards — С уважением

Regards — С уважением

Respectfully — С уважением

Sincerely — Искренне

Hope this helps — Надеюсь, это поможет

Kind thanks — Большое спасибо

Kind wishes — С добрыми пожеланиями

My best — Всего наилучшего

Thank you for your assistance in this matter — Спасибо за вашу помощь в этом вопросе

Thank you for your consideration — Спасибо за ваше внимание

Thank you for your time — Спасибо за уделенное время

With appreciation  — С признательностью

Withgratitude — С благодарностью

With sincere thanks — С искренней благодарностью

Your help is greatly appreciated — Очень ценю вашу помощь

Decay the natural process of something being destroyed or breaking down into small particles

Biodegradable something that can decay naturally without harming anything

Psychological something that affects or involves our mind

Dissonance disagreement between two opposing ideas

Activism taking action to change something – it could be social or political change, or a change in our behaviour or attitude

a big push people are strongly encouraged or persuaded to do something, usefully by force

surf and turf online shopping without actually buying anything

to turf out to remove someone from a place or organisation, possibly because they've broken the rules or behaved badly

checkout place where you pay for your shopping, either in a real shop or online
retailers businesses that sell you things

out of date  past their best, too old to be suitable
fall foul of (something or someone) make a mistake and get in trouble with someone

Commit совершить

perpetuate увековечивать

trigger спусковой крючок

prone склонный

baffling hard to understand

on the way out disappearing; declining in popularity and use

interrogative question

win out succeed after a fight

authoritarian demanding obedience from people

shying away from avoiding

stative expressing a state of 'being' – as opposed to 'doing'

to venture out somewhere to go out somewhere, but usually when the conditions are bad
millennials those who became adults in the early 21st century

Generation X those who became adults in the 1980s and 1990s

Phenomenal amazing, surprising and unbelievable

Distractions activities that prevent us from doing more important things

Instagramable new informal word made with the sufix 'able' and it means 'suitable for posting on the social media platform Instagram'

Dash a small amount of something, usually a liquid

Aficionado someone who is very interested in or enthusiastic about a subject

as cheap as chips very cheap

ethical morally right
roasted cooked in an oven
premium larger than usual payment, usually for better quality service

dumped (here) suddenly ended a relationship

spare extra

all-inclusive trip a trip where the room and all the food and drink you have is included in the price

give up (something) (here) stop hoping for (something)

put (something) up make (something) available

auction a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder

overwhelmed very impressed

looking up going well

jilted rejected by a lover or partner

pulled out didn't complete something that was promised

breaking up with (someone) ending a relationship with someone

blossom (here) develop in a pleasing or promising way

complete stranger someone you have never met before and know nothing about

thoroughly very much

not on the cards (idiom) not possible or likely

Tips for making complaints:

1) Tell a story: Give some background before mentioning your complaint. But keep it short!

  • I've just checked into room 401. It's a lovely room, but the problem is that I was really desperate for a drink and the mini-bar's empty.

2) Soften your tone: Use seem to and appear to to make your language softer. They're often used with be. In the negative, you need an auxiliary like can't or don't

  • Sorry, there seems to be a problem with the radio.

  • Excuse me, there appears to be a problem with your ticket.

  • I can't seem to get the TV to work.

  • There don't appear to be any slippers in the room.

Suspect a person who the police or other people believe to be responsible for a crime

Bother (here) make a effort to do something

Desperate ready to behave in a dangerous or violent way, to escape from a very bad situation

Magistrate a person who decides in a law court if someone is guilty of a minor crime

damn! a swear word that expresses anger

reputation opinion people have about a person or place

disgrace (here) in very bad condition

evidence objects or information that prove that something is true

kudos praise and appreciation for something someone has done

rusty (of a language) not as fluent as before

playground area in a school where children play between lessons

marks score in a test or exam

integration bringing together

nursery place where very young children are looked after while their parents are at work

head teacher person in charge of a school

educational standards the knowledge and skills students should have at a particular level

assessed tested and given scores

caught up with became equal with others in the same level

accessory an additional item added to something to make it more useful or attractive

laughing stock  someone who people think of as silly

sturdy  strong and not easily damaged

masculinity characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of men

hefty price tag high price

inhibitions a feeling of embarrassment that stops you from doing something

wanderlust  a strong desire to travel

a sense of adventure the feeling of doing a new, exciting and sometimes dangerous activity

to coin used a word or phrase that no one has used before

hunch an idea you have based on feelings but with no proof

charm part of the pleasure or enjoyment of something

on your doorstep  close to where you live

generations this is a term used to describe people born in a particular period of time (usually, but not always, a period of about 18 to 20 years)

noughties first decade of the 21st Century, from 2000 to 2009

to cater for to provide something that is needed or wanted for a particular group

tech-innate, hyper-informed consumers (here) describes people who are extremely comfortable with modern technology and social media and, as a result, have a lot of information about what's going on in the world

savvy smart and intelligent

the norm what is normal, what is usual for someone

implicit not spoken or written down, but still understood

social rules the way we behave in society in particular situations so that we can live together peacefully

to govern to rule, to control

to illuminate to make something easier to understand, to clarify

to breach (a rule) to break (a rule)

to make ends meet  to have just enough money to pay for the things you need 

sideline an extra job you do alongside your main job 

sacrificing giving up or going without something

accustomed familiar with

creative balance a good mix of doing creative and uncreative tasks 

grind  something tiring, difficult or boring which involves lots of effort

fad  something that is popular but only for a short time

mainstream something that has become accepted by most people as normal

polarized a situation that causes people to divide into two groups with opposing views

immoral something that society thinks is wrong or not acceptable

peripheral relates to things that are not as important as the main argument but are connected to it / situated on the edge

decent good or good enough

a chore a boring, ordinary task you do regularly

admin short for 'administration' –  the activities and tasks you have to do to make a business, organisation or just your life, run smoothly

aka also known as 

utility company a company that supplies something such as electricity, gas, or water to the public

procrastinate delay doing things until later, probably because you don't want to do them 

super-doers an informal term to describe people who get satisfaction out of doing life admin and do lots of it

hierarchy a way of organising people at different levels, for example workers in a company

flock of chickens a group of chickens

productivity the amount of work done

suppressed stopped something happening; stopped someone doing something

imposed forced on

pecking order a phrase to describe levels of importance in an organisation

chill out!  relax; don't panic

keep your hair on  stop being angry or upset

don't get your knickers in a twist  don't get angry or upset

probe (here) a device for gathering information

orbit the circular path one object takes around another in space

spacecraft vehicle used in space

hostile (here) difficult or dangerous

core (here) the centre

probe (here) a device for gathering information

orbit the circular path one object takes around another in space

spacecraft vehicle used in space

hostile (here) difficult or dangerous

core (here) the centre

on such a scale (here) of a large size

judgement ability to make good decisions

on record officially measured

loggers people who cut down trees

orbiting moving around a planet or star

a long time (A2) a lot of time

in no time (C1) very quickly; soon

only a matter of time (C1) it will definitely happen

at times (C1) occasionally; sometimes

as time goes by (C1) as time passes

at one time or another (C2) at an unspecified time, usually in the past

time after time (C2) again and again

in no time (C1) very quickly; soon

time-consuming (C1) taking a long time to do

to censor  to remove parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate

a censor  a person whose job is to remove parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate

censorship  the process of removing parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate

mockery  comments intended to make something look stupid

make a mockery (of something)  make something seem useless or stupid

To do Try these questions to test your ability to use the words from this News Review.

red alert  a warning that something dangerous will probably happen

engulf  surround something completely

portmanteau word  a single word made from two words

ceasefire agreement to stop fighting

ringleader     leader of a criminal group

allegations  statements that haven't been confirmed

no way! an expression which shows disbelief

photoshopped used software to change an image

I haven't got all day do it quickly; hurry up

get a move on do it more quickly

pull your finger out start working harder (and more quickly)

as quick as a flash very quickly

a quick fix fast and easy solution

underestimated (here) thought to be lower than it really is

livelihoods ways of earning money in order to live

soaring rising quickly

plummeting falling quickly and suddenly

staggering very shocking and surprising

bear the brunt of suffer the worst part or effect of something bad or harmful

makes (A1) creates
has made a name for himself (C2) has become well-known for something
makes (B1) causes something to happen
to make matters worse (B2) to cause a bad situation to get even worse
makes for (B2) moves towards
makes a start (C2) begins to do something
makes his blood boil (C2) causes him to be very angry

makes up his mind (B1) finally decides

make of (C2) understand the meaning of
makes time (C1) finds spare time to do something

Traumatized - someone who carries emotional wounds which affect them psychologically

to intimidate = to cause fear in other people

helpless - make people feel they can't help themselves, they are powerless

to cooperate - to work together for their mutual benefit

alpha male - the strong man in the group who wanted to dominate everybody else

human resources- also known by the initials HR, is the department which hires new employees and keeps information about their life in the company

intentional = planned, deliberate

perception - the way someone interprets something they see or hear

the alpha male - the strong man in the group who wanted to dominate everybody else - to take all the meat for himself.
taking a toll causing harm or damage over time
swelter feel uncomfortably hot 
* junked – discarded or destroyed

* scrapped – disposed of because it's no longer useful or wanted

* incinerated - burned

* sustainable – good for the environment because it lasts a long time

suits you looks good on you
stand out it’s noticeable or easy to see
to fit in belong to a particular group and are accepted by them
persona the character you present to the outside world - as opposed to the person you feel like inside
liberating feeling you can behave however you like
commodity - something that can be bought and sold 
speculate - make a guess about something based on experience or limited information
fluctuations - changes in prices
vulnerable - easy to change
makes waves - have a big effect
provides for - have enough income to live comfortably
labour intensive - employing a lot of people
package - put a product in a packet or box before selling
profitable - to have enough income to live comfortably

no hard feelings is something you say to somebody you have argued with or beaten in a game or contest to say you’d still like to be friends 
to fall out with somebody to argue or disagree with them 
gesture a movement you make with your hands or head to express what you are thinking or feeling 
faux pas saying or doing something embarrassing in a social situation
offend to make somebody angry or upset
expressive showing what you think or feel 
- Meme: a picture or video with an amusing caption that a lot of people share with each other online
- Grumpy: bad tempered!
- Goes viral: when something (e.g. a video or picture) gets passed on very quickly from person to person on the internet
- Peers: people the same age as ourselves who share the same social position in a group
- Arousal (to arouse): to excite a particular feeling in somebody
- To fire someone up: to make someone excited and enthusiastic about something
Chauvinist someone who believes their country, race or sex is better than any others
technochauvinism the belief that a technological solution is always a better solution to a problem
a nuanced problem a problem which has small and important areas which may be hard to spot, but they need to be considered
an algorithm a set of software instructions for a computer system

Armageddon a highly destructive event
pact formal agreement
rampant increasingly out of control

down in the dumps (informal) feeling of unhappiness, sometimes with no hope
imperfection fault or weakness
gild cover something in a thin layer of gold
jolly cheerful and happy
coping mechanism something someone does to deal with a difficult situation

initially at first - in the beginning
neutral not controlling / not taking any action to control
anonymity the state of having a hidden identity or personality
ameliorate make a situation better
to tweak  to make a small change
kudos praise and appreciation for something

stimulating  encouraging new ideas and enthusiasm
consume eat or drink, (also) use
vibe  the mood or atmosphere in a place
squatter  someone who lives in an empty building without paying rent
hog use all or most of something in a selfish way

to make ends meet  to have just enough money to pay for the things you need 
sideline an extra job you do alongside your main job 
sacrificing giving up or going without something
accustomed familiar with
creative balance a good mix of doing creative and uncreative tasks 
grind  something tiring, difficult or boring which involves lots of effort

floordrobe collection of clothes untidily kept on the floor rather than in a wardrobe.

Clutter untidiness caused by having too many things –

to declutter is the process of getting rid of things

to tackle (a problem) to deal with a problem and try to fix it

sentimental with an emotional and/or nostalgic connection

shift change

make do and mend an expression that means to use what you’ve got and fix something if it breaks rather than buying new things
Perfect pop-ups

What is a 'pop-up'?

Pop-up shops first popped up in the UK in the early 2000s, with the economy boomingand the high streets bustling. They were originally a way for small, niche companies to rent retail space in great locations. This was while landlords who owned these spaces looked for permanent tenants. Pop-up shops can take a number of different forms. They might be temporary shops in the high street or a shopping centre. They might be simple market stalls. They could be based in some kind of transport, like a food truck. Or they could be run by people who visit different establishments, like travelling chefs who take over pub and restaurant kitchens temporarily.

Almost anything that can be on a high street can also be a pop-up. There have been pop-up shops, art galleries, theatres, cinemas and restaurants among others!

Why are pop-ups becoming so popular?

For would-be pop-up entrepreneurs, the appeal of this temporary shopping concept is clear. They can start a business with much lower risk. There are fewer overheads, such as paying wages or heating and lighting for their premises. The temporary nature of a pop-up gives the opportunity to test a product and develop a customer base, without being tied in to a long-term renting contract. Being small, with minimal staff, makes it much easier for pop-ups to expand if they are successful.

Pop-up shops are a way for landlords to fill up empty property they may have. When the economy took a downturn after 2008, many shops became vacant after they went out of business. It makes sense for landlords to be able to allow people to come in and set up a temporary shop as a stopgap and use the available space.

When you look at the business sector, pop-ups make a lot of sense. According to a 2014 report by the Centre of Economic and Business Research, the pop-up industry was worth £2.1bn and is expected to grow by 8.4% in 2015. Charles Davis of the CEBR also said that the pop-up sector "is growing faster than the overall retail sector."

What is the future like for pop-up shops?

With banks remaining reluctant to lend money to new businesses and landlords still with lots of empty units to fill, there seems to be a future for pop-up shops in towns and city centres. There is also the threat of online shopping, which means that anyone can buy anything they want without leaving their home. If high streets all feature the same selection of shops, there is no variety. Pop-up shops add vibrancy to the high street and make it different and distinctive.

Did you work out which was the best summary of the article? Here is the answer:

  • Pop-ups are shops that will save the high street. (No. Pop-ups can take many forms: shops, cinemas, restaurants and more. They might benefit the high street, but they might not save it completely.)

  • Pop-ups allow people freedom when they set up a business. (Yes. Starting a pop-up can mean few overheads or expenses for the people who set them up.)

  • Pop-ups have no risks when they are started. (No. Pop-ups might have a lower risk than traditional businesses, but there is still some risk.)

To do

Did you understand the article? Try out this quiz that will test you on what you read. There are also some questions that will test your knowledge of this unit's grammar - a review of present verb forms. So, if you need some help, look at the summary in the grammar box on this page.

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