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  • Роль мед сестры при гиперемии. Уро поликлиника. Общий вопрос

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    УРОК1.Поликлиника.Общий вопрос.

    Изучите и выпишите новые слова
    polyclinic [,pɒliklinik] поликилиника

    a medical institution [‘medikəl ,insti’tju:ᶴən] медицинское учреждение

    fall[fͻ:l] ill заболеть

    a physician[fi’ziᶴn] врач

    specialist[‘speᶴəlist] специалист

    therapeutist[‘ϑerə’pju:tist] терапевт

    neurologist[njuə’rɒlədɜist] невролог

    surgeon[‘sə:dɜən] хирург

    carry on –продолжать; проводить

    consulting hours [kən’s^ltiŋ ‘auəz] приемные часы

    receive sick-leaves [ri’si:v sik li:vz] получить больничный лист

    definite [‘definit] определенный

    diagnosis[,daiə’gnəusis] диагноз

    the doctor’s administrations[əd,ministreiᶴn] назначения врача

    the course[kͻ:s] of the disease причина болезни

    injection[in’dɜekᶴn] инъекция
    1. Прочтите и переведите текст «Поликлиника».
    The Polyclinics

    The polyclinic is a medical institution which protects the health of our people.

    If a patient falls ill, he rings up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn’t very bad he will go to the local polyclinic and a physician (doctor) will examine him there.

    Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons work in the polyclinic. During the medical examination a physician usually listens to the complaints of the patient and according to the complaints he carries on the examination.

    In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. Such sick patients receive sick-leaves. They usually follow a bed regimen.

    Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient’s card. When a physician fills it, he writes down the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor’s administrations, the course of the disease, and the changes in the patient’s condition after the treatment.

    If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient’s house to give him the administered injections or to carry out any of the doctor’s administrations.
    2.Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is the polyclinic? What is its function?

    2. What can any patient do when he falls ill??

    3. How does the doctor carry on the examination?

    4. What do the doctors do in addition to the consulting hours?

    5. What do the sick persons receive?

    6. Who fills in a patient’s card?

    7. What does a physician write down in it?

    8. What will a nurse do if it is necessary?

    3.Закончите предложения.

    1. Many specialists …

    2. When the doctors go to the calls they …

    3. Sick patients …

    4. Any local physician knows …

    5. At the local polyclinic every patient …

    4. James is a young doctor. He’s got a job in a new far away town. James is writing a letter to his close friend Mary. Help him to complete the letter. Use the given words.

    patients / medical institution / consulting hours / nurse / treat / examine / gives injections / complain / fill in / carries out / receive sick-leaves / follow a bed regimen / administer / condition / go out

    « Hello, Mary!

    It’s me, James. I am fine. I have a new flat and a new job in this far away town. I work as a doctor in the polyclinic. I have … … there. I have a definite number of … whom I … . Our polyclinic is a big … … in this region. Many doctors work together with me. My working day begins at 8.30. I have many patients a day. They come and … of their condition. I … the patients, … their patient’s cards, … the treatment. Ill patients … … . I tell my patients to … … … .

    I work together with Kate. She is a … . She helps me very much. She … … to the patients and … … my administrations. Sometimes if it is necessary I … … to the calls to the patients whose …. is very bad. That’s the way my life goes on.

    Yours, James.»

    Г рамматика

    General questions илиобщийвопрос

     Общий вопрос имеет несколько вариантов перевода на английский General question, и Yes / No question. Общий вопрос – это вопрос, на который мы будем отвечать да или нет – то есть это простое вопросительное предложение без вопросительных слов.

    Общий вопрос строится по следующей схеме.

    Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + смысловой глагол + другие члены предложения.

    В качестве вспомогательного глагола могут выступать:

    Be (am, is, are)

    Do/ doesдля he ,she,it

    Have/has для he,she,it

    М одальныеглаголы(may,must,can,should)

    Глагол be  употребляется как в качестве самостоятельного, так и в виде вспомогательного во временах Continuous, а также в пассивном залоге.

    !! I am happy.- Чтобы построить общий вопрос нужно am вынести вперед- Am I happy?- Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.

    или Are you happy? – самостоятельный смысловой глагол.

    My father is happy-Is my father happy?-Yes, he( поменяла father) is/No,he isn’t

    Глагол do употребляется для построения общего вопроса в Present Simple(do/does).

    !! I ride often a bike- Do you often ride a bike?-Yes, I do/No, I don’t

    Your doctor treats good-Does (т.к. доктор это он) your doctor treat good?-Yes ,he does/No ,he doesn’t.

    Глагол have употребляется для построения общего вопроса в Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continous:

    Has Jack phoned? – Present Perfect.

    Have you been working since noon? – Present Perfect Continuous.

    В форме had употребляется для вопроса в Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous.

    Had you seen Molly before she left?

    Had you been living in Paris before your family moved to Italy?

    C модальными глаголами все проще – они выносятся в начало предложения и образуют общий вопрос.

    Molly can swim- Can Molly swim? –Yes,she(поменяла Molly) can/ No,she can’t

    Molly must answer-Must Molly answer? –Yes, she must/No, she must not.
    Схема общего вопроса.

    Текущий контроль

    Упражнение 5 Дайте краткие ответы на общие вопросы.
    1.Are you tired?- Yes, I am

    2.Is your father a doctor?

    3.Do you like to read English books?

    4.Does her mother work in the hospital?

    5.Do you like to study at your college?

    6.Can you sing?

    7.Must you work on your English hard?

    8.May I borrow your dictionary?

    Итоговый контроль
    6.Образуйте общие вопросы.

    1. There is one clinic in our town.

    2. Doctor examines his patients in his consulting room.

    3. Doctors question their patients during the medical examination.

    4. Doctor feels patient’s pulse.

    5. A nurse helps the doctor on duty.

    УРОК 2.Больница.Общий вопрос.

    1.Образуйте предложения обращая внимание на русские эквиваленты.
    In the hospital

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