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  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой

  • Выбрать правильную форму слова.

  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования а) Составить соответствующий вопрос

  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

  • Выбрать правильный ответ

  • 5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  • Перевести с русского на английский

  • ТЕСТ №4 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

  • Тест контрольная английский. 7. Окончить предложения

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    when the sea became stormy

    1. What did the elder brother do?

    1. he swam back with his brothers

    2. he sat on high rock until his parents came

    3. he swam back to raise the alarm

    1. идет сильный дождь.

    7. Окончить предложения

    1. If you want to have your holiday now ...

    2. Maria is trying to improve her English because ...

    3. John couldn’t open the door as ...

    4. The radio was so loud that ...

    5. Reaching the top of mountain ...

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой

    7.Everybody failed the exam ... you.

    a) except b) beside c) besides

    8.It was ... advice. It helped me a lot.

    a) useful b) useless c) used

    9.I got ... letter from Bob.

    a) another b) else c) more

    10.She has ... many friends.

    a) such b)as c)so

    1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.She is ... in her group.

    a) shorter b) short c) the shortest

    2.You ... Drink milk if you don’t want.

    a) cannot b) needn’t c) should

    3.The policeman asked if I ... the stranger.

    a) saw b) have seen c) had seen

    4.Bob asked John ... volley-ball.

    a) did he play b) if he had played c) if he played

    5.He always meets me at the station but today he ... me near the bus stop.

    a) meets b) met c) has met

    6.While he ... his dinner I explained to him what to do.

    a) had b) was having c)has had

    7.You ... do it in time.

    a) needn’t b)mustn’t

    8.The garden ... a lot since I was there last.

    a) changed b) has changed c) had changed

    9.The teacher asked his pupils... the poem by heart.

    a) learn b) learned c) to learn

    10. ... usually does this work?

    a) whom b) who of you c) which of you
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующий вопрос

    1. Birds flew away in autumn.(General)

    2. He usually has a smoke after dinner.(Disjunctive)

    3. We’ll arrive in Moscow early in the morning.(Special)

    4. The pupils have been taken to the playground.(Special)

    5. Mother has cleaned the sitting-room.(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь

    1. My brother said to me: ”I know these two girls quite well, we are classmates.”

    2. Roy asked Bob: “Did anyone want tickets for the boxing-match yesterday?”

    3. The teacher said to his pupils: “Learn the poem by heart if you like it.”

    4. I asked my friend: “When is your brother going to arrive?”

    5. Ann said to her sister: “Will you ring her up when you learn about it?”

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. /hardly/had/up/when/loudly/phone/and/rang/alarmingly/the/he/got/.

    2. /words/looking/dictionary/she/me/the/instead/in/kept/difficult/up/them/asking/all/of/the/.

    3. /hasn’t/he/the/man/seen/since/came/here/he/old/.

    4. /mustn’t/do/they/the work/must/they/?

    5. /whether/I/the old man/wonder/sell/to/all/will/his/pictures/John/.

    6. Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Он сказал, что купил машину в Ливерпуле.

    2. Доклад будут слушать с интересом.

    3. «Куда ты положил деньги?» ― «Я положил их в сумку».

    4. Где еще можно посмотреть этот фильм?

    5. «Ты должен пойти на станцию встречать ее?» ― «Нет, я не могу».

    7. Окончить предложения

    1. Though I was grateful to him for his help ...

    2. As it is necessary to get up early ...

    3. If the train doesn’t leave ...

    4. Nothing will happen if ...

    5. Neither Jane ...

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Once a man ... breakfast ... a small restaurant. The waiter served him ... cup of coffee without ... spoon. The man noticed that and that the coffee ... rather hot and he ... stir it with a finger. ... waiter ... the room and ... some minutes he came back with another cup of coffee.

    “May be this coffee is not ... hot, sir”, he said.
    /the/so/cannot/a/to have/to leave/at/in/to be/a/.
    ТЕСТ №3

    1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    There was once a very rich sick lady whose husband had died, and whose children had married and gone to live in foreign countries. When she reached the age of 80 and was too old to look after herself, she went to live in an expensive and comfortable hotel near the sea in the south. This rich old lady had a pair of nasty dogs which she loved dearly. They lived in the hotel with her and went wherever she did. There was a young waiter at the hotel who did everything he could to help the old lady and be nice to her. He even pretended to like her unpleasant dogs and offered to look after them in his free time. He fed them, cleaned and looked after them, took them for daily walks for some years.

    The young waiter did not doubt that when the rich widow died she would leave him a lot of money, to pay him for everything that he had done for her dogs. But when she died a few years later he soon discovered that she had left him only two things which she loved most in the world, and she thought he loved too ― her dogs. All her money and jewellery went to her children, who had never done anything for her.

    1. Which of the given statements is true?

    1. The old lady had no children but she had a husband.

    2. The old lady had children but she had no husband.

    3. The old lady had neither children nor a husband.

    1. Why did the old lady move to a hotel?

    1. She couldn’t take care of herself

    2. Life was too expensive in her home town.

    3. Her children asked her to do so.

    1. How did the young waiter treat the dogs?

    1. He really loved them and took care of them.

    2. He hated them and did not look after them.

    3. He disliked them but took care of them.

    1. Why did the old lady leave the dogs to the waiter?

    1. She thought he would be happy with them.

    2. She wanted to punish him.

    3. She loved the waiter most of all in the world.

    1. What did the waiter expect to get from the lady after her death?

    1. Her dogs.

    2. Part of her money.

    3. Nothing.

    1. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.Her English is very poor. She ... study very hard.

    a) must b) was to c) needn’t

    2.There is only one thing to do ... we want to get home today.

    a) when b) if c) whether

    3.I am afraid there is ... else I can do.

    a) anything b) much c) nothing

    4.Now all of you ... ready.

    a) get b) start c) prepare

    5. ... nothing more I can tell you.

    a) there are b) there is c) there was

    6.Push the car ... you can.

    a) as hard as b) so hard c) so hard that

    7.They sat back in ... seats and waited.

    a) that b) there c) their

    8.I could ... recognise you.

    a) nearly b) hard c) hardly

    9.That is not very good ... .

    a) neither b) too c) either

    10.She ... wanted to be an actress.

    a) much b) very c) also

    1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.If you speak slowly I ... understand you.

    a) can’t b) could c) shall be able to

    2.He got ... than I expected.

    a) angry b) angrier c) angriest

    3.He didn’t hear what ... .

    a) said b) had said c) had been said

    4.Before you ... don’t forget to shut the window.

    a) leave b) are leaving c) left

    5.I am sorry I ... see you yesterday.

    a) can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t

    6.It snowed a lot last winter but it ... so far this winter.

    a) hasn’t snowed b) doesn’t snow c) hadn’t snowed

    7.This apartment is too small. I need something ... .

    a) bigger b) a bigger one c) the biggest

    8.We couldn’t repair the car ourselves, so we ... take it to the garage.

    a) had to b) has to c) have to

    9.The young girl ... by his rudeness.

    a) has shocked b) was shocked c)was shocking

    10.If you park your car in the right place you ... receive a ticket.

    a) - b) wouldn’t c) won’t
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующий вопрос

    1. She had to take her children to the kindergarten every morning.(General)

    2. He has been to London for three days.(Special)

    3. This question will be discussed next Monday.(Special)

    4. You must know the subject well.(Alternative)

    5. She always wears dark glasses.(Disjunctive)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. Jack said to Mike, “I’ll phone you tomorrow.”

    2. “Why have these flowers blossomed so soon?”, Mary asked her father.

    3. “How often do you have your hair cut”, he asked me.

    4. My mother said to me, “Don’t forget to come in time tonight.”

    5. My friend said he had enjoyed his trip to lake Baikal.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. /his/used/needed/was/office/repair/business/for/seldom/for/it/.

    2. /knock/sitting/heard/they/there/time/was/loud/were/some/when/for/a/.

    3. /door/couldn’t/tried/he/to/but/the/he/open/.

    4. /sleeping/he/habit/after/meal/good/in/of/the/was/a/.

    5. /looked/rain/fog/when/left/it/the/and/train/like/I/.

    1. Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Прошу дайте им знать, что мы не можем принять приглашение.

    2. Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты потерял свой паспорт.

    3. Вам когда-нибудь показывали эти книги?

    4. Я намерился поехать на море на летние каникулы.

    5. Так как у него не было много друзей. Он не знал к кому обратиться за помощью.

    1. Окончить предложения

    1. Isn’t it strange that ...

    2. The first thing the doctor ...

    3. If the patient hadn’t waited so long ...

    4. When I came home I remembered that ...

    5. We won’t be ready by seven o’clock if ...

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    As neither she nor ... husband smoked, Mrs. Trench ... to see cigarette ask on her doorstep as she ... the house. When she opened the leaving-room door, ... extraordinary sight met her ... . A strange ... had taken advantage of her absence and ... fast asleep in an armchair. Taking care not to disturb ... , Mrs. Trench ... the house immediately. She called a taxi and went straight ... the police station.
    /man/to/her/an/eye/to leave/he/to be surprised/to be/to enter/.
    ТЕСТ №4

    1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    Mr. Jones liked to be comfortable, so when he gets into a train he always puts his suitcase on the seat beside him and pretends that it belonged to another passenger who had gone to buy something in the station.

    One day he did this when the train was very crowded. Other passengers came and sat in the train in all the other seats except the one which his suitcase was lying on. Then an old gentleman arrived, looked at Mr. Jones’ case and said, “Is this somebody’s seat?” “Yes, “Answered Mr. Jones. “ A friend of mine is travelling with me, he has gone to buy some cigarettes, he will return soon.” “All right,” said the old gentleman. “I’ll sit here until your friend comes back. And then I’ll stand somewhere.” And he sat down after he had put the suitcase on the shelf above him.

    Several minutes passed, the whistle blew, and the train began to move. The old gentleman jumped up suddenly and said, “I’m very sorry but your friend seems to have missed the train. We don’t want him to be separated from his suitcase, do we?” Before Mr. Jones was able to do or to say anything to prevent him, he took his suitcase and threw it out of the open window.

    1. Why did Mr. Jones usually put his suitcase near him?

    1. because it was comfortable to lean on

    2. because he was afraid that it might be stolen by another passanger

    3. because he wanted to keep that seat for himself

    1. Were all the seats occupied by passengers that day?

    1. Yes, they were

    2. No, they were not. There were some vacant seats.

    3. There was only one vacant seat.

    1. How long did the gentleman say he would sit beside Mr. Jones?

    1. until the conductor

    2. until the old gentleman’s friend came

    3. until the end of the journey

    1. When did the old man throw the suitcase out of the window?

    1. as soon as the train started

    2. before the train began to move

    3. when the train stopped

    1. What would Mr. Jones do if he were quick enough?

    1. call his friend

    2. take the suitcase from the old man’s hands

    3. light a cigarette

    1. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.How ... is Mary?

    a) long b)tall c)low

    2.What ... I do for you, sir?

    a) may b) can c)need

    3.You haven’t ... a single mistake.

    a) done b) made c) performed

    4.The teacher was ... tired that she couldn’t stand.

    a) so b) such c)too d) very

    5.He ... his English lessons himself.

    a) makes b) passes c) does

    6.He died ... the age of sixty.

    a) at b) on c) over d) by

    7.Here I have spent ... my life.

    a) most b) much c) most of

    8.Her father was ... her marriage.

    a) opposite b) against c) angry

    9.She ... her exam yesterday.

    a)lost b) failed c) fell down

    10.He left ... doing the work.

    a) with b) without c)by

    1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.Uncle Nick was... son in the family.

    a) elder b) the oldest c) the eldest

    2.By the time I got to the station my train ... .

    a) would leave b) had left c) was leaving

    3.He saw no reason why he ... smoke.

    a) couldn’t b) cannot c) have to

    4.Big Ben is one of the first sights you’ll see when you ... London.

    a) will visit b) visit c) have visited

    5.This district is changing all the time. Many old buildings ... down.

    a) pulled b) have pulled c)have been pulled

    6.Let me speak to him. I know him ... you do.

    a) better than b) better as c) best than

    7.You are very ill. You ... go out.

    a) mustn’t b) didn’t have to c) must

    8.She watched the young man remembering the first time she ... him.

    a) would see b) had seen c) has seen

    9.When he arrived at Tom’s flat he ... .

    a) was warmly welcomed b)was warmly welcome c)has been warmly welcomed

    10.He is still sick but he ... better slowly.

    a) got b)is getting c)has got
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. They had to stay there for another fortnight.(General)

    2. He had his hair cut yesterday.(Special)

    3. He told us a few words about his studies.(Special)

    4. Mr. Brown drank a cup of coffee.(Alternative)

    5. They don’t have earthquakes there.(Disjunctive)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. “It is the most beautiful place in Russia”, the guide said to the tourists.

    2. She asked, “Do you stay to the end or do you walk out in the middle when you don’t like a film?”

    3. Jane said, “My father was in the hospital yesterday.”

    4. “ Don’t be late for the class tomorrow”, the teacher said to the pupils.

    5. Tom said he had booked tickets for a fast train.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. /to/that/I/hardly/told/needed/be/was/careless/I/.

    2. /wrong/in/plans/lot/things/a/went/of/my/of/spite/careful/.

    3. /same/the/still/when/returned/town/later/I/was/the/years/.

    4. /hurry/must/night/caught/not/to/we/by/be/.

    5. /seen/climbing/wall/the/was/as/over/the/was/thief/he/.

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