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  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

  • 7. - - - 8. was waiting, of, was crowded, was standing, a, around, anywhere, went, that, had happened.TEST 2 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. was having, in, a, a, was, couldn’t, the, left, at, so.TEST 3 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. by, my, cheaper, a, at, did not feel, did not last, was, the, enjoyed.TEST 7 1.

  • Тест контрольная английский. 7. Окончить предложения

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    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.He died after he … ill a long time.

    a)is b)has been c)had been

    2.George says he's, 80 years old but I … him.

    a)am not believing b)don't believe c)didn't believe

    3.A foreign language … in a few weeks.

    a)can learn b)can't learn c)can't be learnt

    4.There was a strong smell and the sound of flying. Obviously Mrs. Jones … fish.

    a)has cooked b)was cooking c)would cook

    5.Paula had already finished her lunch when her friend … .

    a)had come b)came c)was coming

    6.She … the piano when our guests arrived last night.

    a)was playing b) play c)played

    7.I remember that I … this test.

    a)wrote b)have written c)write d)had written

    8.They … me since June.

    a)haven't visited b)didn't visit c)don't visit

    9.How many times … in love ?

    a)have you been b)are you c)had you been

    10.Lisa for the past few days.

    a)Have you seen b)Will you see c)Do you see
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. He usually has long walks in the forest. (General)

    2. He had to wait for her the whole day. (Special)

    1. Children in England start school at the age of 5. (Special)

    1. The twins used to play together. (Disjunctive)

    1. They'd done their homework before they left school.(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. The teacher said to his pupils ,"Learn the poem by heart if you like it."

    2. She said to the secretary ,"Did we get a letter yesterday?"

    1. "Are you sorry for what you did ?" Mother asked.

    2. The manager said to us," You are not allowed to take pictures".

    3. The boy said he must read for his exams.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. / Must / be / or / leave / later / this / done / can / it / job/ now /I / until/ ?

    2. /I/ Tom / thought / behaved /didn't / that / he / foolishly / tell / I/had /.

    3. / We / the / carefully / was / walked / path / because / icy / along / very / it /.

    4. /I / the /I /of / was / stay / sun / was / getting / didn't / in / because / afraid / burnt /.

    5. / This / been / some / it / hasn't / for / has /plant / watered / time / ?

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Ее дети скоро поженятся и ей придется жить одной.

    2. В полицейском участке ему сказали, что их машина не найдена.

    3. Она сказала, что хочет купить подарок для Анны и попросила, чтоб я ей помогла.

    4. Если завтра у меня будет время, я позвоню тебе и мы вместе пообедаем.

    5. Все должно быть сделано вовремя.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. Let your friend stay if …

    2. Every time Tom rings her up …

    3. My neighbour asked me when …

    4. He wonders why …

    5. They won't recognize you when …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Two village women were getting water from a well. A third woman came up. An old man was sitting on a stone. He … the women. One of the women said to another, "My little son is so strong. He is … among his friends".

    "Nobody can sing so … as my son can", said the second woman. The third woman … anything about hers." Haven't you got … to tell us about yours?" asked the two women."

    “There is … so important about him", the third woman said. Then the women picked up their buckets and went back to their houses..

    When they were tired, they put their buckets down to rest a little. At that time they … three boys … to them. One of the boys was very big and strong..

    The second boy was singing a very … song, but the third boy ran up to his mother, picked up her bucket of water and carried it home for her.

    "What you … of our sons?" asked the women.

    "Sons? Where were they?” the old man answered.

    "I saw only one."
    beautifully / to think / to run / to see / anything / strong / to watch / beautiful / not to say / nothing /


    TEST 1


    1.b, 2.c,3.c,4.a,5.c





    4. а)

    1. Did my brother know anyone in this group?

    2. She won’t find a new job, will she?

    3. What will they need?

    4. Who(m) was this letter for?

    5. Is the tall girl translating the article or the text?


    1. The farmer asked visitors not to leave the gate open.

    2. I asked the boy why he didn’t wake him up and ask him who he was.

    3. I asked my brother if he had thrown away the newspaper he had brought the day before.

    4. Ann’s father told her she would be punished for what she had done.

    5. He asked me how I spelled the word “beginning”.


    1.I remembered his name after a few minutes.

    2. The last person who leaves the room must switch off the light.

    3. I am going to London for a few days next week.

    4. Many of us still believe that we must have eight hours of sleep a night in order to be healthy.

    5. Neither Peter nor John knows the best way station.


    1.He asked what he could do for me.

    2. “Have you seen Mary today?” – “No, she is ill.”

    3. “May I switch on the TV-set?” – No, the children are sleeping.”

    4. I was ill yesterday. Now I shall have to take my exam next month.

    5. We shall not go to the country because it is raining heavily.

    7. - - -


    was waiting, of, was crowded, was standing, a, around, anywhere, went, that, had happened.

    TEST 2


    1.c, 2.b,3.c,4.c,5.c





    4. а)

    1. Did birds fly away in autumn?

    2. He usually has a smoke after dinner, doesn’t he?

    3. When shall we arrive in Moscow?

    4. Where have the pupils been taken to?

    5. Has mother cleaned the sitting-room or the bedroom?


    1. My brother told me he knew those two girls quite well, they were classmates.

    2. Roy asked Bob if anyone had wanted tickets for the boxing-match the day before.

    3. The teacher told his pupils to learn the poem by heart if they liked it.

    4. I asked my friend when his brother was going to arrive.

    5. Ann asked her sister if she would ring her up when she learnt about it.


    1. He had hardly got up when the phone rang alarmingly and loudly.

    2. She kept asking all the difficult words instead of looking them up in the dictionary.

    3. He hasn’t seen the old man since he came here.

    4. they must do the work, mustn’t they? (They mustn’t do the work, must they?)

    5. I wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures to John.


    1. He said he had bought the car in Liverpool.

    2. The report will be listened to with interest.

    3. “Where have you put the money?” – “I’ve put it into the bag.”

    4. Where else can this film be seen?

    5. “Must you go to the station to meet her?”(Do you have to …?) – “No, I can’t”.

    7. - - -


    was having, in, a, a, was, couldn’t, the, left, at, so.

    TEST 3


    1.b, 2.a,3.c,4.a,5.b





    4. а)

    1. Did she have to take her children to the kindergarten every morning?

    2. How long has he been to London?

    3. What will be discussed next Monday?

    4. Must you know the subject well or badly?

    5. She always wears dark glasses, doesn’t she?


    1. Jack told Mike that he would phone him the next day.

    2. Mary asked her father why those flowers had blossomed so soon.

    3. He asked me how often I had my hair cut.

    4. My mother told me not to forget to come in time that night.

    5. My friend said, “I have enjoyed my trip to lake Baikal.”


    1. His office was seldom used for business, for it needed repair.

    2. They were sitting there for some time when a loud knock was heard.

    3. He tried to open the door but he couldn’t.

    4. He was in the habit of sleeping after a good meal.

    5. When I left the train it looked like rain and fog.


    1. Please, let them know that we can’t accept their invitation.

    2. What would you do if you lost your passport?

    3.Have you ever been shown these books?

    4. I have made up my mind (I have decided) to go to the seaside for my summer holidays.

    5. As he didn’t have (hadn’t) many friends, he didn’t know whom to turn to for help.

    7. - - -


    her, was surprised, entered(was entering), an, eyes, man, was, him, left, to.

    TEST 4


    1.с, 2.с,3.b,4.a,5.b





    4. а)

    1. Did they have to stay there for another fortnight?

    2. When did he have his hair cut?

    3. Whom (who) did he tell a few words about his studies?

    4. Did Mr. Brown drink a cup of coffee or tea?

    5. They don’t have earthquakes there, do they?


    1. The guide told the tourists that it was the most beautiful place in Russia.

    2. She asked if I stayed to the end or I walked out in the middle when I didn’t like a film.

    3. Jane said that her father had been in the hospital the (previous day) the day before.

    4. The teacher told the pupils not to be late for the class the next day.

    5. Tom said, “I have booked tickets for a fast train”.


    1. I hardly needed to be told that I was careless.

    2. A lot of things went wrong in spite of my careful plans.

    3. The town was still the same when I returned years later.

    4. We must hurry not to be caught by night.

    5. The thief was seen as he was climbing over the wall.


    1. Let him (ask my friend for advice) turn to my friend for advice.

    2. We had to hurry because the film had already begun.

    3. If he doesn’t speak so fast I will be able to understand him.

    4. Jack asked his brother whom (who) he was speaking to on the telephone.

    5. I was so tired that I couldn’t eat though the dinner had already been cooked.

    7. - - -


    in, him, the nearest, a, her, had arrived, for, to was interested, sights.

    TEST 5


    1.с, 2.a,3.c,4.b,5.a





    4. а)

    1. Does my brother know anyone in this town?

    2. When was he very angry?

    3. What did she try to do?

    4. He hardly ever leaves the house, does he?

    5. Did everyone or he alone realize the danger?


    1. He told me I might speak to my teacher about it the next day.

    2. John asked Bill what he had done to help him.

    3. They asked us if the lessons were over.

    4. I told my friend to meet me outside the cinema at 6 o’clock.

    5. She said, “My father died a year ago.”


    1. She at once took the key and hurried to the garden door.

    2. Alice felt so desperate that she was ready to ask anyone for help.

    3. The results of his work were even better than we expected.

    4. I shall give you all the money I have to help you.

    5. His wife was found in the garden near the house.


    1. Either I or my sister will join their group in a week.

    2. We got acquainted when we were on board the ship (about the ship).

    3. The sun had already risen when he left the house.

    4. I didn’t recognize my teacher as she had changed much.

    5. If it is very cold we shall not go to the country.

    7. - - -


    a, him, have never met, to, letters, in, made, will come (is coming), we, for.

    TEST 6


    1.b, 2.a,3.c,4.b,5.c





    4. а)

    1. Must these books be sent to the library?

    2. What does she have to do every morning?

    3. Why did we go for a ride?

    4. Bill hasn’t got a car, has he?

    5. Did they leave it outside or inside?


    1.He said he would not be able to do it the next day.

    2. Henry asked where he had been the other day.

    3. The doctor asked my mother if he (I) went in for sport.

    4. My mother told me not to forget to buy bread.

    5. John asked Mary, “Where were you last two months?”


    1. If you don’t send him home at once I shall have to report on you.

    2. Before Andrew could say a word she left the room.

    3. I learned German at school but have forgotten every word of it.

    4. At the age of eighteen I knew nothing of planes and motor-cars.

    5. My landlady provided me with a solid breakfast before I went to hospital.


    1. Did you go to London on business or for holiday?

    2. Neither I nor my friend could answer his questions.

    3. Why didn’t you enjoy the party? Were you very tired?

    4. He said he had been allowed to go abroad.

    5. You must pay much more attention to your pronunciation.

    7. - - -


    by, my, cheaper, a, at, did not feel, did not last, was, the, enjoyed.

    TEST 7


    1.c, 2.c,3.a,4.a,5.b





    4. а)

    1. Is this still life painted by an unknown artist?

    2. How many main problems are there to be discussed?

    3. Who am I (are you) very grateful to for the help?

    4. His wife has headaches quite often, doesn’t she?

    5. Did she go away with George or with Bill?


    1. He told her she would be there three days later (in three days).

    2. He asked me where I had seen him.

    3. She asked her cousin if he (she) would come to her the next weekend.

    4. I asked Jane to lend me her dictionary for a moment.

    5. He asked me, “Where is the Browns’ new flat and do they like it?”


    1. The prize for the one who wins the race is a gold chain.

    2. It was not an easy task for him to find his way.

    3. She was sitting on a chair with her face buried in her hands.

    4. He wondered if the woman had seen him sitting by the fire.

    5. A friend of mine had been staying here lately.


    1. Where are you from? – I am Japanese.

    2. When he is in London he usually stays at Hilton Hotel.

    3. According to the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow.

    4. If you are not sure to buy that jacket or not, ask your friend for advice.

    5. My parents were born in Bristol and have never lived anywhere (somewhere) else.
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