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  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  • 6.Перевести с русского на английский

  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

  • TEST 13

  • 5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  • Тест контрольная английский. 7. Окончить предложения

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    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Так как вы пока не решили идти пешком или на машине, давайте немного пройдем пешком.

    2. По вашему мы выиграем матч?

    3. Пока я не приму решение, я не позвоню тебе.

    4. Если ее родители придут сегодня вечером, можете передать им, чтоб они меня не ждали?

    5. Не нужно, чтоб ты оставался в офисе после работы.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. The ice-cream was so cold that …

    2. He couldn't remember whether …

    3. Though there are few people in the room …

    4. She looked as if …

    5. In spite of the heavy snow …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Erik Gorin entered … study. He was very excited. He … Fox before and did not know how … famous professor would receive him. Erik brought brilliant references his former teachers had given to … . Now he … for a chance to hand … to Fox. Erik … in the reception-room for about half an hour when the door of the study opened and the secretary said to him, "Professor Fox is waiting … you".

    Gorin was happy to be given such … job. It is difficult to say how much all that meant … him.

    a / the / he / they / for / to / Pr. Fox / not to meet / to sit / to wait /.
    TEST 12

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    Wickam City has a good police department and there is a little crime. It is true there was a hold up at the City Bank a few weeks ago, but the police found the robbers and returned all the money.

    Although Wickam City doesn't have much green space, there is a beautiful park on the east side called City Park. It is a popular place for picnics. People in Wickam City really enjoy nature and try to take advantage of the natural beauty around them. At certain times of the year during the late autumn and spring months it is possible to ski in the mountains and swim in the ocean on the same day.

    Ordinary residents in Wickam City are not very interested in politics but this is an election year. The current mayor is retiring after eight years in office. The people will vote for a new mayor. So far, the only candidate for the job is the president of the City Bank.

    1. What happened at the bank a few weeks ago?

    1. A lot of money was stolen from the bank.

    2. The robbers were caught in the bank.

    3. A meeting was held in the bank.

    2Are there many parks in Wickam City?

    1. Yes, there are.

    2. No, there aren't.

    3. There is only one park.

    3. When is it possible to ski and swim on the same day?

    1. in September

    2. in December

    3. in November

    4. What will the residents elect this year?

    1. president for City Bank

    2. new Prime Minister

    3. chief official of the city

    5. How many candidates are there for the job?

      1. a lot

      2. only few

      3. one

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.We found a little house hidden … the trees.

    a)among b)between c)in d)away

    2.You look … .

    a)nice b)nicely c)very nicely d)more nice

    3.He is in … prison.

    a)the b)- c)a

    4.I haven't any money … .

    `a)leave b)left c)leaving

    5.I have … learnt anything this year.

    a)hard b)hardly c)almost

    6.There is a lovely … tree in our garden.

    a)tall b)high c)long

    7.People have always been very kind … me.

    a)to b)with c)for
    8.She reminds me …. a girl I was at school with.

    a)of b)- c)with d)about

    9. … rainy weather people wear raincoats or carry umbrellas.

    a)in b)on c)during

    10.Her brother became a famous poet … an early age.

    a)at b)in c)during
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.…you walk or did they have to carry you?

    a)could b)are you able to c)can

    2.It's going to start raining. Lets go out before it … to rain.

    a)starts b)started c)will start

    3.You can improve your knowledge of English if you … more.

    a)should work b)will work c)work d)worked

    4.leave so soon?

    a)Have you to b)Do you have to c)Must you to

    5.He has left his book at home, but he … go back and get it.

    a)had to b)would have to c)doesn't have to

    6."I … be getting old", thought old Jolyon.

    a)shall have to b)must c)had to

    7.We'll enjoy climbing mountains more if the weather … .

    a)be fine b)will be fine c)is fine

    8.I didn't know he was deaf until I … to talk to him.

    a)started b)should start c)start

    9.We … climb higher, we can see very well from here.

    a)should b)must c)don't have to

    10.I … such crowds before.

    a)didn't see b)haven't seen c)couldn’t see
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования
    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. Nothing ever happens in this village.(General)

    2. They haven't even got a desk to write on.(Special)

    3. The students will have to pass five exams next term.(Special)

    4. Mary hardly ever cooks.(Disjunctive)

    5. Bill came on a bicycle.(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. She said to me "I'll telephone you in three days".

    2. I asked my friend "When is your brother going to arrive?"

    3. She said to him "Is this your book?"

    4. The teacher said "Peter, bring a piece of chalk, please".

    5. They asked me when they could know the results of the test.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. / dark / got / looked / When / phone / shoes / in / rang / his / the / up / and / the / he/ for/.

    2. / platform / child / she / She / on / stood / so / was / a / the / as / helplessly / if /.

    3. /did / Life /mountains /to /in /the /good / his /health /.

    4. / up / What / he / time / getting / will / be / ?

    5. / letter /give /send / pain / to / this /To / him/means /.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Вчера я, спросил своего 14-летнего сына, где он оставил свой велосипед.

    2. Твою машину могут украсть, если оставишь ключи внутри.

    3. Он сказал, чтобы ему не звонили вечером, так как он будет смотреть футбольный матч в это время.

    4. Если не пойдет дождь, мы пойдем в кино.

    5. Если не хочешь есть этот яблочный пирог, брось его птицам.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. Will you stay in the room until … ?

    2. If they had enough money …

    3. The children were so hungry …

    4. If everything is clear to you …

    5. Since you didn't know my telephone number …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов
    The sun was … first clock. He watched it rise in the east, move across the sky, and set … the west. Then he … that the shadow of the tree changed in length and position as the sun moved across the sky. He … say to … friend, "Come to my house when the shadow of the great oak reaches the white stone". But people could not tell the … by shadows on cloudy days or … night, so they began looking for other ways to tell the time.

    … first real mechanical clock … more than nine hundred years ago. It had no face or hands. Bell rang to tell the hour. Today's clocks … by electricity.

    in / at / a / the / time / man / to find / to be made / to be run / may /
    TEST 13

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    A hundred years ago, the lamplighters in London were very busy men. It was their job , every evening, to light thousands of gas lamps in the city and the gentle light from those lamps was all that lit the foggy streets of Victorian London.

    Nowadays, there are electric lamps in most London. They switch themselves on and off automatically and do the job of the lamplighter.

    But some parts of London still have their traditional gas lamps which look just the same, though there is an auto­matic clock in them for switching them on and off.

    So the lamplighter has just to reset it in each lamp once a week. There are 1.100 gas lamps in London. Most of them are in the parks and outside the Royal palaces. The Queen likes to preserve certain things coming down from the old good times and has gas lights outside Buckingham Palace. Westminster, the home of the Houses of the Parliament, has 400 , more than any other part of the capi­tal. Naturally, traditions are important in that part of London and especially at the Temple where a lamplighter still goes round every evening to light the gas lamps by hand.

    1. Are gas lamps still used in London?

    1. No, they aren't used any longer.

    2. Yes, they are used all over London.

    3. Yes, they are still used in some parts of London.

    2. Do the modern gas lamps look like the old ones?

    1. No, they are altogether different.

    2. Yes, they are rather alike.

    3. Yes, they look quite the same.

    3. How many gas lamps are there in London nowadays?

    1. half a thousand

    2. over a thousand

    3. about two hundred

    4. What do they still keep the gas lamps for?

    1. for lighting up the streets

    2. for saving electric lighting

    3. for keeping tradition alive

    5. In which part of London are there more gas lamps now?

    1. at Westminster

    2. in the suburbs of the capital

    3. at the temple

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.We've come from a holiday … the country.

    a)in b)at c)on d)to

    2.Has police arrested … thief yet?

    a)the b)a c)-

    3. Have you got … money left?

    a)any b)else c)much d)a lot

    4. She plays the guitar … .

    a)nice b)good c)nicely d)better

    5.We haven't got any cheese and we haven't got any butter … .

    a)too b)also c)neither d)either

    6. What is … furniture made of?

    a)the b)a c)-

    7. He has worked here … this time last year.

    a)on b)in c)for d)since

    8.I arrived … the hotel at 5 o'clock.

    a)to b)in c)for d)at

    9.The wounded man was … on the road.

    a)lying b)laying c)looking

    10.We got … the bus and walked on.

    a)from b)of c)out d)off
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.When the fog lifts we … see where we are.

    a)could b)shall be able to c)can't

    2.When we … our exam we'll have a holiday.

    a)took b)take c)shall take

    3.This is a very popular television programme. It … by millions of people every week.

    a)is watched b)was watched c) will watch

    4.Last night I … in bed when suddenly I heard a scream.

    a)was reading b)read c)had read

    5.George is a vegetarian. He … meat.

    a)doesn't eat b)eats c)isn't eating

    6.You … a lot of noise. Can you be a little bit quieter?

    a)are making b)make c)don't make

    7."Do you like your new school?" "Yes, it's … better than my previous school."

    a)more b)much c)much more

    8.He can't play tennis very well now , but he … fairly well when he was younger.

    a)could b)will be able to c)couldn't

    9.When I got home, I found that someone … into my apartment.

    a)had broken b)broke c)would break

    10.When … born?

    a)have you been b)did you c)were you d)are you
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. The sun moves round the earth.(General)

    2. She hurt her knee because she fell down.(Special)

    3. I had to run faster to catch the bus.(Special)

    4. Neither of them offered to help you.(Disjunctive)

    5. George can leave his suitcase here.(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. "If you go there, you'll enjoy yourself greatly", she said to me.

    1. "What sort of flowers do you like ?" I asked Jane.

    2. The manager said to the clerk "Did you lock the room?'

    3. He said to the boy "Show me the way to the station."

    4. He asked Mary when the next train was.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. Mr. / door-bell / newspaper / was / when / rang / Brown / looking / the / through / the /.

    2. As / party / guests / late / leave / was / the / decided / the / it / very / to /.

    3. During /pause / and / party / louder / grew / was / the / a / the / never / noise / there /.

    4. Sometimes / who / man / could / cruel / herself/ talk / try / she / a/ asked / to / to / such/.

    5. The / us / thin / greet / door / pleasant / to / with /front /appeared / opened / face / a / woman / a /and /.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Он не смог ответить на телефонный звонок, так как занимался с учениками.

    2. В нашем городе немного чаще идет снег, чем дождь.

    3. Казалось, он не знал ответа на этот вопрос.

    4. Я не могу решить, что делать, пока я не встречу его.

    5. Об этом случае много говорят.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. Since he has no money …

    2. They wondered why …

    3. Don't offer him the tickets until …

    4. The film was so boring that …

    5. When the guests arrive …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Mike … to observe the sky and the clouds. He likes to notice how they move and what their … are. He boasts that he can forecast the weather. But Nancy, his sister, … him because he made … mistake once.

    It was during … summer holidays. To begin … Mike was right every time. Seven days he said it … and it did. Nancy was very glad because that meant she could go to the meadow to observe insect life. She collected her things as … as she could and left.

    What nice … she saw … the meadow.

    shape / flower / to like / not to believe / to rain / a / the / quickly / in / with /
    TEST 14
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