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  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

  • 5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  • 6.Перевести с русского на английский

  • Тест контрольная английский. 7. Окончить предложения

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    Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.A foreign language … in a few weeks.

    a)can b)can't learn c)can't be learnt

    2.The loss of the documents … to the manager.

    a)reported b)was reported c)were reported

    3.He is … of the two.

    a)taller b)the tall c)the tallest

    4.These days food … more and more expensive

    a)is getting b)has got c)got

    5.He said; "I hope I … when I arrive at London. airport."

    a)shall meet b)shall be met c)have been met

    6 He died after he … ill a long time.

    a)is b)has been c)had been

    7.I'll go there when I … , not before.

    a)tell b)am told c)shall be told

    8.We'll enjoy climbing mountains more if the weather ... .

    a)be fine b)will be fine c)is fine

    9.Before the war the big clock … the hours.

    a)struck always b)always struck c)was always striking

    10.This is the second time you … a cup.

    a)broke b)will break c)have broken
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования
    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. This still life is painted by an unknown artist.(General)

    2. There are four main problems to be discussed.(Special)

    1. I am very grateful to her for her help. (Special)

    2. His wife has headaches quite often.(Disjunctive)

    3. She went away with George(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. He said to her, "She will be here in three days"

    2. He asked me, "Where did you see him?"

    3. "Will you come to me next week-end?", she said to her cousin.

    4. "Lend me your dictionary for a moment, please." I said to Jane.

    5. He asked me where was the Browns' new flat and if they liked it.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. The / one / for / is / wins / prize / the / a / who / the /gold / race / chain /.

    2. It / task / find / him / not / easy / way / his / for / was/to/an/.

    1. She / hands / sitting / a / buried / with / her / in / was/her / on / chair / face /.

    2. He / had / the / the / if / sitting / him / by / wondered/ seen / woman/ fire /.

    3. mine / lately / staying / friend / here / been / A / had/of/.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Откуда вы? Я японец.

    2. Когда он в Лондоне, он обычно останавливается в гостинице "Хильтон".

    3. Согласно прогнозу погоды завтра пойдет дождь.

    4. Если вы не уверены купить ли этот пиджак или нет, спросите совет у своего друга.

    5. Мои родители родились в Бристоле и никогда не жили в другом месте.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. I'll do my best to get there in time if …

    2. I wonder what he would say when …

    3. The law says that …

    4. The weather was so nasty that …

    5. As the police approached …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    It … in Spain several years ago. Marietta was ten, but she … to school. She … work to earn her living. The girl was clever and she learned to read and write … herself. The … friends and neighbours liked her very much. Everybody liked … way she sang beautiful Spanish songs and performed national dances. In the evenings her parents' room was full … people. They … themselves very much. "What … beautiful voice, " "How wonderfully she dances," … was saying.

    a / the / of / by / everybody / girl / enjoy / not to go / to have to / to be /

    TEST 8

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    A Frenchman, who was going to travel in the United States heard many tales about how difficult it is to get food and good service in the restaurants in America.

    On his first day in the USA when he wanted his dinner he went from restaurant to restaurant but could not get a meal - it was the dinner hour and there were so many peo­ple in restaurants that the waiters didn't even want to talk to him.

    After some time very tired and hungry he came to a small eating place. To his surprise, a waiter met him at the door took him to one of the empty tables and asked: " What will the gentleman order ?"

    " A plate of beef and a few friendly words".

    A few minutes later the waiter put a hot plate of beef before the Frenchman.

    " Well." said the man happily. " The beef looks nice. And how about those friendly words?" The waiter took a sheet of paper and wrote :" Don't eat that beef!"

    1. What tales did the Frenchman hear about the USA?

    1. how dangerous it was to drive there

    2. how hard it was to get good meals

    3. how difficult it was to find a room in a hotel

    2. Why couldn't he get a meal on his first day in the USA?

    1. It was too late.

    2. The restaurants were overcrowded.

    3. He couldn't speak English.

    3. How did the waiter meet him in the small eating place?

    1. He did not pay attention to him .

    2. Не greeted him warmly.

    3. c)Не sent him away from the restaurant.

    4. What did he order?

    1. soup

    2. meat course

    3. fried potatoes

    5. What were the few friendly words the writer wrote?

    1. The waiter welcomed him to their restaurant.

    2. The waiter wished him good appetite.

    3. The waiter didn't advise him to try the dish.

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.What a pretty little box to keep my letters … !

    a) on b)in c)for d)-

    2.We got … the car and drove along the road.

    a)into b)on c)off d)from

    3.Exams begin … the 23 rd of July.

    a)at b)on c)in

    4.The standard of living … at the moment.

    a)is rising b)raises c)increases

    5.Don't you think it's time you give … smoking?

    a)away b)up c)in d)off

    6.Will you please look … this word in the dictionary?

    a)for b)up c)through d)after

    7.Who is mainly responsible … the child.

    a)for ` b)in c)with

    8.If you require any … information, contact me.

    a)farther b)further c)nearest

    9.I didn't believe … he said.

    a)who b)that c)what d)whom

    10.I am trying to lose … weight.

    a)the b)a c)-
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.His illness was … than we first thought.

    a)serious b)more serious c)the most serious

    2.After her husband had gone to work and the children … to school, Mrs. Richards went upstairs.

    a)had sent b)were sent c)had been sent

    3.I'll get dinner ready when I … reading this book.

    a)shall finish b)finish c)am finishing

    4.We … them since they moved here a year ago.

    a)know b)knew c)have known

    5.I … very fast when the accident happened.?

    a)wasn't driving b)didn't drive c)hadn't driven

    6.How many cigarettes … a day?

    a)have you smoked b)do you smoke c)are you smoking

    7.We didn't go out because it … .

    a)rained b)was raining c)is raining

    8.What do you think she will say? She … nothing.

    a)will probably say b)won't probably say c)says

    9.She … a box of chocolate on her birthday.

    a)was given b)gave c)has given

    10.When the accident happened … nobody in the car.

    a)there is b)there wasn't c)there was
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. There were some people I had to talk to.(General)

    2. A lot of guests were invited to our housewarming party.(Special)

    3. We had to speak louder because he couldn't hear us.(Special)

    4. He used to eat raw fish.(Disjunctive)

    5. This is one of the most expensive restaurants. (Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. Henry said to the teacher," I like arithmetics but I do not like algebra".

    2. My father asked me, " Why don't you read English newspapers?"

    3. She said to me, " Are you afraid of the dentist?"

    4. The doctor said to her, " Take the child to hospital at once."

    5. He asked Mary if she could be ready by ten.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. as /1 / nothing / had / work / other / no / practically / was /1 / the / doing / for / choice /.

    2. I / was / because / used / all / it / the / funny / laugh / time / to /.

    3. At / my / to /1 / visit /end / the / left / month / the / London / of/ cousin / for /.

    4. went / car / nearest / have / / the / lunch /of/ We /in / out / the / to / pub/.

    5. The / is / talkative / with / he / is / that / trouble / too /him/.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Позвони мне, пожалуйста, когда вернешься из летнего отпуска.

    2. Вы окончили тот же институт, не так ли?

    3. Ни я, ни он не ожидали, что вопрос решится так.

    4. Если он не извинится, я не прощу его.

    5. Книги будут возвращены в библиотеку до конца недели.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. If it doesn't stop raining soon ….

    2. The bus was so crowded that …

    3. We wondered how …

    4. What will you do when … ?

    5. Though I don't live far from the station …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Henry Ford was … first person to build cars which were cheap, strong and fast. He … to sell millions …models because he mass-produced … : that is: he made a great … of exactly the same type. … father hoped that … son … a farmer, but the young man … the idea and he went to Detroit where he worked as … mechanic.

    his / a / to be able / many / they / not to like/ the /of/ Ford / to become /

    TEST 9

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is known that many of these "monsters" which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish. Occasionally unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea. Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing-boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. Realising that this was no ordinary fish, the fishermen made every effort not to damage it in any way. When it was eventually brought to shore it was found to be over 13 feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. The fish, which has since been sent to a museum, where it is being examined by the scientists, is called an oar-fish.

    Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by men as they live at depth of 600 feet

    1. What are the monsters which fishermen sometimes claim to have seen?

      1. They are probably unusual fish.

      2. They are not fish at all.

      3. They are anything but fish.

    2. What was the creature that was caught in Madagascar?

      1. It was a monster.

    b) It was a half-horse, half-fish.

    1. It was a dolphin.

    1. Where did the unusual creatures live?

      1. They lived in the forest.

      2. They lived on the shore.

      3. They lived in deep waters of the ocean.

    2. What did the people do with the fish?

      1. They made tasty dishes of it.

      2. They let it go.

      3. They used it for scientific research.

    3. Why do people often laugh at stories told by seamen?

      1. Their stories are too funny.

      2. They tell lies.

      3. The stories are too unbelievable.

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.Will you spell the word … more, please?

    a)one b)still c)again d)once

    2. … there any talk about it at supper?

    a)Was b)Were c)Is d)Are

    3.Excuse me, John, could I … your phone?

    a)use b)send c)lend

    4.He was ill for a week and … the week he ate nothing.

    a)on b)during c)in d)by'

    5.He travelled in Europe … six months.

    a)in b)at c)for d)during

    6.I thought you said you … to give up smoking.

    a)should b)were going c)prepared d)went on

    7.Jane, could you … me to phone him?

    a)remember b)forget c)remind d)forgive

    8.I don't have a job. I'm … .

    a)lonely b)sick c)unemployed d)lazy

    9.They went home … bus.

    a)in b)on c)by d)with

    10.Oh dear! My watch has … .

    a)ended b)stopped c)finished d)stood
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.He has missed the train; he … wait for the next one.

    a)will have to b)mustn't c)didn't have to

    2.If you … in Washington next month come and see me.

    a)are b)have been c)will be

    3.They … me since June.

    a)haven't visited b)didn't visit c)don't visit

    4.You … turn on the light; I can see quite well.

    a)must b)needn't c)mustn't

    5.We … them since they moved here a year ago.

    a)know b)knew c)have known

    6.What … next Saturday evening?

    a)do you do b)are you doing c)have you done

    7.Uncle Nick was … son of the family.

    a)elder b)the oldest c)the eldest

    8.What … with my typewriter? I can’t find it anywhere.

    a)did you do b)were you doing c)have you done

    9.You can improve your knowledge of English if you … more.

    a)should work b)will work c)work d)worked

    10.When we … our exam we’ll have a holiday.

    a)took b)take c)shall take
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