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  • 7. - - - 8. the, was able, of, them, many, Ford’s, his, would become, did not like, a.TEST 9 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. about, had happened, so, lately, with, did not say, a, the, her, hadn’t touched.TEST 10 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. was told, to, had been working, years, him, an, with, would make, the, soon.TEST 11 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. Prof. Fox’s, had not met, the, him, was waiting, them, had been sitting(had sat), for, a, to.TEST 12 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. man’s, in, found, might, a, time, at, the, was made, are run.TEST 13 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. likes, shapes, does not believe, a, the, with, would rain, quickly, flowers, in.TEST 14 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. early, please, American’s, very, was sleeping, quickly, woke, words, too, wasn’t.TEST 15 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. liked, some, at, in, don’t lose, the, with, is, little, didn’t want. TEST 16 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. the strangest, have seen, enough, so, complains, has to, clocks, in, than, knows. TEST 1 7 1.

  • 7. - - - 8. was fond, used to, the happiest, was travelling, no, only, a, would find, the, the most unhappy.TEST 1 8 1.

  • Тест контрольная английский. 7. Окончить предложения

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    7. - - -


    was, didn’t go, had to, by, girl’s, the, of, enjoyed, a, everybody.

    TEST 8


    1.b, 2.b,3.b,4.b,5.c





    4. а)

    1. Were there any people I had talk to?

    2. Who was invited to our housewarming party?

    3. What did we have to do?

    4. He used to eat raw fish, didn’t he?

    5. Is this one of the most expensive or the cheapest restaurants?


    1. Henry told the teacher that he liked arithmetics but he didn’t like algebra.

    2. My father asked me why I didn’t read English newspapers.

    3. She asked me if I was afraid of the dentist.

    4. The doctor told her to take the child to hospital at once.

    5. He said, “Mary, can you be ready by ten?


    1. I was doing the work practically for nothing as I had no other choice.

    2. I used to laugh all the time because it was funny.

    3. At the end of the month I left for London to visit my cousin.

    4. We went out of the car to have lunch in the nearest pub.

    5. The trouble with him is that he is too talkative.


    1. Ring me up, please, when you return from your summer vacation.

    2. You have graduated from the same Institute, haven’t you?

    3. Neither I nor he expected the problem to be solved in that way.

    4. If he doesn’t apologize, I shan’t forgive him.

    5. The books will have been returned to the library by the end of the week.

    7. - - -


    the, was able, of, them, many, Ford’s, his, would become, did not like, a.

    TEST 9







    4. а)

    1. Can he translate the article without a dictionary?

    2. Who had to speak louder?

    3. What is my sister not good at?

    4. It’s better to wait for Bill, isn’t it?

    5. Is he going to do anything tonight or tomorrow evening?


    1. She told her son she would buy a new coat for him the next day.

    2. I asked Jack why he was looking so sad.

    3. She asked if I could help her to solve that problem.

    4. Mother told Jane not to speak too loudly.

    5. She said to Tom, “Have you known Mary before?”


    1. She promised to see if she had the telephone number.

    2. How did he know that there was no hope for him?

    3. The reason he wanted to be alone was that he was very popular.

    4. Even the old clothes he wore fitted him very well.

    5. He was disappointed to hear that they were not coming.


    1. My wife asked me if I would have dinner at home or at Jacksons’.

    2. If I were you I would never come back.

    3. If you let me I’ll explain the situation to him.

    4. I think Ann will be offered this job.

    5. According to the time-table the train arrives at seven o’clock.

    7. - - -


    about, had happened, so, lately, with, did not say, a, the, her, hadn’t touched.

    TEST 10


    1c, 2.c,3.c,4.b,5.c





    4. а)

    1. Were there any people I had to talk to?

    2. Why did we have to go to the station?

    3. When will the students have to pass five exams?

    4. There was a lot of noise in the hall, wasn’t there?

    5. Can the children read French or English?


    1. She said that her mother was born in 1950.

    2. Mike asked Lily how long she would stay in the country.

    3. I asked Larry if he had recognized Bill the day before.

    4. She told us to shut the door, but not to lock it.

    5. He asked, “Shall I wait for you or go home?”


    1. I hardly needed to be told that.

    2. A lot of things went wrong in spite of my careful plans.

    3. The house was still cold though the heating was turned on.

    4. The forest goes on for many miles and we must hurry to get there in time.

    5. The thief was seen as he was climbing up the wall.


    1. If I make my final decision, I shall let you know.

    2. What will you be doing from 5 to 7 in the evening?

    3. The meeting had to be postponed because of the chairman’s illness.

    4. If I were you I would tell him the truth.

    5. I asked him when my documents would be ready.

    7. - - -


    was told, to, had been working, years, him, an, with, would make, the, soon.
    TEST 11


    1.b, 2.a,3.c,4.c,5.a





    4. а)

    1. Were we the first to see the accident?

    2. How long (when) did a strong wind blow?

    3. Who did he have to wait for for an hour?

    4. I can’t wait any longer, can I?

    5. Did I borrow my brother’s or my uncle’s car?

    1. He told me he had to tell them about it.

    2. Nelly asked which the most beautiful region in Russia was.

    3. Bob asked if I could think of a better present than a book.

    4. The gardener told the children not to touch those flowers.

    5. Tom said, “Does it often rain in your part of the country?”


    1. Mother stood and watched us as long as she could see us.

    2. The girls thought it would be a nice thing to dress in their best clothes.

    3. It turned out that we could not all get into the car.

    4. In the end it was decided that Mother would stay at home.

    5. She was so surprised that for a moment she forgot what to say.


    1. As you haven’t decided yet whether to go by car or on foot, let us walk a little.

    2. Do you think we’ll win the match?

    3. I shall not ring you up till I make my decision.

    4. If her parents come this evening , can you tell them not to wait for me?

    5.You needn’t stay at the office after work.

    7. - - -


    Prof. Fox’s, had not met, the, him, was waiting, them, had been sitting(had sat), for, a, to.

    TEST 12


    1.a, 2.b,3.c,4.c,5.c


    1.a,2.a,3.b,4.b,5.b,6.a7.a,8.a, 9.a,10.a.



    4. а)

    1. Does (doesn’t) anything ever happen in this village?

    2. What haven’t they even got to write on?

    3. When will the students have to pass five exams?

    4. Mary hardly ever cooks, does she?

    5. Did Bill come on a bicycle or by car?


    1. She told me she would telephone me in three days(three days later).

    2. I asked my friend when his brother was going to arrive.

    3. She asked him if that was his book.

    4. The teacher asked Peter to bring a piece of chalk.

    5. They said to me, “When can we know the results of the test?”


    1. When the phone rang he got up and looked for his shoes in the dark.

    2. She stood on the platform so helplessly as if she was a child.

    3. Life in the mountains did good to his health.

    4. What time will he be getting up?

    5. To send this letter means to give him pain.


    1. Yesterday I asked my 14-year-old son where he had left his bicycle.

    2. Your car can be (may be) stolen if you leave the keys inside.

    3. He told me not to ring him up in the evening as he would be watching the football match at that time.

    4. If it doesn’t rain we shall go to the cinema.

    5. If you don’t want to eat this apple-pie, throw it to the birds.

    7. - - -


    man’s, in, found, might, a, time, at, the, was made, are run.

    TEST 13


    1.c, 2.c,3.b,4.c,5.a


    1.a,2.a,3.c,4.c,5.d,6.c7.d,8.d, 9.a,10.d.



    4. а)

    1. Does the sun move round the Earth?

    2. What did she hurt?

    3. Why did I have to run faster?

    4. Neither of them offered to help you, did they?

    5. Can George leave his suitcase here or there?


    1. She told me if I went there, I should enjoy myself greatly.

    2. I asked Jane what sort of flowers she liked.

    3. The manager asked the clerk if he had locked the room.

    4. He told the boy to show him the way to the station.

    5. He asked, “Mary, when is the next train?”


    1. Mr. Brown was looking through the newspaper when the doorbell rang.

    2. As it was very late the guests decided to leave the party.

    3. During the party there was never pause and the noise grew louder.

    4. Sometimes she asked herself who could try to talk to such a cruel man.

    5. The front door opened and a thin woman with a pleasant face appeared to greet us.


    1. He couldn’t answer the telephone call as he was having a lesson with the pupils.

    2. It snows much more often (oftener) than it rains in our town.

    3. He seemed not to know the answer to this question.

    4. I can’t decide what to do till (until, before) I meet him.

    5. This incident (event) is much spoken about.

    7. - - -


    likes, shapes, does not believe, a, the, with, would rain, quickly, flowers, in.

    TEST 14


    1.b, 2.a,3.c,4.c,5.a


    1.d,2.b,3.b,4.c,5.a,6.b7.d,8.b, 9.c,10.b.



    4. а)

    1. Did anything terrible happen in the past?

    2. What kind of stomach ache did she have?

    3. What was he seriously thinking of?

    4. He doesn’t allow pet dogs in this shop, does he?

    5. Does he have headaches quite often or seldom?


    1. The coach told us if it rained that afternoon they would have to postpone the match.

    2. I asked my friend where he would be the next day.

    3. Alice asked him if John had already come back.

    4. Jane asked the driver not to drive so fast.

    5. He said, “I saw her two days ago”.


    1. The boy was truly sorry for what he had done.

    2. Choosing a meal can sometimes be a problem.

    3. At least a dozen people told me that it never rained in the country.

    4. Sometimes she asked herself who the stranger could be.

    5. I used to laugh all the time because it was funny.


    1. She asked if I was going to leave school and begin to work at the factory.

    2. The football-match was postponed because of bad weather.

    3. If he is still working when you come back, advise him to go to bed.

    4. I was eager to know what mark I had got in English.

    5. If I knew your birthday I would present you with flowers.

    7. - - -


    early, please, American’s, very, was sleeping, quickly, woke, words, too, wasn’t.

    TEST 15


    1.c, 2.c,3.b,4.c,5.c


    1.b,2.c,3.b,4.b,5.c,6.b,7.a,8.b, 9.a,10.a.



    4. а)

    1. Do they usually have their English on Friday?

    2. How long have I been phoning him?

    3. What does he always insist on?

    4. Nothing went wrong, did it?

    5. Was his or Bill’s wife very disappointed?


    1. Mary answered she liked people but she didn’t like too many people altogether.

    2. Ann asked him what he was going to study.

    3. She asked us if we were going to the theatre that night.

    4. The teacher told the pupils to learn the poem by heart if they liked it.

    5. She asked me, “What has happened?”


    1. Those shirts need ironing but you don’t need to do it now.

    2. Tom helped his mother to get the dinner ready.

    3. The glasses were very full, so Ann carried them carefully.

    4. He told me that everybody had made fun of him.

    5. If you want to pass your exams you have to study harder.


    1. If I buy a car, I’ll go away from here.

    2. He has rung you up, hasn’t he?

    3. Why was he told about it so early?

    4. If you work hard, you’ll be able to enter the university.

    5. The sun had already set, when they stopped working in the field.

    7. - - -


    liked, some, at, in, don’t lose, the, with, is, little, didn’t want.

    TEST 16


    1.c, 2.a,3.c,4.a,5.b


    1.a,2.c,3.b,4.c,5.b,6.b,7.b,8.a, 9.c,10.b.



    4. а)

    1. Shall I have to return this book tomorrow?

    2. Why were they ill?

    3. When does he work late?

    4. She never takes advice, does she?

    5. Did I leave my bicycle or motor-cycle here?


    1. She told me that he had found the door unlocked.

    2. Ann asked how long I had been there.

    3. I asked Mary if she knew the way to the airport.

    4. She told me to try not to remember those days.

    5. He asked them, “Does it take you much time to find a job?”


    1. We were all horrified when we heard about the disaster.

    2. Everyone was surprised when he passed the examination.

    3. Many people think he is one of the greatest pianists in the world.

    4. If you don’t want to eat that sandwich throw it to the birds.

    5. You remind me very much of someone I used to know a long time ago.


    1. When they rang up Helen, she was having a bath.

    2. If you work as hard as I do, you’ll make progress too.

    3. If I am you (in your place) I shall not be angry with him.

    4. We mustn’t tell anybody about it, must we?

    5. The text will be translated this week.

    7. - - -


    the strangest, have seen, enough, so, complains, has to, clocks, in, than, knows.

    TEST 17


    1.a, 2.c,3.b,4.c,5.b


    1.a,2.b,3.b,4.a,5.a,6.c,7.d,8.b, 9.a,10.c.



    4. а)

    1. Were we the first to see the accident?

    2. When shall I have to come to the cinema?

    3. What is he very interested in?

    4. There isn’t any point in waiting, is there?

    5. Did we have a very good time in the restaurant or at home?


    1. My sister told me she had a strange telegram two days before.

    2. Bill asked me what country I came from.

    3. Roy asked Bob if anyone had wanted tickets for the boxing-match the day before.

    4. She told Peter not to forget to put his name at the top of the page.

    5. Arnold said to John, “There is something I want to show you”.


    1. Some words are difficult to translate from one language to another.

    2. Do you prefer your present job to the one you had before?

    3. I expected him to come and see me after work.

    4. I have been invited to the wedding party but unfortunately I can't go.

    5. You know that you can always rely on me if you need help.


    1. I wanted to know if that would make him change his mind.

    2. You will be able to take part in the discussion, won’t you?

    3. If I bring my camera I’ll take some pictures.

    4. When you come in the morning you’ll see him in the office.

    5. He didn’t allow me to drive his car yesterday.

    7. - - -


    was fond, used to, the happiest, was travelling, no, only, a, would find, the, the most unhappy.

    TEST 18


    1.a, 2.c,3.a,4.b,5.c


    1.b,2.b,3.b,4.d,5.a,6.b,7.a,8.a, 9.a,10.d.



    4. а)

    1. Did he ring me up on coming home?

    2. How often does he work late?

    3. Who has cut down all the apple-trees?

    4. Tom should try again, shouldn’t he?

    5. Did he have to stay at this hotel or at that hostel?
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

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