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  • 2. Выбрать правильный ответ

  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования а ) Составить

  • 8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

  • 4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  • 5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  • 6.Перевести с русского на английский

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    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    Work plays a very important role in Japan. A Japanese

    says, "I belong to my company" and not "I work for my company". So a Japanese child, especially a boy, must work very hard, indeed. He begins to study seriously as soon as he starts going to school because if he doesn't pass all his exams he can't go to a good school and later to a good university - and so he can't get the good job he needs!

    Because of this system Japanese children don't have as much time to play as children in most Western societies.

    A lot of Japanese parents "arrange" marriages for their children. This is because they feel that marriage affects not only the young people, but the whole family. They believe that young people should have the same interests and social background to be happy after their marriage.

    Sometimes parents go to a "matchmaker" whose job is to find a good pair and arrange for them to meet. If they like each other they get married. A lot of arranged mar­riages are very successful and help the tradition of the Japanese family to continue.

    1. When does a Japanese begin to study seriously?

    1. I
      before he starts going to school

    2. as soon as he begins to attend school

    3. after he leaves school

    2. Why does a Japanese child have to do well at school?

    1. to pass his exams and enter a good university.

    2. to please his parents.

    3. to go in for sports

    3. Do Japanese children have as much spare time as children in Western countries?

    1. No, they have no spare time at all.

    2. Yes, they have a lot of time to spare for playing.

    3. No, they have less spare time than children in Western countries.

    4. When does a Japanese marry?

    1. when he graduates from a university

    2. when he falls in love

    3. when his parents find a good match for him '

    5. Are "arranged" marriages successful?

    1. Yes, in most cases, they are quite a success.

    2. No, they are always unhappy.

    3. No, they are not so successful as marriages for love.

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.I'm looking … my pen. Have you seen it?

    a)to b)after c)at d)for

    2.I … smoking two years ago.

    a)gave in b)gave up c)gave over d)finished

    3.I was very … for the advice she gave me.

    a)glad b)grateful c)pleased d)tired

    4.Who … you to play the piano?

    a)learnt b)studied c)taught

    5.She hasn't played … piano for a long time.

    a)the b)a c)-

    6.He cut it … a knife.

    a)by b)with c)through d) of

    7.Here is Backwell. There are only … factories.

    a)no b)any c)few d)a few

    8.I have my French class … Monday. .

    a)in b)on c)at d)for

    9.I looked around the room … I had spent most of my life.

    a)that b)which c)where d)when

    10. … I didn't notice him.

    a)First b)At first c)For the first time d)Firstly
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.It was now a charming room. The walls … light blue.

    a)painted b)were painted c)were paint

    2.I … anyone more beautiful than your wife.

    a)have never seen b)had never seen c)have ever seen

    3.Soon she saw that someone … among the potato plants.

    a)moved b)was moving c)had moved

    4.He felt … yesterday than a day before.

    a)bad b)worse c)the worst

    5.While they were doing the experiment, she … in.

    a)came b)had come c)is coming

    6.Can I borrow your pen or … it at the moment?

    a)do you use b)have you used c)are you using

    7.When Mr. Lee was younger he … work in the garden for hours.

    a)will be able to b)can c)could

    8.This winter was … than the last one.

    a)more frosty b)frostier c)as frosty

    9.Tom wasn't at home when I arrived. He … out.

    a)has just gone b)had just gone c)was just going

    10.We can't see Tom now, he … a bath.

    a)has b)is having c)has had
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. .Something terrible happened in the past.(General)

    2. She had a strong stomach ache because she ate too much.(Special)

    3. He was seriously thinking of moving to another town.(Special)

    4. He doesn't allow pet dogs in this shop.(Disjunctive)

    5. He has headaches quite often.(Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. "If it rains this afternoon we'll have to postpone the match", the coach said to us.

    2. "Where will you be tomorrow?" I asked my friend.

    3. Alice asked him "Has John come back already?".

    4. Jane said to the driver "Do not drive so fast, please".

    5. He said he'd seen her two days before

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. The / truly / had / what / was / for / boy / done /sorry / he /.

    2. meal / a / be / sometimes/ can / problem / a /Choosing/.

    3. At / country / me / in / a / their / people / told / rained / least / that / dozen / it / never.

    4. Sometimes / who / stranger / could / herself / she / be / asked / the /.

    5. I / was. / because / used / all / it / the / funny / laugh / time / to /.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Она спросила, собираюсь ли я оставить школу и начать работать на фабрике.

    2. Футбольный матч был отложен из-за плохой погоды.

    3. Если он все еще будет работать когда ты вернешься, посоветуй ему лечь спать.

    4. Я очень хотел знать какую оценку получил по английскому.

    5. Если бы я знал день твоего рождения, я бы подарил тебе цветы.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. When he comes tomorrow …

    2. If she had more money…

    3. He will go on a trip as soon as …

    4. Though everybody was frightened to death …

    5. He asked me why …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    An American went to Japan. He had a Japanese servant who was very polite. The American wanted to get up very … in the morning and said to the servant:

    "Wake me up at six o'clock, … Don't forget to do it". At six o'clock the servant entered the … room … quickly and, seeing that the American … , took a sheet of paper and wrote some words on it. Then he left the room as … as he had entered it.

    The American … up at eleven ^o'clock, jumped out of bed, looked at his watch and saw the sheet of paper on 'the table. He read these … on it: "Dear sir, it is now six o'clock. Please, get up at once". The servant was polite, … he?

    American / very / too / to sleep / to wake / a word / quickly /early / not to be / please /.
    TEST 15

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    A young man, Peter Johnson , had some things which he valued highly. One of them was a book by a famous writer, another was a dog, which had won many prizes but which had some rather bad habits. It used to chew every­thing the dog could get its teeth into, shoes, records, hats, books, whenever it had the opportunity.

    One day Peter Johnson had to go out and could not take his dog with him, so he asked his girl-friend to look after the dog. She agreed, but when she was in another room, the dog chewed up several things and among them was the book by that famous writer with his signature. The girl was very upset and looked for that book in many bookshops. At last she found one copy and sent it to the author with a note explaining the situation and asking him to sign it.

    A few days later he returned the book with the follow­ing message: " To Peter Johnson or his dog, whichever likes it best".

    1. What did the dog do with valuable things ?

    1. It tried to hide them.

    2. It tried to carry them away.

    3. It tried to chew them.

    2. He valued the book greatly

    1. as it was written by a friend of his.

    2. it was very interesting.

    3. it had been signed by the author.

    3. Peter's dog chewed things

    1. when it was hungry.

    2. when it had the chance to do so.

    3. after it had won some prizes

    4. One day Peter Johnson had to go out.

    1. He took the dog with him.

    2. He didn't take the dog, as there was no room in the car.

    3. He left it under the care of his girl-friend.

    5. The girl was very upset.

    1. The dog had spoiled many things.

    2. She couldn't find another copy.

    3. The book had been torn to pieces.

    2. Выбрать правильный ответ

    1.We'll meet … two months.

    a)for b)in c)since d)on

    2.How far does the earth travel … one day?

    a)on b)at c)in d)since

    3. we saw the two boys again.

    a)coming out hotel b)coming out of the hotel

    c)when came out of hotel d)when we came out of hotel

    4.This famous writer was sent to school … an early age.

    a)on b)at c)from

    5.The girl's friend gets thirty pounds … a day.

    a)for b)in c)-

    6.It rained … hard yesterday that I got wet through.

    a).such b)so c)-

    7.Tea is very popular … the English, isn't it?

    a)with b)for c)between d)among

    8.The teacher tried to make the boy speak but he … silent.

    a)stayed b)remained c)stopped

    9.Dinner began with soup followed … fish and … vegetables.

    a)by b)with c)after

    10.The weather was … nasty yesterday.

    a)so b)such c)such a
    3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

    1.I met Tom and Ann at the airport a few days ago. They … to Berlin.

    a)went b)had c)were going

    2.We … each other since the evening at Mr. Brown's.

    a)haven't seen b) don't see c)didn't see

    3.George … to go out when the accident happened.

    a)got ready b)was getting ready c)has got ready

    4.Kerosene is … it was a few years ago.

    a)as expensive as b)as expensive c)expensive so
    5.His boyfriend … of.

    a)well speaks b)is well spoken c) is well speak

    6.After her husband had gone to work and the children, … to school Mrs Richardd's went upstairs.

    a)had sent b)were sent ` c)been sent

    7.Yesterday we — decide what to do with the money.

    a)had to b)must c)should d)would

    1. We must both wait until he … to us.

    a)is going to write b)is writing c)will write d)writes

    9.I hope he doesn't make us … .

    a)to wait b)wait c)waiting d)for waiting

    10.You … always wear a hat when you go out in strong sunlight.

    a)would have to b)had to c)must
    4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

    а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

    1. They usually have their English on Friday. (General)

    2. I have been phoning him for the past 20minutes. (Special)

    3. He always insists on doing the job correctly.(Special)

    4. Nothing went wrong. (Disjunctive)

    5. His wife was very disappointed. (Alternative)

    б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

    1. Mary answered " I like people but I don't like too many people altogether."

    2. "What are you going to study ?" Ann asked him.

    3. She asked us " Are you going to the theatre tonight?"

    4. The teacher said to the pupils " Learn the poem by heart if you like it".

    5. She asked me what had happened.

    5. Из данных слов составить предложения

    1. / Those / ironing / need / now / need / don't / it / shirts / you /do / to / but /.

    2. / his / get / ready / Tom / mother /the / helped / to / dinner/.

    3. / The / so / carefully / glasses / Ann / were / carried / very / them / full /.

    4. / He / that / made / him / told / everybody / fun / me /had/of/.

    5. /If / pass / have / you / your / to / want / exams / study / to /you / harder /.

    6.Перевести с русского на английский

    1. Если я куплю машину, я отсюда уеду.

    2. Он позвонил тебе, не так ли?

    3. Почему ему было сказано об этом так рано?

    4. Если ты будешь усердно работать, ты сможешь поступить в университет.

    5. Солнце уже село, когда они прекратили работать в поле.

    7.Окончить предложения

    1. They will certainly enjoy the party if …

    2. After we had opened the bottle …

    3. He cannot let me go unless …

    4. He wondered why …

    5. Though they went there together …

    8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

    Little Alice always helped her mother. She liked to lay the table, to wash up. She also … to go to the market with her mother. One day Alice said: " Mummy, what can I do for you today ?" " You can go and buy … milk … the shop. Take the small jug. It is on the shelf … the kitchen. Here is the money for the milk. … it."

    "I shall not lose the money, Mummy", said Alice. Alice took … jug and went to the shop. The shop girl filled the jug … milk, and then asked Alice, " Where … your

    money, … girl?"

    "It is in the jug. I … to lose it, " answered Alice.

    little / to be / not to want / with / the / not to lose / at / to like / some / in /
    TEST 16

    1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

    It must have been about two in the morning when Henry returned home. He was coming from a party given by his friend to celebrate his moving into a new flat.

    Victoria, his wife said she was tired of his being so sociable and declared she wanted to have a rest.

    So Henry content with the evening spent among his friends rang the doorbell. But nobody answered the ring. In vain hе tried to wake his wife up. Half an hour later the neighbours, their babies and their pets were awake, but he was still calling his wife to open the door.

    Then he got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall and began climbing towards the bedroom window. He was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said: "I don't think the windows need cleaning at this hour of the night."

    Henry looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when he saw a policeman. He immediately regretted answering in the way he did, but he said , "I enjoy cleaning windows at night." "So do I", answered the policeman in the same tone. "But would you mind coming with me to the sta­tion?"

    "Well, I'd prefer to stay here", said Henry, "You see, I've forgotten my key".

    "Your what?" the policeman called.

    "My key," Henry shouted loudly.

    Fortunately, the shouting woke up his wife, who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards him.

    1. What party did Henry go to?

    1. a birthday party

    2. a Christmas party

    3. a house-warming party

    2. In what mood did he return from the party?

    1. glad and cheerful

    2. slightly disappointed

    3. tired and sleepy

    3. Whom did his knocking arid shouting wake up?

    1. his wife and baby

    2. his pet

    3. his neighbours

    4. His wife was

    1. a sound sleeper

    2. a heavy eater

    3. a good mixer

      1. The policeman thought

    1. he was going to clean the windows

    2. he was a thief

    3. he needed help

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