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А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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Переведите следующие предложения:

1. These operations are performed by me. 2. Anatomy is taught in practical class. 3. The lecture in Biology is delivered on Monday.

  1. * Найдите предложения, которые стоят в страдательном залоге:

  1. This textbook is experimental. 2. Many experiments are carried out by

students. 3. He is happy because he studies at the Medical Institute. 4. Interesting lectures are delivered by Prof. Lukin. 5. Physiology is taught at the Medical Institute. .

  1. Переведите следующие предложения (письменно):

  1. Нам дают книги. 2. Мне часто задают много вопросов. 3. Операции производятся хирургом. 4. Учебники пишутся для студентов. 5. Нас часто видят в библиотеке. 6. Курсовые собрания обычно проводятся в конце семестра.

  1. Прочтите и запомните неизвестные вам термины: cranial [‘kreinial] черепной

facial [‘fei/al] лицевой -

spinal column [‘spainalkobm] позвоночный столб

cervical [‘saivikal] шейный

thoracic [6o:’raesik] грудной

lumbar [1лтЬэ] поясничный

sacral [‘seikral] крестцовый

vertebra [‘vartibra] позвонок (pi (-ae) [i:])

coccyx [‘koksiksj копчик

arch [artj] дуга

thorax [‘6a:raks] грудная клетка

basic [‘beisik] основной

cartilage [‘kcutilid3] хрящ

pelvis [‘pelvis] таз

ligament [‘lidamant] связка

substance [‘sAbstans] вещество, субстанция

  1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: bone [boun] п (pi bones) кость (мн. ч. скелет, кости) skull [skwl] п череп, черепная коробка

consist (of) fkansist] и состоять из

part [pa.’t] n часть; take part in smth принимать участие в чем-л.

trunk [trArjk] n туловище

spine [spain] n позвоночник

chest [tfest] n грудная клетка

rib [rib] n ребро

breastbone [‘brestboun] n грудина

side [said] n сторона, бок; in the side в боку; on each side с каждой стороны compose of [kampouz] v составлять; be composed of состоять из connect [kanekt] v соединять, связывать free [fri:] а свободный; бесплатный neck [nek] n шея, шейка

lower extremity [‘ 1оиэ(г) iks’tre-miti] нижняя конечность

upper extremity [‘лрэ(г) iks’tre-miti] верхняя конечность

thigh [6ai] n бедро, бедренная кость

forearm [‘f0:ram] n предплечье

shoulder [‘Joulda] n плечо, плечевой сустав

joint [d3oint] n сустав; а совместный, объединенный

  1. Прочтите и переведите слова и словосочетания:

  1. arch [cutj]: arches [‘cutjiz], the arch of the vertebra, the arch of the aorta [ei’o.ta];

  2. breastbone [‘brestboun]: the breastbone is a long bone^the breastbone is in the middle of the chest;

  3. extremity [iks’tremiti]: the lower extremity, the am is an upper extremity, the leg is a lower extremity;

  4. shoulder [‘Joulda]: the right shoulder, the left shoul der;

  5. Joint [d3oint]: to be connected together by the joints, some bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints, joint experiments

  1. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

to consist of, in the side, on each side of, to be composed of, to take part in, in the adult, to be connected with

  1. 1. Прочтите текст A. 2. Найдите предложения в Presenf Indefinite Passive и переведите их. Озаглавьте III—VI абзацы текста:

Text A. The Skeleton

The skeleton is composed of bones. In the adult the skeleton has over 200 bones.

The bones of the skull consist of cranial and facial parts1. There are 26 bones in the skull.

The bones of the trunk are the spinal column or the spine and the chest (ribs and the breastbone). The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.

The vertebra is a small bone, which is formed by the body and the arches2. All the vertebrae compose the spinal column or the spine. There are 32 or 34 vertebrae in the spine of the adult. In the spinal column there are seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar, five sacral vertebrae and from one to five vertebrae which form the coccyx. The cervical part of the spine is formed by seven cervical vertebrae. Twelve thoracic vertebrae have large bodies. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest vertebrae in the spinal column. They have oval bodies.

The chest (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs (nap) of ribs. The breastbone is a long bone in the middle of the chest. It is composed of three main parts. The basic part of the chest is formed by the ribs. On each side of the chest seven ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages. The cartilages of three other ribs are connected with each other and with the seventh rib. But the cartilages of these ribs are not connected with the breastbone. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either (также). They are not connected with other ribs, they are free. Each rib is composed of a head, neck and body. : ,

The lower extremity consists of the thigh, leg and foot. It is connected with the trunk by the pelvis. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm and hand. It is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle (пояс).

The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments. The bones consist of organic and inorganic substance.
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