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А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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present? No, he is not (isn’t). Нет.

  1. Как образуются: а) отрицательная форма? б), вопросительная форма? в) краткий ответ?

  1. * Поставьте изменяемую часть сказуемого в соответствующей форме (письменно):

“What (to be) you doing now?” “I (to be) preparing for my credit test in Physics.” 2. Yesterday from 2 till 6 o’clock we (to be) working at our scientific laboratory. 3. When I was at my sister’s at 4 p. m. yesterday she (to be) learning Latin. 4. Tomorrow at 5 p. m. I (to be) preparing a lecture.

  1. Напишите общий и специальные вопросы к следующему предложению:

They were taking the examination at ten o’clock yesterday.

  1. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

to happen to, devoted to, to fight for, to fight against, to be going to, to listen to, first of all, to be true to smb (smth), to do harm to smb

  1. 1. Прочтите текст G. Найдите в нем предложения, содержащие: а) Continuous Tenses; б) повелительное наклонение, и переведите эти предложения. 2. Опишите Бориса. 3. Выучите слова клятвы врача. 4. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

как тебе посчастливилось ...?, произносить речь, не вредить (своим) больным, бывшие студенты

Text G. The Oath of Future Doctors

O.: Hallo! Where are you going from, Boris?

В.: Hallo, Oleg! I am returning home from the Institute.

O.: Why so late?

В.: I was at the meeting.

O.: What meeting? |

B.: The meeting was held' to mark the graduation from the Institute of our sixth-year students.^

О.: And how did you happen to be there?

В.: I was invited (меня пригласили) to attend the meeting as a member of our Institute KomsomollCommittee.

O.: Tell me, please, was there anything interesting at the meeting?

В.: First of all I must say that it was a very solemn (торжественная) ceremony. Our former sixth-year students, now young specialists, looked very happy and excited.

O.: Who made a speech^?

B.: The rector did. White he was making his speech everybody was listening to him with great attention. You know, our rector is a brilliant speaker. I shall always remember the words of the professional oath which the young specialists were repeating after the rector.

O.: What is the essence (Сущность) of this oath?

  1. : The young specialists promised (обещали) to give all their strength, knowledge and abilities to people who need their help. They promised to devote all their life to the protection of people’s health, to the fight against diseases, not to do any harm to their patients. They promised to be true to their profession.

O.: Really, it is a great oath.

В.: Then one of the former sixth-year students handed over our Institute banner (знамя) to a first-year student. When he was doing that I felt great excitement. Now I understand still better all the responsibility which I am going to take after my graduation, that great responsibility which my future work of a doctor will require.


  1. the meeting was held — собрание было проведено


  1. Form the nouns a) from the verbs by the suffix ‘-ment’. Translate these nouns:

to achieve, to treat, to appoint, to require, to excite

  1. from the adjectives by the suffix ‘-0)ty\ Translate these nouns:

human, able, active, possible, responsible, real, formal, rapid

  1. Substitute the words of close meaning for the words in bold type:

1. He was nervous. 2. They came back in time. 3. ’}Vhen I was reading my sister was preparing her lessons. 4. We received a lejtter yesterday. 5. They appointed the time of their meeting. 6. We are grown-ups and understand well our responsibility for the health of people. '1 1 j‘

  1. Translate the participles. Give the correspqnding infinitives:

studying, entering, getting, dying, returning, treating, performing

  1. From the predicates given in brackets pick ojit and insert the correct one:

1. Who ... home now? Who usually ... home in the evening? (returns, is returning) 2. Doctor P.... the operation a week ago. Doctor P.... the operation from 10 till 12 a.m. yesterday, (performed, was performing) 3.1... a corpse at

  1. p.m. tomorrow. I... a corpse tomorrow (shall dissect, shall be dissecting)

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Are the doctors fighting for the life of this patient?

  2. Who is fighting for the life of this patient? 3. Wiiat are the doctors doing?

  1. What are the doctors fighting for?

  1. Find the corresponding English translation from the list given below. What new words have you found? Memorize the words in bold type:

1. Мы сдаем экзамены дважды в год. 2. Я обычно

ухожу из дома в 7 часов утра, но вчера я ушел позже.

  1. Врач спас его жизнь. 4. Сначала подумай, потом отвечай. 5. Не ждите меня. 6. Я единственный сын в семье.

  1. The doctor saved his life. 2. First think, then answer. 3. Don’t wait for me! 4. We take examinations twice a year. 5.1 usually leave home at 7 a.m. but yesterday I left it later. 6.1 am the only son in the family.

  1. Read Text H. Find the sentences in the Continuous tenses and translate them: ■, -J '

Text H. An Interesting Meeting

Twice a month we hold different group meetings at which we discuss many problems of our student’s life or have political talks.

But this time it was not an ordinary meeting. We were going to meet one of the former students of our Institute. Now he is working as the Head of the Chair of Surgery. He is a professor and a very talented surgeon. Everybody considers that he is a qualified specialist in the field of heart surgery. He devotes much time to scientific work and is the author of numerous articles on the surgical treatment of some heart diseases.

That’s why we were so excited. We were talking about the coming meeting and preparing the questions which we were going to ask Prof. Lukin.

Soon the door opened and the man whom we were waiting for entered the room. Our excited talk stopped and the meeting began. First of all our Komsomol group organizer greeted (приветствовал) Prof. Lukin and asked him to tell us something about his work.

After graduation from the Institute Prof. Lukin got his work appointment to a small hospital. His first patient was a ten-year-old girl. The girl needed an operation badly. When he was preparing for the operation he felt great excitement. But when he began to operate he thought only of his responsibility for the girl’s life. How happy he was when he understood that he saved the girl!

There were many difficulties in his work as he had no experience but his elder colleagues were always ready to help him. He worked hard for several years. Sometimes he did not achieve successful results but he considered that his work of a surgeon was the only true work for him.

At the end of the meeting we thanked Prof. Lukin heartily. The meeting was so interesting that no one wanted to leave the hall.

  1. Finish the sentences according to Text H. Choose the phrase from the list given below:

1. We have group meetings ... . 2. Prof. Lukin is ... . 3. We were excited because.... 4. Prof. Lukin told us about.... 5. The meeting was so interesting that....

we did not want to leave the hall, his first operation, twice a month, we had a meeting with Prof. Lukin, a specialist in heart surgery

  1. Tell us about: a) your entering the Institute, b) your first examination session.



  1. Повторите алфавит, правила чтения, способы словообразования, грамматические правила, лексический и текстовой материал цикла I (уроки 1—7).

  2. Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции:

man, face, far, care, soon, book, term, work, air, ask, walk, month, ean, among, learn

  1. Прочтите следующие слова и определите часть речи по суффиксам. Слова переведите:

admission, examiner, treatment, ability, structure, fixation, daily, body, measure, early, healthy, pressure, rapidity

  1. Ответьте иа следующие вопросы:

1. Какие формы имеют личные местоимения в косвенном падеже? 2. Какие вы знаете указательные местоимения? 3. Когда употребляются неопределенные местоимения some и any? Как переводятся они на русский язык? 4. Какие существительные образуют множественное число не по правилу? 5. При помощи каких суффиксов образуются степени сравнения прилагательных? 6. Какие прилагательные образуют степени сравнения при помощи слов more и most? 7. Какие прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по общему правилу? 8. Чем отличается английское безличное предложение от русского, и как оно переводится? 9. Как переводятся на русский язык предложения, начинающиеся с оборота there + be? 10.

Назовите формулу группы времен Continuous. 11. Как строятся общий и специальный вопросы? 12. В каком числе и лице добавляется окончание к глаголам в Present Indefinite? 13. Как образуется Past Indefinite правильных и неправильных глаголов? 14. Как образуется вопросительная и отрицательная форма глаголов в Present и Past Indefinite?

  1. * Переведите и поставьте в соответствующей степени сравнения прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках:

1. Today the patient feels (плохо) than yesterday. 2.1 think that article is (необходимый) than the article which you are reading. 3. The experiment which the young scientist is carrying out is (успешный) of all he did before.

  1. * Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где необходимо:

1 Monday the surgeon will perform the operation... the clinic. 2.... last week I was ill... the grippe. 3../. 19811 entered... the Medical Institute. 4. Let us go ... the dissecting-room to prepare "... our next Anatomy class. 5. The doctor was listening y. .the patient’s heart attentively.

  1. Переведите следующие пары предложений:

1. The students were in the middle of the dissecting-room. There were many students in the middle of the dissecting-room. 2. The patients with tuberculosis were in the hospital. There were some patients with tuberculosis in that hospital.

  1. * Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени и переведите их:

1. My mother (чувствовать) worse yesterday. 2. The surgeon (производить) a very difficult operation yesterday from 9 till 11 a.m. 3. Senior students (не посещать) lectures in Anatomy. 4. Next year the second-year students (слушать) to the lectures in Therapy. 5. You cannot see the Head of the Chair of Biology now, he (читать) a lecture.

  1. * Выберите нужные модальные глаголы из данных в скобках:

1. We are first-year students. We... perform operations, (cannot, may) 2. Medical students... know Anatomy well, (may, must) 3.1 am waiting for my brother. He... come any minute, (may, can)

  1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Не left the hospital in good health. 2. The doctor will have the possibility to examine this patient tomorrow. 3. The little girl was lying in bed, because she had a high temperature. 4. The day before yesterday we held our group meeting.

  1. ^Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Let me dissect the corpse. 2. Let them finish this laboratory work today.

  1. Let him treat this patient. 4. Let us return to the hostel now.

  1. * Задайте вопросы, чтобы получить следующие ответы:

  1. Yes, we completed some experiments yesterday. 2. Yes, some members of our scientific society deliver lectures. 3. Yes, he needs some care.

  1. Прочтите и переведите текст А со словарём. Расскажите содержание клятвы врача. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

высокое звание врача; торжественно клянусь; трудиться добросовестно; оказать медицинскую помощь; совершенствовать медицинские познания и профессиональное мастерство; никогда не отказывать в совете; руководствоваться принципами коммунистической морали; быть верным этой присяге.

Text A. The oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union

Receiving the lofty title of the doctor and beginning the medical practice,

  1. solemnly take the oath:

To devote all my knowledge and strength to the protection and improvement of the people’s health, to the treatment and prevention of diseases, to work honestly wherever the interests of the society require;

To be always ready to give medical assistance, to deal with the patient attentively and carefully, to keep the medical secrecy;

To perfect the medical knowledge and professional skill, to promote the development of medical science and practice by honest labour;

To consult the colleagues wherever the interests of the patient may require and never to refuse an advice or assistance to anybody;

To preserve and to develop the noble traditions of Soviet medicine, to follow the principles of the Communist ethics in all the activity, always to remember about the lofty calling of the Soviet doctor, about the responsibility to the people and the Soviet state;

  1. swear to be true to this oath during the whole life.

  1. Прочтите и запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите нх:

candidate [‘kaendidit], basis [‘beisis], function [‘fArjkfn], physiology

[,fizi’obd3i], pharmacology [fcuma’kobdsi], pathologic(al) [,pse93’lod3ik(al)], procedure [pr3’si:d33], psychology [sai’kobd3i]

  1. Прометайте текст В. State the difference between the systems of preparation of doctors u the USA and our country.

Text B. Medical Education in the United States

In the USA the young man who has the secondary education1 must pass through seven or eight years of hard study before he begins his work as a doctor.

First he has three or four years of premedical training at a university. Here he learns the main sciences. Only those students who show good results in their premedical training can become candidates for higher medical education. Those who do not continue their education can work as nurses.

The higher medical education is difficult. The students must study four years in the medical faculty of the university. During the first two years the student masters laboratory sciences. To learn2 the structure of the human body the student studies Anatomy. The student must get deep knowledge of biological chemistry because it is the basis for clinical laboratory diagnosis and therapy.

The student learns the functions of the body theoretically from books and by laboratory experiments in classes of Physiology.

In the USA the curriculum3 of medical faculties, has such a subject as Psychology which teaches the student to deal with patients4 and understand human behaviour (поведение).

The student learns all other theoretical subjects such as Pharmacology and Pathologic Physiology before he begins to treat a patient.

In his third and fourth years the student gets instruction and practical experience in the treatment and care of the patient. During these years the student has the possibility to work at the hospital and learn much of main medical procedures and different diseases to be well prepared for his work.
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