А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for
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В следующих колонках обратите внимание на выделенные местоимения и ответьте на вопросы: I am here. All know me. All know my work. He is here. All know him. All know his work. She is here. All know her. All know her work. It is here. All know it. All know its work. We are here. All know us. All know our work. You are here. All know you. All know your work. They are here. All know them. All know their work. 1. Как называются местоимения в каждой колонке? 2. На какие вопросы они отвечают и какими членами предложения являются?
The 1st Moscow Medical Institute was founded in 1764. Now it has over 70 departments. As in all Soviet medical institutes, the course of studies is six years. During this period the students master (овладевают) the basis of theoretical and practical medicine. For two years the students learn the so-called pre-clinical subjects,1 such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Anatomy, Histology and others. The students have clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. During the three-years’ period the students learn to diagnose different diseases, to carry out laboratory analyses and to treat people for these diseases. At the end of the third year all the students have a six-weeks’ practical training. During this period they work as nurses. After their 4th year the students have another practical training. It lasts for eight weeks. During the second practical training they work as doctors’ assistants at the therapeutic, surgical and other departments. After the 5th year the students have a six-weeks’ practical training at a polyclinic. So in five years2 the students gain the knowledge necessary for a general practitioner3. In the 6th year the students gain more experience in one of the three main clinical subjects: Therapy, Surgery or Obstetrics. When the students complete subintemship4 they get their work appointment. But before they begin to work at the place of their appointment they work as interns5 at a large hospital. Such a system when a young doctor specializes for two years in one field of medicine helps to prepare necessary specialists. Notes
plaster, complete, polyclinic, general, gain, young, city, afternoon, main, they, X-ray, vein, yesterday, master, last
1. What date is it today? 2. What date was it yesterday? 3. What date will it be tomorrow? 4. What date was it the day before yesterday? 5. What date will it be the day after tomorrow?
1. The doctor treats him for tuberculosis. 2. They specialized as nurses. 3. The doctor asked the nurse to prepare all the analyses necessary for the diagnosis. 4. Medical students study general subjects in the first and second year. 5. He is the best student among us.
women, teeth, feet, children, friends, lives, studies, dresses
baby, history, wife, life, mass, box
1. My father is over 35 years old. 2. Do you know them and their parents?
Text C. Medical Faculty of the Patrick Lumumba University Young people from Asia, Africa and Latin America study together with Soviet students at the Medical Faculty of the Patrick Lumumba University in Moscow. As they come from foreign countries and have no relative^in Moscow they live at a hostel. This medical faculty is a little (немного) different from clinical faculties in other Soviet medical institutes. It prepares general practitioners who gain good knowledge of therapy, surgery or obstetrics. The students of this faculty also specialize in such subjects as sanitation, epidemiology and hygiene [‘haid3i:n]. These subjects are very necessary for doctors in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The professors, teachers and lecturers of this faculty pay great attention to prophylactic subjects. When a foreign student completes his medical course he gets an appointment to work as an intern at one of the hospitals in Moscow. This helps him to gain more experience and to increase his knowledge of one of the main fields of medicine. UNIT 2. CLASSES AND EXAMINATIONS Правила чтения: Буквосочетания wa, war, wor, wh; al перед согласной; sh, ch, tch, ph, th; air, ear, eer перед согласной. Словообразование: Суффиксы -иге, -у, -ion, -(i)ty, -ment. Грамматика: Способы передачи падежных отношении в английском языке; предлоги; оборот there + be; безличные предложения; модальные глаголы can, may, must; общие и специальные вопросы; указательные и неопределенные местоимения; степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; образование Present Participle; времена группы Continuous Active. Если этому суффиксу предшествует согласная t, то сочетание - ture читается [t/э]: structure [‘strAktJb] строение, структура. Если ему предшествует согласная s, то сочетание -sure читается [зэ]: measure [‘тезэ] мера, измерение; а если ss, то сочетание -ssure читается Цэ]: pressure [‘pre/э] давление.
nature, pleasure, mixture, lecture, picture, future, culture Суффикс-у образует прилагательные от существительных: salt соль—salty соленый. Суффикс-у также встречается у существительных и глаголов: remedy [‘remidi] лекарство; carry [‘kaeri] нести. У глаголов этот суффикс может читаться [ai]: to supply [ss’plai] снабжать.
а) существительные: difficulty, study, body; б) глаголы: apply, multiply, study; в) прилагательные: happy, airy, wordy, healthy, sunny
clear [klis] а ясный, чистый; прозрачный need [ni:d] u нуждаться (в чем-л.); to need badly очень нуждаться (в чем-л.) deep [di:p] а глубокий hard [had] а трудный, упорный; adv настойчиво, упорно possibility [.poss’biliti] n возможность term [ts:m] n семестр; термин several [‘sevrsl] а несколько middle [‘midi] а средний; n середина; in the middle of в середине whole [houl] а целый, весь successful [sak’sesful] а успешный, удачный
1. The assistant carried out numerous experiments. 2. The students attended classes in different subjects. 3. The doctor listened to the heart. 4. Professor Sobolev delivered his lectures on Fridays.
1. Сколько падежей имеется в английском языке? 2. Какими способами передаются русские падежные отношения в английском языке? 3. Назовите способы передачи каждого из русских падежей в английском языке.
1. The lectures delivered by the professors of our Institute are interesting.
1. На какие вопросы отвечают существительные с предлогами at, in, on (to, into; from, out of)? Что они обозначают и как переводятся? 2. В каком еще значении могут выступать предлоги at, on, in? 3. Изучите таблицу прочих предлогов.
1. We attend lectures in Biology on Mondays. 2. The third-year students had practice at the therapeutic department in March. 3. The winter session lasts from the beginning till the end of January. 4.1 shall go to my parents during my summer holidays.
A There is a book on the table. На столе (лежит) книга. There are books on the table. На столе (лежат) книги. Б. There is no book on the table. На столе нет книги. There are no books on the table. На столе нет книг. В. Is there a book on the table? На столе есть книга? Are there books on the table? На столе есть книги?
1. There are two terms in the academic year. 2. There will be a meeting at the Institute. 3. There is a hostel near our Institute. 4. There was no medical article in the yesterday’s newspaper. 5. There were entrance examinations at the Institute in August.
It is cold today. Сегодня холодно. It was difficult. Было трудно. It will be warm. Будет тепло. 1. Есть ли подлежащее в русских предложениях? Как называются такие предложения? 2. Есть ли подлежащее в соответствующих английских предложениях? Если есть, то чем оно выражено? 3. Переводится ли подлежащее it? 4. Из чего состоит сказуемое безличного английского предложения?
1. It is time to begin our experiment. 2. It was not cold yesterday. 3. Will it be difficult to do this work?
to listen to a lecture, in the middle of the tern, classes in numerous subjects, a lecture in Anatomy, a lecture on art, in the first (second) year, each of them, from (the) beginning to (the) end of..., to be necessary for, to be useful to smb.
а) безличные; б) содержащие оборот ‘there is (are)’ 3. Приготовьте пересказ по следующему плану:
Text A. Our Classes Every day we have practical classes in numerous theoretical and special subjects. We perform different laboratory works and attend lectures in Biology, Anatomy and others. It is useful to us to listen to the lectures because the professors always deliver them clearly and scientifically. We know that we shall need deep knowledge of Anatomy in our future work. Only hard work in the dissecting-room will give us the possibility to gain this knowledge. That is why there are always many students in the dissecting- room. There are two terms in the first year. Each of them lasts for about 16-19 weeks. At the end of the winter term we shall take examinations in Physics and Chemistry. We shall have several credit tests, too. The winter holidays last from the end of January till the middle of February. At the end of the spring term we shall take examinations in the History of the CPSU and others. It is necessary for us to work hard during the whole academic year if we want to pass our first examination session successfully, for “A good beginning makes a good ending”. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS
ward, word, always, world, watch, fall, call, walk, worthy, war, whole, when, where, why.
air, word, health, water, risk, sun
adv.: hard, several, successful, whole, human, deep, clear; nouns: head, body, knowledge, work, subjects, day, examination
a) at the beginning of; b) at the end of
a) in the first year; b) in the third year
1. into the lecture hall; from the lecture hall; 2. at the window; to the window; between the windows; 3. among the students; 4. at the lesson; 5. at about 5 o’clock; 6. on the 8 th of March; 7. from 10 a. m. (ante meridiem) till 2 p. m. (post meridiem); 8. during the session; 9. in April; 10. on Tuesday
1. вниз по руке; 2. ниже сердца; 3. за (позади) нашим общежитием; 4. во время лекции; 5. в течение трех дней; 6. лекарство от кашля; 7. рядом (около) больницы; 8. внутри брюшной полости; 9. к пяти часам; 10. с шести до семи часов; 11. на уроке; 12. в восемь часов вечера; 13. десятого декабря 1980 г.
1. Мы будем слушать лекцию по физике в четверг в 11 часов. 2. Эта лекция по произведениям Маяковского была для нас очень полезна. 3. У нас бывает много занятий по различным предметам с начала до конца семестра. 4. Каждый из семестров на первом курсе длится около 16-19 недель. 5. Студентам-медикам необходимо хорошо изучать анатомию.
1. Вы пишете карандашом или шариковой авторучкой? 2. Вы ездите в институт троллейбусом или трамваем? 3. Вы сдаете зачеты в середине или в конце семестра? 4. Кто дает глубокие знания студентам?
1. There are foreign newspapers on the table. 2. There will be a lecture at our Institute tomorrow. 3. There was a concert in the hall yesterday.
1. There are different scientific societies at our Institute. (what) 2. There was an interesting meeting in our group, (where) 3. There are many articles in this journal, (how many)
1. Is it hard or easy to study at the Medical Institute? 2. Was it warm or cold yesterday? 3. Will it be possible for you to perform operations next year or in five years? 4. Is it time to finish or to begin our English lesson?
1. We have several lectures today, (yesterday, tomorrow) 2. Our doctors perform numerous experiments (last month, next week) 3. Medical students take several credit tests at the end of the term. (at the end of the last term, at the end of the next term)
Text В The academic year in Britain’s universities has three terms which are from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July, that is there are 10 weeks in each term. In a Teacher’s Training College students have examinations at the end of each term, i. e. (that is) at the end of the autumn, spring and summer terms. Final examinations are at the end of a course of studies.
chill n, care v, born a, book v, according adv, since cj, since prp, sent p. p., ourselves pron LESSON 5 L* Прочтите слова и ответьте на вопросы: ш — she, short, show, shape, sharp; [tj]—much, such, catch, watch; [f] — physics, phone, physiology; [9]—the, then, than, brother, father; [0]—thing, theory, thick, thirty, health Какое буквосочетание передает: а) звук [fl? [tj]? [f]? б) звук [д] в начале служебных слов и между гласными в знаменательных словах? в) звук [0] в начале и в конце знаменательных слов? Запомните: Суффикс-ion образует существительные от глагольных корней. Сочетания -tion, -ssion читаются [fn], а сочетание -sion после гласной читается [зп]. Ударение в словах с суффиксом -ion падает на предшествующий суффиксу слог: to protect [prs’tekt] предохранять, protection [pra’tekjn] охрана; to decide [di’said] решать, decision [di’si3n] решение. Б. Прочтите и переведите: consultation, occlusion, attention, Javasion, commission, session, occupation, obstruction Ш. По сокращениям определите часть речи, найдите перевод в словаре и запомните слова: calln, complete a, even а, fore/ ioxprp, airv
corpse [кэ-.ps] труп; пациент, больной; акт, дело, поступок; терапевт; профессия
consider [kan’sida] v считать, полагать poor [риэ] а плохой; бедный sometimes [‘sAmtaimz]adv иногда, по временам even [‘i:vn] adv Даже cure [kjus] v вылечивать (of); n излечение valuable [‘vaeljuabl] а ценный, стоящий remedy [‘remidi] n средство, лекарство harm [ham] n вред; у вредить; to do smb harm вредить кому-л. require [ri’kwais] v требовать чего-л.; нуждаться в чем-л. remember [ri’memba] v помнить easy [‘i:zi] а легкий |