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А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. 1. The scientist continued investigating the properties of blood gases. 2. Your rapid recovery depends on properly following the administered treatment.

  1. He works on determining the increase of white blood cells in this disease: 4. In making observations particular care to obtain exact findings is necessary.

  1. * Определите, в каких из следующих предложений употреблен герундий. Переведите эти предложения:

  1. 1. His bad condition prevented him from attending the lecture in Microbiology. 2. The microorganisms invading the human body are able to develop an infection. 3. The process of growth is due to the increasing number of cells. 4. The patient had to give up going in for sports because of the disease of the joints. 5. It is no use extending our investigations as the nature of this phenomenon has become clear.

  1. Прочтите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

  1. Reading books is useful. The reading of books is useful.

  2. His reading rapidly is not A good reading is always understandable.

  1. always understandable.

  1. . Human beings cannot live without oxygen.

  1. 1.* Чем являются ing-forms в предложениях левой колонки? 2* Какой вы можете сделать вывод из сравнения ing-forms: а) в первых предложениях левой и правой колонки? б) во вторых предложениях левой и правой

  1. А. М. Маслова колонки? 3.* В каком числе стоит ing-form в третьем предложении правой колонки? 4. К какой неличной форме вы могли бы отнести ing-forms в предложениях правой колонки?

  1. * Определите и объясните, в каких предложениях ‘ing-form’ является отглагольным существительным:

  1. 1. The surgeon started performing the operation on the colon. 2. The physician started the examining of the patient with bronchitis. 3. Leaving the hospital without the doctor’s order is impossible. 4. His rapid leaving of the city was due to his mother’s disease.

  1. Прочтите следующие предложения. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. 1. Treating patients with lobar pneumonia is necessary at the in-patient department. 2. He wants being treated at the in-patient department. 3. The physician remembers having treated this patient. 4.1 remember having been treated for pneumonia at this hospital.

  2. 1.* Определите синтаксические функции ing-forms и назовите эти формы. 2* От каких инфинитивов образован герундий в каждом предложении? 3.* Назовите форму герундия в каждом предложении, помня

  3. о том, от какого инфинитива он образован. 4* Переведите эти предложения. 5. Какое действие показывает герундий формы Indefinite в 1-ми 2-м предложениях по отношению к действию, выраженному сказуемым? 6. Какое действие показывает герундий формы Perfect в 3-м и 4-м предложениях по отношению к действию, выраженному сказуемым?

  1. Как переводится герундий во 2-м—4-м пред ложениях?

  1. Выполните следующие задания и ответьте на вопросы: (см. таблицу 24, стр. 294)

  1. 1.* Вспомните, как образуется причастие настоящего времени, я определите, от каких инфинитивов образованы следующие причастия: asking, being asked. 2. В какой временной группе употреблены эти причастия? Дайте их перевод. 3.* Определите, от каких инфинитивов образованы следующие причастия: having asked, having been asked. 4. В какой временной группе употреблены эти причастия? Дайте их перевод. 5. Определите залог следующих пар причастий на основании известных вам инфинитивов: asking, having asked; being asked, having been asked, (см. таблицу 24)

  1. От данных инфинитивов напишите соответствующие герундий и причастие:

  1. to take, to have extended, to be sent, to have been founded

  1. От данных глаголов напишите инфинитивы (IndefiniteActive и Passive, PerfectActive и Passive), а затем — причастия и герундия от полученных инфинитивов:

  1. investigate, bring

  1. * Определите формы герундия и переведите предложения:

  1. 1. After having been told the results of the X-ray examination the physician wrote them down in the patient’s case history. 2.1 don’t like being read to, I like reading myself. 3. The patient was thankful to the doctor for his having been so attentive to him. 4. No physician can make a proper diagnosis without having examined the patient.

  1. * Переведите предложения, определив формы причастий:

  1. 1. Having investigated the patient’s past history the physician drew the conclusion that the patient was sensitive to antibiotics. 2. Having been treated for a prolonged period of time the patient began to feel better. 3. Being asked some questions about the attack of the cardiac pain the patient stated that it was particularly acute on physical exertion.


  1. Give all known to you gerund forms of the verbs and translate them:

  1. to prevent, to buy, to restore

  1. Give all known to you participles and translate them:

  1. to divide, to include, to increase, to indicate

  1. Define ing-forms. Translate the sentences:

  1. 1. His being sent to the Congress of Anatomists was useful to him. 2.1 remember having been reported this interesting case. 3. On having received the

  2. necessary findings of our experiments we summarized them in the article published recently. 4. The initial diagnosis must be made before the patient’s being directed to the in-patient department.

  1. Choose the appropriate participle from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences:

  1. ... the necessary fluid we could continue our experiments, (having obtained; having been obtained; being obtained) 2.... for a prolonged period of time the patient made a complete recovery, (being treated; having been treated; having treated) 3.... by the physician the patient was complaining of an acute pain in the substemal area, (having been examined; being examined; having examined)

  1. Choose the appropriate gerund from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences:

  1. The results of the treatment of the patient depend on his ... in time, (having been operated on; being operated on; having operated on; operating)

  2. I want my electrocardiogram ... by 3 o’clock, (being taken; having been taken; taking; having taken)

  1. 1. Read Text C. 2. What do paragraphs two and three deal with? 3. Find and translate the sentences with gerunds. 4. Put questions to the text:

  1. Text C. At a Chemist’s1

  2. As you know on receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home treatment all of us need medicines which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.

  3. There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department2 one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department.3

  4. At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle (бутылка), a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be Jaken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indicating the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing (to confuse— путать) different remedies, some of which are poisonous. Their overdosage may cause unfavourable reactions and sometimes even death.

  5. At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

  6. Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.
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