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  • Read the passages and answer the questions

  • Определите префиксы в словах и переведите их

  • * Замените придаточные предложения герундиями

  • * Откройте скобки, употребив нужные формы причастий

  • * Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод стоящих перед герундием предлогов


  • Choose the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences

  • Translate the following sentences with gerundial constructions

  • Read and translate the medical terms

  • 1. Read Text E using a dictionary. 2. Memorize the words in bold type.

  • Text E. Examination of the Patient

  • Прочтите и переведите следующие слова, найдя в них суф-фиксы и префиксы

  • Ответьте на следующие вопросы

  • 4.

  • А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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    1. a chemist’s (shop) — аптека

    2. a chemists departmentотдел готовых лекарственных средств

    3. a prescription department — рецептурный отдел

    1. Read the passages and answer the questions:

    1. Yesterday my mother went to the chemist’s in Kirov street and bought a small box of medicine with a blue label on it.

    2. Yesterday my friend was at the chemist’s and ordered the medicine at the prescription department. In an hour he received a small bottle with a white label on it. Which of them had the medicine for injections?

    3. Last month my sister was admitted to the in-patient department of our city hospital because she was ill with an acute form of lobar pneumonia. She was treated with intramuscular injections of antibiotics.

    4. Last month I fell ill with lobar pneumonia. We called in a doctor who prescribed to me home treatment. Every day the nurse came to give me intramuscular injections of antibiotics. Which of them had to order the medicine at the chemist’s?

    5. LESSON 32


    1. Напишите по два прилагательных при помощи суффиксов ‘-less’ и ‘-ful’. Переведите их:

    1. pain, use, rest, hope, help, harm

    1. Определите префиксы в словах и переведите их:

    1. disappear, intravenous, subcutaneous, intercostal, overestimate, subdivide

    1. * Замените придаточные предложения герундиями:

    1. 1. The physician remembered that he had treated such a case of bronchitis.

    1. We are interested how moist rales are determined in case of pneumonia. 3.1 don’t mind if you will operate on me.

    1. * Откройте скобки, употребив нужные формы причастий:

    1. 1. (То make) the discovery of filterable viruses Dmitry Ivanovsky determined the cause of the tobacco mosaic disease. 2. The book “The Anatomy of Cardiac Blood Vessels” (to compose) by S. Samoylova after her numerous investigations was published in 1970. 3. On having performed the operation the surgeon must carry out all the procedures (to prevent) from the infection. 4. (To relieve) of all the painful symptoms the male patient fell asleep.

    1. * Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод стоящих перед герундием предлогов:

    1. 1. On changing the administered treatment the physician considered that the patient’s condition would become better. 2. In making scientific observations one must be particularly careful. 3. Cardiac impairments are revealed by taking electrocardiograms. 4. Blood cannot be transfused without its group being determined first.

    1. 1. Прочтите и переведите текст D, пользуясь словарем. 2. Выпишите неправильные глаголы и дайте их 3 формы. 3. Выучите выделенные слова и выражения. 4. Передайте содержание текста:

    1. TextD

    2. I went to my medical man. He is my old friend. He feels my pulse, and looks at my tongue, and talks about the weather, when I consider that I am ill. I thought I Would do him a good turn by going to him now. “What a doctor wants,” I said, “is practice. He shall have me. He will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred patients with only one or two diseases each.” So I went to him and saw him, and he said, “Well, what’s the matter with you?” I said, “I will not take up your time, dear boy, with telling you what is the matter with me. But I will tell you what is not the matter with me. I have not got housemaid’s knee.1 Why I have not got housemaid’s knee, I cannot tell you; but the fact is that I have not got it. Everything else, however, I have got.”

    3. And I told him how I came to discover it all.

    4. Then he opened me and looked down me2 and clutched hold of my wrist3 and then he hit me over the chest when I wasn’t expecting it, and immediately afterwards butted me with the side of his head. After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription and gave it to me, and I put it in my pocket and went out.

    5. I did not open the prescription. I took it to the nearest chemist’s and handed it in. The man read it, and then handed it back.

    6. He said he did not keep it.

    7. I said, “You are a chemist?”

    8. He said, “I am a chemist. If I was a co-operative store and family hotel combined, I might be able to give you such a remedy.”

    9. Then I read the prescription. It ran:

    10. 1 lb beefsteak with 1 pint bitter beer every six hours 1 ten-mile walk every morning 1 bed at 11 sharp every night.

    11. And don’t stuff up your head with things you don’t understand.”

    1. followed the directions with the happy result — speaking for myself — that my life was preserved and is still going on.

    1. (Excerpt from “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome)

    2. Notes

    1. housemaid’s knee — воспаление колеииой чашечки

    2. he opened me and looked down me — зд. ои расстегнул меня и осмотрел сверху донизу

    3. clutched hold of my wrist — схватил меня за запястье


    1. Translate the following word combinations:

    1. 1. я пошел в стационар; он ходит в аптеку; он только что ушел в поликлинику; 2. врач прощупал пульс; я чувствую себя хорошо; испытываемая боль; 3. снять электрокардиограмму; сестра измерила температуру; сестра только что взяла у меня кровь для анализа; 4. врач выписывает рецепты; вчера врач выписал рецеты этому больному; врач только что выписал мне рецепт на микстуру.

    1. Choose the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1. When does the physician (expect, wait for) to discharge this patient from the hospital? 2. Please (wait for, expect) the doctor a little. He will be back soon. 3. The scientist (expected, waited for) that his investigations would enable him to determine the origin of the infectious process.

    1. Translate the following sentences with gerundial constructions:

    1. Mother expected my being examined by this neurologist. 2. Mine Curie’s having discovered radium enabled her to isolate other radioactive elements. 3. In spite of not having any university education Faraday made his great discoveries. 4. I heard of his being sent to the Congress of Physiologists in Leningrad.

    1. Read and translate the medical terms:

    1. aetiology [,i:ti’olad3i], pathogenesis [,pae0o’d3enisis], mechanism [‘mekanizm], visual [‘vizjual], palpation [pael’pej(9)n], percussion [рэ:кдГп], auscultation [,o:sk9l’teiJn], cystoscopy [sis’toskapi], edema [i’di:m9], haemorrhage [‘hem9rid3], objective [ab’d3ektiv], subjective [sAb’dgektiv]

    1. 1. Read Text E using a dictionary. 2. Memorize the words in bold type.

    1. Be ready to answer the questions on the text:

    1. Text E. Examination of the Patient

    2. Before treating the patient it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the disease and to determine its aetiology, i.e. the causes of the disease. The doctor must know well the pathogenesis of any disease, i.e. the way and mechanism of its development, as well as the symptoms by which it can be revealed.

    3. A number of different procedures is used to establish a diagnosis: history- taking, physical examination, which includes visual examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation, laboratory studies, consisting of urinalysis, blood, sputum and other analyses; instrumental studies, for example, taking electrocardiograms or cystoscopy, X-ray examination and others.

    4. For determining a disease it is very important to know its symptoms such as breathlessness, edema, cough, vomiting, fever, haemorrhage, headache and others. Some of these symptoms are objective, for example, haemorrhage or vomiting, because they are determined by objective study, while others, such as headache or dizziness (головокружение) are subjective, since they are evident only to the patient.

    5. LESSON 33

    6. HOME ASSIGNMENTS Revision

    1. Повторите правила словообразования, грамматические правила, лексический и текстовой материал всею цикла V (уроки 27—32).

    2. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова, найдя в них суф-фиксы и префиксы:

    1. restless, overdosage, intramuscular, sleepless, overweight, intravenous, painless, intratracheal, overestimate, useless, overwork

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. 1. В каких предложениях будущее время заменяется настоящим? 2. Назовите формулу группы времен Continuous Passive. 3. Назовите сложные формы причастия и герундия. 4. По каким признакам вы определите герундий в предложении?
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