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  • Переведите следующие однокоренные слова

  • Text A. Lobular Pneumonia

  • CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Form and translate the nouns

  • Define the tense of the verbs. Translate the sentences

  • Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense

  • Choose the statements corresponding to Text A

  • Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences

  • Answer the following questions

  • 1. Read Text B. 2. What have you learned about the treatment of pneumonia from the text

  • Найдите корень слова и определите часть речи корня слова и его производного. Слова переведите

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  • А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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    Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

    1. 1. occlusion [эк1и:з(э)п] the occlusion of the artery, the occlusion of the small intestine, to reveal the intestine occlusion,

    1. sputum [‘spjurtam] purulent sputum, thick sputum, the analysis of the sputum failed to reveal cellular elements,

    2. sign [sain] abnormal signs, the signs of the disease, these signs indicated the presence of inflammation,

    3. severe [si’via] a severe form of the disease, a severe inflammation, to suffer from a severe cardiovascular disease, to suffer a severe form of the grippe.

    1. Переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

    1. appear, appearing, appeared, appearance, disappear, disappearance, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction; large, enlarge, enlarged, enlarging, enlargement, improve, improving, improved, improvement, intensity, intensive, inten-sively, intensify

    1. * Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав нужный по смыслу вариант окончания:

    1. 1. The spleen is the organ (a) located in the left side of the abdominal cavity behind the stomach; 6) located m the right side of the thoracic cavity behind the lung) 2. urulent sputum (a) never contains any microorganisms; 6) always contains some microorganisms) 3. The patient with severe form of pneumonia (a) was allowed to attend the treatment at the polyclinic, 6) was admitted to the inpatient therapeutic department of the hospital)

    1. 1. Прочтите текст A. 2. Найдите предложения, в которых употребляется одно из времен группы Perfect Continuous, переведите их. 3. Напишите план текста. 4. Подготовьте .ответы на вопросы по тексту. 5. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: в пределах; при глубоком вдохе; поступить в больницу; по всему лёгкому; тяжелая форма пневмонии.

    1. Text A. Lobular Pneumonia

    2. Patient Smirnov aged 48 was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of lobular pneumonia. He had been developing lobular pneumonia gradually. A week before the admission to the hospital he had had bronchitis after which his condition did not improve.

    3. Fever had an irregular course and the temperature changes were caused by the appearance of the new foci of inflammation in the pulmonary tissue. Fever had been persisting for two weeks and had been decreasing gradually.

    4. The patient’s breathing was rapid with 30-40 respirations per minute. There was breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with the accompanying bronchitis, decrease in the respiratory surface and occlusion of numerous bronchioles and alveoli.

    5. The patient complained of the pain in the chest particularly on deep breathing in and cough with purulent sputum. The pulse rate was accelerated and the arterial pressure was reduced.

    6. On physical examination dullness in the left lung, abnormal respiration, numerous rales and crepitation were revealed. Dry rales caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs. The liver and spleen were not enlarged. The examination of the organs of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal signs but the tongue was coated.

    7. The blood analysis revealed leucocytosis in the range of 12,000 to 15,000 per cu mm of blood and an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

    8. The urine contained a small amount of protein and erythrocytes. The X-ray examination of the lungs revealed numerous foci of inflammation of various size, irregular form and different intensity. Shadowing was particularly marked at the root of the left lung due to the enlargement of the lymphatic glands.

    9. It was a severe form of lobular pneumonia which was difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy. Yet the physician made a correct diagnosis.


    1. Form and translate the nouns:

    1. -ment: develop, improve, accompany, enlarge, impair,

    2. -ness: dull, clear, complete, breathless, ill;

    3. -ance (-ence): appear, enter, exist, occur, persist

    1. Define the tense of the verbs. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1. Although the patient had been receiving the injections of streptomycin for several days she showed little improvement. 2. The red blood cell count has been gradually returning to normal as the patient is being given blood transfusions. 3. My friend will have been living in Moscow for a month when I come there.

    1. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense:

    1. 1. As fever (to persist) for about three weeks the patient’s condition is very poor. 2. The researcher (to investigate) the origin of the inflammation for about a week before he drew a definite conclusion. 3. Some symptoms of the vascular impairment of the brain (to develop) gradually for some time before they became clearly marked.

    1. Choose the statements corresponding to Text A:

    1. 1. a) Dry rales caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs, b) Moist rales produced by pleurisy were heard all over the lungs. 2. a) The examination of the organs of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal signs, b) The examination of the organs of the cardiovascular astern revealed the signs of the heart impairment.

    1. Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1 .(Dry, moist) rales were caused by diffuse bronchitis. 2. The shadow at the base of the left lung was particularly marked due to the (enlargement, decrease) of the lymphatic glands. 3. (Mild, severe) forms of lobular pneumonia are difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy. 4. Luminal and bromide were prescribed to the patient (to improve, to impair) his sleep.

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Where is the spleen located? 2. In what cases may me spleen be enlarged?

    1. What does purulent sputum always contain? 4. Where is a patient with a severe form of pneumonia admitted to? 5. When does the pulse rate accelerate? 6. In what disease may a shadow in the lungs be revealed? 7. What unit of blood pressure is used in medicine? 8. What temperature is a severe form of lobular pneumonia usually accompanied by? 9. What particular signs is bronchitis accompanied by? 10. What treatment must a patient follow to improve his state in case of bronchitis? '

    1. 1. Read Text B. 2. What have you learned about the treatment of pneumonia from the text?

    1. Text B. The Treatment of Lobular Pnenmonia

    2. On the first day of the disease the patient was administered a 2 gr dose of norsulphazol which was followed by a 1 gr dose every four hours during that day. The patient had been receiving 1 gr of this drug every six hours for the following 10 days when he began to feel better. In addition to norsulphazol the patient had been receiving streptomycin in doses of 500,000 units twice daily during a period of 8 days. Tо improve the patient’s sleep and the condition of his nervous system he had been taking bromide and luminal during the whole course of the disease until his discharge from the hospital. Cough and chest pain were relieved by the administration of codein, cough mixture, cups and other necessary procedures.

    3. On the third day after the return of body temperature to normal the patient was allowed to walk a little. The doctor prescribed the patient the necessary physical exercises.

    4. The patient had not any possible complications such as lung abscess or pulmonary gangrene.

    5. As the findings of all the analyses and the temperature were normal the patient was discharged from the hospital in a week.

    6. LESSON 35


    8. I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа время глагола- сказуемого (письменно):

    1. Сейчас кардиолог обследует этого больного. 2. Кардиолог обследует этого больного уже полчаса. 3. Сейчас мой брат находится в стационаре. 4. Мой брат находится в стационаре уже месяц. 5. Когда сестра вошла в палату, больной спал хорошо. 6. Вчера больной спал хорошо в течение нескольких часов после принятия лекарства.

    2. Определите, в каких предложениях слово ‘for’ имеет значение: а) “для”, “в течение”, “так как”; б) слово ‘since’ имеет значение “с”, “так как”, “с тех пор как”:

    1. а) 1. The patient stated that he had been suffering from a bad cough with purulent sputum for about a month. 2. The patient was administered a diet for the physical examination of the liver had revealed its considerable enlargement.

    1. The change of the patient’s body temperature to abnormal was quite unexpected for the physician.

    1. б) 1. Poorly developed bones and teeth, slow growth and even the general impairment of health occurred in some children since their food contained little phosphorus. 2.1 have been waiting for the nurse since 8 o’clock. She must give me an intramuscular injection. 3. The patient had been complaining of cough with purulent sputum since he was admitted to the hospital. 4. Since the patient’s body weight had been considerably reducing and his liver became enlarged he was administered a number of laboratory analyses to make the diagnosis clear.

    1. Найдите корень слова и определите часть речи корня слова и его производного. Слова переведите:

    1. dullness, enlargement, intensity, improvement, clearly, moisture, poisonous, smoothly, thinnish, useless, preventive, severely, indication

    1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

    1. affect [afekt] v поражать (болезнью); производить действие, воздействовать

    2. causative agent [‘ko:z9tiv’eid3ant] п возбудитель

    3. stage [steid3] п стадия, ступень

    4. malaise [mae’leiz] п недомогание

    5. fatigue [fati:g] п усталость, утомление

    6. loss [Ids] п потеря, утрата

    7. pus [рлв] п гной

    8. involve [invDlv] v поражать, вовлекать (в патологический процесс) profuse [prafju:s] а обильный, чрезмерный permanent [‘pstmsnsnt] а постоянный, неизменный benign [binain] а доброкачественный, излечимый; неопасный elevation [.eliveifn] п повышение; поднятие

    9. perspiration [.paispsreifn] п потение, потоотделение; пот; испарина evidence [‘evidans] п очевидность; основание; доказательство; показание; признак(и)

    1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

    1. malaise [mae’leiz]: a general malaise, to complain of a general malaise, a general malaise is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis;

    2. fatigue [fa’ti:g]: a considerable fatigue, a marked fatigue, to suffer from a slight fatigue;

    3. pus [pAs]: a thick pus, the discharge containing much ‘pus, much pus was found in the sputum;

    4. benign [bi’nain]: a benign disease, a benign tumour was revealed in the lungs, benign growth of the kidney

    1. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Выпишите все симптомы туберкулеза, о которых вы узналн из этого текста. 3. Переведите абзац, в котором дается характеристика температуры при туберкулезе. 4. Задайте вопросы по содержанию текста:

    1. Text С. Pulmonary Tuberculosis-Clinical Picture

    2. Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which produces characteristic tuberculous changes in the lung. This disease may also affect other organs: bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys, etc. The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by Koch in 1882.

    1. In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight. Cough may be dry or productive, i. e. with sputum discharge. Coughing becomes worse at night and in the morning. In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of sputum.

    2. Sputum is mucopurulent. Its microscopic examination reveals a large number of pus corpuscles, erythocytes, and tuberculous organisms. Blood in the sputum is sometimes the first sign of tuberculosis. If large blood vessels are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.

    3. Fever is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In benign processes the body temperature is often subfebrile. In active forms it may range from 38° to 39°C. A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms, when fever persists at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.

    4. Cold profuse perspiration at night is sometimes evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis. Loss of body weight is one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is caused by tuberculous intoxication, a sharp increase in the metabolic rate and loss of appetite. Loss of body weight is particularly marked in progressive forms of the disease.
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